I'm trying to figure out how Muffet's outfit works again. I'm happy with what I've done with her anatomy Spoiler: Arachnophobia warning but I'm not quite sure what to do with her lower arms, whether to give them sleeves or what. I don't think leaving them bare or have them coming through holes in her shorts really fits what she's trying for with her overall look (which I think is some kind of sweet lolita?), but I'm not great with fashion so any help would be appreciated!!
Half finished dragon fursuit torso (scalesuit?) I WILL finish this there's just... so... much... sewing. https://imgur.com/a/EQvFHvh
Currently working on a Wreckstuck/Distrait themed March Eridan piece. I'm using my xeno designs and drawing the Admin trio in a Draw the Squad pose. So far I have given them all distinct body types, am almost done designing their clubbing outfits, and still need to decide on a pose. Votes would be helpful. I might end up sketching a couple of them in addition to the full piece Meanwhile in the Undertale piece I am on the lineart stage and regretting hands, as is tradition.