SHOW YOURSELF! (The Obligatory Pics Thread)

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Acey, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. paladinkit

    paladinkit brave little paladin

    Selfie dump!



    IMG_20160821_171020263.jpg IMG_20160821_171012326.jpg IMG_20160821_170950629.jpg

    IMG_20160822_172810588.jpg IMG_20160822_172823487_HDR.jpg
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  2. paladinkit

    paladinkit brave little paladin

    Selfie dump pt 2!

    IMG_20160823_162458156.jpg IMG_20160823_183448378.jpg

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  3. paladinkit

    paladinkit brave little paladin

    Another witchy and introspective day

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  4. omg cutie alert! also that cat is adorbs, holy shit
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  5. paladinkit

    paladinkit brave little paladin

    Why thank you! Fiyero gets by on high natural Charisma - he is definitely the bard of the household adventuring party.
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  6. cantankerousAquarius

    cantankerousAquarius Acrasial Macrology

    My hair looks like cotton candy and my necklace is the Grim Reaper
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  7. Xitaqa

    Xitaqa Secretly awesome

    Also that shirt is a nice color on you
  8. cantankerousAquarius

    cantankerousAquarius Acrasial Macrology

    It's a dress!! And ty ^u^

    Update on my sitch rn tho: I am being mistaken for an incoming freshman


    Is it bc my dress is the school colors? Do I really look 15? Does this make it more or less ok that my boyfriend looks 14?

    I can't even be like "yeah, in college" because I was a freshman last year. I'd be a sophomore if I hadn't had to withdraw ffs!!
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  9. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

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  10. [​IMG] [​IMG]

    nothing like taking mediocre selfies in a darkened pottery studio
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  11. cantankerousAquarius

    cantankerousAquarius Acrasial Macrology

    WhAT aRE yOu taLKiNG AbT these selfies are like gr10
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  12. Ducks

    Ducks 79 Plural Fowl Illuminates The Legendary

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  13. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

  14. i've been takin a lot of selfies lately! and i'm gettin my hair chopped off 2morrow, thank god

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
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  15. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    @taxonomicAtrocity every time I see one of your selfies, I get, like, indignant, because honestly it is unfair that you get to hoard all the adorable freckles and all the pretty eyelashes and all the arresting eye color and all the excellent cheekbones and all of the general Extreme Cute. leave some for the rest of us! >:(
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  16. !!!!

    can i blame any perceived cuteness on being decent at taking selfies. i am a sham
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  17. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    I guess I should warn for cute:
    2016-08-31 15.58.00.jpg
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  18. That is indeed a lot of cute good on you for the warning.
  19. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    got a trim a week or so ago and just colored my hair last night! (with one of LUSH's henna bars, if you're wondering, and the help of a friend.) I really like the pseudo-undercut look I've got going on right now, and I love the color. it looks kinda natural, even!
    • Like x 21
  20. !!!!!! omg

    every time i 4get how handsome u r u post a new pic! thank u 4 this valuable public service
    • Like x 5
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