That cut and that color are fantastic! That face is also fantastic, dang! Hmm, and I think your hair color really helps your eyes stand out, because they're looking pretty fantastic too!
are you guys ready for like a month of pictures of me? no. Spoiler I felt great that night^ most of these are probably of my hair doing weird things I got a starfleet hoodie! weird hair accidental artsy picture good hair^ and now, before and after pictures for braces!
I wasn't ready for this ^____^ Your hair is so rad! And your smile brings warmth to a cold morning, but wow your hair is rad!
I too cut my hair! but I am exhausted, and will probably only get around to posting shit more than typing, on the weekend
@taxonomicAtrocity @cantankerousAquarius I always mix your screen names up because they have the same structure & similar rhythm so my impression of the above posts was a person yelling at themself for being too attractive. Which is fair. :L
uhm u mean U forgot to scream abt unethical breeding uwuwuwuwuwuwuwu n 4 ur info 1 time a panda unethically bred an albino dobi w/ spider pythons