I learned this! On your device, rotate the picture and save it. Then rotate it back to upright and save it again. Edit your post to attach the new saves file in place of what was there before. It's like magic! Or its like forcing a file to have info where the website is looking for it! PS: slick haircut there!
Unholy rituals failing you? Feel like you're just going through the motions of invoking the Elder Gods? Come on down to Xitaqa's, we've got unholy rituals for the whole family! Orient your photos, banish your fears, make ice cream headaches go away - do what thou wilt with Xitaqa's unholy rituals! Satisfaction guaranteed! (guarantee sold separately, unholy rituals are for entertainment purposes only, do not taunt happy fun ball, ia xitaqa fhtagn)
soooooo i got my hair did!!! (the benefits of working @ a place w/ a salon in it, employee discount works the salon too) Spoiler: face ensues i wanted it sort of a reddish purple tone it's subtle but i love
Waking up with the bae eta: i have no idea why these are upside down on the web?? they're right on mobile. amazing.
ugh wtf yall r so darned cute (oh hey also if anyone has a snapchat and wants my snapchat it is necropolitician which I thought was Very cool as a kid, and for some reason choose as my username.)
does waist-down only count? :ppp Spoiler: pic once the rest of this 'i know it's seasonal but i'm gonna wear it all year' outfit ships i will post my very first Internet Selfie :3c