@EulersBidentity LOL she's not wrong. You kinda do. And a little more like the Nazi ones, sorry to say; I suspect the same rebelliousness that they had, but focused in a different and way less evil manner!
You look like a classic 50s beauty. Kinda like whatserface... The agent who touched Captain America's boobs and got her own spinoff.
i got my hair cut early today c: i abandoned the purple bangs in favor ofsomething a little more subtle
I was trying to document the lines on my face from trying an oculus rift (!!! it was very fun) but there's kind of a .... face.. situation by which i mean this is the grumpiest looking photo of me Spoiler but also, my friend's mom braided my hair and it looked Rad As Hell: Spoiler i've got to practice braiding my own hair, bc i basically want it to look like this ALL THE TIME
i should probably upload selfie compilations again hold on a tick part 1 Spoiler: Relaxation Spoiler: Caleidoscope Spoiler: Nighttime Forest Spoiler: Sunshine Through Vines Spoiler: Clouds ☁️ Spoiler: Tremble
u look damn good though AND THAT FLOWER CROWN!! AND THAT RAVENCLAW PIN!! im jealous of your accessories :P