SHOW YOURSELF! (The Obligatory Pics Thread)

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Acey, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Holy shit, I need to pet that cat.
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  2. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    Even older pic of me.

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  3. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    Who the fuck is this poseur?
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  4. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    That time when I had a lot of hair.

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  5. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    Cats :D
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  6. So this is me, from short hair to long hair. (:
    Me 8.jpg
    A little over 2 years ago I decided to buzz all my hair off. This was about a month after that, when it had gotten long enough to spike. I liked it very very much (:
    Me 6.jpg
    Long hair pulled back into a ponytail, and makeup that @Missfortunate did for me, partially because I'm not good at it yet and partially because she enjoys doing it :3
    Me 1.jpg
    My hair is actually a bit longer than this now, as this was about two months ago, but this is the longest it's been in nearly 4 years. I like it, but it makes being a guy come with some serious dysphoria issues.

    Oh! I'm planning to cut it short again in a couple of weeks :3 Hopefully down to the same length as in the first picture, if all goes well (:
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  7. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020


    We don't know who that nerd photobombing him is
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  8. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    CAM01302.jpg CAM01303.jpg CAM01306.jpg
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  9. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    @emythos, have I told you that you are Lip Goals? Because you are Lip Goals okay.
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  10. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    :D thank you so much.
  11. raydelblau

    raydelblau the giant rat who makes all of the rules

    raydelblau unmasked!
    my ahoge game was very strong in this selfie. my hair is also significantly shorter now, and twice as curly.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2015
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  12. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    i found the perfect spot to eat breakfast for pirate me at nordcon.
    2015-06-13 10.19.03.jpg
    please disregard the socks, it was them ore the boots. my feet cant handle the chains without buffer yet.
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  13. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    I dyed my hair in order to complete my Dave cosplay (I am a lazy cosplayer wheeeee)
    So here's an updated version of what I look like :'D
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  14. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Managed to style my awful haircut in a way that doesn't look totally cringeworthy!
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  15. ElasticPoodle

    ElasticPoodle Motivationstuck Founder

    These are a few years old but eh, still the best pictures ever taken of me.
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  16. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

  17. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    2015-06-19 13.14.25.jpg 2015-06-19 13.13.39.jpg
    when you're happily being a woodland prince and your little cottage has a glow around it but then you have to go to The Bank and explain to the bank people that no, you do not yet have a firstborn to give them to fulfill your contract.
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  18. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Bonus: yesterday's look ft. Trademark Tired Expression That Makes Me Look Mad
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  19. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    @wixbloom, you are an utterly gorgeous human being. Like, you are Objectively Attractive, even if I'm not personally attracted to you? Like you're just so aesthetically pleasing (weird wording but yeah) and I love your pics and your style and just. Ugh. So handsome. <3
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  20. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    omg @Acey that's such an awesome thing to hear, I'm seriously happy rn :3
    • Like x 2
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