Blurry pics, but I have some from seeing my girlfriend! Me and Brittany! A smooch! Waiting for Marina! (The guy on the far right is our buddy Ian, who also made the lovely flower crowns seen in this pic.)
apologies for hair; have not showered yet but loooooooooook I have a new lip piercing and it's so cool
~*~follow for more blurry queers~*~ Finally got around to dyeing my hair blue. I seem to make the :3 face a lot.
Even though I didn't go out today (spoons went in to the yellow as I got in my car) but I liked my look Spoiler: Cut for size
A week or so again Spoiler how many layers can I wear? :P My hair looked great considering I desperately needed a shower Today! Spoiler I felt so fab in this Also featuring the new necklace I got at comiccon, a pocket watch! It doesnt work yet, we have to get the battery replaced, but it still looks cool af. the outer lid has a hole in the center with roman numerals around it which clicks open to a normal clock. It has a flower pattern on the back of the watch and the sides. It's gorgeous!! (I also got pokemon figurines but I havent bothered posting them anywhere)
huh weird ok so usually it rotates by itself somehow and it's working on my phone ok-ill try to fix it when I get internet/computer access
I got new hats!! I only have pictures of one, but I will get pictures of the others at some point!! Spoiler: Navy beanie w/ a pompom I feel like I look like a hippie. (not a hipster, a hippie) (I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing) (at least the hat hides my acne)
Spoiler: spring faerie Spoiler: steampunk alchemist Spoiler: p stands for purple (and poison) Spoiler: alchemist, take two: hipster edition Spoiler: Frost faerie Spoiler: Business Strega Spoiler: paranormal investigator featuring a good view of my haircut i wish to thank the entirety of the shitpost rave for that last outfit i didn't even plan on accidentally dressing like Ford Pines but you know things happen.
Spoiler: it's been a while. I promised @Aviari pissed off genderbent snow white pics, so those are in there too. Next up are secret forum selfie pics, because cute boyfriend is cute and must be shown off, and pictures in my new lipsticks.