So many disorder guides written for relatives. What about us???

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by flea-riddled, Jan 31, 2016.

  1. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    Okay, I don't know that I have much coherence for input on a lot of this, but: One reason I've written a "guide to living with X" specifically directed at the non-X people living with someone who has X (where X is "depression") is running into so many people who have no idea how to do it, and who could use a guide that is intended to help them understand the thing and cope better.
  2. flea-riddled

    flea-riddled totally secret sub account

    honestly this is mostly just a venting thread at this point.

    but that's a good thing you're doing. guides that aren't just "what bullshit are you going to put up with," but actually advice on understanding the thing they don't have, and helping with it? good to have.

    and hell, depending on how you write it, it might end up being helpful for people with X too. to have an idea of how to treat ourselves, if we can manage to pretend we're somebody we love with the thing we have.
  3. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    oooh, that's a sorta neat idea for a strategy.
  4. flea-riddled

    flea-riddled totally secret sub account

    "Would I want to treat someone I love like this? No? Then there's not much point treating myself like that either" is a strategy I'm trying to use more when I'm in ashamed/self-loathing pits.

    It also reinforces my habits of how to treat others, with the internal perspective of how it feels different to be treated different ways, and what I've found helpful, or comforting, or constructive, and what I found just wasn't.
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  5. Lissa Lysik'an

    Lissa Lysik'an Dragon-loving Faerie

    It's why I wrote my series of articles on helping not-autistics deal with meltdowns on tumblr. Those of us who have them know what to do - kick and scream and hit things. :D
    • Like x 2
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