sorry i don't make the rules: ridiculous/lighthearted headcanons

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by furrylatula, Jul 17, 2016.

  1. goldenflowertea

    goldenflowertea this universe SUCKS but it is full of FRIENDS

    Margaret from Persona 4 has a lovely singing voice.
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  2. goldenflowertea

    goldenflowertea this universe SUCKS but it is full of FRIENDS

    Akira Kurusu has been known to wind up the Velvet twins by referring to them as 'the gay babies of Gay Baby Jail'. It never fails to make Caroline shriek with outrage.
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  3. goldenflowertea

    goldenflowertea this universe SUCKS but it is full of FRIENDS

    Qu are sequential hermaphrodites. They are born sexless, mature into females, then later in life become male.

    Before becoming female and thus an official Adult, a Qu is supposed to go on the Gourmand's Journey, a kind of walkabout to learn as many Blue Magic spells and styles of cooking as possible. If a Qu turns female without having started the journey, it's a major embarrassment both for them and their family. (Hence why Quale was so eager to push Quina out of the nest; they were getting old enough that they were Pushing It.)
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  4. goldenflowertea

    goldenflowertea this universe SUCKS but it is full of FRIENDS

    Burmecians are immune to the effects of the Mist on mind and body. This is why they are fairly homogenous as a species, and why Burmecia is the only one of the three great powers of the Mist Continent located below the Mist line.
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  5. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    I recall a Homesmut prompt based on a dream the prompter had which involved Gamzee and Kanaya covered in blood and holding a sign saying "We Survived Alternia Pride", and I think that would be excellent in Homestuck and in various other fandoms set in death worlds.
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  6. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Zatanna once went through a mission using only spells that were from DnD.
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  7. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    The Sixclaws' duplicated claw is the middle one because of course it is.
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  8. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Corsair crews tend to end up quite tight-knit and lack most of the violent infighting and hazing which goes on among land-dwelling hordes, for practical reasons. In a big group on land, one can get lost in the crowd and dominance needs to be asserted constantly. On a ship, everyone relies on everyone else to stay alive in case of emergency. Problems which do arise tend to get taken care of quickly because everyone knows where and when everyone else sleeps, and one can only run from one end of the ship to the other.
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  9. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    The Millennium Falcon was always Rey's favorite part of the "legends" of the Empire's fall, and she spent a good few days idle time as a kid amusing herself with designing the Falcon as this sleek, well put together beauty of a cruiser, the kind of ship she'd put together if you gave her the parts of all her favorite starship models and asked her to build the fastest ship in the galaxy.

    Having actually flown the dang thing, she'd be hard pressed to tell you if she's disappointed or not. It's certainly uglier than she'd imagined.
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  10. shmeed

    shmeed plant me

    viera ears are very sensitive and they feel very good to be gently rubbed or scritched
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  11. Ben

    Ben Not entirely unlike a dragon

    Contrary to his unreliable narration, Flowey actually enjoys spending time with Papyrus, and is, for all normal intents and purposes, friends with him. But of course, he'd never admit it because that would ruin his Image.
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  12. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Rey isn't honestly impressed by food quality. She can hork down whatever the fuck, and doesn't particularly distinguish between a five star gourmet meal and half a cheeseburger she found in the garbage. Food is food, and all food is pretty good, she thinks. She'll also straight up drink whatever sauces you give her.

    She also doesn't pay much attention to personal hygiene. She's fairly used to her own human funk, on acounta living in a dessert in a small metal box, and honestly thinks how clean and nice smelling people are in the Resistance is weird and unnerving.

    "Rey is hecking gross" is my favorite obscure headcanon that nobody else subscribes to.
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  13. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    I feel like she and Amethyst would be Grosse Girl Buddies.
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  14. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    ... yeh, I could see that. Yunno, I don't think Rey is a hoarder but that's literally only because circumstances didn't allow for it, and she's practical above all else, so. If she does have more money more space more free time, I can see her also relating to Amy re the accumulation of random cool garbage.
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  15. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    To contrast, i think Finn is an extremely picky eater. He's spent his whole life eating ration bars and vitamin supplements and has a hard time accepting that certain things are in fact food that people put in their mouths and chew and stuff. He's really suspicious of new things, and weird textures and spices and smells send him running for the hills. I think the Worst kinda stuff for him is wet stuff, sauces and jellies and things that aren't solid but aren't drinks either, but meat is also pretty squicky, both the texture and the source. All animal products are kind of gross in concept to him, and he's prolly more or less a vegan.
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  16. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    ...I have only ever seen the original Star Wars once and the other Star Warses zero times, but Rey is my favorite character.
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  17. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Grungy girls FTW.
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  18. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    She's pretty rad! My favorite thing about her is that she's not easily defined I guess. Like, she's badass and doesn't have any issues with doing a violence because hurting people is just part of her reality, but she's also unabashedly kind. And she doesn't need anyone and is used to working alone/looking out for herself, but she also desperately wants to connect to other people and gets extremely emotionally invested really quickly with all the people who show her a modicum of kindness. She's really cool and there's a lot of interesting stuff you can do with her, a lot of different ways you could take her character growth and I'm really excited to see where the next movies land her.
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  19. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Yeah, I could see Finn being totally thrown by the discovery that in most of the galaxy, people in fact enjoy their food to taste like something and not just be an optimized delivery system for a standard nutritional allotment as mandated by First Order dietitians.

    Meanwhile Rey will shove absolutely anything in her face that contains calories and she thinks probably won't poison her, an example which is not helping Finn's view of the rest of the galaxy at all.
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  20. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    ...It also occurs to me that there's a decent chance Finn would get sick a lot early on just because his stomach isn't used to food that hasn't been processed to hell and back.
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