Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Ow. My heart, how dare you!
  2. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    I find this post extra amusing because I also tend to hold objects in really weird ways. Like the way Pearl is holding the communicator? I've done that with drinks before because sometimes with dyspraxia "reach over your head with your opposite arm and drink like that" makes more sense then just... reaching with the hand that is closer, or taking the opposite hand and crossing the body. for no apparent reason.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2016
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  3. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Personally, I am absolutely Team Pearl Is A Huge Lesbian, but that's all headcanon on my part, and it seems to be the default for Gems as a rule (since they're a one-gender race and all), so it probably wouldn't be unusual in that context. (I do headcanon Amethyst as bi/pan, and obviously Rose swung more than one way, but Rose was definitely unusual by Gem standards in general and Amethyst was born on Earth, so it'd make sense for them to be more outliers who should not have been counted, I think.)

    Pearl is always a raging lesbian in my human AUs, though. Ditto both Ruby and Sapphire. And I generally make human!Garnet aro-ace but very interested in her friends' relationships.

    (ask me about my human headcanons pls)
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  4. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    human headcanons for Peridot? :3c
  5. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

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  6. itsAlana

    itsAlana let me tell you about the vorkosigan saga

    I have an argument for Love Like You being a song for LAPIS: the first time the melody played, as far as I can tell, was in Ocean Gem. And I could totally buy it as Lapis, so much.
  7. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Well, in my college AU, she's the youngest one there--she got skipped ahead like two years for being a massive math and science prodigy, so she's like, 16 and a college freshman--and SPERG AF. She cannot people at all, and being at least two years younger than everyone else and stuck in an unfamiliar place doesn't help.

    Physically, she's this smol Asian girl with big glasses who ALWAYS wears a hat or hood because she tried to bleach her hair shortly before going off to college and it was an absolute disaster that she'd rather not show the world, thank you very much. And she has a prosthetic leg--it's a really nice one, but it's still, you know, a fake leg. And she's only had it for a while (I'm thinking she lost the leg a year or so prior) so she's kind of clumsy on it still, and walks with a bit of a limp.

    She's a comp-sci major and actually doing really well in her classes. She just has no idea How To People, but she is trying.

    (pearl is hella sperg too but a little better at social stuff)
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  8. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    i cannot like enough
    my green triangular wife sounds cute af
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  9. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake


    (coloring is lazy af and i'm sorry)
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  10. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    ur the bestest <3
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  11. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    *slides 20 monopoly dollars across the table* tell me about your human AU Pearl
    *adds that little dog figurine you can play as* and human AU Jasper
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  12. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    *slides in a whole stack of monopoly money* maybe just......give us a rundown of everything? :P
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  13. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    I will ABSOLUTELY write all this up when I'm less exhausted! <3
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  14. BPD anon

    BPD anon Here I sit, broken hearted

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  15. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake


    Pearl is a freshman majoring in physics with a minor in theater. She's the biggest lesbian ever and kind of in denial about it. She's tall and skinny and kind of androgynously-built in general, and she's pretty pale with a lot of freckles, blue eyes, and ginger hair. She is sperg af and has issues with depression, mild OCD-ish tendencies, and possibly disordered eating. Her dad left her mom when she was a baby (possibly even before she was born), and she grew up in relative poverty; she loves her mother and her mother loves her, but there's a sort of tension between them as well. Also, there's a small but noticeable scar right in the middle of her forehead from a childhood spill.

    Amethyst is also a freshman, and a music major. She's bi/pan, with a leaning towards women. As in canon, she's heavyset and unusually short, possibly having a form of dwarfism. She's kind of ethnically ambiguous--her hair is naturally dark blonde (she dyes it various shades of purple), but she has dark tan skin. Probably mixed-race. To make things more complicated, she's adopted--her birth family was severely abusive and really fucked her up, but she was adopted by the people she considers her real family when she was 9 or 10--and her adoptive family is Mexican, so she's culturally Mexican-American. She loves her adoptive family dearly, save for some joking bitterness about the fact that both her mom's side and her dad's side tend to run tall and she's...not. XD She also has BPD and probably other brainweird stemming from her abusive childhood. She also has a few piercings, and plans to get more, as well as planning to get plenty of tattoos.

    Garnet is also a freshman; I haven't decided her major yet. She's Ruby's younger sister, and the two of them are quite close. (They're from a pretty normal and loving family, not a whole lot to talk about there. :P) She's asexual and aromantic, but she's quite interested in other people's relationships, and a bit of a gossip hound at times. She's black, and has heterochromia, with one eye being brown and the other being kind of a greenish-hazel color; she was rather ashamed of this as a kid, and took to wearing sunglasses to hide it. (She's come to terms with it since then, but she found she liked the sunglasses enough to keep wearing them anyway.) She's also unusually tall for a cis girl--over six feet--and curvy. She could probably be a supermodel if she felt like it. Everyone is attracted to her and she is attracted to no one. #sadstuck

    I've already discussed Peridot, but I'm thinking her family was kind of distant and very much of the "YOU MUST SUCCEED AT EVERYTHING FOREVER" mindset and it rubbed off on her.

    Lapis is a sophomore, and an art major with a minor in marine biology. She's super gay. She's of Hawaiian descent, with tan skin and naturally-black hair that she dyes bright blue. In fact, she originally hails from Hawaii, and is absolutely not used to extreme temperatures (since the climate there tends to be pretty moderate). She is small and could still probably kill you. She has a few tattoos and plans to get more. And she's probably bipolar, I think. It just fits somehow.

    Jasper is a sophomore, and Amethyst's cousin by adoption; she's a history major. Idk what her exact orientation is beyond "attracted to girls," but she has this on-again, off-again thing with Lapis. She's of Mexican descent and bleaches her hair, and unlike certain other people, she's actually good at it and her hair is like, super soft. (PERIDOT THERE ARE PLENTY OF PEOPLE WHO COULD GIVE YOU HAIR DYEING TIPS OKAY) She's HELLA SWOLE like in canon, and...actually kind of on the femme side of things in some ways. Her makeup game is incredibly strong.

    Ruby is a junior, and, as I said, Garnet's older sister. I haven't decided on a major for her. HUGE LESBIAN. She is smol like in canon and VERY ANGRY about it because WHY IS HER LITTLE SISTER TALL AND SHE'S SHORT IT'S NOT FAIR. She's kind of stocky, but a fair bit of it's muscle, and her bust is actually pretty big, but she mostly wears sports bras and baggy shirts (they're comfier, in her opinion) so it's not like most people notice it. Despite her short stature, she's a damn good boxer, and is involved in both the school's boxing team and the karate club. She and Sapphire have been dating since freshman year, and are engaged; Ruby has a tattoo of a blue heart on her left wrist.

    Sapphire is a junior too, and a psych major. ALSO A HUGE LESBIAN. She's white with blonde hair and a blue eye--her left eye was removed when she was fairly young due to retinoblastoma, and it's quite possible that her own shortness is a result of chemo and radiation during her formative years. She wears a patch over the socket. Her family is nice enough, but they tend to coddle her, which she hates. She also has a red heart tattooed on her right wrist, to match Ruby's tattoo.

    Rose is a senior, and the RA of the dorm everyone here's staying in. She's of Jewish descent, with light tan skin and brown eyes, and she dyes her brown hair pink. She's bi/pan and polyamorous, though Greg is her only partner at the present. She's majoring in botany. Her family is extremely wealthy and high-status, and placed a lot of restrictions and expectations on her from the moment she came out of the womb; naturally, she became pretty rebellious as a result. She has a fair number of tattoos, including a half-sleeve of roses on her left arm and a star on her chest, and her belly button is pierced.

    Greg is a senior and a music major, and the token straight man in the group. He's Jewish too (he and Rose have actually known each other since middle school through their families), and has brown hair and eyes and medium-light skin. He's Steven's older brother, and of course, they're very close and share a loving relationship. He was mostly raised by his aunt and uncle; after Steven's birth, their parents realized that they weren't equipped to care for two kids, and Greg wasn't about to be separated from his bro. He's still close to his parents, though. He has a few piercings and tattoos himself.

    Steven is an eighth-grader at a nearby middle school; Connie goes to the same school, though she's a grade below him. Since Steven's brother attends the school and Connie's parents both work there (Priyanka is a professor there and Doug is a security guard), they spend a lot of time hanging out on campus. The friend group has pretty much adopted them as their mascots and everyone ships them.
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  16. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    What tattoos do the be-tattooed characters have? Also does Sapphire have like. different eyepatches with designs on them?
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  17. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    I'm not entirely decided on all the tats, but some of Lapis' are definitely nautical in some way. Possibly wings on her back as well. And Sapphire mostly wears a red eyepatch--she and Ruby like to wear little accessories in the other one's favorite color (Ruby herself habitually wears a blue hairband)! She probably does have multiple designs, though.
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  18. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

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  19. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

    I'm laughing because I had to wear an eyepatch when I was little and the prints were like ladybug and cow patterns and I'm picturing Sapphire with one of those
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  20. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    does one of them have a frog on it
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