Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Well people are already posting spoilers on my dash :/
  2. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

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  3. Aniseed

    Aniseed Well-Known Member

    welp. it seems like the upcoming 'kindergarten kid' episode is going to be about amethyst. considering she's having more identity crisis problems, it seems likely.

    really got scared that jasper was actually going to take her gem.

    wondering why jasper is suddenly so focused on steven/rose? i guess she kind of just has to make up 'missions' for herself that she thinks will be good for homeworld or something.

    making a corrupted gem army.. but then angry about fusion again.. i'm still thinking that something involving her fusing or clustering with corrupted gems is going to happen in the future.

    but yeah. jasper definitely being cruel. maybe i have a bad definition of abuse in my head wherein it kind of requires a relationship and a pattern.. amethyst is basically nothing to her, just a 'failed' version of herself.

    and on a nicer note, so many good faces from Lion this episode, time to watch the ep on the net and do some lion screen caps for icons.
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  4. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    And I'm happy to report that Madridista is already back up, at still-madridista. I really appreciate their determination to keep episodes up for everybody. :')

    And now I'm gonna start liveblogging.

    ...or i would if it was buffering faster. :(

    there we go. put it at the hilariously lowest setting, and it's sorta buffering.

    Pearl's look of I forgot, and Amethyst's smug little "~irresponsible~". Spades flirt harder you two.

    Amethyst's all "you guys get training off, what do you want to do?
    Camera shot: training.
    Multiple shields! Floating to avoid the rebound!


    ...You know, Amethyst has a perspective that Connie's really not naturally inclined toward. She and Pearl made a very compatible, if unbalanced toward a certain attitude, team. Preparation, training. This would be good for her... if it goes well. Or at least mediocrely.

    "What do your guts feel like?"
    Mine feel hungry too. brb.

    "Okay, maybe it's a problem."
    Yeah, I get the feeling that Greg was in this position a lot. Gems do wacky gem things, Greg pays the humans back as apology.

    Amethyst laughing at Steven's face after he spritzes himself with the soda... He doesn't smile or laugh, so she spritzes herself and falls back dramatically. The kids stare for a second or two, then start laughing. Looks deliberate.

    Lion just casually linefacing in the ferris wheel. I wonder how plastered on Mr Smiley's smile is today...

    "By Jove, I guess you're right!" dawww

    ...Oh hey there corrupted quartz buddy, how's it hanging... nice change in music announcing your arrival...

    there's only room for one white-haired shaggy dude on this beach, and Sour Cream ain't staying to defend his title.

    The beasty buddy is sniffing, +1 to Jasper is sniffing "Rose" out and that's why she keeps conveniently showing up?

    "Rose! Glad I found you. I've decided to build my own army. Where's the rest of yours?"
    that's an interesting switch in motivation.
    "fighting IS my life! It's what I was made for. It's what you were made for too, runt."

    "You're a quartz soldier. Just like me." thank you worldbuilding confirmation


    Nice contrast between Lion, who's been gradually growing fond of them, and Jasper's not-buddy who she has to fling into battle to keep fighting.

    Not a big fan of the current path of argh i am destructive baddie argh i don't care about anyone or anything argh beating people up is all that i am going for her, I'm hoping for more from her arc.

    "Hmm. I guess she lives in the ocean now."
    Thank you, probably-Connie, for that mild statement.

    ...Amethyst. :(
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2016
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  5. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Wow, Pearl forgetting something!
    So what they wanna do is Training
    Pearl-fect hee
    Amethyst stance and everything can mean the difference between life and death on a battlefield! If your muscle memory is messed up then you'll mess up.
    This is kind of creepy...
    See I kind of expect Steven to have a tab going.
    Holy SHIT that thing is a good swimmer.
    Whoah I can't believe that worked.
    ...Wait do these ALWAYS come in pairs
    ...wait Jasper is training monsters?
    Uh oh.
    Jasper is so speedy.
    'so?' oh Amethyst
    Wow she really IS speedy
    I'm surprised Amethyst is being beaten so handily.
    Awww Amethyst.
    Oh I just noticed the bracelets and
    oh I feel so bad for the monster
    Wow Amethyst recovered fast an
    Oh wait how big did she GET
    and - is Amethyst gay for Stevonnie now?
    "Hm I guess she lives in the ocean now"
    OK normal size.
    Amethyst what's wrong... oh.
    • Like x 4
  6. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I am. So happy to be getting a ton of Connie episodes. I love my girl.

    Aw hell yea Amethyst, u wrestle that Jasper monster. How do they move through the oceans that fast? Is Jasper using the pads, or is she just... sprinting along the sea floor. The world must know.


    Aw, Amethyst, you are perfect the way you are. Fuck what Jasper says.


    Okay Jasper, here's the thing: what the fuck do you want? Is it power? Is it a victory over Rose? Is it therapy? I think you need therapy and a crash course on boundaries, bigotry, and the rights/feelings of others, but that's clearly not what you want.

    (Also Amethyst, bby, no. Nooooooo. Don't let that get to you aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
    • Like x 10
  7. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    As it turns out,
    It's yet another Jasper episode.
  8. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    the animation style in this episode felt off to me. so off that i sorta had trouble focusing on the actual plot. and amethyst was kinda an asshole during the first part of the ep, i think.
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  9. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake


    "Rose said I'm perfect the way I am!" amethyst my precious purble daughter...

    "You didn't need me at all." SOMEONE GIVE THE PURBLE A HUG PLS
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  10. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Stevonnie looked a bit off too...
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  11. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    yep. they looked way too thin to me.
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  12. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    So, am I reading into things too much that the major Jasper-is-building-an-army episodes have both been Steven/Connie-centric? Because I'm getting the feeling that whatever Jasper does is going to be unorthodox enough that the CGs don't know how to deal with it, but building Connie's confidence with fighting gems/gem monsters is going to be the way things get resolved.

    And this makes Lapis, Pearl, and Amethyst so far that have seen Jasper since Malachite defused. I wonder if there's a reason why it's hitting the gems one at a time?
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  13. Aniseed

    Aniseed Well-Known Member

    the characters looked slightly off model this episode. also in this one and yesterdays idk if it was just me but the lines looked almost.. crayon-y? even when i watched it on tv.
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  14. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Yeah, Stevonnie's design looked a bit off to me. The rest of the episode looked fine though, IMO? Raven and Paul have a pretty distinctive storyboard style and it really shows in this one, but Stevonnie is the only one who I felt looked wrong in any real capacity.

    Also ngl, I don't care much for Ame's new outfit. I like the style of the top but the color choices just...don't do it for me.
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  15. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    amethyst: rose said i'm perfect just the way i am

    me: dives into the amerose tag with a tear dripping down my cheek
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  16. Salted Earth


    ameTHYST MY POOR BORDERLINE BABY don't let your identity get shaken up by that jerk!! Please ask someone for a hug and tell them how you're feeling before everything blows up oh my god

    And wow more quality villain Jasper a+ I'm loving this.

    AND ALSO, Stevonnie!!! They are so good! I love them fighting as a unit in a fusion it is so cool oh my god.
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  17. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    I want Jane and Ronaldo to get back together!!!! whyyyyyyyyy I'm crying for Ronaldo
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  18. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    On the KBCW tumblr, it looks like they're at least talking again!

    ...or, yknow, the crewmember running the blog took advantage of some random fan with a screencap'd avatar and "Ronaldo" reads too much into everything, but :P
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  19. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    huh. haven't watched the episode, but organizing an army of corrupted gems actually seems like quite a feat! As far as we know, Steven and Jasper are the only peeps who've ever managed to convince a gem beast to fight for them, and that is an interesting sorta parallel. It'd be kinda fun if what Jasp is doing, organizing and communicating with the mobs, ends up helping Stevo figure out how to fix them. I mean, all this garbage came right on the heels of the Centi episode, and the "half corrupted " maybe-forshadowing. would be neat, maybe.
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  20. Aniseed

    Aniseed Well-Known Member

    idk if jasper is really convincing or.. idk. she has to force the beast back into the fight but it does seem to want to go after steven/rose on its own. she might be intentionally seeking out corrupted jaspers just because she assumes that they might have the 'instinct' for their old directive of destroying the rebels.

    but yeah they do seem to be doing a lot of 'there's a gem in these monsters' foreshadowing so...
    • Like x 4
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