Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Carnivorous Moogle

    Carnivorous Moogle whose baby is this

    holy shit DDDDD:
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  2. Rongeur

    Rongeur ~Heartless Bitch Extraordinaire~

    definite title track
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  3. Carnivorous Moogle

    Carnivorous Moogle whose baby is this

    jesus though they did such a good job at making the breaking point in action fucking horrifying
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  4. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Holy shit yes.
    The battlefield is everywhere
    There is no sanctuary
    There are no civilians
    You have two choices
    Surrender or enlist

    We are non stop juggernauts
    Stomp ziggurats
    • Like x 5
  5. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I've never heard that one before (love it!) but I thought for a minute it was We Are Winning bc, wow, the instrumentals are really similar.
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  6. Carnivorous Moogle

    Carnivorous Moogle whose baby is this

    also did anyone else notice



    i mean i certainly ain't complaining about this animation error but
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  7. Petra

    Petra space case

    Watching the ep now, just gotta say I REALLY LOVE new character, she's lorge and pretty and I'm increasingly gay for every crystal gem that's not Steven.
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  8. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

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  9. Aniseed

    Aniseed Well-Known Member

    first thing i want to say is. between yesterday with amethyst making 'egg salad' in the garbage disposal and eating it like hours later with handfuls of mayonaisse, and today's adventure in eating a nightmare pizza burrito snake-style, i love her and she's disgusting but that's why i love her. also i'm glad gems don't have actual stomachs or she'd be dead by now probably.

    second thing... i really just feel like i need a hug after this episode.

    i like implications of.. not 'evil' rose, but, flawed rose.

    bismuth's face looked so twisted when she told steven that he really is better than his mom. i wouldn't blame her for.. well, hating rose.

    i hope one day she can be unbubbled. i am sort of puzzling on the logic. i guess they just view her as a danger to not have bubbled? i don't know.

    and poor steven. having to fix his mom's mistakes. stuff he didn't even know about.

    i really do hope we get more story stuff.. soonish. i think i'm actually getting impatient. who knows how long this show will be going for though. i just feel like i'm missing so many pieces to understanding so many things that it's starting to get legitimately a little frustrating.
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  10. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    she's totally just wearing an apron and boots and nothing else and I'm Okay with that.
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  11. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    "now you look like you really mean bismuth"
    more like
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  12. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    right! right!!! I was so pleased by the cleverness of doing that after steven's "and when she says it the third time it'll be REALLY funny!!!"
    • Like x 16
  13. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i sorta shipped bismuth with pearl ever since i saw the original promo. and now i'm thinking, "after what rose did to bismuth, bispearl probably would be really awkward. since, well, bismuth hates rose now and pearl loves rose."

    and i think it's interesting how bismuth made a lot of jokes about everyone's function and status in Gem society, ingroup jokes, jokes that would be mean if they weren't friends and if they didn't know that she was teasing and if she wasn't a rebel. i don't know exactly how i interpret it, but i think it's an interesting thing about her.

    and i love how casually bismuth talked about Gem stuff and about her shared history with pearl and garnet.

    and while it's hard to say stuff about the breaking point after what's already been said, i do have one thing to say about it:

    bismuth is basically like a tumblr sjw with access to weapons.
    • Like x 13
  14. Petra

    Petra space case

    Halfway through the ep and my need for an SU and IDW g1 transformers crossover is intensifying.
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  15. Petra

    Petra space case

    Like goddamn get Megatron and Bismuth in a room together. The results will be amazing, and also probably a war crime.

    'Shattering gems? Wouldn't that make us the same as Homeworld?' 'Of course not! We'd be shattering them for the sake of our Cause, to protect our allies, our friends... to free all gems from Homeworld's tyranny!'
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
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  16. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    :Soft screaming sounds:
  17. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    i ship it
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  18. AbsenteeLandlady123

    AbsenteeLandlady123 Chronically screaming

    Capture.PNG Thing I want to happen: THIS. PLS.
    • Like x 25
  19. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    Hang on, what does this say about...
    So, Bismuth said that Rose was "just another Quartz", like so many others, but who then rebelled. But now we know for a fact that Rose has lied to people before.
    What if she told her army this grand story about how she rebelled and rose up... to give them all a sense of "I can be anything!" instead of letting them know the truth, i.e. that she was royalty?
    • Like x 11
  20. Rongeur

    Rongeur ~Heartless Bitch Extraordinaire~

    Can i just say that you have gotten SO GOOD at drawing ladybeef lately?
    • Like x 7
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