Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. idk

    idk New Member

    Ep thoughts: really good overall. Also these arent in perfect order and very long, sorry.
    - quartz gems hoarding junk confirmed lol. Ame and Rose and Steven all have tons of junk(Steven's isnt shown so much but for one thing, the closet, and for another thing, the seagull that flew out of the house in Onion Trade). Plus you could argue that Jasper was hoarding corrupted gems.
    -very cute that we actually got in show mention of Nora! Iirc, either Rebecca Sugar mentioned the name in an interview forever ago or it was in one of the books- ik id seen it mentioned before.
    -I loved that we got an episode with Doug and that he seemed so sweet. Goofy dad that wants to look cool for his kid- I think he and Greg would really hit it off.
    -Aquamarine is adorable???? Horrible little gem but I love her so much. You could argue that she's a lot like Peri was before she realized the earth was important, but unlike Peri she seems to have an outright dislike if not hatred of organics. Plus she's an older gem(knew about Rose Quartz) and unlike Peri seemed to be a perfect fit for her high position. While the wand is probably material tech, I seriously doubt she'd have had much difficulty without it. Also if it is material, id love to find out what her weapon is.
    -speaking of Peri holy shit she's gonna feel bad once she finds out her report is what got Steven taken(though i do love this sort of continuity). Maybe she'll repair the galaxy warp so they can get to him? I mean she did fix it once, i bet she could again.
    -Topaz is cute too, I'm really disappointed she didn't get any sort of speaking role in this set. Her ability is neat too- I wonder if it's possible for all fusions to do that? Probably not, I'm thinking. Topaz and Aquamarine seemed very well suited to a mission capturing people. Aquamarine groused about how they didn't need to send her, but im thinking they did bc she's very small and nonthreatening. She could get close to humans with relative ease without scaring them off.
    -Shouldnt have been surprised that Topaz was a same type fusion, but for some reason I still was.
    -lol gems thinking human names are types just like peri did.
    -super pleased we got an episode with Lars that didn't make me cringe to death. It was sweet to see stuff he really liked, and the anxiety stuff was painfully relatable.
    -the cool kids continue to be very cool, very nice people. Also Buck was wearing the Guitar Dad shirt!!!
    -kind of annoyed that they didnt contact Lapis and Peri before going after the Homeworld pair? Ik they were in a hurry because the CGs were afraid they'd leave, but Peri obviously had internet rigged up out in the barn, steven could have skyped her on his phone or something.
    -id love to hear lapis's feelings on aquamarines too, i think lapis would fucking hate her lol.
    -i feel really bad for steven, thinking he has to martyr himself for the sake of his friends and family. It's not like it'll just magically make the diamonds stop wanting to wreck earth.
    -HOWEVER id be thrilled to find out that there are gems back on Homeworld that liked what Rose was doing, and if they saved Steven. Or even other Earth gems like the famethyst! That little handful of gems couldn't be all that was left over from Earth, could it? There could be others like Jasper who got located elsewhere or under a different Diamond.

    Bad thought: how long do you think itll take for people to start insisting that shipping Aquamarine with anyone ever is pedophilia bc she's small and has a young sounding voice?
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  2. Charlie

    Charlie I got no strings to hold me down

    anywhere where I can download the eps directly? or download dailymotion vids conveniently I guess?

    planning to stream the eps w my partner tonight
  3. Penumbra

    Penumbra hiding under cloth

    bird mom pearl on dailymotion has them
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  4. Inkblot


    1. Connie's dad is an adorable dork
    2. Onion looked terrified when they found him in the alley. Those scared little blurps D: Why didn't he insist on getting in the car with them?
    3. That was like, the first episode ever where I didn't want to throw something at Lars. Also, I want cake now.
    4. Sadie getting in a group where people value her and think she's awesome! That is my dream!
    5. Sadie's mom charging of to find her like that was kind of awesome
    6. Wow, I hate Aquamarine. Like, I really hate her. She rubs me in every possible wrong way.
    7. "I Am My Mom" really amps up the fear and helplessness, wow. I got anxiety tension in my neck from watching it.
    8. Topaz never talks, but she looks annoyed a lot. I want to hear her talk. I want her perspective on things.
    9. Aaand I'm right back to wanting to throw things at Lars. Objectively I can understand it, he was terrified and completely out of his depth, but Sadie looked crushed
    10. Oh my God. Oh my God that was one heck of a callback poor Steven
    11. Alexandrite Alexandrite Alexandrite
    12. Steven no
    13. "Someday I'm going to understand what I'm for!" That line from Lion 4 just. Really hurts right now.
    14. Everyone's reaction to Steven going back to the ship killed me. Pearl crying. Amethyst's scared-angry "I'm gonna kick your butt!" How panicked Connie's voice was.
    15. Steven is going to meet the Diamonds. This is the only possible conclusion to this. He is going to meet the Diamonds and Yellow is going to have every emotion she's been avoiding slapped in her face and Blue Diamond--I don't know, but we might get to see more of the terrifying side we saw in "The Answer."
    16. I can't wait.
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  5. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Time to watch I guess?
    repeating JUST this part, huh....
    oh, steven... does he think there's a code, or...
    but he also just doesn't think his mom would leave him a special message to tell him she loves him...
    OH OK
    good thought though!
    Well, of course the room gives him that...
    oh! the desert that Lion's from!
    and Lion doesn't want to be there...
    I wonder why he couldn't just teleport there...
    Star symbol... hexagon...
    oh, Steven...
    Well, Rose's known to love lots of people... so was Nora one of her old lovers?
    If steven had been a girl, they'd call her NORA.
    I guess they wouldn't have known Steven's gender until birth...
    The wording is a bit different for both! that makes sense!
    Oh, Steven...
    YOU ARE TEMPTING FATE that Roy Harper
    though it's probably going to be a Gem or something
    you didn't...give the merch back...
    it's really sweet of Connie's dad to play along with them!
    the door is going to close suddenly.
    wow he bent the door
    the door could've closed on its own...
    i see where Connie gets it.
    Yep and that looked like the silhouette of a Gem I saw in a youtube thumbnail so...
    Onion's head was shaped differently though.
    Yeah Onion saw the Gem.
    He means he didn't break the fence. He just snuck through after it was torn.
    well hopefully Onion's not dead.
    oh god another Lars episode why.
    ...for a second I thought Buck was asking lars out on a date.
    DUDE. FRIENDS WHO CAN COOK ARE GREAT. Though you WILL need to expect people to want you to be Food Friend
    is the reason that people want people who can cook to cook frequently
    'finding out my mom is a war criminal' OH MY GOD
    oh god but he'll think they're making fun of them
    but Sadie knows
    also god Sadie is so short
    wait he's not at his house? huh.
    So I wonder if Jamie's gonna be kidnapped...
    sour cream did you just write over a newspaper page...
    and he's going to the Big Donut, where Sadie (and maybe Lars) won't be...
    a. less creepy one?
    and. the Boardwalk's deserted.
    WELL OK THEN what? how did a Gem learn that
    oh my GOD pearl
    'uh. i like me.'
    or call up Lapis? she might know. At least she might know a small Lapis with a teardrop Gem.
    i would watch the movie/read the book of that also.
    oh my god her physical form is so cute. it's like a uniform.
    is Midad a Gem type.
    holy shit big
    oh my god humans can't survive that
    holy shit butch
    wait. ohhh she's going after GREG next. how did they get the list of people Steven knows though?
    SMART GIRL BEST FRIEND wait. it's bait. duh.
    awww it's their dance song
    oh good they're not split up at least.
    how did they get the list...
    oh dear.
    oh dear. that is definitely a hard fight.
    at least it was mostly straight up?
    holy fuck. girl is hardcore.
    SMART but everyone thought those were doors huh.
    thank you pearl
    oh my fucking god Lars.
    but Connie's doing well for herself.
    oh my god. Steven.
    oh my godddd KID.
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  6. Nobody's Home

    Nobody's Home I'm a Greg Coded Tom Girl

    Man like ok Lars second hand embarrassment things is hard to watch tho like even if Lars is a total wad (and i usually don't like jerk or asshole characters) but i like Lars the same way I like Yuudai from the webcomic Sakana. I dunno i have to analyze why i like them.

    But anyway like

    Is Lars Filipino like! Do they have Ube cakes normally in other parts of the world? And like, he ate them a lot as a kid, Like! Plus his surname is Barriga which is Spanish and we have a lot of Spanish surnanes due to our history. He's sharing it at Steven's suggestion as something that's a part of himself

    Filipino Lars!
    • Like x 8
  7. Charlie

    Charlie I got no strings to hold me down

    I'm... actually very very curious about what we'll get out of the Steven+Lars teamup here. This is Steven at his most fragile and... what role Lars will play here has me very curious.
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  8. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    I think that's definitely the implication, yeah! I'm actually pretty sure he's technically mixed-race, because his mom looks pretty white, but a lot of things (everything you mentioned) hint at Filipino heritage, and his dad's name is Dante and I seem to recall that being a relatively common name among Filipino guys? So I'm guessing Filipino dad, white mom, was raised with a lot of aspects of Filipino culture either way.

    (Also after looking up actual ube cakes, they look pretty damn tasty! I don't think I've ever had purple yams so I'm not certain I'd like them, but if I ever get the opportunity to try one I'm jumping at it!)
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  9. Charlie

    Charlie I got no strings to hold me down

    also a bit beyond like....

    the spoilers in the episodes

    you know that screenshot alluding to character death in the future? does anyone know where that originated from? (spoilers bc if it is legit then imo its pretty clear who, but i'm wondering if... it is legit or what)

  10. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Hmm. Looks potentially legit--the style looks a lot like the storyboards I've seen--but I'm not convinced they're going to kill anyone off, especially not onscreen. It is technically a kids' show...and IMO it looks like (CHARACTER REDACTED) could just as easily be unconscious but alive, with Steven fearing the worst.

    So I do think it's probably a legit thing, but I'm not convinced it's actually a character death.
    Last edited: May 6, 2017
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  11. BlackholeKG

    BlackholeKG I saw you making fire

    Fuck I've been distracted and didn't realize there were new episodes, lemme see!
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  12. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

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  13. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    @idk the Discourse you mentioned has already started.
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  14. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Can't spell DISCOURSE without SU.
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  15. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    the discourse is fucking inevitable.
    at least we can make fun of it
    • Agree x 4
  16. itsAlana

    itsAlana let me tell you about the vorkosigan saga

    wait, is that not what was happening? because that's what i got out of the episode.

    let lars and buck make out
    • Agree x 8
  17. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    he DID invite Sadie and Steven right afterwards, and while he could totally be up to date Lars or Sadie I doubt he's interested in Steven. So this particular event was probably not meant to be a romantic date thing.
    Last edited: May 6, 2017
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  18. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    but it could've been like, he invited Lars first because he was genuinely asking Lars 'out' and would've spent time with just Lars, and then he invited Steven and Sadie because Lars seemed nervous or something?
    but anyway that aside the Cool Kids are 100% a poly trio and Lars and Buck should kiss and also Sadie and Jenny should kiss yes good
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  19. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    So I thought that shot of Pearl holding Connie's drawing would make a good exploitable image,'s a blank version!


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  20. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    So a preview of Season 5's first episode, Stuck Together, is now available
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