Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    the new view of Pink that we got in this, though.
    she's like a kid sister to Yellow. Yellow is annoyed by her, views her as less important, or at least not as accomplished, and Pink DESPERATELY envies Yellow, just wants to have responsibilities like her, wants to be like Yellow--she's so eager and excited and....impulsive. the way she just starts tapping on Yellow's screen? it's like she's something of a child. and she doesn't have any colonies or anything, doesn't seem like there's anything in the works to give her one yet--which implies that this is at least a little ways before Earth was given to her. it's almost like she's being TREATED like an actual child by the other Diamonds, or at least by Yellow--like she's desperate for these responsibilities, but isn't being given them yet because she's 'not ready'. and the way she punches the glass? very impulsive. very emotional. and her demands--give me an army! give me a planet! like she thinks that can just happen RIGHT NOW, and she's upset because her demands aren't being met....
    part of me is wondering if maybe the Diamonds....actually DO go through a child-like state? and that's where Pink was at when Steven dreamt of her in the Stranded ep? like, she's emotional, impulsive, reckless in the ways I'd associate with a kid, and then she acts like I would expect a kid who wants to do something and isn't being allowed to and is verging on a tantrum to act--and she also doesn't seem to quite understand how the colonies and all work yet, or what they're necessarily for.

    also, holy FUCK that destroyed planet. all carved out and....just. wow. god.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2018
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  2. Alexand

    Alexand Rhymes with &




    WHEN STEVONNIE-AS-PINK WAS SPEAKING WHO...WAS THAT? Who was that voice? That wasn't Stevonnie's normal VA, was it? It didn't sound like it was, but then I'm pretty voice-blind, so it might just be that I haven't heard Stevonnie's VA speak in that tone of Emotion, I dunno. It sounded kind of like Amethyst's VA to me, but, again, probably only because of the tone/emotion similarities. I wanted to see if there was a new name in the credits but the video cut off before any credits happened so ??????

    Also, "gems taking after their Diamonds" has been part of the meta for a while, right? I can see it in Jasper and Rose (she's confirmed part of Pink's court, right? as an Earth gem? it's been so long) we know anyone else who's a Pink Diamond gem? I mean, I can see it with just the two of them, but.
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  3. Jemmy

    Jemmy Don't Do A Hit

    So ive already started seeing stuff about pink being a defective diamond if the heights were accurate, and im just. fuck. fuck!! if thats true then??? christ. im no good at theories but my mind is reeling

    also what happened to that planet that made it not a gem colony? it didnt look quite like a depleted kindergarten world, so...why wasnt it used up/made into a world??

    • Agree x 4
  4. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    strictly speaking, a fair number of the Amethysts probably would have belonged to Pink....except, you know, the rebellion, Pink died, and then they got 'taken in' by Blue.
    • Agree x 2
  5. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    I....would enjoy her being defective, I guess, but also don't think it would fit--which is why I'm wondering if Diamonds can, like, grow, or change, or maybe the height was that way just because Stevonnie is that height and they were the one dreaming.... but I can't see Homeworld tolerating a defective DIAMOND. I mean, Diamonds are supposed to be objectively perfect--a flawed Diamond would completely wreck that.
    ......but also I want it so bad now. I WANT IT SO BAD NOW--but I can't make it make sense, blah.

    also! theory: they were wiping out life on the planet. what if they destroyed too much of the planet to fix it into a colony? I mean, Earth's colony got rid of parts of the world STRATEGICALLY, not....randomly by blasters. maybe whatever design they would've used didn't work.
    and I mean, honestly, the Kindergartens would've depleted Earth, but it was still planned to be made into a colony after--which definitely means SOMETHING happened there.
    I want to know what.
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  6. Jemmy

    Jemmy Don't Do A Hit

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  7. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    i saw a theory that diamonds are actually a common gem, and the ones we see are the result of a forced permamegafusion sort of thing where every diamond in the fusion must have their gem in the same place, providing fake rarity
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  8. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    So uh, does anyone have a link to Jungle Moon?
  9. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    Rebecca Sugar said that if two gems with the same placement fuse, the gems go next to each other.
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  10. Jemmy

    Jemmy Don't Do A Hit

    so someone on my dash just pointed out that gems CAN technically grow- they can change how they look based on how they feel, maturity wise

    remember how small amethyst was in flashbacks? and everything that happened with steven in too many birthdays. it's possible that a diamond can grow to their full height when they grow into their proper status, which might take a bit since they dont have to immediately jump into work like other gems do.

    of course there's also the theory going around that blue/yellow diamond are of similar height because their diamonds are across from one another on murals, and since pink diamond is on the bottom shes the smallest...which means...looks at white diamond
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  11. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake


    I never knew I needed Stevonnie shaving with a goddamn sword and yet here we are.

    And damn, these Diamond reveals!! And it looks like the moon bases must be common for Homeworld colonies, too, which is interesting to me.

    Also, the dream sequence was deliciously unsettling.

    I don’t have much more to say ‘cause I’m at a con and am Tired, but HOLY SHIT SO GOOD.
    • Agree x 5
  12. soulsuckingisaacnewton

    soulsuckingisaacnewton strange fuzzy creature

    How many new episodes are there?
  13. Alexand

    Alexand Rhymes with &

    Oh uh. I. Don't know how I completely forgot about the Amethysts, including, like, Our Amethyst, holy shit. RIGHT, SO PINK GEMS INCLUDE ROSE, JASPER, AND (F)AMETHYST, RIGHT.

    ...Do we know what Diamond Bismuth was under, btw?

    ...On a side note, I remember seeing people theorizing during the hiatus that Stevonnie would run into Lapis on the alien planet, and...I'm glad that wasn't, in fact, where they were going with it...? It would've messed with my suspension of disbelief too bad if the planet Stevonnie crash-landed on also happened to be the exact place Lapis was at that exact moment...

    ...I mean, now I'm kind of wondering how common Homeworld colonies are, but I guess there's no point in thinking in concrete numbers like that. It's not like it would really mean anything to me if you told me "oh, Homeworld's established over 500,000 colonies thus far"; I don't have any point of reference for how large or small an alien empire should be.
    • Agree x 3
  14. Alexand

    Alexand Rhymes with &

    Two: "Lars of the Stars" and "Jungle Moon". I remember people being kind of surprised that two episodes qualifies as an "event", and, sure, now that I've watched them, I am left wondering when we'll get any more episodes, or any news on when any more episodes will even come out, hahaha...

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  15. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    so, I have to say, I can see some of Pink in the way the Amethysts act....
    and I'd also like to note that Rose Quartz...looks heavily similar to Pink in terms of color and also some facial features.
    and given that Blue said the Rose Quartzes were Pink' kind of seems to me like Pink made Rose Quartzes literally in her image, which....suggests some interesting things about Pink, imo.
    I don't think we've learned what Diamond Bismuth was under, though, although it seems most likely that she'd be Pink or Blue's? since Blue seemed to be the most invested in helping Pink build her colony, and Bismuths are builders....then again, I suppose builders like Bismuths, who says she built thinks like "Great Spires for the great thinkers to think" or what have you, might be a bit less specific to one Diamond and more free-range? or alternately, they could've belonged to anyone--just because Blue was most invested in helping Pink doesn't necessarily mean Yellow couldn't have sent some Bismuths for building. I WANNA KNOW NOW THOUGH

    also like--a number wouldn't mean much, but 'commonality' doesn't have to be relayed in a number--I mean, the answer could be given as 'Homeworld colonies are common enough that you will find at least one in every solar system', and we at least have a bit more of a reference point there. according to what astronomers have found, we know of at least 334 solar systems with a total of 394 planets--which, from that reference point, would make Homeworld colonies very, VERY commmon. so, I mean, there are ways the answer could be given that we could approximate commonality from--but we probably won't get that answer :P
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  16. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

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  17. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    Wow guys the Pink Diamond design looks great!
    • Winner x 5
  18. Emerald does not look how I expected but I wanna see more!
    • Agree x 2
  19. why is her hair so big though? It’s like that thing where it felt like peridot was getting smaller but her hair was getting huge.
  20. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    I don't think her hair is unreasonably big? it's just very floofy. I have very floofy hair too, and the way Pink's hair looks is perfectly reasonable for floof hair to me.
    • Agree x 2
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