Honestly I'm down for a forum just for BSing on the series, but I pretty much am looking for a new RP home, so I'm down to at least give it a loot.
@Wiwaxia mentioned in another thread how stupid a rhinestone gemsona would be and I just had to. Fair warning, I tried to make this as stupid as I could. Spoiler: Rhinestone this is my gemsona rhinestone she can control water and see the future and has super strength and speed and helped to lead the crystal gems with rose quartz uwu she was really high ranking on homeworld but they were scared of how powerful she was so she rebelled with rose quartz and with her help they almost won until she got hurt and had to retreat into her gem and none of them know where she is now she was totally girlfriends with pearl tho ok uwu I debated whether or not to make her entirely out of denim.
I worked really hard on an alexandrite gemsona because that is the alternate birthstone for June (my birth month!) and I like it more than pearls because the color changing is awesome and I am a moody person. But then there was an official Alexandrite. I want to make a tiger's eye gemsona where the gem replaces one of her eyes, and a Hawk's eye gemsona with the same general design but a different color pallete and the gem replaces the other eye. They would be tiny sized like Ruby and Sapphire because their gem placements are not symmetrical. I kind of like the idea where they work together like a single unit (maybe their weapon being something like 1/2 of set, like having one Sai each), but don't actually fuse because their relationship is based on a purely practical rather than emotional intimacy. Or maybe they used to fuse together but gem society and gem war forced some severe emotional repression.
and now i know what a steven universe mary sue would be like (plus am reassured that i'm not crazy for thinking "mary sue" is an actual applicable concept, not just an insult to direct towards any (usually oc) lady character someone doesn't like)
The term came from an old ST:TOS fanfic making fun of characters fitting this description, iirc. "Mary Sue" usually refers to a character that the entire universe appears to revolve around. Other traits may include but are not limited to: weird hair, color changing with mood, weird and unrelated powers, dating at least one main character, are very respected and loved by everyone despite a vapid personality, massive boobs, and anime eyes. Oh oh oh ever read Ensign Sue Must Die? Fuckin hilarious.
I just marathoned SU yesterday and am trying to work up a Tanzanite fangem to get my brain going again. I'm gonna have to watch it again though because a) awesome and b) it was a poor function day and I didn't retain as much as I wanted. Spoiler: Fangem rambling with a side of universe speculation Since its only found in one place on Earth I think she was created for a very specific purpose, I'm just not sure what it is. Maybe not a highly important purpose, but very specific. I just have a thing for purple and used to keep the gem shopping channel on for background noise and tanzanite is gorgeous. I want to say she's a utility gem like Lapis. With what we saw of homeworld gems and kindergarten I really like the idea that a lot of gems are grown to be attached to objects to give them their 'magic', and part of the corruption might be from being stuck as/to an object for a long time. Pearl expressed sadness over the Desert Glass(?) starting to create random pillars and staircases to nowhere and mentioned something about it forgetting/losing its purpose (though I don't remember her exact words), which made me think it/she was a utility gem attached to a place. Instant base: just add sand? A gem could mean an intelligent builder that can edit the structure on the fly in case of attack. Then 5-6 thousand years of not having anyone to defend, left abandoned in the empty desert with nothing but the memory that you must build, protect... I could see that wearing on a gem. Oooooo Tanzanite could be a ship! Between the Three Galaxies books for Rifts (dad played a Machine Person security officer who could meld with the ship) and Homestuck I really love the idea of intelligent ships. But I see her more as security rather than a pilot: being able to intelligently identify crew, locking/unlocking/opening doors based on recognition (which would mean she couldn't be fooled just by someone entering the right code and if she has cameras or equivalent she would know if a person wasn't actually given clearance if they tried to falsify it), informing the captain of attempts to gain unauthorized access. Jasper didn't think there was much of a threat so she and Peridot had a smaller ship which wouldn't have a gem like Tanzanite. They'd be for bigger ships with a much larger crew, maybe invasion ships. Tanzanite might be on one of the old homeworld ships from the end of the war, one of the last few sent around the time the homeworld transporter was destroyed. Her ship crashed mostly intact but somewhere very inaccessible so the Crystal Gems haven't found her and her gem's cracked so she's only partly functional. She might be sending out an SOS but it's weak, way weak. Her crew scattered and became corrupted or died. The show itself is perfect for me though: super cute without being overly saccharine, but its got a serious darkness to it too. And the cuteness doesn't cover the darkness but counters it: there are terrible things and they happen but there's hope and kindness to the world as well. It's the perfect recovery show. Spoiler: For recent episodes (can't remember the title) and also personal shit Steven trying to do the loner hero thing to protect his family and friends and failing spectacularly was great because I've done that. Not because of the whole destiny thing, but because of my mental illnesses. I feel like I'm hard to get along with and stressful to be around, and I know I make people worry. I know sometimes when I disappear for months people wonder if I'm dead, and there was a while pre/early-diagnosis where I was both easily irritated and my anxiety manifested as hostility. I turned on my friends and family a lot and I'm still making up for that. So there was a long time where I tried to convince people to give up on me because I couldn't stand to see them hurt and disappointed. Fortunately most of them didn't buy it and helped and supported me instead. Connie's reaction was perfect. I was a little afraid she'd do the "Fine!" "Fine!" "Fine!" thing and leave and Steven would have to realize his mistake and run after her/try to make it up to her later, but if I hadn't been tearing up I'd have cheered when she forced the confrontation.
Hehe. My fangem is Celestine, and when I discovered that celestine is the primary source of strontium, aka a main ingredient in fireworks. So it was basically required that her weapon be some kind of thing that go boom (magical girl grenades, at present.) Also, crackship suggestion: Lapis Lazuli/the Desert Glass. Both the only Gems that are part of other objects, both Gems with elemental powers, and also the fusion/ship name could be Sea Glass.
Ooh, I like. I also like shipping characters that have never appeared and whose existence has only been inferred. :D
I'm sorry guys but ever since we found out in the episode The Message that Greg Universe runs his own forum I keep thinking about this scene playing out I KEEP THINKING ABOUT IT
yeah, i know the origin and what it basically is supposed to mean. tumblr just... well, being tumblr, says shit like, "mary sue is just a term for any female character someone doesn't like. boo sexism! fuck yeah Mary Sues! jupiter jones is the best 'cause the sexist haters would think she's a sue and so she is a sue 'cause fuck yeah sues and fuck the haters!" and so i end up questioning myself, haha. i think i've read a few of the comics.
tbh i like making shitty doodles/photoshops and if anyone has other terribad gem OC ideas id love to hear them