Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    AU where in addition to robo-hands and robo-feet, Peridot has robo-tiddies.
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  2. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Only "poor" ones, tho
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  3. Secret Squirrel

    Secret Squirrel certainly something

    When I remember seeing that go around, it was before any other gems got introduced, and even RQ hadn't really been shown in detail yet. Or she had, but people were saying something about how if she's gonna be human pregnant she might have gotten human busty as well. For Amethyst and Garnet, I think the logic was that they had cartoony nonspecific feminine chest exaggeration, like Daisy Duck. (Please tell me ducktiddies aren't a thing. Please.)

    I remember this because I liked the idea of the gems not having boobs (cause of my feelings about my own), but also thinking Jesus Christ why would you fight with people about this. @~@
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  4. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    To be fair, with the way the characters are designed, at least garnet and amethyst look like they have one big uniboob that sort of wraps around the front of their chest rather than two distinctive mounds. I don't remember if there was actual fighting, but I was following at least three decently popular artists who expressed disgust/dismay at the idea of gem boobs existing and were encouraging people not to draw them that way.

    I would love to hear the logic behind this, does it have to do with the way peridot forms? As a busty peridot cosplayer, I appreciate the sentiment :).
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  5. They basically said gems had oval shapes on their chests, not breasts. Which is uh. Okay, if you wanna headcanon some xeno for the fun of it. But nobody's gotta share your headcanons, and they're definitely not transphobic (yes people were seriously saying that) to headcanon or draw them with mammery glands.
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  6. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    I should probably mention that "cleavage" is a geological term of art referring to the way some minerals consistently split along planes of weakness in their atomic crystal structure. How many cleavage planes (if any) a mineral has, how good they are and what directions they are in are determined by the atomic composition of the mineral and the crystal structure those atoms are arranged in.
    This is, incidentally, why salt always crushes into cubes. It has 3 cleavage planes at right angles, and it will break along them when you smack it.

    Peridot has poor cleavage (that is, the surfaces it breaks on are kinda janky on the atomic scale), malachite has perfect cleavage (it cleavage surfaces are pretty much flat planes even at the atomic scale) in one direction and fair cleavage in another and garnet, quartz (including amethyst), corundum (rubies and sapphires), and pearls have no cleavage at all (they fracture like glass instead)
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  7. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Interesting! But it does make the joke a little confusing (bad cleavage means, lumpy structures, and good cleavage means flat). I wonder if that word was used first for boobs before geology or the other way around.

    We've gotten way off topic though,-- speaking of the steven universe fandom on tumblr, I wish the non-english speaking artists could have a presence on tumblr. I know that someone mentioned on a completely different thread that they advise all the korean fandom artists to stay on twitter because of tumblr's callout culture (like portraying garnet with 'gasp' straight hair and lighter skin = sin against all of creation).
    • Like x 2
  8. Ok let's do this
    Bust: small
    Cleavage: medium
    Malachitetop.png malachitebelly.png
    Bust: Average
    Cleavage: less than Peridot, unless you count the belly window
    Bust: fairly large
    Cleavage: none whatsoever
    Oh look canon boobs
    Bust: large
    Cleavage: present
    Chest: hard to tell actually, I'd say medium?
    Cleavage: Present, but also convenient/necessary?
    Bust: smallish
    Cleavage: no
    Bust: ???
    Cleavage: Somewhat
    pearl.png pearloriginal.png
    Chest: tiny
    Cleavage: none/something maybe??

    Hmmmm. Yeah the physical interpretation of cleavage (whether bust size or neck line) definitely doesn't hold up but I wonder if it's represented in something else, especially since you said all the Crystal Gems don't have any cleavage at all, but Malachite, a forced fusion, has lots of it. What about the cleavage of lapis lazuli and jasper?
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2015
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  9. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Jack shit for both. (lazurite, the main mineral component of the rock lapis lazuli, does have imperfect cleavage, though)

    I'm not big on the Rose Diamond theory, personally, but I think @Starcrossedsky has semi-jokingly suggested Rose's canon boobs as evidence (diamonds have perfect cleavage)
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  10. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    @autopsyblue, I'd actually say Amethyst looks pretty busty in most shots and Ruby usually doesn't, personally? It kind of depends on the angle, though--like, there's one shot in An Indirect Kiss where Amethyst's tits look ENORMOUS, way more than usual, just because of how she's posing and how she's drawn in that scene. And that screenshot of Ruby makes her look fairly chesty when at other times she looks flat as a board.
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  11. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Yeah, aren't SU characters supposed to be kinda malleable, sos peeps can just draw them however looks good within some basic parameters? Like the heights and the colors and the basic proportions are all there, but I don't see why chest size would stay, uh, "stable". I'm thinking boobs on gems is just like, they're shapeshifters. They can have boobs and they can not have boobs, whenever they want, however they want. Don't see why it's a big deal to draw them either way.
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  12. @Acey I actually have a hard time telling with Amethyst, partly because her body type is pretty chunky to begin with, partly because her outfit makes it hard to identify where her breasts actually end. That's why I went with a three quarters view. An idk, to me her bust looks pretty average for her body type. Which we share. :|

    Anyway, I think, looking at the Ruby screenshot again she's actually got a pretty small chest. Again, she's got an outfit that obscures her shape but like more because part of her outfit is basically a strip of cloth across the front of her chest. I'll edit that anyway.

    And, well, yeah, the variance in model is something most cartoons are prone to cause they're cartoons.
  13. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Ah, I was going more off of general size rather than size relative to the rest of their bodies! That makes sense then. (My build is pretty similar to Amethyst's as well, and I have boobs that would probably be considered large-ish if I were skinny but that are pretty average given my figure, so yeah, makes sense.)
  14. soulsuckingisaacnewton

    soulsuckingisaacnewton strange fuzzy creature

    Oh my god the new episode. I was laughing the entire time.
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  15. Socratease

    Socratease Well-Known Member

    this might be my new absolute favorite episode

    It's certainly up in the Top 5

    It's amazing to me how many fan interpretations of Peridot were just proven to be completely spot-on.
    • Like x 6
  16. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

  17. Socratease

    Socratease Well-Known Member is the new home of the mega-madridista-4-life blog that usually uploads high-quality episodes of Steven Universe and some other shows within the hour they air, often more or less as soon as they've aired!
    • Like x 2
  18. Choco

    Choco Duke of the Weepy Marshmallow Brigade

    ohhhhh my god the new episode i just- i didn't even really care that much about peridot but now she's probs one of my favs this keeps happening ahhhhh
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  19. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    That was incredible. Peridot confirmed for actual child.
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  20. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    OoooOOOoh, god, oh god, oh god, Peridot, holy shit, ahhhh. She's so tiny and so rude and her little cat mouth, oh god.

    so, the frankengems we've seen aren't "clusters", or not "the cluster", they're just a byproduct of the big one. "Nothing can stop it", and Earth's expiration date... is destroying Earth its purpose, or is the Earth a sacrificial lamb for something that is going to be very big and very powerful and likely very very mad? God, I can't even wait, holy shit. And with a threat this big, I bet you Lapis and Jasper gotta show up again. Maybe for helpsies, maybe not. I mean, Lapis isn't trapped here, she's clearly shown she can fly through space by her own power, but Steven can't and Lapis doesn't want him to die, and Jasper definitely can't, so. Man, I'm just so fucking excited, I didn't expect this kinda step to be taken so soon!
    • Like x 8
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