Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. soulsuckingisaacnewton

    soulsuckingisaacnewton strange fuzzy creature

    Episode titles and descriptions! They all sound exciting.
    “The Answer”– Garnet finally tells Steven the story of how she came to be a Crystal Gem.
    • BACKSTORY BACKSTORY BACKSTORY! Info about Rose, info about Homeworld, info about the war, character development for Garnet and her components... I think this is the one I'm most eager for.
    “Steven’s Birthday” – Steven has a birthday party out at the barn, and decides he has some growing up to do.
    • Steven's birthday is also Rose's death day, so that must be a complicated thing for everyone. What does growing up entail? Also: Peridot trying to understand birthdays and/or parties. Possibly Peridot learning about Rose's death/Steven's birth? Possibly THE AUDIENCE learning more about that? Greg and Connie would probably come to Steven's birthday party. Will Peridot meet them? Is she even invited? Probably.
    “It Could’ve Been Great” – The Gems take a trip to the moon.
    • The moon! I wonder if there's Gem stuff on the moon. Is there a warp pad on the moon? How are they going to get there? Why are they going to the moon in the first place? Also that is a melancholy and somewhat ominous title. What could've been great? Why wasn't it?
    “Message Received” – Steven has doubts about believing in everyone.
    • noooooo Steven don't lose your boundless faith in the goodness of people. It would be interesting to see him wrestle with that, but it also makes me worried. I wonder what will prompt him to have doubts. Some revelation of Homeworld nastiness? Or the misdeeds of his own friends and guardians?
    “Log Date 7 15 2” – Steven sneaks a listen to a friend’s audio diary.
    • Peridot episode! Can't argue with that. Very considerate of them to call her "a friend" in all the descriptions so people don't get massive spoilers just from noodling around with the TV Guide or whatever.
    • Like x 9
  2. Arxon

    Arxon Well-Known Member

    I have a feeling that Message Received is going to be Peridot leaving or going back to homeworld or betraying them, and that Log Date 7 15 2 will be after that with Steven listening to her recorder and sorting out his feelings

    ALSO RUBY AND SAPPHIRE MEETING HOLY SHIT. The episode preview is just about the cutest thing I ever did see
    • Like x 8
  3. *screams quietly abut Garnet backstory*
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  4. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    Last edited: Dec 19, 2015
  5. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    god i hope ruby is a diplomat.
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  6. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i wonder if the birthday ep will give steven a canonical age
    (i mean, it's hard to see how it couldn't but yeah... will we finally all know how old steven really is?)

    also lol page 69
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  7. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    This post posits that we'll be seeing more of Steven physically changing his age based on his mindset, as we saw in "Too Many Birthdays".
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  8. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I love that theory I hope it's what's gonna end up happening. It would really establish Steven's physiology as weird in a way that hasn't really been done before.
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  9. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    And now I'm know that trope where there's a platonic relationship between a girl and a boy, both preteens, and after summer break the girl comes back to school and she's hit MAJOR puberty and the boy is all "oh shit she got hot?"

    I'm imagining that but gender-flipped, just because Connie reacting like that would be priceless.
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  10. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    So another preview came out! Video quality is SUPER low, but it's all we have for now I think.

    Some information we can glean from this:

    -Gems of the same type do not necessarily have gems in the same location, judging by the group of Rubies!
    -Steven is apparently turning 14, judging by his cake. Funny, I would've pegged him for closer to 11-12--he's not dumb or anything, and I wasn't too far off, but he's always struck me as more preteen than anything else. (And if we assume Connie is the same age, that makes the fact that Steven is her first ever friend all the more heartbreaking. I'd assumed they'd both been 10-ish at the start of the series, but if they were closer to 12 or 13, Connie is most likely in middle school--which means she went through the entirety of elementary school without ever making a friend. ;_;)
    -It looks like the "growing up" Steven intends to do is very literal.
    -Looks like there's gonna be some shit going down with Peridot, though the trailer is, of course, SUPER vague. It looks downright sinister in some places and less so in others. Either way, I'm excited to see what happens there!
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  11. soulsuckingisaacnewton

    soulsuckingisaacnewton strange fuzzy creature

    That would make sense from a storytelling perspective, at least, so that the audience will be able to distinguish "our" Ruby from the others.

    I also assumed Steven was younger than that, although that may have been fandom osmosis. I'm bad at judging ages. Also nooooooooo, I don't want Peridot to turn back to Homeworld! Although if that diamond shape in the sky means that Yellow Diamond is actually going to put in an appearance I will be SUPER EXCITED for that.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2015
    • Like x 4
  12. *squees over Peridot and Steven in Lion*
  13. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Y'know, I wonder.

    It's very likely that Steven and Connie are (roughly) the same age. Connie looks like a preteen to me, but she could easily be in her early teens as well--in fact, my build at 14 was pretty similar to hers, albeit with slightly less ambiguous boobage. (Hers seem about as big as Pearl's--tiny, but still kinda there. I am not proud of myself for checking that, but that would seem to indicate that she'd started puberty--anywhere from 11 to 14 would make sense, IMO, going off of personal experience. (For the record, Acey's Puberty Timeline: Tits began to be sorta-there around 11, started getting occasional acne around the same age, had my first period at 12 if I recall correctly, was wearing regular bras instead of training bras by 14 or so.)) So her being 13-14 is plausible to me, especially since she's relatively mature in terms of personality.

    And yet somehow, Steven looks like he can't be much older than 11-ish. So I was a bit confused to learn he's actually in his early teens, until I remembered that his age fluctuates depending on how old he feels. And while Steven is far from stupid, he doesn't seem to think like a teenager. His thought processes seem somewhere closer to 10-12 than 14.

    In other words, while he's chronologically 14, whether or not he's mentally and physically 14 is debatable. It's definitely wild mass guessing to the max, but I kind of wonder if something happened to him mentally to essentially stunt his growth, and if his "growing up" in Steven's Birthday is going to involve him realizing that.
    • Like x 7
  14. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Wow I have always assumed they were younger than say, Dipper and Mabel, both of whom are certainly capable of "flushed" feelings. I got boobage at 8, lucky me, and my period at 10. You really can't tell. TBH @Acey there's nothing wrong with checking out how a character looks physically in an effort to figure out how old they might be, it's not like Connie is your fap fodder there! (What disturbs me is how hot I think Stevonnie is, ouch, NO, but I would never do anything about it, it's just holy shit child what happened to you???.) I seriously thought they were both like 10-11.
  15. I developed really quickly like @Acey but I also have a friend who didn't get real boobage until 16 or so. Small tits happen.
  16. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    I personally didn't get boobage until 16-17ish. So yep, happens.
  17. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    • Like x 9
  18. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    ok so I will probably not be able to watch the new steven bomb on the TV hopefully I won't get spoiled as soon as the episodes air (kintsugi is usually pretty good... other sites however....)

    Also I visited ridragon's tumblr and of course they are an su fan (why are su fans on tumblr the fucking worst?) anyways, the goo news is they reblogged this hilarious video:

    seriously tempted to change back to a Pearl avatar.
    • Like x 1
  19. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    DO IT. Bird Mom is the best at making hilarious faces.
    • Like x 1
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