Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    Well, Lapis has had a lot more focus in show, and I see a lot more fandom focus on her outside of Kintsugi. Then again I could be wrong though, because I spend little to no time outside of Kinstugi for my SU fandom fix. I bailed on the tumblr SU fandom early in season 1, and it's only gotten worse since.

    can you imagine her and Pearl having an intense rivalry though.
    Both military nuts. Both fancy. Opposite fighting styles and opposite sides though.
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  2. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Oooooh <3< in air? Imagine them getting into arguments about it on tumblr. Mostly opposing each other.
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  3. Zuki

    Zuki Well-Known Member

    Quick someone write an AU about them as SCA nerds who're forced to camp together at Pennsic.

    (Actually, I think Pearl/Jasper might become my crackship of choice, for rather the same sorts of reason that the Peridot/Pearl dynamic it Back To The Barn? is so shippable. The last fic I read with a redemption arc for Jasper (*further pimps Learning To Breath Underwater, author has character voice down for so many so good*) gave them some really great interactions.)
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  4. Willowanderer

    Willowanderer Does her best

    Well Lapis made friends with Steven, where as Jasper just captured him; since he's the central theme of the show, it makes sense she'd get more screen time. I do wish people wouldn't forget she liked fart jokes and was silly, now that was while she was cracked and trapped in the mirror, but I can't help but feel that's probably part of her personality. Fandom has gotten so caught up in the whole 'poor waif' thing. I may have a ... skewed view of how people think, though, sine I don't tend to engage fandom much... I sort of .... watch it go past.

    Oh gosh, picture the two of them sparring, military enthusiast or not, Jasper's primary fighting style seems to be brawling.
    Imagine them coming to an accord: Rose Quartz was awesome. Let's see Pearl and Jasper make friends.
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  5. Willowanderer

    Willowanderer Does her best

    why am I seeing a heavy list fighter and a fencer?

    Meanwhile, Amethyst is dodging camp chores to go to partys, and Garnet has volunteered at Security point...
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  6. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    i'll be honest, Jasper and Pearl being pals is my dearest held crackship dream. i don't feel them romantically, but shit yes to shmansy veteran buds who never outgrow the war.
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  7. Zuki

    Zuki Well-Known Member

    I was going to say something about Pearl playing distance games with her melee weapons, but then it occurs to me that tiny Pearl with her spear and hueg Jasper with her long arms might have about the same range.

    ...Pearl has a bit of a thing for Quartzes, doesn't she? Rose, (Amethyst, Jasper....)

    I am delighted that you actually know enough about Pennsic to help me elaborate on this.
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  8. Willowanderer

    Willowanderer Does her best

    Hoo hoo hoo. I could ship it a bit. Pearl all dancey and staby like, and Jasper crashing down like an avalanche.
    She might at that. But who can blame her?

    I may have attended more than my fair share of Pennsic Wars. 8D Always nice to meet another SCAdian.
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  9. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Well, she can shoot her light-bolts from her spear, but i can't see that scratching Jasper.

    ...I wonder if we'll get to see Pearl pull out her old swords again in a real fight. Those things took out quartzes no problem.

    And yeah, she kinda does, doesn't she. Also note that, while not really a quartz in the context of the show, sardonyx is in fact a variety of cryptocrystalline quartz (and moganite, technically).
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  10. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    I am envisioning drama blow outs punctuated by really scathing vagueblogs that don't name any names but you know exactly who they are about.

    Same, I don't know if anything has changed recently but Lapis gets a lot of attention for being a "poor waif" which I find kind of infuriating because it erases what a badass she is.

    Speaking of badasses, that blog I linked a couple pages back also has a really good analysis at why Pearl could easily defeat Jasper in a fight (ok not the one we are specifically talking about, but at least the Jaspers in flashbacks.)

    I actually think they could make really good foils for each other if Jasper is ever fished out of the ocean and we get some character development.
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  11. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Hmmm, I can see Pearl vagueblogging, but Jasper strikes me as too blunt for that. I mean she isn´t stupid but so far she´s been about as subtle as a brick to the face. Jasper posts long rants.
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  12. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    Headcanon tumblr drama accepted.

    What tumblrs would the other Gems have though....
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  13. Willowanderer

    Willowanderer Does her best

    I could see Amethyst's being kind of all over the place. Things that appealed to her at any given time.
    ... I can ALSO see her being a giant troll and stirring things up in discussions just because she thought it was funny.
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  14. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Lapis: #1 Troll.
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  15. Zuki

    Zuki Well-Known Member

    I'm actually! I've long been fascinated, but never got up the gumption to track down a local group and make contact. I was always too busy with other stuff. But I had friends, and what didn't sound wonderful about a big camping trip to go fight people and sing songs and make sure your friends don't drink too much? (well, maybe that last part...) But these days I'm learning how to spin yarn, and it's like, I'm not getting any younger, might as well learn how to craft and fight...

    *drags her post back on topic*

    No, I wouldn't blame her one bit! I mean, who doesn't love a giant woman?

    Lapis's appearance is so wonderfully deceptive. Yes, she's built waiflike, but...stole the entire ocean. The entire ocean! She's suffers like a beautiful woobie in chains of her own making, but. The. Entire. Ocean. Also, having the willpower to keep Malachite together despite Jasper obviously not wanting that. Lapis has really only shown kindness to Steven so far, although I believe she's quite capable (if perhaps disinterested) in more.

    The notion of a Jasper-Pearl matchup is pretty exciting, the more I get to think about it. I also really really want to see how their views of Rose are compared and contrasted. Peridot's been valuable as a source of perspective on What Homeworld Is Like Now, but as far as the Crystal Gems Rebellion goes, she's too young to know more than diddly squat. (Speaking of the Homeworld Gems, I really hope we get to see more of how Pearl and Peridot interact, because I'm curious to see if Peri sees her more as a peer or a rival, etc.)

    Amethyst would have the best memes, but Lapis has the best shitposts. The rest of Lapis's blog that isn't venting is freaking gorgeous underwater photography, some of it taken by herself.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2016
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  16. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

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  17. Willowanderer

    Willowanderer Does her best

    Gods Above, would Amethyst love Memes.

    Lapis is metal as fuck, let's be honest. She's tough, she's tragic, she's pretty... now I'm just thinking about how much I like Lapis.

    If you come down to it, we could get a pretty good cross section of Homeworld from Lapis, Peridot and Jasper. Lapis's knowledge is a little outdated, but different than that of the Crystal Gems, so it's a good place to compare it, Peridot's is all current and lower level.... what could Jasper teach us?
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  18. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Jasper can tell us wtf happened between the war and now.
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  19. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    I like to subscribe to the theory that Jasper is a kindergarten gem from earth, and is basically who Amethyst was "supposed" to be. (Some think that she was born on a different kindergarten/planet before the war and is the same age as Ruby/Sapphire/Rose. But I don't because... well, I'm biased and don't think that's nearly as interesting.) Jasper would have an account from the opposite side of the war, which is pretty dang important since all we really know right now is pretty heavily filtered and biased. Amethyst was born after the war, Garnet doesn't like talking about it too much because it was awful, Pearl see's it as glorious.

    That too!
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  20. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Jasper reads as a grumpy old warhorse to me but then if she spent the interval fighting, she might have gotten there even if she´s just Ame´s age.
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