Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Zuki

    Zuki Well-Known Member

    Tragically, though, it's basically true.

    (I love that meme. I wonder what in Jasper's eyes qualifies as a valid or a strong tactic?)
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  2. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    whatever Rose did during the war I guess? Though at this point we don't know much about that.

    I get the feeling we're are going to get some insight into that via Jasper, and it's going to be dark, because up until this point the only bad thing we've really seen out of Rose is attacking Blue Diamond and being a little insensitive towards Greg's feelings. Garnet doesn't talk much about the war, only that it was really bad. Pearl is an unreliable narrator, considering how she romanticizes a lot about the war (including how she was basically getting herself killed all the time) so she would probably spin anything remotely bad that they did into something positive.

    Something had to go down to make homeworld retreat and completely abandon their plan for earth, create a cluster bomb out of millions of gem shards and wait for it to go off, wipe the crystal gems from their history so young gems like Peridot have no idea who they are, have Rose's shield only save "a handful of her closest friends" and have the earth populated by corrupted gem monsters. Before the war Rubies were the "common soldiers" and the quartz gems like Jasper were basically the tanks used to protect important gems like the diamonds. But from the flashbacks and battle fields we've seen, and the kindergarten, it looks like they started manufacturing their "tanks" en masse and using them like Rubies.

    That's a pretty strong response for what started as a small group of rebels (that eventually turned into an army)
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  3. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    -dead from feels-
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  4. hyrax

    hyrax we'll ride 'till the planets collide

    HHHHHHHH holy shit yES Evelyn Evelyn is a fucking great Jasper/Lapis song and that rewrite is amazing.
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  5. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    I am in SU fan animation hell right now:

    Last edited: Feb 8, 2016
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  6. Willowanderer

    Willowanderer Does her best

    I just was staring into the distance, then suddenly I was very concerned about the fact the Gems don't have to eat.
    How do they product energy? They clearly -do- they're energy forms!
    Is it fusion? (... pauses, giggles, moves on)
    Are they solar powered? is it kennetic? How much half life do they have? can they run out of energy.
    I mean, even the shards seem to contain residual energy, so where is it coming from? Is there a central stone which is broadcasting it? Do they gain all of the erngy they will have in their (near infinate) lifetimes while they are being formed, since the energy is sapped from the ground around them in kindergardens.
    this will be whirring around my head untill I forget it, so I thought I'd share.
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  7. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Hm. There was the thing with the geode needing to be fixed, I wonder if that has anything to do with it?

    Although I kinda like the idea of light/solar powered gems.

    Relating to the Amethyst headcanon upthread, I wonder if quartz's in general are charged with keeping other gems in line/executing the diamonds will. So you could have Amethysts as enforcers/police and Jaspers as soldiers/officers.
  8. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    I just think of them as being magical creatures instead of aliens so I don't have to think about it. Because if you think about it for more than 5 seconds nothing about the gems makes any sense, so you just gotta roll with it.
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  9. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Sufficiently advanced technology etc.
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  10. Zuki

    Zuki Well-Known Member

    Gems powered by kinetic energy (ambient kinetic energy? How would that even...) sounds pretty weird and implausible to me, so sure.

    But, I've got to be honest, I've got them filed under 'magical bullshit,' in my head, yeah. Although the argument that Gems are an awful lot like Transformers is compelling, but I can't remember enough of anything about Transformers to remember why.
  11. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    Alas, my dreams are dreams.
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  12. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    I dreamed a dream of time gone by
    When new eps were on, at 7:30
    I dreamed hiatuses would die
    I prayed that CN would show some mercy

    Then I was dumb and unashamed
    And meta was made, disproved, and wasted
    There was no reason we had to wait
    No week went on, without an airing

    But the execs come at night
    We get reruns if we're lucky
    As the schedule falls apart
    And they build a new hype train

    Still I dream it's on TV
    And I could watch new episodes
    But there are dreams that cannot be
    And Stevenbombs, we have to weather

    I had a dream this month would be
    So different from this hell I'm living
    So different now from what it seemed
    Now CN has killed the dream I dreamed
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  13. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    (for a split second I posted this in the CDCF thread, gotta love having multiple tabs)
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  14. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    This is as bad as Homestuck hiatuses. But your poem is funny!
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  15. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    My secret is I really love Les Mis and I will rewrite the songs to something relevant if given the opportunity, inspiration, and the spoons

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  16. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    is it wrong that this video made me laugh?

    It's like that video with every horrifying moment in Gravity Falls titled Gravity Falls - "Kids show?"
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  17. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    How to piss all of tumblr off in one simple step: Jasper as the victim of the gem equivalent to toxic masculinity. In her case, what quartzes are expected to be as well as the nasty attitude to failure homeworld seems to have. In maybe clearer words, her possibly being a living example of how enforced inequality hurts the people who wind up more or less on top as well, often deeply.
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  18. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    You know, I didn't think about it that way, but it's super interesting.

    I read someone's post once about the Jaspis situation is actually a really good, if unintentional, social experiment. Basically, Jasper represents/has a lot of traits we associate with masculinity (besides being build like a brick house, she's loud, she's aggressive, she invades other people's spaces, etc.) meanwhile, Lapis has a lot of traits that we associate with femininity.

    While it's true that Jasper is basically a huge asshole to everyone in her... 10 minutes or so of screentime, and tried to manipulate Lapis into fusing with her, Lapis holds all the power in their relationship. She consented to the fusion, because she wanted to keep Jasper her prisoner (even she told Steven she was doing it to protect him in Chille Tid, that is bullshit because if she wanted to do that, the ocean was right there and she could have easily knocked and already banged up Jasper into the stratosphere). Lapis is angry over her lack of control over her life and used Jasper as an outlet for her revenge. It's been confirmed that Jasper wants to unfuse, but Lapis won't let her. She dragged her to the bottom of the ocean (isolating both of them), and basically keeping them trapped in a mental hellscape while they battle for control. While it is true that Lapis is also being hurt by this, she is also clearly trying to maintain her control. She is wearing chains, but hers are balled around her hands. Jasper meanwhile has chains around her hands and feet, and can maybe get above the surface enough to crawl around if Lapis is distracted. If you use the "pervasive pattern" and "there is a power imbalance and that person uses that to have total control over you" elements of abuse, Lapis is the abuser in their relationship. Who knows, maybe Jasper is abusive too, but we havn't seen enough of her interactions to tell if she is abusive or if she's just an asshole. But even if we get more screen time and we learn that Jasper is abusive towards other gems, in the context of Malachite she has almost no power or agency. Just because Lapis doesn't punch walls when she's mad, yell, or yank people around the way Jasper does, doesn't mean she's not abusive. Psychological and emotional abuse are things.

    And yet, a huge portion of the fandom thinks Jasper is the abuser in their relationship, that Malachite fused without Lapis's :consent: (though it's been confirmed by the crewniverse that fusion is physically impossible without consent from both parties) and that Lapis is the poor self sacrificing woobie who is terrified of Jasper. I've seen this even on blogs that normally produce really good analysis and fan content. Which in the post I read, may tie back to the idea that when it comes to domestic violence, men are always abusers and women are always the victims. When the reality is that the opposite can also be true and is under reported and dismissed in our culture.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2016
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  19. Zuki

    Zuki Well-Known Member

    It seems very likely and possible that Jasper has abused Lapis prior to Malachite, the context of Malachite? Yeah. Oh yeah. (It made me sad to realize it at first--I really do like the idea of Lapis sacrificing herself to make -sure- that Steven Is Safe. But, at the same time? If she actually knew Steven well? And respected his desires? She wouldn't be doing that.)

    The arc words, "Just let me do this for you" are a profoundly selfish sentiment.
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  20. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Ok going off on a tangent a bit. A lot of people read an abusive relationship between them pre-Malachite it seems, but from what we´ve seen they are basically informant/prisoner and jailer. Which doesn´t mean abuse can´t have happened but does hm...change things?
    At risk of sounding like an apologist, we see Jasper gemhandle Lapis, as far as we know that is all that happened. Which is assholish, but not abusive imo.

    Pressuring Lapis into fusing on the other hand can be read as such. Even if they WERE on a beach, I would not blame Lapis for being scared? Her actions wind up going beyond self defense but Iwould not say it´s all on her.
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