Stink so good: perfume, fragrance, etc

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by artistformerlyknownasdave, Sep 27, 2024.


Favorite fragrance style?

  1. EDPs or other similar sprays

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  2. Perfume oils

    4 vote(s)
  3. Solid perfume

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  4. Something else (tell me)

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  1. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    today's stink: verbena geranium by l'occitane en provence

    can't really give a SUPER detailed review because i was embalming all day and that stink was overwhelming but now that i am not in the prep room and freshly applied some perfume during my lunch break it is helping a lot to keep formaldehyde stonk from lingering in my nose SO THERE'S THAT. anyway.

    this is hands down my favorite perfume from l'occitane that i've tried, i love it so fucking much. it's spicy in a green and vegetal way, not in a black pepper way, just slightly floral, and ofc has the citrus note from the verbena. it's fresh and clean and really comforting for me to smell. sadly it is also a limited edition stink but it does still seem to be in stock on their website. idk if i can in good conscience recommend a blind buy though especially when it's way more expensive than say, even a full size oil from an indie house. but i do love it!

    like i've said prior, l'occitane fragrances are kind of ass about throw and longevity, but i can smell it on me even though i was running around in the prep room, so it's a good close-to-you scent. i wear fragrance for me so this doesn't bother me. this is definitely one of my daily drivers which is a shame since it's limited ed. i'll have to try plain verbena and see if i like it as much

    Top Note: Lemon Grass Essence, Bergamot Essence, Litsea Cubeba Essence
    Heart Note: Verbena Essence, Geranium Essence, Clary Sage Essence
    Base Note: Cedarwood, Musk

    that being said, does anyone have any favorite notes in specific? i'm finding i'm really drawn to clary sage, tuberose, and pink pepper--usually when i see those on a perfume, i'm gonna like it. also a big fan of oakmoss and dirt notes :-)
  2. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    today's stink: a city on fire by imaginary authors.

    this was a sample gifted to me by a friend :D i'm glad to try it, especially because it's not one i think i would have picked by myself. it is EXTREMELY smoky, that is the primary and almost the singular note i get from it. it took a while for the dry-down and the initial strong smoky note to fade back a little bit, but i also pick up a slightly sweet undertone. i think the labdanum? this scent smells good, but i'm not sure if it's one for me! i'll have to wear it more. despite being extremely smoky, it doesn't at least to my nose have incredibly strong throw, which is good because i don't want to scentbomb people LMAO. i'm not sure if this is an appropriate office scent for me at least, though, so i'll probably continue to wear it on my days off while i decide how i feel about it.

    it is definitely "burning wood and leaves" smoky and not "bbq or grill" smoky, so if you like alcohol based perfumes that evoke a campfire, this might be for you! a sample is only $7 i think before any discounts from their sample packs, so it's not a super risky buy. i love imaginary authors' packaging and theming -- every scent is designed to evoke an imaginary novel, and the packaging matches that with designs that look like book covers. it's really clever and charming, and they have a lot of themes and scents you're only going to see in a niche or indie house, so their fragrances are highly unique. i have a few more gifted samples from them i'm going to be trying, and one day i'd love to buy their "short story collection" (eight samples of your choice).

    Notes: Cade oil, Spikenard, Cardamom, Clearwood, Dark Berries, Labdanum, Burnt Match
    • Informative x 1
  3. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    today’s stink: coastal veil by pineward perfume

    y’all….y’all. oh my god. so my samples (16 in total iirc) came a couple days ago and i won’t lie i was actually kind of scared because the pouch they came in was so strongly fragranced it was kind of unpleasant and made me a bit nauseated. so i tried coastal veil last night to see if it was safe to wear to work, because i love aquatics and knew i liked most of the notes, and ohhh my god. oh my god.

    this one could become a daily driver for me, easy. it opens with a pine note, but not an overpowering one— it’s just present enough to notice it. the aquatics make this smell crisp and fresh, and i think the mushroom note adds just a faint dirtiness. it really feels like being on a rocky coast, conifers in the background, sky overcast, wind hitting your face. it’s so fucking good. i put it on after a bath today just because i wanted to smell it again. for $6 a sample, i really can’t recommend this enough. i have a frankly disgustingly expensive aquatic perfume i was gifted that i can’t be normal about, and coastal veil hits everything i like about that fragrance for like a third of the price. amazing!

    notes and description from the site below just because it is incredibly accurate
    Notes: Juniper Berries, Juniper Needles, Sea Water, Bladderwrack, Coastal Cypress, Oyster Mushroom, Water Pepper, Blue Gum Eucalyptus, Pacific Ambergris, Irish Sea Moss, Sandalwood.

    Misty shroud of grey and white

    A coastal veil that falls tonight

    A veil of mist and seawater shrouding an overcast beach in a tapestry of atmospheric ambiance. Salty seaweed rubble and algae underfoot, twisted coastal cypresses growing on rocky cliffs overhead.​
  4. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    my nightingale sample is almost gone, as is my dragonfly sample. RIP wallet. anyway, more pineward testing

    yesterday's stink: funerie by pineward perfumes

    i got this sample, which wasn't in the sampler kit, like 90% off the name alone because i am a shitty little edgelord and wanted to wear funerie to my funeral job. i am not 100% sure if i can, i'm going to wear it again tomorrow and decide what i think for office wear, but it is very nice. a warning is that the perfume liquid is very dark, and a single spray on my wrist was noticeably dark green until spread out and dried. i do not think you should apply this while wearing light colored clothes; if you have a specific outfit maybe apply it first beneath clothes and get dressed once it's dried down.

    it does warn that it is a challenging perfume, but personally it doesn't bother me at all. it has a very strong earthy/dirt note, i think definitely from the mushrooms. it's slightly sweet and warm, and there's a faint note of smoke that i found very appealing and not overwhelming at all. it smells like a wet fall day, standing in a copse of pine trees while someone a down the way burns leaves and pine needles. really good and in my opinion very wearable. it's earthy and mysterious and somber but not at all unpleasant or the kind of atmospheric that i would say smells good but is not functional as a perfume. this is an atmospheric, yes, but not one that i would be surprised to smell on someone

    Notes: Morel mushroom, decayed rose, leather, tobacco, smoke, pineboard, incense, sweet myrrh, blood cedar, dried needles, rotting wood (oud).
    Rites of the dead, a shroud of bleakness. Feasting fungi and wilted roses nestle atop charred pineboards and a base of heavy resins and incense. (A challenging perfume)​
    • Informative x 1
  5. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    you thought you'd be free from my autismposting......never

    today's stink: saint thomas by nateeva

    my mom still has a subscription to scentbird apparently...for some she brought me all the ones she didn't like when we met up for a trip last weekend. i took the ones i liked to sample further and this is one of them! it's, fine? it's extremely strong frangipani/plumeria and reminds me a lot of gardenia as well-- i don't know if they added gardenia, but i'm definitely getting some. it is an EXTREMELY sweet tropical floral. pretty much all i get is "sweet floral" and that's fine, but i don't know that it's the kind of thing i would pay $125 for a fullsize of. it doesn't smell cheap but it also doesn't smell like the kind of thing i personally want to pay premium prices for. it's a scent i'll keep in my purse and use up but probably won't seek out again. it was fun to have a scent that is both undeniably sweet and features vanilla without making me feel like i smelled like food!

    notes: frangipani, salty/watery accord, rose absolute, orange flower absolute, vanilla, musk
  6. if you happen to find something similar that's a little less bank-shattering I'd like to hear about it. I'm a big fan of frangipani so this sounds like something I'd potentially enjoy
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  7. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    i will keep my eyes and nose peeled!! if you want i think scentbird sells fairly large samples for not too much without a subscription…and the subscription is the part where they’re evil

    at end of day my update is the longevity is REALLY nice, my hair still smells pleasantly of frangipani 13 hours later
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  8. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    last weekend’s stink: paper by commodity

    this was another gifted sample, and in a total curveball i just flat hate this one. it had a strong, sharp note that i had always, before getting into perfume, assumed was the alcohol. i associated this a lot with the inexpensive perfumes i disliked (it wasn’t in the ones i like) and assumed it was lower quality materials or bad blending. it was not!

    it is Iso E Super. apparently some people can’t smell it at all? god i wish that were me.png. it’s apparently supposed to smell woody and clean, but all it smells to me is sharp, overpowering, and chemical (not unlike a household cleaner that’s okay to smell in passing but chokes you out if you’re stuck in a bathroom with it). absolutely nothing smelt in any way like paper whatsoever to me. hate, hate, absolute loathing, hate. i wore it for a night out because initial sniff was inoffensive and even pleasant, and i assumed the sharp note would fade, but it did not. all night long i was smelling it on me, and the fact that i never went nose blind feels like a hate crime.

    but! i just apparently really, really hate Iso E Super! now that i can connect those dots a lot of the perfumes and body sprays i hated as a kid were because of that too. SO if you like Iso E Super, it’s probably a perfectly nice perfume to sample?

    notes: Iso E Super, sandalwood, cedarwood
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2024
    • Witnessed x 1
  9. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    from my dash on tumblr.
    "Notes: Strawberry, Glutinous Rice, Red Bean Paste, Brown Sugar, Vanilla"
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  10. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    SO THAT'S THE BITCH THAT PLAGUES MY EXISTENCE. It seems like damn near every scented 'for men' product in Finland has this smell, and I hate it. Sharp, overpowering, and artificial is exactly how it smells to me. If someone wearing a scent with this stuff walks past me, I'll be smelling them for the next block. I made the mistake of using some scented shampoo last week and ended up with a nasty headache and plugged sinuses that persisted even after I washed my hair a second time (with my normal fragrance free shampoo mixed with baking soda) to get rid of the stink.

    Wikipedia says, "Iso E Super may cause allergic reactions detectable by patch tests in humans[8] and chronic exposure to Iso E Super from perfumes may result in permanent hypersensitivity." Oh joy. At least I know what to look out for on labels so I can avoid it now.
    • Witnessed x 3
  11. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    today's stink: squid by zoologist

    long time no smell! i'm actually not wearing this one today; i'm wearing dragonfly again (my beloved), but i was given a full size of squid over the holidays as a present and have worn it several times since so hopefully that's fair enough for a review LOL. i like this scent a lot! it's unisex and a little weird without being something i feel uncomfortable wearing to work. i think it is definitely the darker, more mature cousin to seahorse but i LOVE aquatics and love those scents both so will likely at some point fullsize seahorse as well. (they gave me another sample of it with the fullsize of squid so i am always winning)

    it's a little sweet to my nose, and while the ink scent isn't immediately identifiable to me, when i pay attention i get a little bit of that "ballpoint pen" smell. i quite like it, but apparently it hits as extremely "sharpie" smell to some people. for me it blends in well enough that it feels like a slightly sweet, inky, aquatic with a lot of depth. this is a good "rainy day" smell. it feels very moody and mysterious, a good contrast to the sunnier and brighter seahorse.

    Top Notes: Pink Pepper, Solar Salicylate, Incense
    Heart Notes: Black Ink Accord, Salty Accord, Opoponax
    Base Notes: Ambergris*, Benzoin, Musk*

    the asterisks are from the perfumer, to note that the musk and ambergris are synthetic (i think the only animal products they use are, like, honey; products that don't harm the animals basically)
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  12. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    Another interesting find from tumblr
    tumblr perfume 1.jpg tumblr perfume 2.jpg
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  13. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    i’ve heard of this! i’m lowkey curious/scared to try it because i fear the blood note may hit me in Eau De Prep Room LOL
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