@Carnivore 2 slow i already joined up last night. i'm phrench, my villager is sharpie and i have no fucking clue how any of this works
@Sol and u didnt think to add me u horrible person unrelated: [1:40:36 AM] dragon yiffing republican: aight
no amount of furry bank or furry tail could get me to do this on the regular, i've glued myself to the desk at least twice.
So, on Furvilla The mods started deleting threads about autism and other disability topics without warning, on the grounds that people might harass people in those threads and they wanted to prevent trolls (that's as far as I could gather their reasoning, anyway) People were ... upset about this Now the forums are just gone. "This feature is temporarily closed while we look into hiring more moderators." I think they handled that well.
Yeah apparently the first autism thread last night descended into trolling pretty fast, and people started to riot when they deleted otherkin threads too so that's... that's something alright. Sort of surprised it even took them this long to shut the forums down though. Four mods wasn't enough, and they were already wild and all over the place within the first couple hours anyways. Makes finding all the crafting recipes and stuff harder though. (Beta is beta. I really hope they fix up some of the crafting reqs and the protection quotient issues though.)
man do i have the most delicious furry drama for yall who play furvilla Spoiler: long but not obscene [10:25:41 PM] dragon yiffing republican: i would get u art of those if forums werent shut down cuz lol trolls [10:26:42 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: www [10:26:43 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: more like [10:26:46 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: incompetent mod team [10:26:47 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: bc [10:26:56 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: matthews a incompetent victimplaying cunt [10:27:21 PM] dragon yiffing republican: omg drama [10:27:28 PM] dragon yiffing republican: tell me all abt it im a nosy whore [10:30:58 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: uve seen furvillaconfessions right [10:31:09 PM] dragon yiffing republican: nuh [10:33:06 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: ok u can go look at that w [10:33:44 PM] dragon yiffing republican: WOW THATSSO MANY PEOPLE FIERED [reference: [10:33:54 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: yes [10:33:57 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: matthews a shitfuck [10:34:02 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: manipulative victimblaming [10:34:16 PM] dragon yiffing republican: WHY THE FUCk [10:34:39 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: thus why i say dont play play it [10:34:41 PM] dragon yiffing republican: whyd they all get fired... [10:34:42 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: managements fucked [10:34:45 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: o boy [10:34:49 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: i'll tell u in a bit [10:59:37 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: someone apparently 'leaked' screenies [10:59:40 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: and its all general shit [10:59:55 PM] dragon yiffing republican: ? [11:00:16 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: and matthew flipped his shit [11:00:50 PM] dragon yiffing republican: LMAO [11:01:36 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: and demanded the person who leaked it confess [11:01:53 PM] NOT YOUR SWEET CHEESECAKE: and the person he suspected didnt so he kept dropping hints as to who it was
@oph my sources are one of the main coder's biffles so lmfao my god i have found and drank from the fountain of drama
I don't think there's going to be anything further at current until Matthew has another banhammer spree, but I do know at the end of open beta (or at random) all your filthy furry money and items will most likely be reset So take caution I am buying art as well as adding more villagers instead, because from what friend told me, only those were the talked about reset items. so here's my advice to y'all: buy slots for 3 explorers, one carpenter (first expansion is 500FC, second is 1500, third is 5k). The carpenter is needed for the 5th slot. Save all your wood slabs to expand house. roll in the money for mats for other shit but otherwise dont save up and expect to keep the hoard. I spent my original 13k on an art, so lmao (i would suggest doing the same if forums weren't down wwww) Also probably invest in a doctor, herbalist and alchemist tbh.