Suggestion I should call police set off my phobia

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by ChelG, Apr 13, 2017.

  1. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    I can use 7cupsoftea or something if I need to. I'm feeling okayish now.
  2. Alaspooralice

    Alaspooralice An actual trash fire

    Okay, maybe have some tea or something if you start feeling really bad again? I dunno of you like tea, but that works for me. Also sugar works for me because ???

    Edit for missing word
  3. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    7cupsoftea is a support website.
  4. Alaspooralice

    Alaspooralice An actual trash fire

    Oh yeah, sorry if I wasn't clear, I meant like also if you like tea and are upset to maybe drink some. I got that the thing was a website, sorry.
  5. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Freaking out again because a cop car drove into my street, parked for a while near my apartment block without the cops, then drove away when I got near to it. That implies they weren't there for me but I'm going to be scared all day.
    • Witnessed x 3
  6. Alaspooralice

    Alaspooralice An actual trash fire

    Are you ok? Do you need to talk?
  7. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I'm better. They left as soon as I got near, so I rationally was pretty sure they were just patrolling, but I panicked in case they came back. Went out to dinner with family, nervous all through it :( They didn't come back, so my panic about being arrested for illegal porn in front of my parents didn't come to fruition. I haven't even seen any for a long time, except for written stuff which under the law was perfectly fine last I checked, but I got scared the law had changed and I hadn't heard.
  8. Alaspooralice

    Alaspooralice An actual trash fire

    Okay, let us know if you get freaked out again. Many positive feelings sent your way.
  9. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    I just feel bad :( I feel dirty and disobedient and like if I was somehow a better person I wouldn't even be on RP or art sites where I could potentially run into anything gross so this wouldn't have ever been a problem.
  10. Alaspooralice

    Alaspooralice An actual trash fire

    That would be impossible, I think. The art world is full of art that is dubious in the morality department. You aren't a bad person.
  11. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    I don't know what they'd say to my parents if I did get taken in :(
  12. Alaspooralice

    Alaspooralice An actual trash fire

    Thankfully I don't think that is going to happen. They really can't take you for just happening on something.
  13. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    I'm probably a much worse person, don't worry about it :)

    but seriously I don't think anything will happen. but you know that already and it doesn't help. IDK
    • Like x 1
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