Technicality mods games!

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by Technicality, Jan 10, 2017.

  1. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    So, I'm doing mods for games. I'm frankly not good at it yet, and the one I'm making for @chaoticArbiter will be my first. I didn't want to flood the VGYWE thread with updates on them, but lots of inspiration/ideas will be taken from there. If you have requests, put 'em here, and I'll try to make them. No guarantees on quality, timing, or whether I'll ever even make them. I'm doing this in my free time and with my limited programming skill, but I certainly hope to learn from modding how to get better at programming!

    Oh, also, it's completely free. Don't try to pay me.
  2. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    Okay, it appears that to get anywhere modding Project Zomboid, I actually have to code in Lua, which is similar enough to Java that it shouldn't be a problem, but it may take a bit longer since I have to get used to a new language. I'm going to try to start work on the files that make the game recognize it as a mod tonight, and do more tomorrow.
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  3. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this is so cool of you to be doing the thing
  4. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    Alright, small status update. I've managed to add the Antidote item into the game. Still have no idea how to distribute it. And all it does is make you hungry, thirsty, drunk, and happy. It looks like a first aid kit, and does not cure zombism. That comes later. It spawns in medical rooms a tiny fraction of the time. I may tweak that, I genuinely don't know how common it should be. Not very. But not impossible to find either.
    Now I'm going to bed. I'll continue learning Lua in the morning, and hopefully I can figure out how to stop the game from ending when you die of zombism, have the Antidote cure the "Infected" status, and have you turn into a zombie when you die with that status. I know I can have it remove the Infected status, but I think that when you die as a zombie, you probably have to join as a new character, but if you try to get back on that server, you are playing as a zombie. The problem then becomes, why would you destroy your friends and your progress? There isn't much of an incentive to do that unless you're the kind of person who does that anyways. I'll look to see if I can have you come back with more skill points after death depending on how much of other players' stuff you destroyed. But I can't guarantee that I can.
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  5. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    This has given me an excuse to play this game again
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  6. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    Fuck it, I'm playing some Project Zomboid tonight
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  7. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    Day 2. Maybe I'll make this like a journal.
    I haven't been able to do work on your thing today because school and lack of spoons. Sorry, nothing to report today.

    And again, anyone else who wants their favorite moddable game modded, just ask. I'll do the best I can with any and all requests given time, energy, and programming skill restraints.
  8. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    it's totally fine, friend c: I get that kind of thing. especially the spoon lack.
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