i don't think anything I have can beat Psychopomp Central but: Defenestration Station ETA: from the writing flaw=band name meme, Purple Prose and Shifting Tense
it's a real band, but lbr, def leppard is a fucking dumb band name ......in college i started an "air" "band" with some people, and it just consisted of us hanging out while badly pantomiming instruments to music that we personally liked. it was called "MAPT: Midnight Alfredo penultimate twitch", and you had to whisper penultimate twitch real creepily. ..............................
if it was spelt deaf leopard it'd be a better name def leppard looks like someone is saying "definitely Leppard"
Not a writing flaw (it's just a tense thing), but I've always thought Future Perfect would be a cool band name. Or a good song title. As for bad names, I came up with an intentionally awful band name as a smol--Bob And The Pink Hats.
My fake metal band is called Four Pixel Snake Blowjob and our fake hit single is "five answers and a condolence cake."
Prisons for Ghosts. (..............It got said in this week's MBMBaM and I can't stop thinking about it...)
Someone's discussion of the Sword of Truth series and a certain Narmy moment therein resulted in "Kentucky Fried Evil".
Litterbox Sundae was one my dad and I thought of when I was like 7. With opening act, the Doggiebag Deuce
Our corkboard says "ENZYMES?" on a notecard and honestly... golden name right there, caps and question mark included