Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    I keep seeing people say it means that Megatron is a bad guy again and makes it sound like only three or four bots will be left and arugh I hope its just idw trying to hype the book ;_; I don't want Megatron 'evil' again.
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  2. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    If anyone's interested in random world-building headcanon with minimal basis in canon:

    Sparks don't actually die - the essence/energy just gets drawn back to the core of Vector Sigma to be reforged. Normally, before Vector Sigma stopped sending out pulses, this process could take hundreds of thousands of years, and then the sparks would migrate back up through the layers of Cybertron to the surface gradually to form hot spots. The spark of the mech would live on, though they could grow into someone entirely different because of their time recovering in the core, and because the processor containing memories wouldn't be part of the process. However, with the damage done to the planet's surface by the war (and with so many sparks coming back in all at once with echoes of the extreme trauma many mechs suffered before dying painfully in battle) Cybertron reverted to a dormant, defensive recuperative state, so reforged sparks are kept close to the core and recirculate instead of revealing hotspots. It probably won't reactivate normal processes for another million years or more. I prefer natural phenomena to gods; Cybertronians came up with myths to explain away a natural process of reincarnation they didn't fully understand

    Basically, your faves aren't dead, they're just resting
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  3. Petra

    Petra space case


    There’s a million, billion, trillion stars but I’m down here low
    Fussin’ over scars on my soul, on my soul, on my soul, on my soul
    On my soul, I am so infinitesimal, oh

    They say it started with a big bang
    But they say it came out of a small thing
    Lately I’m feeling like a big bang
    ‘Cause I’ve been making something out of nothing…Like my soul

    Millions and billions and trillions of stars but I’m down here low
    Fussin’ over scars on my soul, on my soul, on my soul, on my soul
    On my soul, I am so infinitesimal, oh

    They say it started with a big bang
    But they say it was really just a small thing
    Strangely I’m feeling like a big bang
    ‘Cause I’ve been making mountains out of concaves

    Do you ever really think about the grains?
    Every little one’s got a million things
    Every little bit’s got a billion bits, and that ain’t it, no that ain’t it
    And did you know that when you really get close
    Nothing really touches, bro, just kind of floats?
    So when you think it might just come to blows
    Just so you know, it won’t, cause it can’t, bro

    There’s a million, billion, trillion stars but I’m down here low
    Fussin’ over scars on my soul, on my soul, on my soul, on my soul
    On my soul, I am so infinitesimal, oh

    They say it started with a big bang
    But they say it was really just a small thing
    Strangely I’m feeling like a big bang
    ‘Cause I’ve been making something out of nothing

    Like my soul, just like my soul, you think it’s so infinitesimal
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  4. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    Guys, I just had a wonderfulhorrible idea. Vague mtmte spoilers to do with 47 and 52 especially.

    So the reason Overlord kidnapped Trepan in the first place was because he had an interest in mnemosurgery. And we see that he does have some skill with it by the way he's able to turn things around on Chromedome, who's an experienced dude. But hey, as far as we know, Overlord doesn't have the ability/mods to inject himself, Trepan's dead, Sunder's neutralized, and Chromedome isn't likely to go digging in his head again, right? WELL.

    Okay, I'm writing Tailgate piercing fic, and he's wondering to himself whether his needles would work for mnemosurgery. Getaway lies that he laced them with an anti-villain virus, but it's not really clear whether the needles could be functional with someone with mnemosugery knowledge/experience driving the train.

    To cut a long story short: Overlord. Tailgate. Tailgate's needles.

    Oh my godddddddddd, this could go such fantastically awful places! Is anyone in mtmte as innocent as Tailgate? How much would Overlord enjoy getting the chance to rummage around in his head and fuck him up good? He could go fast and hard and wreak maximum destruction in a very brief window so that even Tailgate doesn't know how much damage he's done until after the fact, when he keeps finding and finding new ways that Overlord has hurt him. Or Overlord could go slow and delicate, really draw it out, make it into a game where he sees how subtle he can make his changes before Tailgate suspects what he's changing.

    Gah, I want to write something for this so badly, but I can't decide where I'd take it. Especially since Overlord and Tailgate are now in close proximity. But this is my favorite inexcusably horrible GHBbot and my favorite indescribably precious cinnamon roll robot, and Overlord would damage him so badly and Tailgate probably has less mental defenses (not quite the right word, but it's late and I'm tired) than any bot who lived through the war, and aaaaAAA I want to see how awful it could get.
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  5. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    please write this. PLEASE
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  6. Petra

    Petra space case

    The most immediate way I could see to fuck up Tailgate is remove his ability to distinguish between Cyclonus and Getaway. Like. He knows they're two distinct entities, but he can't recognize them. So. Which one is talking to him at any given moment? And can he trust his judgement on that?

    EDIT: Or, well, Cyclonus and Getaway is the most immediate application of that, but breaking down on his ability to recognize ANYONE visually or auditorally works. It's like that part of Worm where there's an air-transmitted agent that does that released, that targets those parts of the brain before killing you, and the POV character is trying to puzzle out who two people she's talking to are based on their mannerisms, and she falsely concludes they're her best friends when they really, really aren't.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
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  7. Petra

    Petra space case

    But what if Tarn is Dominus Ambus whose body is modified with Roller's dead body.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
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  8. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    I actually find this scenario weirdly pleasing because both Tailgate and Overlord have been in situations where the perception of time was distorted for them - Overlord in the time dilation(?) room, and Tailgate when his internal chronometer got borked for several million years. What an odd parallel

    /sings/ You get the bessssst of both worlds~~~
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  9. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

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  10. Petra

    Petra space case

    Anyway, I've decided that my Prionese OC does not have a plant alt-mode, but she is a biologist.

    ...from a race of mechanoids. Nnnnot a lot of demand for her expertise, but she did get sent to a research outpost on a planet with organic life but no sapients. Thinking conditions there are rough enough that pretty much the life forms adapted specifically to that planet are the only organics that can handle it, which means she needs a hardy alt-mode. Maybe something that can do space travel? Not intersteller, doesn't it take special engines for that? Anyway, she was quite contentedly doing her research there when contact with Prion was cut-off, and when she got home, well...

    I'm bad at robot design. But her name is Iridium, since it fits Nickel's naming scheme and is a metal found primarily in meteorites.
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  11. Petra

    Petra space case

    Actually, maybe Iridium's trip was self-funded instead of official. And what she's doing now is trying to find survivors who were also off-planet, dipping back to Prion stealthily to scavenge supplies if needed. Been alone for a few years trying to do this.

    Also her design is very... shiny. White with slightly-iridescent-chrome accents? But looking a bit dingy now, because who is out there to look good for?
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
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  12. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Cywhirlgate nipple piercings! For a robotic value of 'nipple.' Which will probably finish me for the next few days, unless my friend and I end up having bonding-over-porn time, which does sometimes happen. Which is harrrrrrrrrrd, I'm feeling energized enough to turn out like three short fics in a day, or the next whirl-rotorstorm mess, but I do love my friend and miss her a lot, I'm just annoyed at when my creative energy chooses to present itself.

    (dratchet and starscream are next in the tentative piercing queue, it just relies on me finding the time to write the dratchet and the spoons to figure out how to execute the starscream/windblade)
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  13. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    oh god I just went back and looked at the pics I took of my sketchbook and you can't see nothin holy shit give me a second.
    Actually scratch that let me do some more design sketching
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  14. Stophelping

    Stophelping Building a house out of love

    I don't know if anyone's pointed this out, but for someone supposedly addicted to transforming, Tarn doesn't actually transform that much. Have we ever seen him do it?
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  15. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    I feel like there was one point where he transformed, drove like ten feet, then transformed again

    like, he could've walked, would've made perfect sense
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  16. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I imagine that's at least a little in part because showing characters transforming is really unintuitive in comic format.

    SO OKAY in 39 Tarn mentions the alt!Lost Light that we get new Rewind from, right? Because for all intents and purposes, that was the real Lost Light for them, and I imagine the universe didn't do anything messy like wiping memories. More specifically, he mentions wanting to go back and kill everyone again, proper this time.

    So what if the "few remaining autobots left standing" isn't just a small fraction of the Rod Squad, but the Rod Squad themselves? Because I get the feeling it's not just Megs he's after, it's the entire damn ship now. And well, with the character arc they've been building with Megatron, it would feel cheap if "you are being deceived" were arc words dealing with his recovery.

    But we've got two major characters in play right now who have ties back to the Autobots and really hate Megatron.

    Tarn, who could be either Roller or Dominus Ambus if the leading theories are right and Getaway.

    They might have been the words that started the Decepticon movement, but what if "you are being deceived" is actually a reference to the manipulation and mutiny that Getaway is doing? And if the Rod Squad is able to get away (haha), that leaves only the Lost Light for the DJD/Deathasaurus/Overlord to go after.

    The Lost Light that isn't receiving or transmitting communication anymore.
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  17. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

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  18. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement


    I mean, wouldn't it just be a kicker if the words that started the Decepticon movement were the same things applied to the one person on the LL that would hate it the most? Gee Getaway, that moral high ground is looking awfully shaky.


    (man, rereading and running into the number of people talking about headaches is SO UPSETTING they had this set up for ages holy shit)
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  19. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Yeah, I think that was the most hopeful interpretation I could come up with a few a lot of pages back in the thread - something to the effect of almost all of the main characters of the Lost Light have been excised from the ship itself, leaving those left behind with minimal plot armor to keep them safe from the DJD going after them next (only a few like Perceptor would be in question). They're not responding and there is no response are two different things after all. If the Death of the Light refers to the end of the Lost Light as the main setting I would be endlessly relieved, and would allow for minimal casualties in the Rod Squad

    And yeah. So many headaches, so little time. That nudge gun really got a work out

    Edit to add idek who might've seen this already after it got mentioned by Spock in the CDCF thread but I took the nudge gun thing to the x-treme if you're interested
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
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  20. Petra

    Petra space case

    More things about Iridium.

    • She really is quite emotionally invested in the planet she was hanging out on.
    • Like she first discovered it a million years ago or something and she keeps popping by every 5 thousand years to see how it's developing.
    • She doesn't think any of the native species are sapient, even though she knows tests for testing organic sapience are kinda shitty. She keeps running them anyway whenever she pops by and nothing's pinged yet.
    • She's wrong. There's a sapient species there they just don't have what she could visually recognize as civilization or communicate complex ideas on wavelengths she can pick up.
    • Like they're not really technologically advanced yet, either?
    • She may or may not be a religious figure to them being as she keeps coming back, fucking around for a century, and leaving.
    • 'What's that dad' 'oh that's just the weird-ass angel. we bring her dead things and she doesn't bother us.'
    • She's not especially social.
    • Possibly robo-autistic?
    • She transforms into a space-capable shuttle, but it's only useful for travel within a given solar system.
    • Her face has a full-length visor she can lower over it and seal up. She prefers to do this around other transformers so she doesn't get self-conscious about is she facial expressioning right.
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