Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    mood: :psyduck:

    me too, rodimus, me too

    but... but... rules mom!

    uhm... uhm... tyrest...
    thats kind of... evil...


    tailgate. tailgate whatever youre thinking of doing, dont.
    just.... dont
    theres better devils to deal with

    kind of... underwhelming for ultra magnus 2.0
    i mean, star saber
    it'll never take


    editing laws at whim is the fast track to corruption
    we need a pyrope here

    brainstorm, loving your snark there

    whirl <3< cyclonus

    pharma. pharma pls.:noms:

    oh whirl. spite is fuel, but it destroys you
    you gotta let yourself heal ::(


    aaand the mindgames backfired

    o-ho werent we looking for these guys?

    ok, so not as anticlimatic for you guys as for me. but im guessing star sabers the same deal as ultra magnus - same paintjob, different nutcase

    then make it better, tyrest.
    because, right now?
    right now you sound an awful lot like megatron

    tyrest, thats self-harm. you need a psych. and a vacation.

    no, tyrest, youre psychotic

    • Like x 5
  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    -loud cackling-
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  3. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    ...well you can't say that and not link it, right? :DDDDDDDDD

    #I say as the person who hasn't been able to sit and read for love or money in months #BUT STILL #I am cultivating a very fine 'marked for later' folder on ao3
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
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  4. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Awwww, Whirl's making friends! ...over brutal murder, but. Friends! You go, birdson!

    ...random thought sparked by probably random seat placement: I kind of want to see more Rewind-Cyclonus interaction. They're probably some of the only bots onboard who still remember the start of the war.

    "Ultra Magnus informs me running through the Lost Light shouting 'who's up for a fight?' doesn't technically qualify as a 'briefing'."
    Roddy <3

    "That makes him the Director of Security and Duly Appointed-- one, two, three, four five... ten, eleven... You realize that gives him the longest job title ever."

    Awwww I forgot Domey and Rewind were still fighting here :c

    Did Whirl just try to kick down a sliding automatic door. Oh you precious whirlybird.

    Rewind-- oh goddamn sneaky artist, stop sneaking Pietas into everything. Rewind for RoboJesus 2k16


    "The ones with swords are mine, remember?"
    Help, I'm starting to like Drift<>Rod

    tiny worried chromedome spouting off his bae's medical info

    tiny worried robots hauling their boyfriends/husbands into the medbay and being precious

    chromedome riding a motherfucking dragon hell yeah

    "If I die, I don't want my last recorded footage to be Whirl punching himself in the face to prove he's 'super-unvincible'."
    Rewind is love, Rewind is life. ...I seem to have a thing for small mechs.

    My little guile baby, tricking other people into doing the specialist thinking for him <3

    "Chromedome would never forgive me, if, y'know..."
    "Well Chromedome's not here, is he? He's running around pretending to be Optimus Prime[...]"
    The salt is real.

    Swerve: still a bad fucking shot. Who taught you to fight? I don't even shoot and I know not to look in the barrel of a gun :|

    "I was born dry."
    Chromedome you dirty stinking liar--
    (Does it count as lying if he doesn't remember?)

    Worried Boyfriend Hospital Bonding™ [insert Good Shit meme]

    I keep forgetting Rewind's got shoulders like whoa. (Probably because he's always next to tanky-types, but.)

    I momentarily forgot "interfacing" was an in-universe word for mnemosurgery and thought First Aid was telling Chromedome he'd had too much sex to be a blood donor. A++ would laughchoke again.

    fucking conspirators fucking tryna recruit the Grieving Husband, how dare--

    I am choosing to interpret Cyclonus's Thoughtful Silent Panel as regret, because hello survivors fucking up on the road to recovery! [continues having Feels About Cyclonus]

    (d'awww, ChromeWind reunion, lookit the darlings)

    Tailgate. Baby. You don't need to pick up broken glass by hand. Go find a broom or something.

    Rewind accidentally ashing it up between Cy and Whirl. A+

    Just throw the minibot out with the trash why don't you
    (...I find it interesting that Whirl only locks the door after Tailgate gets out. Trying to kill Cyclonus is 100% in-character for him right now, but. Sparing the smol? I begin to see how people could ship it.)

    And Cy goes to defend Rewind even though it won't make a difference. Aaaaaaaagh look at my son
    • Like x 7
  5. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    mood: [incoherent screaming]


    tyrest, thats kinda like a child shoving its mistakes under a rug and pretending it never happened.
    thats not how atonement works.
    just saying

    getaway, im 82% sure youre full of shit
    100 boonbucks on tyrest not surviving the night. on grounds that pharma kills him mid-sentence and assumes control.

    well, thats one way of thought warfare

    whos this ominous boss, i ask myself
    what are you not telling us, getaway

    a shuttle made of legislators. theyre all around you.

    this is all running waaaay too smoothly
    100 boonbucks on getaway being an agent, and not just because of the ominous hints i got from @IvyLB

    Chromie dont die D::
    i mean i saw your name on necrobots list but
    dont die D::

    im thinking, more like this portal is powered by life energy
    youre not worthy to go through there anyways, tyrest

    -grabs next issue-
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  6. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    you're right, where are my manners :0 it is ongoing though so beware!!!

    i feel like i have to defend the fact that it's on omg.... A writer I like mentioned the fic in the notes of their megOP 2-shot and described it as 'an epic' so OBVIOUSLY i had to seek it out and cast judgement upon it...... and of course i had to read all 260k words of it, so as to be properly informed....

    (the first couple chapters are not as good as the rest of the fic but POWER THROUGH because the relationship is delicious in a lovely, fucked up way and the plot is genuinely terrific and suspenseful )
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  7. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Eeee, thank you!! Maybe I'll be able to use it to kill dead time at work. Or I have to fly this weekend, so if I put it on my kindle, it could be a lifesaver! My goal in life right now is to acquire as many soundwave ships as I possibly can, so I am DEFINITELY down for this :DDD
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  8. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    mood: pizza.gif

    tailgate <33

    iiii think that counts as a rejection from the other side.
    sorry, tyrest.

    except no.

    werent you... idk... dead?
    missing head and such?

    thems fighting words, starry, and i think cyclonus is better at the faith thing than you are. hes awesome like that.

    same, rodimus, same.

    dont go into the light

    skids no


    (but whos gonna fix tailgate now?)
    (pls dont let tailgate die)


    live, and make amends. that's the way, rodimus.
    that's. the. way.


    looks like the studying paid off then

    i would like to apologize to all my teachers, but... i wouldve never believed it had they told me a damn fucking detail semicolon like that would literally save the lives of my friends

    im not crying its raining on my face

    ooooh my god cyclonus ;;_;;


    i think that wraps up the arc.

    i am drained, honestly
    that was a roller coaster ride, right there

    but knowing you guys youre gonna tell me to read on right now, wont you?
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  9. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Technically, I will urge you to read on starting with issue 22, then jumping way ahead to issue 28. The issues in between are a crossover between this and the parallel series, set on cybertron. It's good in its own way, but less hijinks, more politics, and a much slower start to get interesting. It doesn't make much sense without reading exRiD, but that's kind of a buzzkill after overdosing on mtmte, and you can pick it up at 28 without much trouble.
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  10. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Oh look, it's the HMAs!

    "As for the quest... we've made zero progress, half of us have forgotten why we're here, and everyone's starting to get on each other's nerves. It's brilliant."

    I don't know who drew this issue but I'm loving Drift's faces

    Headcanon: Tetrahexian is Robot Russian. Scary stereotype, quite beautiful once you have the ear for it.

    "Those two have a very odd relationship," Rod says, as his moirail amica friend goes for Hands-On Sword Training Hug.

    "Four: Sprocket keeps touching his--"
    Magnus I don't think you can make the argument that masturbation is illegal

    "You say 'cheer [Magnus] up' like it's something other than a centuries-long undertaking destined to end in madness and suicide."
    o7 good luck swerve

    Rewind taking a vacation without his husbando?

    "Lube pits" sounds... interesting.

    "There. Nothing. [falls over dead]"
    I need this scene to happen in Roadtrip RP somewhere.

    "I've just killed Ultra Magnus. How bad is this? It's bad, isn't it? I know no-one likes him much, but-- It's dead universe bad, isn't it? It's Thunderwing bad. No-- no! It's worse, it's Thumb quest bad."
    Someone hug the panicking baby please

    "And then I shoved his wand up his--"
    "Thanks for sharing, Whirl!"
    Rung keeping this comic PG-13. 4 for you, Rung.

    Drunk Magnus is precious

    ...Either someone else got an Ark model, or someone managed to steal Rung's from the other side of the table, because he panel shows Rewind getting hit on the right side of his helmet, and Rung's sitting to his left. Hmmmmm... Tailgate is to Rewind's direct right (Rung's to Rewind's direct left), and Cyclonus is on the opposite end of the table. My bet's on Tailgate being a sneaky bastard. My guile child <3

    On-screen tableflip count: 2

    "Where is Chromedome?"
    "Oh, he's, erm... I'm sure he's told me..."
    =_= Suspicion. Can't tell if covering for husbando, or husbando has been doing Bad Things again. erasing your husband's memories is very pr96lematic

    Actually, Cyclonus appears to be (have been?) a good senior officer. He doesn't bring up Tailpipe/gate's Issues in front of the others, doesn't try to hold it over his head-- just talks to him about it in private and tries to get Tail's side of the story. (In his own... direct, semi-threatening way, admittedly, but hey, nobody's perfect.)
    Look at my son <3

    And here, ladies and gentlemen, we can see the beginnings of redrom! ( You could probably count this as an Act, come to think of it-- Tailgate's certainly opening his heart here, trusting Cyclonus with information and weakness he hasn't shown anyone else.)
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  11. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Thanks for the headsup -- should i branch out into the other series at this point, or do that at some other point and catch up later?
  12. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    ooh, also, you should read the prose story that comes with #21!! I posted it a while back, give me a sec to find it.

    Edit: here!
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
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  13. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I can give you a rundown of important stuff happening during Dark Cybertron.
    I'm only reading exRiD now (which is the parallel story DC is crossovering MTMTE with) and it's very political and there's a lot of who's who and intrigue and very little shenanigans. Once you get invested in Cybertron-side politics you can start exRiD, it's not tERRIBLY relevant to MTMTE's happenings.
  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I read all of MTMTE before going back and checking out anything else! exRiD isn't a bad series, and they're doing some things that are really really cool, but MTMTE is just unbelievable. So if you stop in the middle of MTMTE to go read exRiD, you're dumping a lot of momentum, especially since the series starts out kind of slow. I blasted through MTMTE and went on to the other series when I got desperate for another hit of my giant robot drug. Plus, once you get through exRiD and the dark cybertron arc, there's another little transformers series called Windblade you can read too, which is also very interesting.

    OH, also, there is a little bit of background that will be helpful for picking up MTMTE at issue 28 from Dark Cybertron, not terribly plot critical

    A lot of the idw phase one run comes back to this ancient dickbag named Galvatron and his desire to connect the "dark universe" to the regular universe, which is definitely a good plan that will end well for everyone involved. He started this by taking an spaceship full of crewmates and a prime and driving it through a mysterious hole in space. Cyclonus is nearly the only survivor. One other person involved was a scientist named Jhiaxus, who was Shockwave's old science teacher. Those two have set up lots of interstellar science shenanigans all over the galaxy, which are relevant to the story in various ways.

    But, here are the important ones: Nightbeat was sent to investigate a mysterious anomaly on a planet named Gorlam Prime. He brought his buddy, Hardhead, along as backup. By that, he meant that if he was compromised, Hardhead was supposed to kill him. Which he was. So Hardhead shot him and Nightbeat fell backwards into this underground lake that was a portal to the dead universe. As far as everyone knew, he was dead. He is now less dead than expected.

    Megatron was also apparently dead. He supposedly sacrificed himself when the Autobots and Decepticons united forces against Galvatron. He is also less dead than expected. And after [redacted], he's decided he wants to be an Autobot. ....okay. But NOW what is Optimus Prime supposed to do with him????

    Nautica came with two other awesome robot ladies from an ancient Cybertronian colony called Caminus. They've been out of touch for ten million years or so. She's been playing cultural catchup. Past that, there isn't much to be said, the good stuff happens right in MTMTE. Also she is literally the most precious thing in the universe, she'd even give Tailgate a run for his money, I love her so much.

    Technically, what I did was read MTMTE, then go allllllll the way back to phase one, which is set during the war and has the classic autobots-vs-decepticons-on-earth thing going on. It was a pretty sweeping cohesive storytelling effort, at least at first, and there isn't an ongoing series title to check out, just a bunch of miniseries and spotlights that all lace together. Some of phase one is great, some of it grates on me badly enough I can't properly read it. There's some discussion earlier in the thread of reading order that I can dig up if/when it becomes relevant. A lot of the comics are up on viewcomic, but there are also some shitty pirates I've posted to fill in some of the worst story-relevant holes. It's a little harder to read exRiD without the phase one background than it is to read MTMTE, but it's still totally doable. Plus the wiki is really extensive and well-done.

    OH. LAST THING. If you need a break from the ongoing story and you're interested in something short and faster to consume (and if you want more backstory for Overlord), Last Stand Of The Wreckers. It's a five-issue miniseries, stands pretty well on its own, and is some of the best, best writing from phase one. I love it soooo so so so much.
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  15. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    On the subject of Overlord, you guys have no idea how much morbid amusement I get out of the idea of Prowl taking one look at Garrus-9, thinking 'there's no way this bugfuck nigh-indestructible Decepticon is staying on the same planet as me, I'm too tactically important to put up with this shit,' and foisting him off on the Lost Light. 'He's your problem now, suckers'

    Though in hindsight, why did they put Overlord back together again. He was a toasty, skeletal, lipless marshmallow by the end of LSotW so the only explanation I can come up with my limited comic reading is that he either regenerated because of the whole phase sixer thing, thus necessitating the time dilation field to contain him - or between now and then, someone fixed him. Which would strike me as incredibly dumb, even for Prowl in one of his moods, so overpowered self-repair system that they didn't interfere with (to better study how phase sixers work) seems like the only excuse. If they'd stripped him down like they did Getaway - or just, you know, pulled a Pharma - I feel like Overlord's disembodied head would have done considerably less damage...or not >_>
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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Somewhere, Prowl says something about reassembling him as incentive to get him to talk or whatever (did not work). Which seems like the worst plan, and come onnnn, guys. No matter how buffed up his endoskeleton is, there have to be safer ways to hold him captive than this :C
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  17. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    apparently it was bee's idea?? so says prowl, anyways. nice job fucking it up, bee >:|
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  18. Glassware

    Glassware Well-Known Member

    As I recall, basically they can't do a Pharma or Getaway to him because his endoskeleton is completely indestructible. Usually someone so deadly would have their spark removed and placed in stasis (this is how most of the Garrus 9 prisoners were held), but they can't get to Overlord's spark. And while he's indestructible, he can still leak to death in the state he was in, so they probably fixed him up to ensure he wouldn't die before Prowl could do amoral science things to him.
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  19. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    /Pharma voice/ His head will come off if you just try hard enough!

    #use Pharma's powers of decapitation for good not evil 2k16

    (I can't believe they'd be that dumb smh)

    Edit Literally though, all you'd have to do is say, "Ratchet couldn't get the spark out of this guy's chest -" and Pharma would slam the DJD into the pit, rocket all the way to Cybertron from Delphi, blast through the wall with a chainsaw, and be like 'Did someone say "Ratchet couldn't"?! >:D'

    - wait. My god. Anyone with a chevron on their forehead is making a frowny face emoticon.
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
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  20. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    CD: "I thought you'd put [Overlord's] spark in a whiteout vacuum!"
    Prowl: "There's no such thing as a whiteout vacuum. It's a cover story intended to give me-- us-- high command time to work out what to do with him. Besides, we can't even get to his spark, that's part of the problem."
    [unrelated conversation, blah blah blah]
    CD: "You want me to interface with Overlord-- find out what makes him "special"-- and see if we can manufacture our own Phase Sixers."
    Prowl: "We've tried interrogating him but he's not being particularly communicative. That's why we repaired him: we thought it would encourage him to talk."
    CD: "Riiight. And the real reason..?"
    Prowl: "...Bumblebee seems to think we have a "moral obligation" to return P.O.W.s to their natural state."

    Conveniently in the chapter I'm rereading right now, figured I'd give the exact words as they appear in the comic for anyone who's curious
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
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