Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    those are clearly rivets im seeing there oo_oo

    "Well, excuse me my vocal synthesizer wasn't built for high drama." ilu swerve

    Galvatron, sometimes you just gotta know when to fold it. Also, wtf is that thing on your back

    megatron, the more screentime you get the more i like you.
    'tis but a flesh wound!


    bumblebee and megatron banter gives me life

    There is no opposite state to what it is" actually, megatron, there is. it's called nothingness, oblivion.
    V id
    (... this was a sburb glitch faq reference and wow my keyboard just ate some keystroked, this is getting, uh, unsettling?)

    "Yo might be personalizin' the tragedy here a little bit." signed, rattrap, signed

    "The word you're looking for is 'enemies'" sas prowl standing right next to a decepticon.
    honestly tho i love prowl in this scene

    "Now as Optimus Prime once said to Megatron, why can't we all just get along" asdgfdhf getaway

    oh wow
    windblade is a babe
    (pls step on me windblade)

    Optimus? No. Rodimus did the right thing with the vote. He owned up to the guilt, brought it out in the open, and faced the music
    That's a pretty damn fucking brave thing to do.
    But you, Optimus? You ran. You coward.
    I mean, I get it that you needed a break, but you're too afraid to go face the music.
    So you don't get to tell Rodimus he didn't do the right thing

    no dont throw cyclonus jfc

    Rodimsu: ...should we... intervene?
    Nightbeat: ...nah. bring the popcorn instead

    "She can barely comminucate verbally, let alone mentally." chromia pls
    (chromia ilu)
    "I wasn't listening. He was being all faux-enigmatic and I wanted to lamp him." CHROMIA PLS

    EXPLOSIONS DONT WORK THAT WAY (except the energon is in a gaseous form and there's a way to build pressure, but this looks pretty open to me ::<)

    "He had me waiting there 20 seconds for a dramatic entrance" asdsgfhdhgf this gives me life
    Also, Megatron, you look like you're half the man you used to be.

    "When I was in charge, I stared into the darkness so long... I let it consume me." Lay off the emo, Bumbles. Also, that was your mistake. If you're in charge of a huge mess you shouldn't have the time to stare into darkness because the day is just not long enough for all the idiots who don't know which shoe goes on which foot. bothering you.

    "It can't be. They left us, Prowl. And -- and -- they died." Naww Bumbles. See, your friend Rodimus is still alive. He's also not present on the Lost Light at the moment.
    "Naive little autobot... since when does anyone stay dead?"

    oh whirl.

    boxing huge space robots. im reminded of pacific rim.
    not a perfect match, but...
    yeah, im reminded of pacific rim.

    what? whirl? getting tired of fighting?

    Rodimus I love you.
    And now dont you dare die

    "...that was ready hours ago" you wer Jhiaxus, right? At least someone has read their Evil Overlord list. Or at least part of it.

    uh, megatron?
    i hope you didnt get crushed in there

    "How can you lose a giant portal?" That is a very good question

    Wheelie, ilu. You should meet Gobano at some point.

    Now that was just rude, Shockwave. also, where did you even get the damn things? If it weren't more than 12, I would've asked if you got the from the incipisphere.

    the constructicons are kinda adorable

    thats what it took, chromie? rewind dying?

    i would have to copy the whole conversation between ratchet and megatron, its too great. the snark is wonderful.

    "Know what'd be nice? For a bunch of autobots in grave danger to have a conversation that doesn't involve seeing who has the biggest selfless streak."

    Bhurr, I know Swerve is an embarrasing fanboy, but that was uncalled for

    Nice paintjob, Arcee ::3


    Hm, you might wanna get a Prime to ask.

    Starry, we're still in the middle of the apocalypse. The time clusterfuck described didn't even happen yet, even if the battle might have let it look that way
    "Don't count on our friends to be there when you're down." oh starry

    Ooh, I can already see the stars disappearing in the background. Nice detail touch.

    Jhiaxus, you're nuts. You should've read the complete EO list.

    Same, Windblade, same.

    I kinda feel bad for Waspinator. Let the guy catch a break. He's a good minion.

    "Farewell, element of surprise. It was nice knowing you" asdfgd
    Megatron <> Bumblebee y/n?

    Wow. And the very next page Bumbles gets blasted.
    (I need an AU in which Bumbles survived and he and Megs are moirails/budding amica/??? and trying to reconstruct Iacon and just winging everything because everything has changed and no one really knows what's what any more)

    Brainstorm, your eyes don't look that good, buddy. You might wanna change your contact lens brand.

    Skids no D::

    And the heros arrive last minute!

    "That's how you want to end this, Jhiaxus - by cosplaying as me?" asdfgh

    shit. Bumblebee and Metalhawk never got to have that conversation and they died separately from each other, Metalhawk sacrificing himself without even knowing Bumblebee is already dead. ;;_;;

    Shockwave, read your damn evil overlord list jfc

    nightbeat, ilu your snark
    "Oh, drop the deflections and admit you're worried about not seeing Tailpipe again." - "It's Tailgate - and this is your final warning, Nightbeat..." - "Allow me to rank your threa third beind 'collapsing body' and 'collapsing universe.'" - "How'd you guys manage to open a portal in my chest? Did you harness the power of bickering?" asdghsffhgdsgshfshsdf

    "Since when did I give a flaming lugnut about logic?" rodimus

    whirl <3


    "Your ship... Where did you get it?" - "I suppose it was sort of a present. Drift got it for me. Why?" - "Doesn't matter. A mystery for another day..." This isn't ominous at all and now I'm 612% more hurt about Drift being gone.

    Megatron did you just call OP's monologue a midlife crisis? ilu.
    Also, Megatron <3< OP

    Starscream? shut up.
    • Like x 9
  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Today in "Ivy has some hella obscure music tastes sometimes"
    I can literally not find a decent recording of this song on yt because it's a half-obscure german rap song that was on an album of a now almost unknown group that was only halfway wellknown in 2011, when the song came out

    but it basically encompasses how I feel rodimus courting someone would sound and so please bear with me while I do my best to translate. There's puns. I'll try to epxlain them if I can't translate them right?

    Megaherz Lyrics


    Ja! A-ay!

    Es war Liebe auf den ersten Klick, am Arbeitsplatz,
    dein Gehäuse fiel mir auf und es hat "bing" gemacht.
    Es war voll der Flash, wir haben gleich connected,
    du wolltest 'n Neustart nach deinem "Excel".
    Wir waren photoshoppen Hand in Hand, durch die Stadt,
    und mein Prozessor wär die ganze Zeit fast durchgebrannt!
    Du hast 'n geiles Design, kein Kilobyte zu viel,
    mein linker Speicherplatz ist frei, komm zu mir, mir, mir, mir, mir!

    Du machst meine Hardware ganz weich mit deinem Megaherz!
    Du und ich wir laufen so heiß, schenk mir dein Megaherz!

    Du machst meine Hardware ganz weich mit deinem Megaherz!
    OMG HDGDL, schenk mir dein Megaherz!

    Du hast so viele Hits, denn du siehst zu gut aus,
    jeder will dich mal drücken, du kleine Bluetooth-Maus.
    Ich will dich überall markieren, dich gleich auspacken,
    und auf Facebook für uns zwei 'ne extra Site aufmachen.
    Du-dudu-du hast so ein schönes Profil, hast du gehört?
    Alle Typen falln vor dir auf die Knie und sagen: "Word!"
    Ich hab dich schon in meinem Herz installiert,
    du bist so m-m-megageil komm zu mir, mir, mir, mir, mir!

    Du machst meine Hardware ganz weich mit deinem Megaherz!
    Du und ich wir laufen so heiß, schenk mir dein Megaherz!

    Du machst meine Hardware ganz weich mit deinem Megaherz!
    OMG HDGDL, schenk mir dein Megaherz!

    (Na, na, nana, na, na, nana, na, na, na, nana, na)
    (Na, na, nana, na, na, nana, na, na, na, nana, na)

    Baby stups doch mal zurück, wenn du Zuhause bist.
    Lass uns durch die Windows gucken wenn es draußen shift.
    Ich bin voll elektrisiert du bist ein Topmodell!
    Du bist real nicht virtuell OMG LOL HDGDL (HDGGGDL)

    Du machst meine Hardware ganz weich mit deinem Megaherz!
    Du und ich wir laufen so heiß, schenk mir dein Megaherz!

    Du machst meine Hardware ganz weich mit deinem Megaherz!
    OMG HDGDL, schenk mir dein Megaherz!

    (Megaherz) [T/N: I'm leaving this but the pun here is that the german compound of "mega (=really big) heart" sounds exactly like the measurement unit Megahertz]

    Yes! A-ay!

    It was love at the first click, at the workplace,
    Your frame caught my eye and made me go "bing".
    It was a total flash, we immediately connected,
    you wanted a reboot after your "Excel".
    We went photoshopping hand in hand, through the city,
    and my processor almost burned up the whole time.
    You have a fine design, no kilobyte too much, [T/N: just in case people aren't aware, German people usually measure weight in kg not pound]
    My left memory slot is free, come to me, me, me, me, me!

    You make my hardware go soft with your Megaherz!
    you and me we run so hot, give me your Megaherz!

    You make my hardware go soft with your Megaherz!
    OMG ILUSM, give me your Megaherz! [T/N: "HDGDL" is an abbreviation for "Hab dich ganz doll lieb" which i translated to "I Love You So Much" and abbreviated back!]

    You have so many Hits, because you look too god,
    everyone wants to tap that once, you little Bluetooth-Mouse. [T/N: press your button once? the german phrasing is making it a pun with pressing buttons and hugging using the same verb *shrug*]
    I want to highlight you everywhere, unpack you immediately,
    And make an extra page on facebook for us two.
    You-youyou-you have such a pretty profile, have you heard?
    All the guys fall to their knees and say: "Word!"
    I have already installed you in my heart,
    you are so s-s-super great come to me, me, me, me, me!

    You make my hardware go soft with your Megaherz!
    you and me we run so hot, give me your Megaherz!

    You make my hardware go soft with your Megaherz!
    OMG ILUSM, give me your Megaherz!

    (Na, na, nana, na, na, nana, na, na, na, nana, na)
    (Na, na, nana, na, na, nana, na, na, na, nana, na)

    Baby poke me back, when you're home.
    Let us look through the Windows when it shifts. [T/N: "schifft"/"shift" are homonyms and it's used as slang for "rains" in German]
    I am electrified, you are a top model!
    You are not real not virtual OMG LOL ILUSM (ILUSSSM)

    You make my hardware go soft with your Megaherz!
    you and me we run so hot, give me your Megaherz!

    You make my hardware go soft with your Megaherz!
    OMG ILUSM, give me your Megaherz!

    (i hope this wasn't only done for my own personal amusement and you actually find my song translations interesting orz)
    • Like x 5
  3. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    I am here for your bumblebee/megatron thing i had much the same thoughts when reading DC
    • Like x 3
  4. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    have a song for Megatron

    "The State"

    The State, the government, the supreme, the eternal
    The aggressor against the persons and property of the mass of the public
    All states, everywhere
    Whether democratic, dictatorial or monarchical
    Whether red, white, blue or brown
    The State

    For centuries, the State has robbed people at bayonet point and called it "taxation"
    For centuries, the State has enslaved people into its armed battalions and called it "conscription"

    The State

    The State

    For centuries, the State has robbed people at bayonet point and called it "taxation"
    Coercion and violence by the direct threat of confiscation or imprisonment
    This is taxation

    The State

    For centuries, the State has robbed people at bayonet point and called it "taxation"
    For centuries, the State has enslaved people into its armed battalions and called it "conscription"

    The State

    The State
    • Like x 1
  5. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    I'm pretty sure you just described A Ring of Endless Light almost word-for-word. It's actually dolphins and I don't recall if Vicky had a Trope Hobby, but.
    • Like x 1
  6. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    HELP i'm actually re-reading the aforementioned 260k soundwave/jazz fic from start to finish and this is unfuckingbelievable, it is so bizarrely GOOD.
    if you like political machinations and manipulation and fraught physical intimacy and clever dialogue and family dynamics and d/s tones and slow-burn Feelings and gradually revealed plots within plots, and violence and slavery and dub/non-con don't squick you too badly, i STRONGLY STRONGLY STRONGLY recommend this hell fic that i cannot stop reading

    things about this fic that specifically appeal to me, kintsugi user applechime:
    tactile interfacing - stroking wires and electric charge and sensuality
    highly imbalanced relationship that nonetheless has a lot of push-and-pull going on
    strong family dynamic with soundwave and his cassettes, which expands to include jazz
    constant political games, which get worse and worse as time goes on, often set in motion by jazz the supposedly powerless slave
    genuine Feelings between jazz and sounders, VERY slow burn >:D
    listen: i know almost nothing about these characters and i still got so fucking invested that i am RE-READING, CHAPTER-BY-CHAPTER, a 260k word fic. (that is really really unusual for me!! I barely have the patience for anything over 80k or so nowadays, and when I re-read things I tend to skim or skip to my favourite parts. Problem: all of the parts are my favourite parts.)

    help help I love this fic :(
    in conclusion: >8U !!!!
    • Like x 1
  7. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh noooooo, I'm only a few chapters deep, but I'm SO EMOTIONALLY INVESTED. This is so good!!! Oh man. Oh man. This is hitting every last one of my emotional kinks. And all my robot kinks. Oh my gosh, I had never expected I would love this so much. I need to draw things.
    • Like x 2
  8. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    I knew it
    • Like x 1
  9. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    IDEAL!!!! this is the IDEAL OUTCOME!!!!

    fffffff auuggh it is so unusual for me to find a long fic that 1) hits my Specific Intimacy Preferences
    2) keeps me engaged in the plot beyond waiting for the 'and then they got together' moment, and
    3) doesn't feel like characterization was sacrificed for the sake of mashing two characters together going 'now kiss'

    Hffffffff I LOVE THIS FIC
    • Like x 1
  10. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Let's continue that liveblogging I take so long to do bc I keep commenting on tiny things :')

    hi there wheeljack you look like you're not having fun! Cover illustrations can lie though, sooooo
    "I'm worried this could be an invasion" holy shit bee whatever happened to "The war is over, come home"? Decepticons are included in that message aren't they?
    i love wheeljack's narration. He's a darling.
    okay, GUYS, i get the generalized mistrust but i think it'd go a LONG way if you TRIED to assume good faith from all these people who are also extremely fucking tired of the war and just want to come home?
    yes thank you Starscream, it is extremely helpful that you try to poke bee and metalhawk into a fight. (<3)
    "Give the words and we'll starts shooting." PROWL NO
    THANK you metalhawk. Literally the only sensible fucking mech in this fucking room. HE DOES NOT DESERVE THIS
    oh hey i see Turmoil is Mister popular :P
    "This is a free planet until- i mean unless- he proves he wants to do us harm" side-eyeing the fuq outta that little slip there, bee. Chill the fuck out and listen to Metalhawk bruh.
    METALHAWK NO WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST... -flips a table-
    what in the heckidy is that big thingy that Wheeljack just found?
    hahaha i kinda like the role reversal going on here. "I can't believe I'm saying this" indeed Bee.
    "Don't 'Starscream' me, Goldenrod." ilu 'scream
    holy fuckin shit Drift did whAT
    also i like how they framed it particularly to make Metalhawk look kind of... fragile? hawky already has a delicate looking frame but the light and shadows here and the contrast to Turmoil's bulk make him look even more... idk breakable? which, i love this kind of stylistic stuff bc it nicely gives visuals for Metalhawk's emotions!
    "Turmoil was a brutal warlord, not a rocket scientist" hey now everyone can have a hobby
    a WHAT
    Nooooo no no no no you guys don't get to do the time machine thing there's gonna be future precedent of how bad of an idea that is (< how to talk about plotlines that happen later on the timeline in MTMTE, but also possibly time travel tense problems)
    Sky-byte <3
    things i can never be sure of: if Starscream is displaying genuine emotions, and they conveniently help him further his goals, or if he's faking his emotions to get the goal
    Either way somehow... the whole mutual hostility among the cons makes me sad and I kind of don't want to think Starscream's perspective is quite true to life. Look at the Scavengers. 'Cons have positive relations among one another! It's not impossible! And that Starscreams seems to be convinced that it is makes me kind of sad.
    "Why hi there, Blurr. Fancy running into you at your own bar." Starscream you dork <3
    "You know where to find me - I'll be helping run the planet." 'Scream holy shit you arrogant little ass :3
    that is a bit of a big thing to keep from Metalhawk tho, I can understand why he's pissed.
    ... Wheeljack that explanation of time travel hurts my brian pls stop :o
    ... Biological Foodstuffs? what?
    Gee, Prowl, you should do something about that rampant paranoia.
    Prowl, i have news for you. The pot is calling the kettle black here. Just stop. Autobots aren't exactly saints either and you should stop trying to deny that
    holy fuck Turmoil, that is fucked up.
    !!!!!!!! WHEELJACK RUN

    oh wow that speech QuQ
    "But I believe in you, and in Bumblebee. And even in Starscream. You can all find a new path and that is why I stand with you." I LOVE METALHAWK SO MUCH
    (Can I ship Wheeljack/Metalhawk? is that allowed?)
    "I don't know if there's room for guilt in this world." !!!! I LIKE THIS QUOTE! IT IS A VERY GOOD QUOTE!

    in conclusion: Wheeljack is love, Wheeljack is life
    • Like x 8
  11. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Sad thought - Starscream probably can't tell the difference himself, anymore

    Starscream and his trust issues ;-; My f-favorite...and by favorite I mean 'thing that causes much weeping.' When is the last time he had a positive, trusting relationship?? Fml
    • Like x 7
  12. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Starscream Is Upsetting Support Group: pls make the sad boy less sad
    • Like x 7
  13. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    (i'm not into RP but for some goddamn reason i doodled a robot OC and now have become Fond of her so im just gonna. leave her here i guess??)
    her name is Broadcast and she turns into a communications tower and she is just. so fucking tall. she's so tall. in root mode she's probably 75 ft. in alt-mode she's more like 200-225 ft. the only reason she fits in buildings is that she is the most spindly robot in the world and she has a surplus of joints (most of her solid-looking armour is actually made of tiny segmented pieces! that is how she gets Tall), so she can fold herself into tiny spaces.

    she doesn't speak out loud (her vocalizer was irreparably damaged a few million years ago and, when the medic she initially went to see did not have a replacement part in her size, she sort of shrugged and didn't try to get it fixed again.) but she has integrated comm systems out the wazoo so it's not exactly a handicap. she can't remember what her voice sounds like anymore, but she was never exactly talkative in the first place.

    she is camien! she's not great at the whole... artsy cultural thing, but so as not to be a pariah, she learned how to mix music. she's a fairly competent DJ, but she has zero passion for it. she has, historically, worked in a gigantic concert hall, providing live transmissions of its events to The Viewers At Home. She is reaching a midlife crisis and is trying to move her life in a different direction (ie she quit her shitty job)

    i don't know what she does with her off-time. she probably has pets. she probably has amassed a collection of secrets that she accidentally (or "accidentally") picked up on her systems. in fact, she is most likely in a position to blackmail any number of people!!

    she is.... a wee bit self-conscious. she's massive and spiny and she looks a bit scary, like a gigantic blue and black praying mantis. the thing where she can't talk does not help. she is well aware that she is not exactly a firestar-level babe. i think she's cute. she has an amica, but it is a long-distance friendship.
    Last edited: May 7, 2016
    • Like x 6
  14. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Nichrome wants to try and climb her
    heck, i'd want to try and climb her and i'm afraid of heights.
    a babe
    • Like x 3
  15. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    @applechime, I'm so invested in this story what have you done to me

    ahhghg I'm supposed to be doing work and packing for a trip and getting ready to wake up at 3 am, not getting emotionally tangled in a robot soap opera
    • Like x 2
  16. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i feel bad for basically stealing whirl's lower half, but y'know what, i know who i am and i know what i'm about, and what i am about is spindly digitigrade legs
    this is **ideal**
    • Like x 3
  17. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I'm gonna kiss the hell out of Broadcast.
    • Like x 3
  18. Petra

    Petra space case

    • Like x 11
  19. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    @Petra that is beautiful

    This is such a cool idea omg, I love it
    • Like x 2
  20. Stophelping

    Stophelping Building a house out of love

    *Waves* Hi. I'm here now. Specifically, I'm here to complain about my burning need for Windblade/Starscream Arranged Marriage blackrom fic that no one seems to have written yet. I mean, it's so OBVIOUS. Windblade's getting too much support? Potentially undermining Starscream's authority? Turns out her planet has an old and near-obsolete but still technically legal tradition of alliance through marriage. Starscream proposes the possibility to the Mistress of Flame, who agrees that this would be an opportunity for Caminus to strengthen its ties with Cybertron further, and thank you SO much for the opportunity to demonstrate our closeness and mutual support, nothing can go wrong with this - oh, Windblade? She'll do what's best for Caminus and Cybertron, of course.

    So Windblade ends up officially attached to Starscream, who's absolutely full of glee that now her rising popularity will benefit him instead, and furthermore it's an opportunity to keep a closer eye on her, but of course Windblade's still going to do what she thinks is right regardless and there's going to be struggle and snark and sass and confusion and resentment and someone stop me I can't write fanfic
    • Like x 9
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