Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    0520161528d~2b.jpg 0520161529a~2.jpg 0520161529b~2.jpg 0520161529c~2~2.jpg 0520161530~2.jpg 0520161530a~2.jpg 0520161530b~2.jpg 0520161530c~2.jpg
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  2. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    0520161530d~2.jpg 0520161531~2.jpg 0520161531~2b.jpg 0520161532~2.jpg 0520161533~2.jpg 0520161533a~2.jpg 0520161534~2.jpg
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  3. Petra

    Petra space case

    ...poor Starscream.
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  4. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Wow, jesus. I'm glad that Megatron is... not this anymore, but wow. I really need Starscream to get some affection now, stat. :(
    • Like x 8
  5. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Augh, yes. In retrospect, it hurts me so much extra how cold everyone is to him, even when he's playing things more straight than a lot of the other political figures, and when he's genuinely trying to improve Cybertron's situation :C

    (slash the mean part of me really wants to write some one-on-one time with Megatron and Starscream where Megatron just can't help slipping back into the old abusive patterns)
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  6. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    holy shit i feel so bad for 'scream
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  7. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    And like... in All Hail Megatron, Starscream got frustrated with how they were just dicking around on Earth and tried to drum up support for a power grab so he could take control of the Decepticons. His got betrayed to Megatron is about zero seconds flat, and after humiliating him, Megatron was like 'someday you will lead the Decepticons.' So then Megatron (apparently) dies and Starscream steps up and takes charge, just like Megatron told him he would someday do. For once, he didn't do anything wrong. And then when Megatron comes back... this. God, Starscream just cannot catch a break, and it makes me so sad
    • Like x 9
  8. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    .......oh my god. oh god, starscream...... oh no, no, no no no......... god, it's such a gutpunch to see megatron at his worst, he's so far removed from this in mtmte. this is so jarring...

    starscream............ oh, you awful robot, you poor disaster, i'm so glad he's far far away from megatron now.


    i'm gonna go read the trial scene and attempt to achieve catharsis while megatron gets dragged

    (thank you spock!!!!!)
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  9. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    When you're living your life but then the Starscream feels hit you w/ renewed vigor

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  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Okay, so this is dumb, because if it wasn't this late and I wasn't this tired, I wouldn't be laughing nearly so hard. BUT.

    I went to go look up pictures of Skyfire, for purposes of drawing a fancy dress on him.

    And this screenshot came up


    And I was thinking about how huge these silly robots are, Skyfire, especially, and all I can think of is that stupid Patch Adams scene and I

    • Like x 8
  11. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Did anybody say "Wow Ivy you just don't share enough obscure German pop music that gives you feels about giant space robots"?
    No one?
    Well sorry about that but I guess I'll share this perfect song for MTMTE!Megatron now because I have it right here and I want to translate.
    And I am a feelings communist.

    (full disclaimer I have no idea if this video will work for people outside Germany, I hope it does but. I can't tell from here whether it would?)

    Ich kann keinen Puls mehr messen
    Hast du dich selbst vergessen
    Und aus den Augen verloren?
    Nur würde, könnte, hätte, Gedanken an der Kette
    das Herz im Eisfach erfroren.

    Das Gefühl dass es weiter geht,
    Dass Frieden in dir wohnt.
    Dass du dich selber wieder leuchten siehst
    Dass dieser Kampf sich lohnt,

    Das alles gibt es nur wenn, wenn du lebst.
    Wenn du über Grenzen gehst, die tiefen Schläge überstehst.
    Das alles gibt es nur wenn, wenn du lebst
    Wenn du über dunkle Schatten springst
    Die Zeit wieder zum Laufen bringst.
    Wenn du lebst.

    Vielleicht nen Fehler machen und dann darüber lachen
    Und doch am Ende gewinnen
    Dem Schicksal eins verpassen, den alten Weg verlassen
    Und ganz von vorne beginnen.

    Das Gefühl dass du bei dir bist,
    Mit deiner Welt im Reinen
    Dass du dich selber wieder leuchten siehst
    Gemacht um frei zu sein.

    Das alles gibt es nur wenn, wenn du lebst.
    Wenn du über Grenzen gehst, die tiefen Schläge überstehst.
    Das alles gibt es nur wenn, wenn du lebst
    Wenn du über dunkle Schatten springst
    Die Zeit wieder zum Laufen bringst.
    Wenn du lebst.

    Das alles gibt es nur wenn, wenn du lebst.
    Wenn du über Grenzen gehst, die tiefen Schläge überstehst.
    Das alles gibt es nur wenn, wenn du lebst
    Wenn du über dunkle Schatten springst
    Die Zeit wieder zum Laufen bringst.
    Wenn du lebst.

    Ich kann deinen Puls jetzt messen, du hast dich nicht vergessen
    Du bist jetzt wie neu geboren.

    I can't measure a pulse
    Have you forgotten yourself
    And lost sight of yourself?
    Only could, would, should have, Thoughts kept in chains
    Your heart frozen in the ice box.

    The feeling that things go on,
    That peace lives inside of you.
    That you see yourself shine again
    That this fight is worth it,

    All of this you can only have if, if you live.
    If you go over borders, survive all the low punches.
    All of this you can only have if, if you live
    If you jump over dark shadows
    Make time go back to running.
    If you live.

    To perhaps make a mistake and laugh about it
    And still win in the end
    To score one against fate, to leave the old path
    And start again from the beginning.

    The feeling that you are with yourself,
    That you have come clean with your world
    that you see yourself shine again
    Made to be free.

    All of this you can only have if, if you live.
    If you go over borders, survive all the low punches.
    All of this you can only have if, if you live
    If you jump over dark shadows
    Make time go back to running.
    If you live.

    All of this you can only have if, if you live.
    If you go over borders, survive all the low punches.
    All of this you can only have if, if you live
    If you jump over dark shadows
    Make time go back to running.
    If you live.

    I can measure your pulse now, You haven't forgotten yourself
    Now you are like you're reborn.
    • Like x 2
  12. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Aaaand for those of us in the US, here's a listenable version!

    Regionlocking is stupid but here we are
    • Like x 2
  13. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Awwww, does my heart good to see Jazz training Soundwave with the affection he craves! Go, baby, go, you flip the hell out of that power imbalance!
    • Like x 5
  14. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    mood: :toot:

    that lady got a firehawk and looks so awesome
    buut she doesnt look as happy to see nautica as nautica is to see her
    (how is that possible. nautica is a delight)

    why is getaway wrapped up in chains like a mummy
    i mean, not that he doesnt deserve it, and really, you shouldve just chained his mouth shut as well, but...

    nautica, welcome aboard the lost light. everyone is mad here
    translation: "i have no idea what that means and im not going to take your bait by asking"
    nautica. nautica youre a gift, and i love you
    getaway stop being genuinely funny i still want to strangle you

    oh swerve bby (swerve, you might want to rewatch the ghibli movies. all of them. and the first pokemon movie, but not the japanese version. or, if it exists, a mashup of the japanese, english, and german versions that include the part that was only in the japanese version but explains chunks of the plot, the english convo between mew and mewtwo about how its not what youre born as but what you do with it, and the german soundtrack) (and then go read one piece)
    (also, does that mean you can now communicate with swerve via memes) (did he become a meme lord)

    is ravage drinking stuff from a transformer sized kitty dish
    asdfsgdhfgjhgjh that is too adorable for words

    of course there is a gigantic golden gong with rodimus phoenix wings on it on the ship. why am i surprised?
    hm, i think it was mentioned before somewhere

    oh rodimus are you really happy that thunderclash is dying?
    you will miss him. (if he dies, that is)
    trust me, you will. you might want to strangle your spade (or fuck him into a wall *coughs*) a lot, but in the end, life will be boring without them
    rodimus, youre just a teensy tiny wee lil bit tactless
    yyyeah roddy you aint fooling anyone here
    get used to it, megs. get used to it.
    but i'll join you in facepalming.

    megs, he gets away with it because hes hot
    roddy, the only thing youve got in spades is your romantic hate for thunderclash
    face it, roddy, you cant bear seeing thunders in that state. it would be sweet success for you, and it would tear you to shreds
    roddy, even megs is onto you
    (megs is a perceptive sorta guy, isnt he)
    (i might need to rethink my evaluation of him as a light player, he might as well be heart or blood)
    someone get rodimus some robot ritalin
    also i love how megatrons autobot symbol utterly matches his expression
    (fake eta: some talking with ives, and they raised the thing that rose is very perceptive regarding feelings)

    that is an absolutely preposterous amount of innermost energon offered
    and the longer this is going on the more i doubt that thunderclash will actually die

    and the nerd/loner brigade sitting in the corner dasghfjhfklhgffds I FEEL YOU GUYS -joins the nerd/loner brigade in the corner-

    this is a CORPSE PARTY

    (on the other hand, i feel you) (i really, really feel you)


    of course thunderclash was able to transcribe the copyprotected matrix map without even having it
    of course he was

    a person so normal you forget their features. u-huh. something fishy is going on here

    "Yo u're a11 BL1N D All DEaD"
    "you are all blind, all dead"
    ... thats the obvious level
    im pretty sure theres a reason the use of capital/lowercase/leetspeek being inconsistent is a clue
    Y L N D A D E D
    u r e a l l a
    0 1 1 3 1
    and two rogue spaces.
    reference to him knowing tll split?
    aAa 3 DDD eE 1 11Lll N 0 r u
    ffff im not good enough at this

    nightbeat: A dead body is just a statement. A murder is a question: whodunnit
    nightbeat i
    i love you

    invisible parasites
    ok "_"

    oh dear
    does that mean thunderclash was trying to say "you are all blind, we are all dead"?
    also, all aboard the body horror train
    eggs poking out of stuff kind of pings my fascination with body horror stuff, in that bit-of-a-squick-but-i-cant-look-away-it-looks-so-fascinating way

    zombie robots!
    now that i did not expect

    • Like x 7
  15. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh my god, Nightbeat is a delight and I love him so much!!!

    Also, you think Ravage drinking out of a kitty bowl is cute? Well check out SKY LYNX (for scale, that's Wheeljack, who is a pretty average-sized Cybertronian)


    Who drinks like THIS!

    sky lynx.jpg
    • Like x 10
  16. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

  17. Petra

    Petra space case

    Sky Lynx is my favorite weird, sorta-disjointed design, tbh. Like, he's cute, but!
    • Like x 3
  18. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    mood: :noms:

    i wanna hug ravage. poor kitty.

    you saying that those thingies are basically robot cordyceps? cool. -hides self in hazmat suit-
    some scumble, swerve.

    skids and nautica dancing in a corner. naww. i can see why people ship them! (i ship them <> tbh)

    thunders? thunders how dare you be a likeable person

    nautica i love every word from your mouth
    firestar, face it, youre not made for the madness of this place. go back home.
    (or adapt, idc)

    ravage, ilu

    the true heros always appear at the last minute?
    also your eyes are suddenly white, roddy. they were blue last time we saw you. is that just a colouring error or did something happen *waggles eyebrows*
    (it took me a bit to notice that, i was distracted by rodimus legs. dayum)

    shouldnt rodimus and megatron be in danger of being infected, then? theyre both very charismatic people
    although it would add insult to injury where the barnacles to eschew roddy
    ooh, you called them over to overdose the barnacles. nice.

    nautica. nautica i love you so. much.
    firestar, you need to do a little bit of growing up, but im sure you can do it.

    you guys got magnus to dance? ... ::D

    cygate is going to break my heart isnt it
    i mean i was spoilered that those two will sort it all out but
    before that it will break my heart


    -high pitched squeeing-
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  19. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    -vibrates because whimsy will hit THAT issue-
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  20. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    honestly, because of that reaction i might just hold off for half a day
    and liveblog it when/if you drop by tomorrow
    and then i can cry in your lap and you can shoosh me and pet my hair, idk
    • Like x 1
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