Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    if you are able to do that you have more self-control than I have :P
    let me quickly check if it actually IS the issue I think it is
  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    oh good it is THAT issue i was right
  3. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    • Like x 8
  4. Petra

    Petra space case

    • Like x 1
  5. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I keep looking at that Shockwave edit and like, reflexively recoiling back every time. Pls help. This is my purgatory.
    • Like x 4
  6. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    @PRelations i may or may not have an amusing convo to distract you with ::D
    • Like x 3
  7. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    so this conversation with @IvyLB happened earlier:

    [13:37:43] whimsy: ...
    [13:37:44] whimsy: i wonder
    [13:38:00] whimsy: if brainstorms mass displacement gun works on the same principle as shrinkadink
    [13:38:33] whimsy: or if the shrunk transformers were just washed at a too high temperature
    [13:38:48] IRL - IVES: they clearly shrunk in the wash
    [13:39:02] IRL - IVES: everyone knows you can only wash rodimii cold
    [13:39:13] IRL - IVES: and you have to handwash them and pet them very thoroughly
    [13:39:20] IRL - IVES: or else they'll become grumpy
    [13:39:22] IRL - IVES: :P
    [13:39:40] whimsy: honestly i rather suspect that the rodimii het the water with their presence
    [13:39:41] IRL - IVES: (Don't put your rodimii in the tumble drier)
    [13:39:44] whimsy: *HEAT
    [13:39:47] whimsy: theres nothing het about this
    [13:39:57] IRL - IVES: LOL
    [13:40:32] IRL - IVES: but yes this is why if you wash rodimii with other transformers you have to start with cold water or else everyone will shrink in the wash
    [13:40:48] IRL - IVES: also because the red gets all over everything
    [13:41:56] IRL - IVES: only ever wash all the blue bots together, except overlord who goes in the shame corner so he doesn't get all tangled up with fort max
    [13:42:23] whimsy: can you repurpose those bra washing bag thingies for that
    [13:42:23] IRL - IVES: -continues to make laundry jokes about transformers-
    [13:42:34] IRL - IVES: yes that is the shame bag for overlord
    [13:42:41] IRL - IVES: overlord goes in the bra thing
    • Like x 7
  8. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    mood: :confutoot::psyduck:

    cy? is that your holomatter avatar? shes awesome
    is that a mini humanized tailgate? omg adorbs

    dassgdghfjgkhljkl -snickering-
    here lies the fourth wall, dead and buried
    may it rest in piecespeace

    hello tarvek sturmvoraus


    i love how it takes rodimus a panel to catch up with what he just heard
    i feel you, megs, i feel you

    guys, you dont have ratchet with you any more. guys. you need a medic.
    ah, i figure velocitys gonna take over in the meantime


    well thats one hell of a nightmare. no wonder its hogging processing power!
    but, to ask the one million dollar question: why?

    i am somehow not at all surprised by the way swerves avatar looks like.

    megs? why dont you go volunteer? ||D
    -boots up dreamself and enters dreambubbleholo nightmare earth

    is that an autobot symbol belt bucket? thats awesome

    Ted has suspiciously glowy eyes. I suspect there's more disguised bots running around this holo nightmare planet

    ...swerve is that you

    i am absolutely not surprised by rodimus holomatter avatar
    you look like an 80ies film protagonist coolguy

    nautica just killed the fourth wall again. <3

    meanwhile nightbeat and nautica are eating hot dogs
    can i just say i really dig nightbeats hma? he really rocks the coat.

    holy fuck megs thats one AWESOME hma

    and theyre in apartment 42. of course.

    swerve, nothing aboat mystery illness here, just plain ol malnutrition and hella depression and a bona fide suicide attempt.

    swerve, you might want to drink some scumbo, to get out of your state of knurd.

    ...i am reminded of that one scene in spaceballs. you know the one.

    everyone here is swerve, rung, everyone. this is all running off his processor.

    oh nautica. i fucking love you.

    cy, cy i love you

    oh swerve you moron. you have medics on board. make them work for their shanix.

    Last edited: May 22, 2016
    • Like x 7
  9. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    mood: :pitchforks:

    hi necrobot! -necrobot fanby-

    magnus, megs, your faces are very close to each other
    their whole interaction gives me life

    i love everyone on this ship
    and, rodimus? i know someone you might wanna exchange a few words with, and his name is dave strider.

    im smelling misdirection

    rewind and chromedome holding hands gives me life
    augh how are you two so adorable

    what are you plotting, megs

    also rodimus expressions are just. golden.
    (i look at his face whenever im not distracted by his waist or his tighs)

    minimus stop breaking my heart
    rewind, stop breaking my heart

    rodimus, stop looking so hot
    megs. megs. youre way too perceptive about rodimus habits for that to fall under plausible deniability
    rodimus. what makes you think he isn't out on an errand? getting groceries? doing his job and recording deaths and youre just-so during his working hours?
    (what makes you think you arent fated to go there and die?)
    and this beautiful and lush planet, why are there no other recognizable life signs?

    road trip road trip road trip road trip
    look even megs looks happy

    is this a fucking graveyard
    are those statues
    i feel like i should remember the name impactor, but i sure as hell remember windblades face and build

    knock first! and check if he left you a clue.

    ah. statues of people who are still alive. a memento mori, who is still on the list?

    also, rodimus, are you standing on someone elses gravemarker? thats disrespectful
    (but yes i agree on the assessment of choice ass)
    (and im ace)

    ah, that's what youre plotting, megs.
    you got a long road yet in front of you.

    oh gods you two


    necrobot. are you telling me youre a bureaucrat with training in pathology.
    is that where your mythos has its roots in reality.
    i love everything about you

    necrobot, i shall offer you a hope for a future: rodimus combined with a matrix equals fertile feet. he still has a long way in front of him, but i believe he can lead your people towards a future.

    nightbeat, shoosh. not his fault people spun stories.
    stories mean a culture is alive

    -pedals back-
    censere, not that your cape isnt cool and all, but why do you have a cape

    -gets distracted by rodimus smoking hot body-
    -then gets distracted by nauticas smoking hot body in the background-

    ... swerve, are you getting a piggyback ride from tailgate? and taking a selfie? (see? this is what happens when i get distracted. i miss comedy gold like that in the background)

    so... nightbeat and censere are similar in character? but censere got a lifetime or three more of experience. no wonder he recognized fletchling nightbeat to be similar

    "you are all killers"
    theres a chill going down my spine and i love it
    because after 4 million years of war, there are no innocents, any more.
    heros of wartime are in peacetime murderers
    • Like x 7
  10. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    mood: :toot:

    i fucking love the scavengers, theyre perfect

    -phew- just a friendly game of tag
    also, i love misfires internal narration


    -raises eyebrow- :noms:

    something about the shark teeth and the way this green bot just lounges against the wall, holding the mic...
    im sorry i just
    fuck that was a great punchline

    krok. krok, shoosh. sshhh. everything will be alright

    thats what @IvyLB was alluding to when i told her about my plans for my first transformers oc

    this is an absolutely preposterous amount of money

    also, who's thinking this guy is either delusional or bullshitting or both? -raises hand-

    • Like x 4
  11. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Psst, guys, I'm on mobile right now and can't check myself, but is spotlight: trailcutter (trailbreaker?) posted online? And/or spotlight: hoist? Because I didn't read those in chronological order compared to the ongoing, I only read them a few days ago when my trade came in the mail. And Trailcutter already broke my heart, but fuuuuuck, now he REALLY breaks my heart. And I'm in love with Hoist. More engineers! Engineers everywhere!!! It's a silly thing to want representation for, but I do love my career, and it's... not really a glamorous one that you see many fictional characters as.

    (also trailcutter's spotlight makes issues 28/29 so, so much harsher looking at them now :C )

    (also also, you get to see my handsome, spiky, bounty hunter husband! I love him so)
    • Like x 1
  12. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Neither of them are on veiwcomic! Which sucks, because I read the synopsis for Spotlight: Trailcutter and really wanted to find it.
  13. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I'll wait until I have natural light again, because it makes my shitty photos marginally less shitty, but I'll post both of those one shots tomorrow!
    • Like x 3
  14. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    You're an absolute blessing Spock!
    • Like x 4
  15. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Thank you based Spock for slaking our robot addictions
    • Like x 4
  16. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    That guy
  17. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    We bring you VIDEO from Transformers the Ride!

  18. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    • Like x 6
  19. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    @IvyLB because you linked the song.

    to the refrain of Of Monsters and Men - Little Talks:
    Don't listen to the words I say
    lt 1.png

    The screams are all the same
    lt 2.png

    Though the truth may vary
    lt 3a.png lt 3b.png

    This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
    lt 4.png
    Last edited: May 23, 2016
    • Like x 10
  20. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    • Like x 5
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