Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Petra

    Petra space case

    Yeah, that's what I'm hoping. For reasons of GLORIOUS REVOLUTION. Seriously ffffuck Megatron in TGWP. Starscream at least has some slight morals grounding him and non-sadistic relationships. It'd be interesting if Skyfire was much less enthusiastic about the whole thing than Starscream, though, but at least it'd be a step up from being stuck in alt-mode and called a taxi.
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  2. Petra

    Petra space case

    Like, Starscream is very clearly in love with Skyfire, right? But even if Skyfire didn't hate Starscream for the whole 'getting all my friends killed slash imprisoned' thing, I dunno if his own torch is going to be burning as brightly. MAXIMUM AWKWARD. Tfw when the ex leads a revolt to free u and you're just not that into him anymore it's been vorns Starscream.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2016
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  3. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Man I think Soundwave is probably leaning towards revolution, maybe even without realizing it? Dude is not good at introspection, and he's already had a lot of hard thoughts about loyalty and the directions it goes. There are a lot of ways where it seems like his loyalty to Megatron isn't even genuine anymore, it's habit, and an understanding of what will happen if he defects. And I think Megatron takes that for granted, definitely. Maybe even takes it for granted enough to not consider that Soundwave might defect? He's a paranoid egotistical dictator, but he's also really bad at spotting friction in the ranks; depending on whether or not he thinks hurting Jazz might keep Soundwave in line, he may not even realize he has to keep Soundwave in line.

    And if it seems like Starscream's revolution might gain traction, that's a whole 'nother can of worms. Because previous betrayals were like habit too, right? But this isn't, I don't think. And he's got a whole planet of neutrals to entice again. Part of why Soundwave went with Megatron in the beginning was the strength of his strategy and leadership, but that's been failing-- would it be easier for him to logic around to betrayal if Starscream presented a probable victory and that would ensure the safety of Jazz and the cassettes?
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  4. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    My biggest thing is that I'm a HUGE sucker for Skyfire, especially as he relates to Starscream, because his intro episode in the original cartoon was one of the only things I knew about transformers before diving into mtmte. He's so chill and SWEET that I just can't stand to see him sad in any way :C He's such a giant sweet puppy dog that I have trouble seeing him holding any long-term grudge, and I have a lot of emotions about him being pretty much the only character in canon who has memories of what Starscream was like before the war that haven't been affected by seeing how the war developed and the way Starscream changed during it. Which is PROBABLY (definitely) giving too much credit for nuanced writing to the people who worked on the G1 cartoon. Buuuuuuuut Starscream and Skyfire are my favorite and I want to see them together sooooooooooooo so badly.

    THAT BEING SAID. I do want Starscream to have to WORK for it. Even if Skyfire is still sweet on Starscream, he's not an idiot, and he's seen how shitty the Autobots have been treated since the end of the war. Being locked in his alt mode and used as a taxi is pretty miserable (I'd go crazy in like... two days if I couldn't use my hands), but the mine slaves probably have it even worse, and he's been there to watch it all. I want to see the awkward sadness that is 'I like you and I think you can be a decent person, but you did some awful things. But I still like you.' And I want Starscream having to prove to him that yes, he can be decent, no, really! Which should be an entertaining thing to watch, if the story goes that direction.

    But basically now I'm just rambling about the G1 fic I want to write if I can figure out a decent scenario that isn't just ripping off TGWP wholesale :P

    (And I definitely agree about Soundwave being closer to revolution that he realizes! I know Jazz is definitely going to drag him in a revolutionary direction, but I have to wonder how much his cassettes (except Ravage) are going to help with that progress, because Soundwave is going to have a real tough time introspecting on his own. And I'm too lazy to back and check the fic, but didn't Soundwave note something about how the Seekers are especially popular with the neutral population of the planet right now? I may have made that up, but it sounds familiar)

    OH, one last thought. It's been brought up a few times that lots of neutrals really, really want to become Decepticons, but Megatron's been dangling it out of reach. Depending how many Seekers defect, and how much Megatron wants to bulk out his ranks, I wonder if that might change. Are there any Decepticon parallels to Blurr/Hot Rod/etc, in terms of when they were introduced in canon? I'm hella weak on that part of the continuity.
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  5. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Yup! Soundwave noted Starscream's growing popularity post-riot with a lot of unease, actually! Because Shockwave is Notoriously Hated by pretty much everyone, and since Starscream is his opposite in everything, that meant a lot of people adored him. Depending on how Starscream is in appearance of brutatlity vs Megatron, there might even be contingents of neutrals who quietly hope he's in charge instead.

    I haven't seen enough G1 to speculate, but I do know Blurr and Hot Rod were both courted by the Decepticons (and even seriously contemplated joining) in IDW, so that might be a thing coming up? Alternatively, since Starscream done pissed him off even more, Megs might grant Shockwave's friends those Decepticon badges they crave, cementing the nepotism of the tyranny even further and pushing the working class neutrals away even harder. That seems... disappointingly in character for him, especially since Shockwave's star is very gradually back on the rise post Soundwave's intervention.
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  6. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    Now. Starscream has buggered off to parts unknown. Hot Rod has also disappeared off somewhere after being maybe sexually assaulted by Megatron.

    So..... Starscream/Hot Rod team-up?

    Oh my god do I want it. They're so aggressively separated in IDW canon, but you know, I think those two would also have lots of leaderfeels to bond over. I am suddenly VERY captivated by this dynamic. Heart eyes, motherfucker.
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  7. Petra

    Petra space case

    I'd like to suggest a TGWP Starscream/Skyfire song to get in the mood.

    See my city in the city lights
    Scratch the belly of the underside
    Oh mighty man of war
    How we tether together
    I know you make a fool of me forever
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2016
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  8. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    MOTHER OF FUCK I WANT IT so much could hinge on how willing Starscream might be to share the spotlight if he feels threatened by someone with equal amounts of charisma, however inexperienced Roddy might be in putting it into practice. But by god between Seeker popularity and Hot Rod's connection to the neutrals (and possible Matrix compatibility) they'd be potent as hell
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  9. Petra

    Petra space case

    Aw man I found a Dominus/Rewind Rewind/Chromedome song.

    Decades to decide I need decision
    Decades to decide I will never be satisfied
    With how I have been living
    I must find and capture an astonished man
    Hold him till he knows he is forgiven
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  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    Gueeeeeeeeeess who finally came unstuck on that one fic they said they were going to write forever ago? It meeeeeee :3

    But! I'm finally building momentum on this thing again. Just as I get ready to go on another weekend trip :V But I've still got the rest of tonight to work on it, plus most of tomorrow afternoon, and this time I'm getting back home sometime Sunday afternoon, so it's much more reasonable than last weekend. I think that noncon vent fic thing was actually kind of helpful in unsticking me, even if I think it's one of the weakest dead dove fics in my archives

    Anyways, babby excerpt! Because I'm really pleased with myself

    This is a bad plan.

    It’s certainly not a good plan. It isn’t even serviceable, passable, or decent. Not even the most charitable evaluation would allow that much. This is a horrible plan.

    And that is one of the reasons you can’t tell anyone, isn’t it. Anyone with half a brain would try to argue you out of it. Anyone with more than half a brain would report you to the authorities straightaway. And Rewind—You look down, where your hands are still linked together. You took his hand in yours last night, when the two of you lay down to recharge together. He’s still asleep, and you still haven’t slept. You haven’t let go of his hand either.

    It’s best not to linger on what Rewind would do.

    You linger in the berth with him, and it’s purely selfish. You need to go. You know you need to go. You can’t stay any longer, every day feels like your spark is being strangled out of your chest, and—you shouldn’t be thinking wistfully of the relinquishment clinics. There’s only so long you can stumble through day after day, feeling like you’re barely tethered to your body. You shouldn’t keep coming and coming back to the thought of how good it would feel to finally rest.

    So, then. It’s a bad plan, but it’s the better plan. You don’t have much hope of success, but it is a chance to finally do something productive with yourself. Something worthwhile. A chance to do something that matters. Even if you die (and you’re certain you will), at least you’ll have done it trying to accomplish something with your life. One last failure to cap off all your other failures. At least when you do die, you won’t be able to linger on it. That should be nice. And you’ll have died trying to do something important.
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  11. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Okay. I don't know what it is. But those are good words, right there. Short but sweet antithesis, the clauses weighted enough on both sides of the comma that you can feel the deliberate, delicate balance just as it's about to be tipped too far in one direction and come crashing down. He and Rewind are no long in sync with each other, and so the parallel structure of the sentence slips in an extra word for Dominus that sets the whole thing out of joint. A metaphor for the mental state of the narrator overall, as he contemplates his impending poor life choices

    When you hit the literary device just right


    ...I think I need to go to sleep
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  12. Petra

    Petra space case

    God the entirely of me watching the TFP 5-part miniseries thing is just me going 'NO MIKO NO'. I like her as a character, but...
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  13. Petra

    Petra space case

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  14. Petra

    Petra space case

    Also I see Arcee would probably dislike escort missions in video games.

    Just stuff the fucking npc in the closet they'll be fine.
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  15. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i keep looking for soundwave/jazz stuff but upon finding some i always realize that no, i dont want just any old soundwave/jazz stuff, what i want is to be able to read TGWP for the first time again. i can't believe i've been destroyed by this fanfic

    like. i dont think i'm being too demanding.... it's just that I want every single person who does soundwave/jazz to write that exact same character dynamic between them (including the cassettes), but in.... different stories...... ideally novel-length stories.... that are as good as TGWP...... why is this happening to me......


    time for another re-read.........
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  16. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    someone remind me why I love these dumb giant robots. I'm having a hard time of it and my muse wants to run away and never come back again.
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  17. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it


    1) Ultra Magnus cleans Rodimus's office when he has free time. Possibly as a way to destress after the weekly hug session with Megatron
    2) We need to brainstorm what the 'more appropriate words' are that Megatron would rather engrave on Rodimus's forehead. For science
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  18. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

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  19. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Decepticons BAD Autobots GOOD
    The war is over you guys, we've put all those hard feelings behind us.

    Ultra Magnus has lovely handwriting. He chose to perfect a skill that has almost no practical function for giant robots.

    The way Whirl manages to look confused and flustered when Chromedome hugged him that one time, even though he had to emote with no face and one unblinking eye.

    The only crew member that doesn't cut Whirl a bunch of slack became his best friend in a grumpy samurai way.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
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  20. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Zoom! Enhance!!!


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