Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Will do tomorrow, when I get home from work! :D
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  2. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    ratchet shock.gif
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  3. meowtini on the rocks

    meowtini on the rocks Active Member

    Yeeeaaaaah we went on that ride A LOT.

    Like had the 'waiting in line' videos memorized a lot.

    (also what do you mean one day I have enough NEST gear to do it for the entire weekend XDD I'm not going to but I mean I could)
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  4. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    ........I just realized that this Soundwave is the Bayverse version of Cosmos. I already ship Soundwave/Cosmos super hard, but now I need a crossover where they hang out and grump about getting left out of things, or where they run lonely space missions together and have private bonding time. Bonus: keeping the art dissonance between series so they're both like '...... well you're kind of hideous, but I really like you as a person'

    PS, I've restarted TFA, which is SOOOO excellent now that I know where the worldbuilding is headed and ALSO now that I've read The Brave Shall Heed The Call (so good, so good). And also I went digging back through herzspalter's art tag, because I owe her a cross-stitch project (I think I'm going to do her Grindcore Quark picture, which is not as gruesome as you're thinking, but still kind of gruesome, and also really gorgeous). But after going through her art, I am DROWNING in bumbleblitz feelings, it's the best kind of asshole/asshole shipping and I dieeeee with how cute they are, and also Blitzwing gave me Lego Movie feelings??? ?? ?? Anyways, people should totally come watch TFA with me, because it's a whole lot of fun and I'm really enjoying myself.
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  5. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    After witnessing a Bayverse transformation sequence, Cosmos starts quietly freaking out. "Your insides are on your outsides!!! Are you okay?! Because I'm pretty sure that's not normal, it's definitely not safe, you should really get a doctor to check that for you-"
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  6. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Yeah, WOW, Bayverse transformers compared to the comics... they're pretty much walking around with their guts exposed, aren't they. Nautica with her face half blown off looks more intact than these bots in pristine condition. OH. HA. I bet the comics transformers would think that Bayverse Ravage is the most attractive one in the bunch, because at least he has skin plating
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  7. Petra

    Petra space case

    I think Bay thought it looked more 'realistic' if the only chassis was things needed for their alt-mode, unfortunately this ignores that chassis is there for a reason, and it's protective.
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  8. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    ...the only thing I like about bayverse is all the fiddly little bits on the pretty pretty robots
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  9. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Like I admire the creativity and intricate design that went into the Bayverse fiddly bits, but at the same time, whenever I watch one of those movies my brain starts to throb because they all look so similar. I can tell IDW robots apart pretty easily now, but not Bayverse Decepticons /shudder/
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  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Yeah, I enjoyed the heck out of the first movie (and probably still do if I ever sit down to rewatch my dvd), and even moderately enjoyed the second (despite devastator's scrotum and skids and mudflap), and most of that enjoyment was watching the epic robots, but I had NO clue who anyone but was except Bumblebee and Optimus. I could probably do a bit better on the Autobots now, because I've got added robot-identifying infrastructure to my brain and it looks like more care was put into making them recognizable, but the Decepticons... I just don't even know. I was content to watch them when I thought they were indistinct, barely-a-character goons, but now I know that they were SUPPOSEDLY taking a lot of beloved legacy characters and fitting them into this universe, and it's much more painful to see the choices they made, even if I like it in a detached-from-plot-and-canon visual sense. Even though Soundwave is the light of my life, I'd have a tough time picking him out of a Bayverse group shot, and that's just not right.
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  11. Petra

    Petra space case

    I think I'd like the designs better if there was a) more coverage with metal plates and b) the fiddly details in between.

    That way you get the pleasing intricacy without it being visually overloading, imo?
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  12. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Iunno, "lots of tiny details to sort through" is a happy place for my brain [shrugs] Lots of smooth paneling is... certainly An Option, and easier to draw! Just... not the option I would prefer to watch.

    I will admit that even the wikipedia summaries of the movie-plots had me screaming in disgust every three lines, but. As long as I keep "bayverse visual designs" separate from "robots I actually have characterization for/care about," they're really nice to look at?
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  13. Petra

    Petra space case

    Fair enough! Obviously opinions vary, I'm just explaining why it's NOT a happy place for my brain. :)
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  14. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    For me the fiddly bits are the robot equivalent of Liefield pouches. I have nothing against pouches in general. I've designed characters whose clothing is made of pockets sown together. But there are ways to add pouches to a design that enhance the design, and this isn't it.
    H. R. Giger makes nice, detailed pictures of mechanical stuff. But his stuff is well-delineated, organized, patterns repeating over the whole of a part instead of switching to something else halfway down.
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  15. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Mtmte trade #4 text supplements! There's some GOOD SHIT in here, especially wrt the beach trip Hedonia issue

    0613161830~2.jpg 0613161831~2.jpg 0613161831a~2.jpg 0613161832~2.jpg
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2016
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  16. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion


    friends, robots, countrymachines... I heard that, due to Shenanigans, this here is Megatron, projected into a human avatar in some computer simulated Earth with a laughtrack. For reasons??????

    I'm just so amazed at his belt. And his overall edgy antihero/villain aesthetic.
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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Mmmmm, yes. One of my favorite moments in the comic, t b h. Also check out the decepticon charm on his cane. If I ever wind up in a cane-needing position, I may shamelessly imitate that. This issue of the comic is solid gold (and very Shenanigans), but this is one of the stand-out moments.

    (and it was super necessary! they had to go on a quest on hologram earth because someone almost self-neglected himself to death and in the process hid his hologram self somewhere on the hologram of earth (via, uh. other shenanigans), so everyone is trying to find him in new york city. also involves a character reading the transformers comic, some other next-level fourth wall breaking (it's okay, it's because of a "meta bomb" in the comic, so it totally makes sense), CYCLONUS BEING A SEXY BEAST, GODDAMN, a paintball fight, and also a secret agent passing along messages through bullets he shoots into people. And Megatron being tickled. It's a REALLY GOOD ISSUE)
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  18. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    yes the friend who's posting about this just posted the tickling


    :nautica: :shynautica:is it really her?!?!?!
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  19. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    She is the best! The best!
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  20. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Do I have a fic rec for all of you:

    The Most Unlikely of Events by gatekat and Verilidaine
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