Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

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  2. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Whenever I read the line "for the few Autobots left standing" I'm like it's fine, don't worry about it, they can carry/drag all the other perfectly-alive-but-inconveniently-dismembered members of the Rod Squad to safety, this isn't even an issue

    Also yeah, I hate to say it, but of all the group Skids is one of the ones I'm least attached to. Poor Nautica though...fuck ;-;

    If the Rod Squad escapes and eventually comes across the Lost Light in their competing quest to find the Knights of Cybertron first and someone points out to Getaway that factoid about Skids, I could totally see it becoming part of a villainous breakdown as he goes into wild denial over fucking up his scheming that badly
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  3. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    does Swerve know Skids is dead
    where is Swerve??

    also I love this bit but poor Nautica's never going to be the same again, is she?

    baby no.JPG
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  4. Petra

    Petra space case

    I'm surprised only Skids is confirmed dead. I expected a massacre. I really hope Ravage pulls through, and I'm not convinced Megatron got killshotted until I see the body.

    Really surprised Deathasaurus sent his men to certain death, though, I was expecting him to go 'no' and get murdered.
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  5. Petra

    Petra space case

    On the bright side, no more mixing Skids up with other blue mechs!

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  6. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i refuse to like this post, because i do NOT like it, so i will just give you a hearty "HOW DARE"
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  7. Petra

    Petra space case

    Gotta look on the bright side... of death.
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  8. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    On the mystery of Skids versus Tailgate: perhaps it's the motivation/underlying emotion of the trauma. We know that transformers can be placebo'd, that their psychology and their physiology are not separated.
    When Tailgate did the burst thing, he was trying to save Cyclonus. He wanted to be stronger, since his feelings of uselessness led to Getaway being able to manipulate him, and he was too weak to save Cyclonus. So he becomes strong.
    Skids feels guilt. He wants to die.

    It's harder to justify why this never was recorded during the war, though.
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  9. aetherGeologist

    aetherGeologist Well-Known Member

    I am still annoyed about the fool's energon reveal, because I really don't like magic feather plots (especially when there's an implied mental health connection) but this whole thing about Optimus lying ro the whole crew and undermining Rodimus' authority to do it? That's actually really intriguing and i want more
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  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity know what, is this supposed to be Lugnut? I kind of think this is totally supposed to be TFA Lugnut


    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
  11. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    OK im back home and shall now proceed to read mtmte 54

    but first!
    liveblog of my read of exrid 1 b/c i needed to distract myself before my shrink appointment:
    was it worth it?

    that... kinda doesnt look alive, bro

    the land haaaaates you
    that should be your first clue that you didnt actually win, as far as your god is concerned

    those are some very... interesting robot designs! i like.

    jokes on you, rodimus is still alive. he got the right idea and bailed.
    and i see only one bot with an obvious badge. lots of neutrals, or lots of people who cast off their badge? out of conviction? out of tiredness? out of fear?

    hi metalhawk. i know you will die. i hope i dont get too attached to you.

    hm, bumblebee is still using the cane. so he didnt take up ratchets offer to fix him.

    ... and the autobots and the decepticons arent cybertronians?
    sheesh, i can kinda understand the sentiment, but ive seen too many phrases like that in my own home country uttered by the right-wing racist bigots to not be reminded of that sentiment

    and of course he runs into 'cons. augh.

    this comic is going to be "from bad to worse" the storyline, or, "what's the most disastrous thing that could happen", isnt it

    horri-bull. really.

    that's called abuse of power, you two.

    hi prowl.

    the only thing i can do here is try not to care about the morons who didnt leave with rodimus, and sit back with a tub of popcorn and watch the show, isnt it?




    hi shockwave
    are you already planning destroying existence or was that triggered by this?

    no, bumbles, hes not.

    prowl? werent you the one who gave the order to sabotage the ship?

    17 klicks into the wilderness, now if i only knew how those translate to minutes. did that start once the lost light left, or is it limited to specific parts of cybertron?

    prowl. you are ruthless, and lost sight of... everything.
    and, with nobody on your side, you sound a bit like starscream.

    also, ominous bot in the shadows is ominous.

    metalhawk is right, bro. that was just mere vandalism. but the underlying cause? was confirmed by both con and bot reactions.

    werent you two supposed to stay out of trouble.
    inb4 that was staged

    bumbles, didnt metalhawk ask you not to call them nails any more TEN MINUTES AGO

    "im done thinking" yeah thats p much obvious, bumbles

    of course it was staged. of course it was. (calling it rn: EVERYTHING here is staged)

    oh hey youve got your teleporting powers back! ::D

    also i have procured a windblade figurine! i need to re-do her paintjob though.
    WIN_20160622_20_16_59_Pro.jpg WIN_20160622_20_18_54_Pro.jpg

    and now, i'm ready to be emotionally compromised by giant space robots.
    ten has a mouth laser! i didnt spot that in the preview.

    (quick question in between, does anyone ever run out of ammo?)

    overlord YOU JACKASS

    on one hand, yay nickel! on the other hand D:: chromedome

    same, rewind, same
    can you guys PLEASE stop making chromedome do mnemosurgery?
    also, chromedome, if youre going to do that, HOW THE FUCK are you out on the battlefield fighting??
    also, skids no D::
    oh thank primus chromedome you wisened up


    drift did you just call rodimus "hot shot"
    is that what you did
    you do have a crush on him dont you

    rodimus you phoenix <3

    megs, thats why youve got friends who help your moral compass. also, you need to go out and help them, the upgrade is wearing off


    ah, that stuff exists, but op was too worried abt megs. got it.


    skiiiiids ;;_;;
    and he didnt even get to tell brainstorm

    inb4 deathsaurus turns on tarn

    gdi deathsaurus
    youre not happy about this
    dont do it

    im not convinced.
    (also nickel, good shot)

    did they really just kill off megatron

    i dont believe it
    i really dont

    and judging by rodimus face right now, he'll be the next to bloom

    jegus fuck.
    • Like x 6
  12. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    also, omg, in that screenshot I posted above, Velocity is in the fight too. I'm so glad she made it out okay, and I'm super proud of her for being so brave ;_; Nautica was part of the initial Camien expedition with Chromia and Windblade, so I'm guessing she'd been trained to fight at a decent level, like them. But Velocity is a medic, and a new medic. And here she is on the battlefield. I'm glad I didn't realize she was out there on my first readthrough, because I'd be stressing the hell out, worrying about her making it out okay.


    I hope she's doing okay. I want her and Ratchet to have bonding time over reconciling being a medic and a fighter. More screentime for Velocity!
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  13. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    It could be that only Outliers can do that? Tailgate may have become an outlier when Cyclonus infused his spark, but Skids already was one. It may have happened during the war, but there weren't many outliers, so the phenomena could have gone unrecorded.

    I KNEW RAVAGE WAS GOING TO GET FRIDGED!!! ARRRRGH!!! WHY DOES EVERYONE ABUSE MEGATRON'S MURDER CAT??! Also Skids...yeaah, he was the only major character whose plots thread had all wrapped up. The last piece was remembering what he did in the Grindcore.

    Also, the safest place for the minibots to be is on Maximus Ambus. Whichever robot came up with that idea gets major kudos.

    Also, WHERE THE HELL ARE TAILGATE AND CYCLONUS??? They both disappeared. After Cy's big declaration in 53, I expected some sort of drama to happen to one or both of them during the battle. I'm disappointed, maybe it's not over yet.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
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  14. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    I can't remember if it's been shown before, but I really do appreciate that Tarn has speakers set into his shoulders. What a ridiculous thing to do, being able to play his ~theme song~ at a moment's notice.
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  15. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    So because you guys might need some cheering up have a link to the gdocs @TwoBrokenMirrors and I keep a fun little OC RP in! This is where my minibot medic Half Life goes :P

    cw: eating disorders, ptsd, past medical abuse, mildly dubious consent practices, canon typical violence
    ALSO IT IS MASSIVELY NSFW, 18+, adult content
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  16. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    if I was a big robot
    I would want to be able to play music whenever wherever
    it feels important
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  17. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Somewhere out there, Jazz is both proud and yet profoundly disturbed
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  18. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Oh, you have a good point about Skids being an outlier. That hadn't occurred to me before, and that would explain why it can't just be randomly induced trauma (and would explain why explosive outlier effects affected him differently from Tailgate).

    (And of course it would be the superlearner who put all of that together. Skids ;n;)
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  19. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    regarding tarns shoulder speakers

    imagine someone hacking them
    the empyrean suite is playing, and suddenly theres static, and then "ah, ah, mike test, mike test, can you hear me loud and clear?"
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  20. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Someone rickrolls Tarn with his own shoulder speakers.
    • Like x 12
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