Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Tarn plays this and calls it the Empyrean Suite. Skids has this playing over and over again in his head, despite the fact that he was in Grindcore before the song was made, probably. Ke$ha retroactively becomes troll Cybertronian Bach. The timeline is a hot mess
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  2. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Are you saying Tarn wouldn't be playing this:
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  3. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i think........ i want to watch the first bay movie again....... i saw it years and years ago but i had no idea who anyone was except OP and megatron.... i wanna rewatch it and be offended by the characterization..... its 2 am which is why this seems like a good and hilarious idea instead of the terrible idea i know it to be

    i think... it is time to go to sleep
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  4. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

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  5. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    I am a hap
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  6. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    so, this conversation happened @IvyLB

    [10:53 AM] winterykite: im rereading the prose story and
    [10:53 AM] winterykite: before luna 1 rodimus had pink walls
    [10:53 AM] winterykite: he had painted his office the equivalent of blood red
    [10:53 AM] winterykite: rodimus you edgelord
    [1:30 PM] IvyLB: rodimus is my edgy tween "hardcore " son
    [1:30 PM] IvyLB: he needs a hug and fashion advice
    [1:30 PM] winterykite: and a moirail who calls him out on his shit
    [1:31 PM] IvyLB: -shoves drift forward-
    [1:31 PM] winterykite: (aka damn drift step up your game)
    [1:31 PM] IvyLB: i mean they are
    [1:31 PM] IvyLB: codependant
    [1:31 PM] IvyLB: and a bit unhealthy
    [1:31 PM] winterykite: someone, i tihnk it was mizushimo, described the relationship held together with duct tape, and i think thats fitting
    [1:31 PM] IvyLB: i want them to be amicas
    [1:32 PM] IvyLB: i honestly think if they hooked up properly and started like
    [1:32 PM] IvyLB: looking out for eachother instead of suppressing the fact that they clearly want to
    [1:32 PM] IvyLB: that might actually help
    [1:32 PM] winterykite: yesss
    [1:33 PM] winterykite: they need to have a very, very long talk
    [1:33 PM] winterykite: drift being able to tell when someone is lying is a good thing but i think rodimus being open and honest will go a while
    [1:33 PM] IvyLB: yea
    [1:33 PM] winterykite: and drift needs to take a long and hard look at the whole mess and that he wont be helped if people are enabling him
    [1:34 PM] winterykite: and that he needs someone who can stop his more stupid ideas
    [1:34 PM] winterykite: like, drift told him that taking overlord on board would be a fucking stupid idea
    [1:35 PM] winterykite: rodimus just needs to start LISTENING to people
    [1:40 PM] IvyLB: rodimus is very bad at listening to people unless those people are either optimus prime or megatron-but-only-on-a-battlefield apparentl
    [1:40 PM] IvyLB: y
    [1:40 PM] winterykite: yeeah thats a thing he needs to work on
    [1:40 PM] winterykite: hes doing it on purpose tho
    [1:40 PM] IvyLB: yeah
    [1:41 PM] IvyLB: he purposefully not listening to people, unless the people intimidate/scare him enough
    [1:41 PM] winterykite: i remember that part where he said, drift says what i want to do, magnus says what i should do, they cancel each other out and im left to do what i want
    [1:41 PM] IvyLB: ye
    [1:41 PM] winterykite: the thing is
    [1:42 PM] winterykite: he listens to megs
    [1:42 PM] winterykite: imagine megs and rodimus as amica
    [1:43 PM] IvyLB: ... that is an interesting light I hadn't looked at the "I knew it" from the holiday special under
    [1:43 PM] IvyLB: because I assumed taht rodimus was jealous because he misinterpreted what was happening due to audio-only
    [1:43 PM] IvyLB: and it's fairly evident that he has massive boners both for UM and Megs
    [1:44 PM] IvyLB: and would liek to be the filling in that sandwich if they let him
    [1:44 PM] IvyLB: BUT
    [1:44 PM] IvyLB: if he DIDN'T misinterprete it and was jealous because HE wanted to hug Megs?
    [1:44 PM] IvyLB: -rubs chin with ponderous expression-
    [1:48 PM] winterykite: ::3
    [1:49 PM] winterykite: (imagine) (drift returning, he knows megs is back in theory but hes p much unprepared) (but megs is trying) (and then he senses that rodimus, his rodimus, actually likes megatron)
    [1:52 PM] IvyLB: oh no
    [1:52 PM] IvyLB: I would read the hell out of that
    [1:53 PM] IvyLB: what if it ends up being the getaway/tailgate/cyclonus love triangle plot but without murder attempts, and as amicas and with approximately 4000000% more baggage among the involved parties
    [1:54 PM] IvyLB: so it's like three hundred times as intense
    [1:54 PM] winterykite: nice
    [1:55 PM] winterykite: with a huge dratchet subplot bc of drift trying to refocus it all on ratchet
    [1:55 PM] winterykite: who calls bullshit in abt .2 seconds
    [1:57 PM] winterykite: (swerve remarking, "wow, and there i thought the cyclonus/tailgate/getaway thing was a mess")
    [1:59 PM] IvyLB: yessss
    [1:59 PM] IvyLB: Okay but
    [1:59 PM] IvyLB: Rodimus in the middle not really understanding what the FUCK is going on
    [2:00 PM] IvyLB: and thinking that Drift having lost his chill is because he sent him away not because Drift is competing with his ex-commander over roddy's affection
    [2:00 PM] winterykite: yes
    [2:01 PM] winterykite: very much yes
    [2:01 PM] winterykite: is rodimus first reaction to someone trying to explain it "... that doesnt sound right"?
    [2:01 PM] IvyLB: "that sounds fake but ok"
    [2:01 PM] winterykite: yeah or that
    [2:02 PM] IvyLB: ratchet and ravage bonding over their respective whiny loners trying to flirt with rodimus
    [2:02 PM] winterykite: yes
    [2:03 PM] IvyLB: -ravage slinks into the medibay- "He wrote him a poem" "Oh GREAT! so now I get to proofread Drift's writing again for days until he feels he measures up to great poet warrior megatron of tarn"
    [2:03 PM] IvyLB: ravage grins
    [2:05 PM] winterykite: how confused is ultra magnus by all of this
    [2:05 PM] IvyLB: very
    [2:05 PM] winterykite: even more confused than rodimus?
    [2:05 PM] IvyLB: yes
    [2:06 PM] winterykite: they can bond over their confusion
    [2:06 PM] IvyLB: I assume rewind and ten sit him down one day and ILLUSTRATE what is going on
    [2:06 PM] winterykite: snrrrrk
    [2:06 PM] IvyLB: with drawings and recordings and schemata
    [2:07 PM] winterykite: yes
    [2:09 PM] winterykite: rodimus mildly freaking out bc he feels he deserves neither drift nor megs drift and megs facepalming synchronously
    [2:09 PM] IvyLB: of
    [2:09 PM] IvyLB: course
    [2:09 PM] IvyLB: he
    [2:09 PM] IvyLB: would
    [2:10 PM] winterykite: they dont care. they tell him that. the only thing that differs might be the wording, and they say it in synch
    [2:12 PM] winterykite: (meanwhile the rest of the ship has a betting pool going on)
    [2:13 PM] winterykite: (is rodimus just amica-marrying them both the dark horse, is it about even between the three, is it the favourited bet; or is the bet not about the who, but only the when)
    [2:13 PM] IvyLB: Rodimus: "BUT HOW DO I CHOOSE?" Drift: "listen to your spark and the divine will give you the answer." Megatron: "Just think about it for a while and you will know the logical answer"
    [2:13 PM] IvyLB: cue glaring match between megs and drift
    [2:13 PM] winterykite: (who tells him that nautica just went and amica-married all the people who mean a lot to her)
    [2:14 PM] IvyLB: I assume that Rung might eventually take pity on him and tell him
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  7. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I'm rereading Dark Cybertron bc sis is coming up on it and help I can't hold all these Shockwave feelings

    (I am very aware of how ironic this is)
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  8. aetherGeologist

    aetherGeologist Well-Known Member

    I like the idea that the nature of the spasm would be defined by the type of outlier. Tailgate's super strong and durable, so he heals Cyclonus and Thunderclash and boosts the guards. Skids, ont he other hand was a super-learner, and in the last battle even the less experienced mechs like Brainstorm and Velocity are suddenly decent fighters and Swerve is actually managing to hit stuff.

    also the empyrean suite is clearly megalovania
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  9. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    I like it! Or if, say, Nautica or Brainstorm went off, it would kickstart everyone's Sparkiness


    (In the hypothetical world where they were all outliers, I mean)
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2016
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  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh my god, guys

    p17_8 copy~2.jpg

    Rodimus put one of his stars in Trailcutter's hand after he died, I am not okay
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  11. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    oh noooo
    too late rodimus
    too late
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  12. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    p17_13 copy.jpg

    Functionism! He's 'here to rank the animals' because he is an animal. Oh my goddddd, the functionists are so awful, I love it.
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  13. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    oh my god that is an upsetting detail
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  14. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Rodimus was really upset by Trailcutter's death, I wonder if they were good friends off camera? I don't remember him getting as upset about others who've died on his watch.

    Also, I'm rereading and I stumbled upon this page:
    Did anyone ever figure out whose legs those were?
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2016
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  15. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    They're Megatron's, I'm pretty sure! He's the only one I can think of with those kneecaps, and the blocky bits in the outside edge of his calves are pretty distinctive.
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  16. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    You need to tell tumblr. share the pain
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  17. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    My pitch for watching Transformers Prime:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
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  18. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    that scene is so delightful :P
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  19. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    You're right, the skinniness of the legs threw me off. His calves are supposed to be much larger then that. I guess it's an art error?
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2016
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  20. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    I'm still mad they didn't go through with it. I think hasbro got wind and freaked out.
    • Like x 2
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