Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    According to the cover of issue 13 of MTMTE, Swerve is about twice the height of the four-armed creature he's looming over, which seem to be roughly the same size as the holo-avatars.
    Except that's completely contradicted by both the holo-avatars and the bots themselves fitting nicely at the bar.
    I don't think there's any consistency.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
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  2. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Pretty sure the answer is "whatever makes the panel composition look nice" :P
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  3. aetherGeologist

    aetherGeologist Well-Known Member

    I think they can scale the holo-avatars up and down, but that doesn't really explain every other panel
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
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  4. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    They can almost certainly scale the HMAs-- see also "why is there a giant naked human in your lab" and Ratchet's apparently being roughly the same size as Pharma in one chapter and fitting inside Ratchet's own cab in another.

    The robot-scaling I have no explanation for :P
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  5. Petra

    Petra space case

    Maaaaass displacement? At least that's the explanation for scaling between alt-modes, and all we know is that if you're too energy-poor you can't use it.
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  6. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

  7. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    • Like x 4
  8. i just read mtmte and holy shit. just. holy shit. (good holy shit, tho.)
    • Like x 13
  9. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement


    Tell us about your favorite characters! And ships! And plot points!
    • Like x 5
  10. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."


    no but REALLY i'm super glad ahhhh!!! TELL US ALL ABOUT YOUR FAVOURITE EVERYTHING!!!!!!
    • Like x 8
  11. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    also i'm really pleased with myself because i just realized the url "cassetticons" wasn't taken and i love my cassette children >:) (also "choomchoom" which i snagged because like. fuckin choomchoom.)
    • Like x 5
  12. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    So the first prelude to the Combiner Wars series is out:

    Definitely not IDW: it's still in the Optimus versus Megatron setup. While that could set it during the Prowlastator arc, nothing else seems to match up.
  13. Glassware

    Glassware Well-Known Member

    The next three previews are Victorion, Windblade, and Starscream...given that this one ends with Optimus holding a gun to Megatron's head and starts with him saying he's no longer the leader of the autobots I'm kind of hopeful?
  14. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    Also, SOTW has finished.
    I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm pretty sure I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as LSOTW, but I'm not entirely sure why. Pacing? Revelation choices? Killing off Hubcap and Guzzle? All of them were things I don't think were great, but at least the last two were in the theme of "Autobots doing bad things".
    I think it's mainly Impactor. He kills Hubcap and Guzzle to keep them from taking down Prowl, but then later he's with Carnivac plotting revolution. ???
    I don't know. The entire series just felt awkward.
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  15. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Off-topic, but Random OC Idea Of The Day:

    Dogformer poet named Doggerel >:D
    • Like x 5
  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Well, I'm genuinely pleased with the reveal that Ostaros isn't dead and that he's Springer. And I enjoyed Tarantulas's emotions over that.

    Umm, lemme think. Gah. This miniseries just doesn't get a terribly strong emotional response from me.

    I like Impactor killing Guzzle. Because Guzzle is an out of control asshole, and even if he was justified in calling out Kup and Prowl, summary executions might be going a little far. Also this makes a clean sweep of dead recruits from lsotw I like things that are complete sets

    I lost track of the plans for success and scheming and all that. I mean, I could go back and trace them if I wanted, but it wasn't too cleanly told and I didn't find it compelling. I was still cheering for our heroes to do the thing, but I had no idea what the thing was.

    Iiiiiiii choose to believe Hubcap and Roadbuster somehow survived and maybe they're recuperating together and are dependent on each other for survival and maybe maybe maybe reconciling sexily

    I am very confused by what Impactor is even planning to do. Carnivac was one of my favorites in the series (mainly for that scene with Stakeout), but honestly, the only other beasty lackey who made an impression on me was Tidal Wave and I have no idea who these other guys are or why I should care.

    Also I liked the way Tidal Wave went out. The fuel-splodey thing was ehh whatever, but I like his emotions that he was feeling.

    The wreck-rule call-response thing was genuinely nice. I find the relationship between Impactor and Springer even more compelling than I used to. The complex mess of rank and history and emotions between them is really lovely, and I adore the way they're drawn to each other and work so well with each other despite all that.

    I think maybe why part of why I'm having so much trouble getting invested in this miniseries is that practically every reveal is that someone is an asshole. Like, LSOTW, there's lots of little sympathetic details to uncover all over the place. There's Rotorstorm's backstory, or Pyro's. There's the suffering you see Topspin and Twin Twist sharing. There's Verity's reasons for stowing away. There's Snare. There's even Overlord's despair when he's falling to pieces and he's told that Megatron never was coming for him. But here, you learn that oh, Hubcap pulled a dick move there. But Roadbuster pulled an even bigger dick move, nice. Annnd Guzzle is being an asshole, there's a surprise. We'll just add this dick move by Prowl onto our giant pile of dick moves made by Prowl. One of the only non-jerkish characters was Stakeout and he had an upsetting, messy death. There's sympathetic details in there, sure, but it feels like the sympathetic impression is outweighed by the god-you're-an-ass impression. And LSOTW, to me, was the other way around. I dunno, this just feels like a miniseries that should have really gripped me, and it wasn't, really :P I enjoyed it okay, but no overwhelming emotions.
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  17. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i'm just really glad verity and springer get to hang out watching the northern lights and that they're both okay.......

    also i'm fucking crazy about the call-response thing.... i mean in related news i'm fucking crazy about literally any springer/impactor interaction, so,

    uhh let's seeeeee

    the springer-is-ostaros thing was kind of out of nowhere? like. hmm. i think i like it, but it's kind of. hmm. like i. hmmm. iiiiii do not know how to feel about it? like what happened. prowl decided not to shoot him because eeuuugh getting his hands dirty, and then what? he got reformated into springer? so i guess impactor knew springer was once ostaros? and obviously prowl did. how did prowl go from 'you're an abomination' to 'you are literally the only person i trust to save me from my own fucking mess'

    idk!!! there are Implications and i do not know what to think yet

    i liked a lot of the moments. particularly impactor's moments, and when kup got to punch prowl right in his smug face. always a fan of prowl getting decked.

    still a huge fan of tarantulas' fucked up all-consuming love for prowl. love it. also loved tarantulas' Emotions about ostaros.

    arcee: continues bein a top-shelf babe and i appreciate her very very much, especially the cutting-off-tarantulas'-head thing. "obviously"

    hmmmm. didn't much care for how chaotic the whole thing was. genuinely had no idea what was going on besides 'oh they're over here. now they're going over there? something's blowing up. hope they Win, i guess'
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  18. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    this was, of course, my favourite panel:
    fucking wrecked.png
    feat. Relatable Verity
    o same verity.png
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  19. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    I don't mind "is an asshole" type revelations as much, but it all felt so bland. Maybe it was the repeated "oh, that dick move was actually me, not him" that wiped out any impact the original revelation could have had. At least Tarantulas understood that even if Impactor pushed him into the Noizemaze, it was still Prowl's fault.

    I disagree with about Guzzle, because what was that if not a summary execution?

    I think a large part of why I didn't really enjoy it is that I really dislike Prowl as a character. Maybe it's because I never read Furman's run, but every time Prowl showed up after that was just a slog of "why did anyone put this guy in charge?" He's the standard caricature of Hollywood Intelligent, by which I mean an asocial dick who can do arithmetic. Which is honestly less interesting than an asocial dick who can't do arithmetic, because an asocial dick who can't do arithmetic generally gets their comeupance more often. Whereas, like most asocial dicks who can do arithmetic in media, Prowl uses his ability to count as an excuse not to learn, and despite that, people keep giving him authority, and even worse sacrificing themselves to keep him from learning.
    Anyway, I think I would have enjoyed SOTW a lot more if it had Impactor shooting that harpoon through Prowl's head instead. Prowl's a big fan of "two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead", and guess who is keeping a lot of secrets?

    Springer being Ostaros should be a much bigger deal. Ostaros is by millions of years the youngest spark, an artificial life. Sure, at the end of Redemption they found a bunch of sparks, but still, Ostaros is an indication that Cybertronians can reproduce. We know that Cybertronians, despite their religious teachings, do succumb to old age. Since Vector Sigma isn't firing off anymore, that means that there are a finite number of Cybertronians. So that means that the Cybertronians will die off eventually unless they figure out how to do what squishy organics do, and make more of themselves.
    And not only is Ostaros an artificial lifeform, he's a rumored potential Matrix-bearer! This is like the complete inverse of Tyrest's beliefs about Constructed Cold bots. Tarantulas probably could figure out how to make .1-percenters, outliers. This is the biggest revelation in this series, and of course only Tarantulas seems to treat it with any significance.
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  20. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I think that given how Guzzle's disproportionately violent ways have been established in the comic, that at least it wasn't out of line for Impactor to assume that it was about to be a summary execution. At the beginning of the miniseries, Guzzle is locked up for getting so murder-happy that even Impactor thinks he's out of control, which is... pretty dang murder-happy. I mean, part of it is definitely that I like Impactor doing things that are arguably going too far, but I liked that moment.

    God, the call and response thing was REALLY great. That was almost the only bit that got my chest all tight with giant robot Emotions (the other bit was Tarantulas trying to tell Springer he loves him, parental emotions always get me so bad ;_; ). And it does me good to have Springer and Impactor like... tentatively on decent terms with each other again. I wouldn't call it good terms, but like. They're able to trust each other. That makes me really, really happy.

    (edit: gah, ninja'd! I read half of exohedron's post, got distracted and typed this, and only just now finished reading this and saw the part about the matrix :P ) Oh, and it occurs to me. Zero Point made direct reference to how Springer's eyes are matrix-blue and how that's maybe a thing to do with matrix compatibility. If he was deliberately engineered, I wonder how that plays into things. I don't know how, and I'd want it to have more oomph than this reveal (although I liked the reveal, it was definitely rushed), but it would be interesting to see what it's like if say, a person is created to be compatible with the matrix. Optimus was reverse-engineered to be compatible, and he says that bonding with the matrix hurts, and Rodimus seems to just have natural compatibility. So if they did the right story things, it could be interesting to play with Springer as a third flavor of matrix-compatible.

    And hm. I'd have to go back and look at that giant pile of extra material for LSOTW, but I wonder if Prowl maybe orchestrated Springer's recruitment into the wreckers in some way. If Prowl had any sort of influence over the group, it would be a way to keep an eye on Springer without having to nanny him. Admittedly with super-high mortality rates, but. Hmm. I don't have opinions on this, but I feel like it's fertile ground for ideas, if that makes sense? Also giving Springer an opportunity to hold a prominent, high-ranking position in the Autobot forces, as is only appropriate for Prowl's kinda-sorta-not-really child
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2016
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