Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Hasbro has ruined everything again. Thanks Hasbro. Thanks for fucking things up to make more moeny and sell more toys. im not going to buy comics with things I dont care about and it's going to ruin transformers unvierse and Rodimus isn't himself anymore. I don't care if he sitll has the same name I will not be able to think of him as Rodimus because he looks differnt. I can't reconize my mom when she changes her hair how am I going to reconize someone with all new paint
  2. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Honestly, I'm most bothered by crossing over with other series on earth. I didn't actually know this revolution whatever thing was happening (didn't know, or wiped the information as irrelevant), but I just......... don't care.................... I'm sure I could get into GI Joe if I tried, and Rom has a cool concept. But like... I dig superheroes a lot. And I stay the fuck away from the DC and Marvel universes because even if a lot of the parts are cool and I like the characters and junk, it's just Too Much. The transformers are already plenty Much without pulling all this new stuff in, I don't want more.

    The weird inexplicable Avengers crossover was one of my least favorite parts of phase one, because it didn't match well. The two continuities weren't written well together, it was just an awkward mashup with a big ugly weld line down the middle. Could better writing fix that? Maybe. But these two sets of characters give so much definition to their respective universes that trying to say that 'nooooo no no the other set of characters has been here the whole time too, we SWEAR!' is... a really tough sell. Where was the GI Joe cast while the Decepticons were fucking up NYC? Why didn't they take part in any of the military outreach to the cybertronian after that?

    I think I'm bitter because it feels like they're demanding I accept these new additions because EIGHTIES NOSTALGIA, AMIRIGHT? But no, I was barely alive for the eighties at all, I knew nothing about Transformers until Michael Bay and didn't know it until last winter. I didn't know anything about GI Joe until their mediocre live action movie. I didn't know anything about Rom until Linkara's reviews. I'm vaguely glad that Rom is free of licensing hell, but I plain don't CARE about any of these characters, they're not going to get the screen time for me to start giving a shit, because they'll be taking screen time from the characters I actually care about. And unless the writing is absolutely fucking flawless, it feels like they'll only weaken each other's universes.

    I dunno man. I could get behind a lighthearted eighties nostalgia crossover like Jem, even though I don't know the franchise. But Rom is fucking depressing, GI Joe... I don't know, I know it was campy back in the day, but it seems like an easy victim for the grimdark virus. And that part of the transformers series was the darkest, but at least it felt epic! I'm honestly not seeing how they're going to handle that. And they're dragging down Thundercracker with them, Tracks and Needlenose, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, Arcee, maybe Prowl depending on what that fucker's been up to, Soundwave, Cosmos, Galvatron. Optimus. Aileron. Spike and Blackrock. And those are just some of the important players. How about the intergalactic political fallout from Optimus annexing an entire goddamn populated planet while Megatron fights to protect organics? There was already such a big cast with lots of character development on a slow, steady burn, and just. I don't know. It gives me queasy plot development feelings like the looming end of homestuck did.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2016
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  3. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    >>;, I know how you feel, I'm not face blind, but that picture really doesn't look like him at all...
    Maybe it won't be so bad? Someone already did fanart. It made me feel better-

    I'm gonna be so happy to see him with his old colors back though. This way, he looks like young Decepticon #23750
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  4. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    maybe by some sort of silly miracle, cool colors Roddy is actually like
    Roddy's moody twin that's totally been in the background, guys, don't you remember him?

    it's a nice color scheme, just..not on him
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  5. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    I think we can only hope that it doesn't last long. The colors are pretty, but I can't help feeling that it signifies a major shift in personality for Rodimus. Color is important for conveying info about temperment and personality in transformers. Rodimus was always a fiery guy, he's the last person that could get a recolor that was purely cosmetic.

    EDIT: @spockandawe It could be that they're just blowing a lot of hot air in are direction to hype up the event. the two previous events had some effect, Dark Cybertron netted the Lost Light a few new characters (most significantly, Megatron), they sat out Combiner Wars. It could really mess up the RiD side of things. I agree, it seems pointless for them to start adding other toylines into the transformers comics. If they muddy the waters and they'll lose all the people that were drawn in to Transformers by recent comics. With all these new comics/reboots/crossovers, Transformers is starting to feel like the Marvel/DC comics.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2016
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  6. Petra

    Petra space case

    Yeah, it sounds like the crossover with GI Joe won't impact MTMTE/Lost Light much. As for exRiD, it soooort of sounds like they want to have groups mostly doing their own thing, with the idea that like, the Transformers are impacting earth, but there's still stuff going on that doesn't revolve around them. Politics and shit doesn't just stop because robots.
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  7. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    So my knowledge of robits so far is watching some of TFP. And I kinda honestly wanna hug Starscream and feed him robot cookies. He´s sneaky and doublecrossing but considering Megatron treats him like shit, I can´t blame him.
    (I am aware he´s evil but just. His relationship to Megatron pings me right between "Ooh kinky" and "Holy shit no one deserves that")
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  8. Petra

    Petra space case

    Anyway, I'm holding down my reservations until I can see how it plays out. Really looking forward to what is apparently going to involve the Scavengers on Earth, if I read that interview correctly!
  9. Petra

    Petra space case

    Yeah, I think that basically applies in all universes, including the IDW G1 stuff. Megatron had some really fucking not-nice periods and seemed to have kept Starscream around partly to keep himself on his toes re: betrayals, but that didn't mean he didn't still punish Starscream for attempting to seize power, even if that's why he kept Starscream around. Which is pretty... messed up.
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  10. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    starscream is my beautiful awful treacherous cowardly scheming son..... i genuinely can't stand to watch some tfp scenes because every time starscream cowers i feel like i've been struck. i am very aware he's a gigantic shithead but..... :( Keep Megatron 500 KM Away From Starscream At All Times 2k16
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  11. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Note I am hilariously not caught up, but right now I would almost lean towards suspecting Starscreams trying to sieze power was caused by his being abused, because Megatron punishes him for just plain failing to complete a mission as well.
    (This doesn´t excuse what Starscream does to other characters in the slightest mind.)
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  12. Petra

    Petra space case

    I mean I am an IDW Megatron fan but Overlord's memories were super fucking uncomfortable in Last Stand of the Wreckers, even if Overlord is extremely terrible and I hate him.
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  13. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    also re: new rodimus colours -- i hate it. just flat out hate it, there is not a single thing i like about it :T
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  14. Petra

    Petra space case

    Yeah, IDK with IDW. I think Starscream states at one point that Megatron was grooming him to be the next leader of the Decepticons, and then when Starscream actually took over when Megatron was presumed dead, he's punished for it when Megatron comes back and gets told 'you shouldn't have taken over yet, you're pathetic, you're nothing' and it's... it's a mess. Does Megatron even know what Megatron is doing with Starscream? Because Starscream is absolutely looking out for number one, number one being himself, but it really seems like Megatron's been sending him mixed signals for a long time and then brutally punishing him when he doesn't maaaagically know exactly what Megatron wanted. And no bones about it, that's abuse.

    I like it! It reminds me of my fan character, Stentato. I don't have a full-body yet but


    That being said. It is weirdly understated for Rodimus' character, so I'm interested to see where this is going. I trust JRO enough that I don't think Roddy will be OOC.
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  15. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i'm just. the blue. on rodimus. rodimus is not a Blue. rodimus is fire and temper and impulsiveness and light and warmth and it is just wrong for him to be Blue :(
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  16. Petra

    Petra space case

    Like, I agree it'd be really upsetting for the Lost Light to be turned into another grimdark gritty noir Transformers thing when a big part of the appeal is how goofy and fresh it can be even when dealing with serious subjects. But I think we've got to have faith in the writers who have done so well by us up to this point! Change is upsetting and intimidating, but it's been repeatedly emphasized that this is a rebranding of MTMTE, not a change in story or tone or characters. So I've got to trust that.
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  17. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    oh yeah i have faith in jro, i trust him. i just. blue. it is not computing
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  18. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    If he were purple and gold that would be one thing but the blue is fucking me up. At least Drift had the decency to keep the white paint scheme when he remodeled.

    Is Megatron gonna be hot pink? I'll accept this is Megs is hot pink and UM goes for a classy black and white checkered look. Because why not.
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  19. Petra

    Petra space case

    Maybe this is Rodimus' attempt at stealth paint. That would be funny.

    'But guys, I don't even look like myself anymore! It's foolproof! Nobody will recognize me!'
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  20. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Three panels later he's getting repainted and sulking about it. Everyone made FUN of him oh my god how could they HE WAS TRYING.
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