Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Aaaaaaah, thank you! I just LOVE how the shading came out. The first bit I finished enough to really get the full shading affect was his right shin, so that's the part I'm the most emotionally attached to XD But the effect on his side was so cool! I was worried I was going to lose all the detail, but then it turned out ten times cooler than I expected.

    And it's 134x165 stitches, which works out to being about 9.5 inches by 11.5 inches! I'm actually glad you asked that, because I'd been thinking my Cascade cross-stitch was still my largest project, but nope, that might be long and narrow, but this is a pretty comparable size. It's really interesting to see how much I've leveled up in the last year or so!!

    It's generated using! That's my cheat site for all the fancy shaded projects. It's the BEST thing, you just upload a picture, you get to specify size, then choose the color depth you want from the preview images, and it spits out a pattern with symbols and a color key and everything. Unfortunately, comics being what they are, it doesn't work with too much of the canon art. Sharp lines lose their resolution, etc. But Sarah Stone's style is PERFECT for patterns this way! I still lose detail in the linework, but the shading comes out GORGEOUS. After my next project is done, I'm going to be doing her Ironfist, Superion, or Windblade, I think. One of those.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2016
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  2. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    I took out an 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of printer paper for reference, and THAT IS HUGE! Most impressive! And yeah, the little eye glow is so neat!
  3. Petra

    Petra space case

    • Like x 5
  4. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    So I looked up Sarah Stones Starscream art and Squeeeeee! I am in love with his expressions. This version is an acceptable alternative to TFPs deceitful toothpick in heels. Also is it me or does he have tiny fangs?

    -not-so-quietly fangirls over the pretty asshole robit-
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  5. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Watching TFA for the first time.
    At some point in the distance past, this guy looked at Megatron's hand and thought 'this thing would make a great couch for my tv room' >>;.

    I've gotta say that so far I'm liking this a bit better than Robots in Disguise. It seems to have an ongoing plot? I'm only three episodes in
    Prowl, when the heck did you get so hot? You are supposed to be a chunky police car. This is completely illegal.
    I love that Ratchet's crotchety old manness has been dialed up to 11 in the show.
    *Optimus' chin bothers the heck out of me. Why is it so big and meaty? Why????
    *Bumbleboop seems much closer to Prime bumbleboop then in RiD. I approve. He's also adorable.

    *You guys weren't kidding, Megatron is enormous compared to the whole Autobot team. He's probably the same size as purple and black megs from the comics. This does not bode well.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
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  6. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Right, it's been way too long since I liveblogged, let's get back to rereading mtmte. And exrid, because iirc I just hit DC!

    wwwwwhoops I prolly shoulda gone back and reread exrid too, I only vaguely remember the riots besides Metalhawk dying. Also wow I'm not sure I like this artist's Bee.

    I mean Scream's kinda got a point, if Bee hadn't been paranoid enough about allegiance to install detonators in all cons the riots prolly coulda been held off.

    Scream bb you tried.

    ...I really should reread exrid if Jazz is there. [Burrows deeper into TGWP hell]

    Okay I still don't like Prowl but him being blindsided by someone liking him is kind of precious.

    ...tentative Arcee/Prowl? Dunno if I want diamonds or hearts but them talking out How Do Social is gr8

    Dammit constructicons, don't harass your new bro's ladyfriend.

    Ironhide ashing it up, thanks dude

    ...okay the eyes are cool but I liked bee's old helm better :T

    Jhiaxus and Shockwave, here to fuck shit up!

    ...I didn't realize the prelude was so long, huh. Pretty cover, anyway.

    ...the tab froze and apparently my autofill thinks I want to go back to 17/Shockwave Feels Time. Nnnnnno. I mean yes but I don't need to spend another hour crying over Shockwave.


    Very pretty art, very static panels. Not sure if like.

    Aaaaaa wheelie! I missed wheelie, his quirk speech patterns are so pleasing.
    Also heyoooo Dead Universe foreshadowing!

    That is a Nice Cave

    "Perhaps [the Ark-1's crew] were always evil." [Disgruntled noises in OP's direction.]

    Mmmmrrrrrh I feel like the fall of Gorlam Prime is in one of the series I haven't read yet and I really want more Alien Historical Context.

    Or. Fly, I guess, but.

    Hmmmm. I wonder if Gorlam Prime was one of the colonies... Do we know how far back it was settled? Given the Time ore, there's no reason Jhiaxus couldn't have gone even farther back, rescued/stole the titancity, and come back forward...
    I am aware that's a different planet/book/universe but shhhh I like alien history
    Dark Cybertron show me the forbidden worldbuilding

    "That gets to me: the arrogance of ideologues like Jhiaxus." OH REALLY, PAX? ARE YOU FUCKIN SURE, YOU GIGANTIC HYPOCRITE?

    "The spreading death that's gonna death us to death"
    I don't know who this green guy is but I like him

    I like Hardhead's feet. Scream a convertible jet now. Why is his windshield missing.

    Screeeeeaaaam. Haaaaaawwwk. QAQ

    Okay but Scream/Wheeljack/Blurr tho
    Spock what can I pay you in to write this
    I don't even care what quadrant

    Dammit Scream, Megs is not a good role model, stop beating your subordinates for not perfectly matching your mental image.

    Screeeeeeaaaaammmm you don't have to taunt Megs, just go recover somewhere baby D8

    Scoop is a precious darling


    Wheeljaaaack your boyfriend misses you


    Shockwave get away from my son

    "Shockwave doesn't have a nose so I hate him"
    Ravage you rude darling

    Soundwaaaaave baby the war was not good to or for you :c

    Oh boy which cassette is the black biped, help, I thought F&R were red and blue, the other one is purple??? that needlenose
    Does Needlenose not have a nose this is beautiful

    ...okay, I can see why people ship SoundTron red now, but. :T I still like it better pale.

    "I just wanted to make a cool-ass entrance"
    Dreadwing is gr8

    "Whatcha gonna do, talk me to death?"
    [Side-eyes Tarn's reputation]

    Shockwave. No. Soundy can't read you, and you know how devoted he is to Megs and the cause. Even if you believe what you're saying, you should know better than to say it to Soundwave, it's going to make him not want to help you you fucking dumbass

    I really like the flashback art, but I'm preeeetty sure this is the artist everyone in here hates :S

    [Continues chanting, louder] SOUNDWAVE SOUNDWAVE SOUNDWAVE
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
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  7. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    "Dark Cybertron prelude" *sighs loudly*

    ... shockwave no.
    shockwave what are you planning you scheming disloyal schemer?
    "There is always more than meets the eye." ROOOOOOLL CREDI- oh wait wrong comic.
    ... okay so that's not as sploded as it should have been what
    ... shockwave did you just shot dreadwing for no reason at all?
    Jhiaxus you fucking ass
    wow Shockwave used to be kind of a sweet guy. This is now sad.
    "He left Cybertron... not in disgrace but before disgrace could touch him." that phrase is awesome and poignant in ways I can't describe.
    Oh Shockwave... -sighs-
    -looks at worldbuilding for functionist cybertron while going :3c because this is the dystopian dumpster I chose to dive into-
    Senator Proteus is a DIIIIIIIIICK
    to be honest I feel a little weirded out by Shockwave's insistant defense for Jhiaxus
    And I am VERY uncomfortable with Dai Atlas playing Senators against eachother as tests. That's finally the big boys political arena behavior I've been looking for. Starscream, Bumblebee and Metalhawk ain't got shit on the political intrigue on the old senate and it's both kind of cute and kind of sad.
    Okay Shockwave. I believe this is the moment where we use the meme "Cool Motive still murder amoral mad science". Like seriously bro you can't just put "seeds" into other worlds that shit ends badly when the inhabitants of those worlds find out.
    "Dai Atlas' Concern kept me in my place. As did the senate." :excalibur: look Shockwave I know Senpai noticed you but your Senpai is pushing your buttons and trying to control you you sweet sweet summer child...
    "I could choose a new Prime" nnnnnnnnnnno that's a bad idea man
    ... I like the information that it wasn't just Orion Pax he was thinking about forcibly reformatting to accomodate the Matrix though. Makes this a LITTLE less cringe-worthily... fixated?
    ... I mean I hate agreeing with Dai Atlas but goddamn Shockwave KNOW WHEN TO PICK YOUR BATTLES
    "And they thought it a punishment" and we lost him
    ?????????????? i absolutely don't get how lying there was logical, but I'm not sure if I'm not smart enough to get it or if it's a writing blunder.
    Goddamn the art makes my angry communist husband so ugly
    "That... may take a while." okay that made me snortgiggle a little.
    ... that is an INCREDIBLE visual though. wow. I like that page.
    Oh Orion Pax you unfixable optimist. That's so cute. Goddamn I kinda ship it in a dysfunctional looking-for-approval-from-suddenly-emotionally-distant-mentor-figure way because I love garbage heaps.
    "Ah. Then one hand will suffic. I shall need this more." That is so silly a fucking gun hand oh my god.
    Haha, Rest in Pieces Dai Atlas
    OHHHHH he didn't kill him but merely injured him enough that he wouldn't be able to go to Kaon. That's... kind of sweet. In a twisted way.
    bla bla bla more set up stuff for DC i don't actually care about with Shockwave's thriteen reality destroying ores NEXT
    "Ore-14: Resurrection" I could do without zombies actually thank you
    Oh whatever I'll have to drag through all of this and then Dark Cybertron one more time but I'll try to whine less. Try.
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  8. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    17 punches me in the heart every damn time I read it, man, especially contrasted with the passionate pre-empurata Shockwave we see during Storytime With Rewind&Co. early MTMTE flashbacks ;A;

    "And they thought it a punishment" especially, like. I understand how modern!Shockwave would see it that way, but baaaaby. Baby no, losing the fire that drove you in the first place is, in fact, a punishment!

    Look at my scientist son of questionable morals fall into the dumpster, he is Not Okay and. [Flailing]
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
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  9. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I KNOW
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  10. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    also i put the page i linked to as my phone background which is really a testament to how impressed I am with the page considering it's 1) Ramondelli art and 2) I don't actually like Shockwave all that much
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  11. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Return to liveblogging!

    Well I can identify Jhiaxus now. Yay?

    Soundwave, Ravage, grounder twins, and... one bird? Where's Laserbeak? (Laserbeak is the black one, right? Or is Buzzsaw the black bird, that would be conveniently alliterative.)

    "Some are more equal than others" Soundwave just say you want revenge on the fucker, I'm sure Shockwave will understand even if he thinks it's stupid

    Aaaand in modern times, Shockwave learns why he needs to be careful which buttons he pushes. Trashsons, fight!

    Aaaaahhh, Buzzsaw is the black and gold bird, whoops. Why wasn't he on the cover? (RIPFIB? works for me.)
    Also, damn, Soundy knows Presentation, that was a bad ass entrance for the cassettes.

    "I wanted to give [Megatron] all of Cybertron..." I can show you the wooooorld...

    Shockwave, unless you want a broken cannon rather than a willing ally, you are hitting all the wrong buttons today.

    Stop making me ship the Waves black, dammit, you can't just frame such fury in ludicrously caliginous language! "I hated [Shockwave] immediately"?
    ...okay but one-sided spadecrush. Hideously disfunctional blackrom between the softie and the one trying to suppress his emotions.
    ...tangentially, I kinda want Soundy and TC to meet.

    Young Soundy is really defensive about not serving anyone. Hi functionism!

    Shocky sounds like he likes ordering Jhiaxus around :3c

    [Curls around smol Soundwave, making grumbly noises at Ratbat]

    Baaaaaaaby D8 where did Soundy even come from, did Ravage find him just after his awakening as an outlier?

    [Attempts to cuddle am entire pile of giant robots]

    ...well fuck, now I'm all sad about 55 again.
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  12. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    As it happens, you are will be in luck!! And honestly, those are some of my FAVORITE exrid scenes.

    (also I was only idly into Shockwave/Soundwave ,but after that framing, I am SO VERY INTO IT)
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
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  13. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    This is, in my case, theoretically a MTMTE reread, I just decided to include the DC preludes on both sides in my liveblogging :P when I'm done MTMTE I might go back and do all of exRiD, though!

    ...Maybe I'll actually remember more than "Bee is an asshat" and "that Guy I Liked died" the second time through :P
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
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  14. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    ...okay, where even is DC 1? MTMTE jumps from Prelude (m. 22) to DC 2 (m. 23), and exRiD jumps from Prelude 5 (r. 22) to DC 3 (r. 23) :c
  15. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    iirc it was published as a completely separate issue

    edit: yeah, according to the wiki the first and last DC issues were published as one-shots
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
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  16. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen


    Aight, thanks, I'll go looking!
  17. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

  18. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    aight, here we go. Bee's been repaired, OP&Co are en route back to Cybertron, Scream is the new ruler of Iacon, and Shockwave just did a big explosion. Let's do this.

    "I'm hoping for more rambling diversions. Who needs closure? Let's stretch this sucker out." Swerve <3

    Aaaaaa Cyclonus on the bridge of the Ark! Look at my son

    "Bad enough Galvatron allowed [Cyclonus] to--" what? :o
    In the AU where Tailgate gets onboard I'd have an idea, but... what issss it, I wanna know

    I mean he has a face and pretty different kibble (not that the second matters much :P), but...
    double Tailpipes, given TG's original name

    ...shocky. shocky I love you, trashcan, but. Cool motive, still murder the death of the entire universe.

    "Starscream would rather spend the morning familiarizing himself with his new body!"
    [Immature snickering]

    Oh cool, there are voice-activated computers in this universe!

    "It's increasing in mass as it collapses!"
    Did you mean: density?

    "Thank you! For proving me right!" Roddy ilu

    "Your distress signal was so awesome I made it my ringtone!" Never change, Swerve <3

    "[The bridge] is where we spend most of our time refining our strategy, reflecting on our progress to date... and debating the pedagogical constraints of logic, grammar, and rhetoric." Mags. Mags no.

    "We gave to see what happens--" [explosion] "...well. Okay. That happened." A+ Bee, you're still bad at being #1.
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  19. Petra

    Petra space case

    So. Looking at this commission from Alex Milne of pre-war Whirl and MTMTE Whirl.


    The thing that immediately strikes me is that post-war Whirl is much more animalistic. It's not just the lack of a humanoid face and hands, his entire body shape and body language has changed. Pre-war Whirl still has huge feet (with guns?? amazing) but he doesn't toe-walk like post-war Whirl does, which is a big thing that makes post-war Whirl seem birdlike. Pre-war Whirl has exactly as huge a chest, but it's emphasized more on post-war Whirl, because the rest of his frame is smaller.

    So it all combines to make pre-war Whirl look a lot more standard humanoid than post-war Whirl, and I'm pretty sure that says something about his mental state, but I'm not sure what?
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  20. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    he's also a lot more animated and dynamic. pre-war is the-camera-turned-on-by-itself-im-not-a-model, post-war is "YOU WANNA FIGHT? HUH? HUH??"
    a lot more expression just in his, uh, lack-of-face than in the pre-war one.
    • Like x 7
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