Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    what is this 80ies comics bullshit

    ... :noms:

    this is so cheesy i need nachos

    is that a fucking foglight in your chest

    starscream, damn, you should look into a modelling career if the whole politics stuff doesnt work out. (@IvyLB just now: "starkira needs to dance")

    metalhawk, if you spend four millions years in megatrons presence, you end up knowing a thing or two about poetry.

    metalhawk moirailing being starscreams conscience is hilarious. especially when starscream listens to him.


    cyclonus looks so utterly unattractive in this drawing style, gods damnit.

    crystal ci-

    cyclonus you nerd.

    dai atlas, huh

    prowl, you look like youre wearing a push-up bra. (@IvyLB just now: "well he doesnt have a support system, let at least his titties be supported")

    crystal city looks like one of those 80ies futuristic cities. its hilarious.

    suuuuure you do, prowl

    Screenshot (35).png
    what are you doing here??

    aand here we have the first combiner.
    "all shall be one"
    does that count towards the TAAO count?? (not a rhetorical question. should i count it?)

    metalhawk just standing there in the group of cons. "primus damnit it, starscream."

    "on a scale from reasonable to something brainstorm would come up with" oh wheeljack.

    thats one fucking huge mech

    you got seeeeerved, prowl

    everyone a faction unto their own, aka democracy. get used to it.

    oh metalhawk.
    • Like x 3
  2. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    bee, let people have their drama and their shiny socialites. such is the price of peacetime.

    stars are you trying out crowns.
    you vain asshole.

    stars, are you trying to call out shockwave on his bullshit.
    i love you, you beautiful idiot.

    thank you bumbles for having at least half a brain to try and question prowl

    "I'm willing to make this political. if you're interested." starscream that sounds like a bad pickup line

    hi arcee--

    "i watch prowl take a faceful of explosives. very convincing" ahahahhahaha
    "prowl may think hes diabolical, but hes got nothing on me" oh starscream sweetie

    hi megs! you dont look good.
  3. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    "he nearly died during the chaos event - protecting this world! hes a returning hero." well

    "huh. thats probably how prowl looks at these things. and look where that got him" ehehehheheh burn

    oh bumblebee finally. fucking finally.

    starscream, you look a little bit panicked


    ceiling arcee is watching you!

    hi prowl.
    • Like x 2
  4. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    mood: :noms:
    i dont think megatron is listening, stars.
    motherfuck, starscream. you need a therapist

    ... roll to disbelief.

    stars she literally told you.

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  5. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    mood: :noms:
    on one hand, i do like megatron, from what ive seen from mtmte.
    but on the other hand, dude, lay off starscream.

    "its not a trap if we know its a trap" thats not how it works tho
    "a fascinating insight into both your psyches" thats one way of saying "your fucking insane" metalhawk. i agree.

    i liked wheeljack! i hope he survives ::/

    "i mean, yeah, i had a nedarious plan to make prowl betray his friends... just not this nefarious plan." starscreams immortal line

    megatron thats creepy
    also, pieta reference
    still creepy

    the "all who are one"
    ok, next non-rhetorical "do i count this towards the TAAO count"


    • Like x 2
  6. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    mood: still eating popcorn
    -loud cheering for sky byte and jazz-

    megatron, youre being an oppressive asshole. congratulations, you have become the monsters you have fought.

    "did i crush your cliche inhibitor" omf megatron you dick dont make me like you with snark

    did you project the decepticon symbol on the moon.
    you nerds.

    "the black and white i wore was surrounded by an endless sea of grey" welcome to real life, prowl

    i wonder how many blue flowers are around prowls statue on necrobot planet. possibly rivaling those around megs and ops statues.

    "when i arrived on earth, i saw something... more. it wasnt gray, this world. it was colors. all colors, working together, forming into one beautiful, horrific, chaotic whole." -insert vague horrorterror noises here that translate to 'til all are one'-

    also, arcee wtf are you doing.

    megs. equality was the point. you sound like a fucking supremacist, you idiot.

    "you had me at 'shoot our way through thousands of decepticons'" sideswipe pls

    oh dear. :noms:
    • Like x 2
  7. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    mood: popcorn
    "this is the story of the end of a world" actually, bumblebee... this is just rehearsal. dress rehearsal, that i give you, but just rehearsal.

    oh starscream bby.

    "...neither was slicing your chest open ripping your spark out with my teeth" ARCEE PLS

    "can you handle the rest o the cons, arcee?" - "with five dinobots, i can retake the planet." - "we only got four." - "then ill see what i can do" oh arcee

    "the three most important words in the cybertronian language: wheeljack, wheeljack, wheeljack."

    STARSCREAM, NO! BAD FLYER! -twaps with newspaper-

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  8. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    mood: twitching eye
    @IvyLB just now: "Ah yes, Dildo City"
    I can't even argue with that.

    shockwave have you been at this bullshit for SIX MILLION YEARS

    ah, that was a change of spark you had there.
    but still.
    what the fuck about the making of potential matrix bearers

    hi stars!


    "wish youd given me a little warning tho" dreadwing, your sass

    are those only the named ores, or are there actually 14 of those and not just 5 oddly numbered ones? because if we have 5 oddly numbered ones, i can do homestuck bullshit to them.
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  9. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    mood: hell if i know.

    starscream. starscream pls.
    starscream you fucking hypocrite

    oh hey its prowls fanclub
    prowl, that approval should fill you with shame.
    but you dont know shame, do you

    oh arcee bby

    ironhide, thanks for trying.

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  10. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    I love him unconditionally

    Also I think those are guns on either side of his crotch. Incredible
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  11. Petra

    Petra space case

    A chin like a bottle opener, crotch guns, and a snazzy red paint job. What's not to love?
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  12. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    mood: popcorn.gif
    waspinator! ::D

    oh, you assholes again.
    can you leave waspinator alone? he doesnt deserve this.

    wheelie, the word youre looking for is "liminal"

    "it's not a trap if you know youre walking into it" optimus just because you have the ciaphas cain stamp of literally being unable to die doesnt mean everyone else has one as well!

    you guys need more dakka

    "i dont care if he says hes not -- only optimus prime would be so stupidly heroic" hardhead pls

    wheelie is that a fucking slingshot
    wheelie youre too damn precious for this world

    monstructor, you look silly straddling the spaceship
    also how fucking huge are your five parts

    gdi waspinator

    thats a... nice butt-shot of op.
    • Like x 2
  13. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    Monstructor is six parts!
  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh, I knew I'd seen this doofus before. He popped up in my TFA almanac in the cyberninja section! But also, check out this excerpt from Sky Garry's TFA wiki page:

    sky garry.jpg

    Big Bang Prime


    You have to ship this with me

    Sky Garry's life just won't be complete until he gets his Big Bang
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  15. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern


    and he's a CYBER NINJA who studied under someone called YOKETRON.
    • Like x 4
  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Yoketron was fortunate enough to show up in the actual series! He was Prowl's teacher back in the day. Apparently Sky Garry cameos as a holographic headshot on a wall of Yoketron's other star pupils, but I thiiiink that might have been his only appearance in the series proper? But from what I heard, I think he also shows up in one of the comics, maybe.


    (also, despite his name being Sky Garry, Sky Garry explicitly has a grounder alt mode. And I'm pretty sure the Almanac calls attention to his name being silly)
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
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  17. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    How is this even real? They just took the most nonsensical names in Tf verse and smosh them together. I love it. Proposing a headcanon that big bang is a nickname rather then his real name. He earned it the hard way. :]

    I wish i had been in the room when they decided on those names.
    How high do you even have to be?
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  18. meowtini on the rocks

    meowtini on the rocks Active Member

    Oh do I know that feeling all too well. Starscream has gotten many a fic of his own because a quick chapter in a different fic wasn't enough for him.
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  19. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    So I stumbled upon...probably the most unique way I've ever seen robots interface...
    (warning, very NSFW)
    I'm amazed. I love the idea that 'facing has function for repair and renewal.

    Not sure if anyone has posted this yet, but somebody unearthed a bunch of nsfw transformers fics from the late nineties
    ^this is what the internet looked like in 1997, I kid you not^
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
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  20. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Things which amuse me in the fic: OP finally does what would have saved people a lot of grief in canon and sticks a tracker on Miko.
    • Like x 3
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