Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. meowtini on the rocks

    meowtini on the rocks Active Member

    OW my feels
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  2. Petra

    Petra space case

    MTMTE 57 comes out tomorrow, iirc!
  3. Petra

    Petra space case

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  4. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ooh, I've been meaning to catch up on when these release things happen! I've got my fingers crossed that it makes chronological sense with the last issues and we're not, like, getting an MTMTE issue that's supposed to come after an exRiD issue that's getting released in two weeks or something.



    On the upside, Cybertronian worldbuilding! Sentinel, you sex romance-negative prude
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2016
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  5. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I am worried about that first page. Is Red's memory getting messed with? He's got enough problems already! D8
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  6. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    There is something fucky going on in Red Alert's head. I'm guessing that there's a reason he's wrestling Fort Max when there had been no previous indications of flipping loyalties, especially in his narration.

    also, there is no fucking way Prowl is dead For Real
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  7. Petra

    Petra space case

    Goddamn, the way Sentinel talks about how disgusting love is kind of smacks of homophobia to me, which is really interesting paired with there being no ladies on Cybertron. Like, Sentinal is a bigot, okay, we've had plenty of those in comic, down to Tyrest trying to kill all the cold-constructed. But people Sentinal fully intents to kill are both stated as and can be inferred to be...

    • Cold Constructed
    • Colonists
    • Women
    • Colonists who are women and probably also Arcee
    • Decepticons
    • People who try to protect colonists, cold constructed, or decepticons
    • NAILs
    • People who try to protect NAILs, too
    • Anyone who happens to be sparkbonded to a colonist, cold constructed, decepticon, or NAIL
    • Actually, probably outliers too
    • And anyone too close to outliers or who objects to the genocide of outliers
    • Beastformers, people who are bonded to beastformers, etc
    • People who are romantically entangled at all, actually
    • Are friends allowed? I don't think friends are allowed in his mindview.
    • You know he's probably going to kill the Titans after
    So like... who is left? Not even 1% of the species, 1% of the species is probably like, the surviving cybertronians, and he wants to wipe off anyone newer than, what, about 4 million years old or who wasn't an Autobot? That's like... .01% of the species, probably much less. And then how may of those would be okay with genocide? Much less. So...
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  8. Petra

    Petra space case

    He's a bigot, but there's no way he was this bad when he left Cybertron. Something made him worse. This is the kind of shit even Prowl can't conceive of.
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  9. Petra

    Petra space case

    Like the only people we've seen come close to this level of fucked up in MTMTE specifically has been Tyrest, who was literally braindamaged, psychotic, and actually kinda reads as having a schizophrenic breakdown, Shockwave, who had his mind carved up, and Galvatron, who something something 6 million years dead universe. Were Tyrest and Galvatron hugely bigoted before that happened to them?
    Probably and absolutely, respectively. But both of them also had outside pressures preying on them before they decided to go max genocide. So. Where has ol' Senty been?
    • Like x 7
  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    On an unrelated note, fun times: trying to write fic about poetry, without having to write the actual poetry itself. NERVEWRACKING. I want to have Symbolic Things if I can, but, okay.
    • Not stereotypical angst poetry subject matter
    • Not obviously HEY PROWL THIS IS ABOUT YOU
    • But also not completely disconnected from Prowl
    • I need connections obvious enough that readers can get it but it's plausible for Prowl to miss it (AUGH)
    • Also evoking an escape from millennia of soul-crushing drudgery
    • Just a PINCH of infatuation and adoration
    • Maybe a juicy evocative metaphor or two. Guess who doesn't write very metaphorical prose at all :VVVVVV
    Goddammit, poetry. Why are you... you. It's going to work, but I'm simultaneously psyched for FULL STEAM AHEAD and dragging my feet to the max because nooooooooooooo I'm gonna fuck it all up

    But that's 17.5k of fic behind me. Apart from the little stuff, I've got a Big Revelation, then a Big Sex Scene, then a Big Rescue Scene, then a BIGGER, BLACKER SEX SCENE, and then a Bigger, Blacker Revelation. I just... GAH. Feeling the time crunch before my trip, and also getting myself all spun up with excitement and burning all that energy in completely unproductive directions instead of writing. Good times.
    • Like x 8
  11. Petra

    Petra space case

    I'm actually into poetry. Even got one of mine published. I could look over whatever you have and give crit and suggestions before you work it in?
  12. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I feel like you should know I misread this as "a bigger, blacker revolution" and it still seemed perfectly plausible
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  13. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Thank you, but I'm dodging hard on putting any actual poetry in the fic! I like writing it, but all my self-consciousness that never managed to hook up to the fic I post apparently got piled hard into posting poetry. I'm just doing the awkward dance where narrator!Prowl has to comment on the poetry he's totally reading. I can juggle his emotional reactions fine, but I'm getting tangled up in how much detail I need to get the secondary emotional reaction from the readers following along outside the story :P My brain is being a helper and trying to be like 'And then I saw a sunrise. That was beautiful. Like Prowl is beautiful. That's how beautiful that sunrise was. The first sunrise I saw after leaving the mines. Like seeing Prowl. GEDDIT.' I'll probably err on the side of less detail, just because Prowl's emotional reactions aren't going to be that intense, hahaha.
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  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Actually, you know what, this text is exactly what Megatron is writing in the fic itself. Prowl is just that bad at reading emotional content.

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  15. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    He could try to kill Arcee...if he wishes to be killed by Arcee >:3


    /shitposts to cover my intense concern for Prowl, despite being 110% sure that Cerberos is cradling him to cover for the fact that Prowl is very much not dead)

    Also 'sanitize' jfc Sentinel you are the epitome of some kind of eugenics-obsessed imperialist on the warpath

    ^The most relatable content
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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    Arcee didn't get to kill Galvatron. After all that pitch tension, and Douchetimus Prime chopped off his head and Arcee didn't get to do it herself

    I demand that Arcee be allowed to kill Sentinel.

    ohmigod, killing sentinel for prowl. like, he's not dead for srs (PLEASE), but her conflicted feelings and kinda hating prowl but also taking revenge on his killer. I... would be very much behind that.
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  17. glitterchance

    glitterchance 34 Vigilant Gaze Engulfs the Void

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  18. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    okay okay okay more liveblogging ahead y'all

    one of those covers sure has a lot of dead metalhawk on it :c
    (Look I feel really bad for 'Scream in general and even though that was him monumentally fucking up i can see how he got there and it fucks me up okay? okay.)
    "So, well... I'm sorry I killed you buddy" *soft weeping*
    oh my god starscream how dare you make me so sad this is terrible
    (It's not healthy to speak to corpses though, honey)
    annnnnnnnd he is casting himself as The One Who Can Make Hard Choices For The Greater Good and like... I guess it's better than doing everythign for his own gain but I can already see him use this as a weird roundabout way to self-harm and :/ Starscream. Babe. Honey. Please don't.
    oh my god Blurr is pissed :c
    *whispers* stop being mean to him he is trying to change.
    ... Blurry. Sweetling. If the lights are out suddenly maybe don't finish your rant at Starscream angrily, but look at what's going wrong?
    Starscream i know you are frustrated but venting your anger by being mean to flatline is not gonna help either. and the aerialbots being considered heroes is pretty understandable.
    ... Don't you dare be mean to dirge scream. He did nothing wrong
    ... sorry screamer but you probably deserved that at least somewhat
    "Huh. I though you'd at least give me a snazzy oneliner. "Seek this!" or something..." sdfghjk
    "The microphone's not on" wow things just keep going bad for him. poor scream.
    *sighs* Hi Rattrap.
    .... huh. I mean Rattrap is right, Wheeljack is too smart for something like that to happen with something he built.
    Okay Starscream, stop talking to people who won't answer, honey. You need friends so badly this isn't even funny anymore.
    .... Starscream don't call your devoted underlings "Religious Nuts". How off your game are you?
    hehehehee ohhhh this is pretty good. Rattrap isn't too bad as an underling. Not what I'd call a good new friend for Starscream, considering his humongous pre-existing trust issues...
    Well. At least Rattrap couldn't actually trick Starscream.
    No Starscream, omg, don't give him a government job wtf. Even if you see your baby self in him that's just. Don't. Don't do that.
    That's going to be wheeljack isn't it? Which... of course means Wheeljack's still alive :'D Thank primus...
    Awww... Sweety I'm sure wheeljack still likes you. It's okay baby.
    "Get better soon... my friend" *cries loudly*
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  19. Petra

    Petra space case

    Revolution was pretty good and I am actually not completely bored by the GI Joe characters. I'm not really invested in them, though, because I haven't read anything about them except brief wiki entries to prepare. There was a good ratio of women, at least, and the choice to include some of the human characters from exRiD like Jones helped me care slightly more.

    As to the actual plot, I'm getting sort of bored with 'nobody properly communicates, neither side is the bad guys but let's keep shooting anyway'. I mean, to be fair, you can make a strong argument for OP unintentionally being the bad guy here, but it sucks when people are going max aggro at the giant alien robots that are very hard to aggro against. It seems super inefficient for one thing? Ironically, the dude targeting Soundwave made the most sense to me because while I adore Soundwave the guy had a good motive for hating Soundwave in specific. Still, probably a time and place, dude.
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  20. Petra

    Petra space case

    Like should people just lie down and accept what appears to them to be yet another Cybertronian invasion, just in the guise of diplomacy now? No! But there are ways to fight back that don't involve straight-on firefights.
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