Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    Many thanks! As I said, coming up with explanations for weird nonsense things is one of my favorite things to do in fandoms. Hence my love of Kingdom Hearts

    Ok but also, at least in tfp universe, we know that Knockout both likes human stuff and knows about human sex. Not to mention he's.. some kind of doctor that knows a pretty good amount about cybertronian bodies.
    What I'm saying is what if Knockout invented valveplug
    What if
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  2. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    On an entirely different tangent, I came across a post of dubious sourcing and I'm having more Alien Language Feels

    loq: if you make some assumptions about writing patterns it even looks like the modern glyphs could be simplifications of OC a la modern vs traditional chinese and aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAA
    (what I really want to do now is find or make what would have been used during senate reign but)

    CodyCat: Although why Do bot and cons have different systems?

    loq: [insert FOUR MILLION YEARS OF WAR gif here]
    language drift happens!
    if we take offhand comments in early mtmte ("twelve million years ago, the first Cybertronian realized he could change shape") as at least semifactual, the war took a full third of recorded cybertronian history
    now imagine how many languages have arisen and died in a third of human history, not even counting regional dialects
    the fact that they're even still speaking the same language is kind of remarkable
    [hollers into the void about alien linguistic development]
    ...the real question: what the fuck writing system will evolve now that we not only have bots and cons trying to reformat into a singular society, but the colonists bringing in their own languages and/or writing systems
    give me the unholy bastardized conglomerate language(s)

    CodyCat: heee
    well they Did have contact with each other though
    warlike contact but still
    i´d think having to talk to each other (or shout at each other) means they´d still have the same language

    loq: [vague hand wiggles]
    yelling at the other side doesn't necessarily mean the other side understands :P
    but yeah, there's probably some Truce Language (even if it's just a more formal variant) for actual negotiations and such
    (I continue to ignore whatever the fuck bullshit handwavium excuse "cybertronians automatically know all languages" was given in early IDW, if that were true Cyclonus wouldn't have to teach Tailgate Old Cybertronian and no one would have to translate for rifle-Vos)
    but like. you can't tell me that in a third of history, each faction wouldn't evolve its own slang and dialect

    CodyCat: But since they originate from the same language, even if they don´t LIKE each other they still talk to each other you know? It´s not like to sides with entirely Different languages failing to acquire a common one

    loq: mhm
    but like
    Icelandic and Danish are sort of vaguely mutually intelligible but are still distinct languages?
    or more directly relatable, Ji Lu Mandarin and Taiwanese Minnan are both "Chinese language" but that doesn't mean they're mutually intelligible

    tealdeer I am A Nerd who is excited about the fact that someone made three fonts look like they could actually be related, even if I have yet to go check the few panels of writing we see to determine if it's actually a language-language or just relexed english
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2016
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  3. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

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  4. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i have definitely read a fic where that was exactly how valveplug came to be
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  5. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    you can't say that and then not link it apple come on :P
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  6. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

  7. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I know enfilade's writing also has data jacks involved with people's junk, so unprotected spike/valve sex involves the spike mech uploading random (read: plot- or ship-convenient) memories into their partner, and we haven't seen any evidence of other, more thorough plug and play interfacing in those stories. But it doesn't seem like sex was DESIGNED for that, just that it's a fun little side effect.

    (side note: I haven't been able to bring myself to check out their most recent rodimus/ultra magnus fic, because there's people thinking other people are cheating on them, and I already find that fic series really upsetting (sexy and gripping, but upsetting), and I'm SURE it will all work out happy in the end, but just reading the summary sent my brain running in unhappy circles and I haven't been able to get myself to open the fic)

    (double side note, I think I've finally pinned down a story idea for nautica/firestar, don't let me forget about it, I'm posting publicly that I've got the idea, so now I've GOTTA write it)
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  8. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

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  9. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I've seen... three or four fics which tend to imply that's how valveplug came to be (though usually it's spark merging, not wireplay that's considered Traditional Vanilla Sex) but those are ones that revolve around Tailgate and Cyclonus and talk about Tailgate not having the updated model of junk because, well. Waves hands at Tailgate.
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  10. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Or, on the flipside, Tailgate having Stunningly Up-To-Date model because they had to replace his entire fucking lower half
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  11. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    That is awesome.
    You know what also would be hilarious? If it was invented by KO or somethin and because it started during wartime it starts out as a decepticon thing. And everyone's like wow, look at this weird freaky thing the cons are doing, wtf

    Idk I find it amusing
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  12. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

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  13. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Happy thought of the day!! Tailgate on the Lost Light II was still dying of cybercrosis and probably would have gotten even less warning than Tailgate I before he died. He probably only would have found out when his systems started to seize up and give out, and there would have been no Luna I trip to give him hope, and no greatsword to save him. Just a painful drawn-out death, limbs giving out, optics giving out, with everyone on the ship powerless to help him.
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  14. aetherGeologist

    aetherGeologist Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to like that post on principle.

    (Of course, it's entirely possible that he and the rest of the ship was killed before the disease progressed that far,but that isn't any better.)
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  15. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

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  16. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    I'm reading bits and pieces of earlier MTMTE and

    Damn, Cyclonus really dug his claws into that wall o_o Also with the way the panels are laid out, it almost looks like he and Tailgate are pressed on either side of a door which is Not Okay

    Just...Ambulon very gently removing a decapitated head from Max's shoulder compartment. Why does he even have that compartment? Also seeing Ambulon alive hurts me

    Dammit man, you can't just name drop the title like that, you're making me sad. This whole series makes me sad. And sPOCK YOU ARE NOT HELPING BTW!!!
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  17. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    No, actually I'm not done. Ambulon goes up to Fort Max, purple paint peel visible all over the place, after Max has just spent the last few seconds curbstomping a pair of Decepticons in a gory fashion, and sticks his hands near the shoulder compartment of death. Very carefully, but also apparently without hesitation. Ambulon you beautiful medic, you

    But also I just remembered who Boom looks kind of like


    Whoops. Ambulon was safe all along
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
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  18. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Sorry for thread spam, this is my piecemeal reread liveblog: the reckoning :P

    Issue 13 is just...a gift

    Ultra Magnus, that's so sweet, you worry about everyone (hush, even Drift, don't be silly)


    Whirl...Whirl, no, don't stack cups on his head...

    image.jpeg image.jpeg

    I'm torn. I can't tell which is funnier: Cyclonus taking the giant mug Ultra Magnus was drinking from to chug it, or Cyclonus using his change in the gift shop to buy a souvenir mug and then using it to chug energon...only to have to break the mug in the next page to cover for Tailgate. The former is more likely, but the latter...poor Cyclonus XD

    Also Skids bought Rodimus as pilot hat. D'aaawwww
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
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  19. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Consider: Ratchet/Tailgate, where Tailgate has just woken up and is overwhelmed and out of his element and can't shut off the running loop of i-fucked-up-i-fucked-up and Ratchet is trying to keep a professional distance and run calmly down the list of upgrades he made, but Tailgate is so lost and confused when Ratchet mentions the modern interface array (and also a little bit of quiet swooning over this competent older mech who is treating him so nicely and like.... seems to care about his well-being????), and then [quick persuasion into scandalous unprofessional behavior] and Ratchet calmly, gently walks Tailgate through how to use his new equipment

    Also consider: Starscream/Rodimus, not the one I'm hopefully chipping away at after I make this post, but a different scenario. Imagine blackrom, but almost too close and uncomfortable, where they understand each other too well, because they're so similar and they don't want to be similar and they can see what the other one is doing wrong, but they don't like seeing it because it makes it that much harder to ignore the ways that they're fucking up themselves. And you know, I hadn't even realized that they've traded stifling leader figures. Megatron has been getting more and more influence over Rodimus's personal ship, and Optimus Prime can't/won't stop exerting religious/military influence over Starscream's democratic cybertron. I want to see how angry Starscream and Rodimus get at how similar their situations are and get all tied up in blackrom admirationrivalry and you-can-do-better-i-know-you-can, with the distance they often have between them as a positive, because then they feel like they can poke at actual intimacy without being afraid of metaphorical vines choking them off from the sunlight
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  20. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    wheezes softly about ur beautiful brain
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