Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Today on "loq makes excellent life decisions," there was a TFP balloon for four bucks at work so I got it.
    IMG_20170117_194259_235.JPG IMG_20170117_194101_710.JPG
    Those are actually two sides of the same balloon, with a badly-aligned mesh texture print on the side panels! I woulda liked to see some 'Con merch too (knock out? Screamer?) but heeeey I'll take Bee!

    ...My tablet wants to correct his name to BEE and I think it knows how much I love TFP Bee :P

    Eta: I've just noticed it has the s3 OP rebuild... But Bee's s1-2 paint job. Ah well. BEE!
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2017
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  2. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    By the way, also, has anyone in this thread read Eugenesis? Not that my attention or focus skills have returned from the war, but I am very curious about this thing. I adore JRO as a writer, and I'm even inclined to trust babby JRO to write some gripping stuff. But it seems...... really depressing. It seems like it might just end up making me sad.

    and I really, really don't know if I can deal with Prowl killing himself

    But did people have like... general opinions whether it was a good read, or if it was a thing you're glad you have read but won't be rereading anytime soon, etc?
  3. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I have it downloaded, though I haven't read it yet. Might actually slap it on my nook and start it up tomorrow, though it is going to be weird reading fic that isn't set in IDWverse.
  4. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Because i am nothing if not a massive sperg


    Okay, the default setting for a transformers story is that you have autobots vs decepticons in a war where some members of each faction are chilling on earth, all 'robots in disguise', that kind of thing. Which varies a lot by continuity. There are four main players:
    • G1 eighties cartoon: A decepticon and autobot ship both crashed on earth, spent manymany years unconscious, eventually revived in the present the eighties and got down to fighting. There are big groups on both sides, who barely bother with the 'in disguise' part of things. Plots are wacky/optional, everyone is goofy as fuck, people are vaguely fighting over energy resources without much urgency. In the middle there was a movie that killed off 90% of the cast so they could introduce all sorts of new toys. With Orson Welles' very last role before he died.
    • Transformers Animated: An autobot ship (and megatron) crashed on earth in roughly the present, the autobots spent fifty years unconscious, and woke up to a future earth shaped by cybertronian tech. Nobody bothers much with the 'in disguise' thing here either, and the setting is DRASTICALLY different from what you see in pretty much every other continuity. It tends to play by itself just because it's really hard to mix these details into the other settings.
    • Transformers Prime: A small group of autobots vs a small group of decepticons (+ an army of mooks) on earth, robots are in disguise for a change, and the autobots are nominally allied with the US military. They're fighting over energy much more urgently than before, and megatron is trying to find a world to rule because they done killed cybertron with their 'war' thing.
    • IDW G1 comic: GIANT, GALAXY-SPANNING, FOUR-MILLION-YEAR WAR, with so much plot and scope, holy shit. Robots used to be in disguise, until Megatron had the decepticons take over NYC for a while. Humans have harvested various cybertronian tech (/cybertronians) and tend to be very hostile to giant alien robots and mmmaybe hunt them down and murder them a little. Because of big Plot things, the war is ended, and people are trying to rebuild cybertron and/or jet around the galaxy having Adventures. This is ongoing, and the continuity we spend most of our time wailing about.
    Umm what is direction and why would I want any

    Something you'll run into (like the constructicons going to town on ratchet) is combiners. These are teams of robots that can combine to form an EXTRA GIANT ROBOT. The original is the constructicons, who turn into Devastator. But in Coming To Terms, you'll also run into the aerialbots, who turn into Superion. Fanon varies on how in-tune these teams are, whether they're just buddies or whether they have a bit of mind-link going on even when they aren't combined. Coming To Terms has the buddies flavor of fanon, These Games We Play has a mind link that's probably just a notch or two below telepathy. You'll also see them called a gestalt group, or the combiner they turn into being called a gestalt.

    Another term you'll run into is 'trine'. In the original cartoon, this was a way to say 'uhhhhhh no we didn't recolor this character twice as a cheap, lazy way of expanding the cast, they're, um, a MATCHED SET, that's right.


    Again, fanon varies on what exactly 'trine' means. It goes between platonic allies through all sorts of shades of physical/emotional involvement, right up through being a romantic triad. Pretty much anyone who's working with trines, you just have to wait for them to explain what they mean when they use the word :P (Coming To Terms will go into fascinating detail).

    And a related term is 'seekers'. I don't perrrrrsonally have much use for this term, but I think the original cartoon had it being short for 'energon seekers', which was nominally what Starscream and company had as their jobs. It's generally applied to fast bots who turn into jets.

    Let's see, let's see. Soundwave one, turns into a cassette player (in the original cartoon, other continuities justify/update this in various ways) and has cassettes-- who turn into little robots who share some sort of symbiotic link with him. They're generally connected to spy/intelligence work. Soundwave is also telepathic, though not all continuities go into detail about how telepathic he is, or how hard it is to stop him. In IDW, he specifically has to learn how to shut other people's voices off in his head, but in These Games We Play, he has to go out of his body to go poking around in someone else's head. Soundwave is also basically the best in every continuity ever, sorry, I don't make the rules. (he's amazing)

    And thaaaaaaat is all I've got for the moment because attention span what? But ask me any questions that come up, and I'm happy to answer! :D
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  5. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    That is really helpful! :D

    I did sorta wonder about the little 'Transformers- Robots In Disguise!' jingle I remember from TV. Now I wonder less! The answer seems to be whatever was easiest for the stories they were telling. And also toys.

    I have a very high tolerance for silliness for the sake of cool. And a lot of sympathy for storytellers trying to work around editorial mandates related to selling shit to kids. (So far nothing has struck me as quite as ridiculous as Marvel's Team America, a motorcycle gang who could combine their powers to make another member who was even better at motorcycles? I'm preeeetty sure toy sales were involved.)

    Soundwave does indeed sound awesome. I will look forward to encountering him. I generally like empaths and telepaths. They open up so many interesting story possibilities. Also the cassettes sound delightful.

    This is not very coherent because I also attention span what. But thank you so much for taking the time to write that! I'm having that new fandom moment when you know for a fact that this is the shiniest possible fandom and everything is soooo coooool. I can't think of a better way to experience it than talking with a veteran who is super nice, and knows a ton of stuff, and goes out of their way to point you in directions and explain things. I appreciate it so much.

    Okay. I think I will go read more! :DDDDD
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  6. Kemmasandi

    Kemmasandi Optimus Prime's disapproving eyebrows

    I have read Eugenesis, and I thought it was good! It got a bit jam packed for me in parts, but in the same way that a lot of hard sci-fi does, so it was worth pushing through. Lots of medical-ish talk and it gets pretty darn body-horror-ish at points, but coming from jro that should surprise no-one, haha.

    Also, pretty much everything you'll see about seekers is 100% fanon. It was a term that popped up among the real early fans, and eventually ascended to sorta-canon status, just like 'interfacing". A fair amount of tf worldbuilding detail actually began life as canon, come to think of it. XD
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  7. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Began as fanon, I think you mean?

    And that includes the trines, right, because I have not been able to find a reference to that term in canon originally.
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  8. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    So, I have not actually read any of the comics past the scans I've seen on tumblr (and boy, did I like what I saw), but I have watched ALL of the first series and it has a deep and special place in my heart. (I was also into Prime but Original series, man. Just, Aaagh. So good.) I need to rewatch it soon.

    I love all of them, but my favorite characters are Thundercracker and the Twins by a pretty huge margin.

    I'd like to get into the comics if I could find them online somewhere, tho.
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  9. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Though, fun fact, if you google 'transformers trine' the Seekers wikipage is the first thing to pop up, despite the word 'trine' showing up nowhere on it!
  10. Kemmasandi

    Kemmasandi Optimus Prime's disapproving eyebrows

    Well, yeah, fandom and ascended fanon, but iirc canon has mostly just used the terms without actually defining them. 'Trines' is just widely used fanon at this point.
  11. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Eyyy, I gotcha! Reading order right here :D

    Most of this is on viewcomic, but there are some significant holes in what's been posted online in phase one, including most of the concluding story arc, which is unfortunate. But I have links to everything I could find, and I think most of the strongest stuff is in phase two anyways. The quality of the writing/art/pacing in phase one is unfortunate, so especially if you have a rough grasp of who the biggest legacy cast characters are, I think you could dive into More Than Meets The Eye without too much trouble! There's a crossover event thing at issues 23-28, but other than that, you can pretty much go 1-7, annual, 8-22, 29-55, and it's a GREAT time. Alternately, Last Stand Of The Wreckers is a phase one 5-issue miniseries about redshirts and propaganda that stands pretty well on its own, and is lower commitment than diving into an ongoing.
  12. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

  13. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    viewcomic has most of them!! phase one is a bit harder to find but all of phase two is on
  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Hahaha, it's only because I've gotten so much practice at writing up a YES PLEASE READ THE THING I CAN HELP paragraph over the last few days XD I know exactly the fastest way to dig up the shortcut to winkwonk's thread and the reading order post, and I'm finally no longer second-guessing myself on issue numbers for the Good Shit (tm). I could be spending my time on cleaning up my apartment or untangling my life, but why would I do that when I can shove robots at people??
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  15. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    @sirsparklepants @spockandawe
    thanks! guess I know what I'm doing with my free time now :p
    I'm really looking forward to counting the original series references and seeing my favorite characters again! (got BIG hype for Thundercracker in this series, I understand. HOOBOY. I've liked that seeker ever since I realized he sounded like Decepticon James Earl Jones and had a soft streak)
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  16. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    For thundercracker in particular, he shows up in All Hail Megatron in phase one, pops up once or twice after that, but mostly drops off the radar for a while, and then shows up big time in phase two's exrid ongoing (used to be named robots in disguise, got renamed to 'the transformers') after that one crossover event, around issue 29 or so. I found exrid harder to follow than mtmte, because the writing wasn't quite so tight and there was a lot of complicated politics stuff happening, but it's also a very good series.

    edit: ahhh, and this time, twas *I* who was ninja'd!
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  18. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    • Like x 1
  19. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    • Like x 1
  20. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much


    potentially. hypothetically. if I were looking for wireplay fics, would anybody have any recs
    for Reasons. no huge preference on characters or ships
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