Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Wartime Starscream who makes a point of finding the prettiest (but still practical) clothing possible, but is definitely capable of going without if the situation calls for it.

    Post-war Starscream who goes bananas with all the pretty clothing, and the pretty, impractical clothing, and who lives for getting ahold of every single fancy couture bustier that catches her eye, and wearing opera gloves to work, and strutting around in six inch heels, and is having the time of her life with the human clothing version of the remake-yourself-by-changing-your-body and aggressively-show-off-how-gorgeous-you-are things that robot Starscream does. Starscream where for a few years you never see her in the same outfit twice, and it isn't until she starts settling out a bit that she's comfortable enough to repeat her favorite pieces of clothing, things are quiet and secure and stable, and she feels secure and stable.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
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  2. glitterchance

    glitterchance 34 Vigilant Gaze Engulfs the Void

    I want you to know that I just made a quiet 'eeee' noise like Simple Dog in Hyperbole and a Half.

    (She wasn't around for the war, she hasn't been so desensitized by all the violence to the point that she can overlook Megatron+Starscream dysfunction as 'eh, they've been like this for millions of years, it's just a fact of nature.' And I could see her trying, like she tried with Starscream at first, to wear her political diplomat face and be cool, but he just keeps needling Starscream and nobody is DOING anything about it and Starscream looks grimly resigned under his bravado. She ends up in a icy towering rage without quite knowing how it happened.)
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  3. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    I ran across this on my dash and I can't tell if it would better suit Starscream or Rodimus or Starscream trying to show off to Rodimus


    Probably Starscream

    See, she starts out trying to stay cool and icy and still semi-diplomatic about it, but then she starts getting heated and really pissed off once Starscream officially locks up. Which is about when Megatron starts to realize hey, this rando is getting pretty angry at me...why

    What I'm saying is it turns into a TMPGIS "Who the fuck are you?" "I asked you first." "Well, I asked you second!" kind of argument with Windblade leaning further over the table to get all up in Megatron's face about it

    And Starscream sees Megatron getting aggravated at tiny flier Windblade and nopes out hardcore. Just grabs Windblade and hauls ass out of there before she can get herself killed
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  4. aetherGeologist

    aetherGeologist Well-Known Member

    just stop, Tailgate. please.
    also i am pretty confident that is not what you are supposed to do with the matrix
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  5. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Or, slightly more realistically - Starscream sees Windblade and Megatron getting increasingly shouty - so he has Windblade forcibly removed from the room for being a disruption, and shuts her out of the proceedings. Windblade is INCENSED and fuming by the time she corners Starscream again, because those talks were important and he had no right, but after that much quality time with Megatron Starscream is in full defensive mode: prickly and impatient and stabbing at any of Windblade's buttons he can to redirect her onto the defensive. Of course he kicked her out, couldn't she see how much of a target ass she was making of herself? In front of Megatron, no less? Pffft, she's making a fool of herself right now -

    And finally he manages to piss Windblade off to the point she storms out of her own accord, without fully realizing what just happened. So Starscream's left alone in his room, and Windblade goes home to where Chromia isn't, and both of them are alone and smarting over the argument

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  6. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    TRUE STORY, one of the last things I did before going to bed last night was cue this up for my sideboob SIDEBLOG (autocorrect, why are you the way you are??)... with a Starscream tag :3c

    And also oh my god, y'all are CAUSING ME PAIN with these windblade thoughts.

    But I also ask you to also consider, Windblade noticing Starscream starting to slowly fall apart in a group meeting with Megatron, and picking a dumb inconsequential fight with Starscream so she has an excuse to sweep out with Megatron for a PRIVATE tour of metroplex, thankyouverymuch, and she's seething, and is on edge, but playing the role of the sweet, even-tempered diplomat and keeping Megatron away so Wheeljack can take care of Starscream without Megatron realizing
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  7. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    I like how the Lost Light 'bots are just. On an entirely different level than anyone else, because WAR and also probably Cybertron is in a resource crisis so that's also a problem. Also how dear sweet Rewind and Minimus help the blind bots get away. [/SPOILER
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  8. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Speaking of Windblade! @spockandawe, I just read your series "Like the Morning Sun" last night, and it was so good. Embarrassing fangirl noises go here.

    Windblade made me cry. I just felt for her so much.
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  9. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ahhhh, thank you, I'm so glad you like it!!! :D I have a next windblade/starscream and a next wheeljack/starscream segment both planned, and coldstars and I have been wailing at each other about this ship for months, so there's plenty, PLENTY more I still want to cover for them, including picking some pieces of these megatron thoughts people have been sharing up above :3c
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  10. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Eeeeee! If I weren't actually in a hospital right now (not for myself, nothing serious) I would be making even more embarrassing fangirl noises, out loud.
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  11. Petra

    Petra space case

    Oh no, Tailgate almost killed Anode.

    From Anode's flashback, whiteout, whatever, I'm pretty sure she used to be a medic? Something to do with what her hands can do? But she burned out and couldn't keep doing it.
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  12. glitterchance

    glitterchance 34 Vigilant Gaze Engulfs the Void

    All I could think is "his matrix is pasted on yey."
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  13. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    I gave him metallic/alloy, but he's wearing a skin called Coldflame Blue that I picked up for 800 gems >>;, it was worth it.
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  14. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    hey call me crazy but i think their sparks are in their heads
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  15. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    why must I be at work I don't wanna wait for ll2
  16. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    okay had to get that one out there but ANYWAY


    okay organizing thoughts

    drift & ratchet: LOV THAT DRATCHET STUFF!! also love that this is like what, vision number 3 apparently?? ratchet's like, i got a call on my space cellphone and also drift had a vision and that's how we got here just in time to be heroes!! also that explains a line in issue 1 about how last time drift told ratchet the truth about why he collapsed ratchet didn't believe him
    also: i don't like the new artist but he does draw drift Very Beautiful and i appreciate that a lot
    umm lessee i love ratchet showing off like 'lol see i know religion stuff too are u impressed??' also the Concern and taking drift seriously it's such a nice contrast to way back in the beginning of mtmte when every time drift opened his mouth ratchet was like 'GOD SHUT UP'

    FINALLY WE GOT TO SEE A LASER POINTER, I'M SO CHARMED...! how did this one survive the recall?

    hmmmm terminus is so impressed with megatron its warming my heart tbh, also the hulking out was gr8, and also makes it funnier that theyre all just kind of going along with this nonsense.... like FINE we'll humour them

    also continually disappointed by the lack of drift-megatron awkwardness!!! I WANT CONFLICT

    also rodimus and magnus are so important.... i love their one-on-one interactions so much..


    on anode: i am so fond of her and lug. she's such a little shithead but she's so charming. i like the idea of her having medical origins!! i was very worried about her for a minute there but i am glad she's okay and i love kaput the non-confrontational medic.....

    a question: is the 'doctor lotty' thing a plot hole? because as far as i can remember, velocity only very recently passed the exam (after nine failed attempts). their history would have to be very recent! and that seems strange given that anode and lug have been yoinked out of time from five hundred years ago

    so anode and lug are cybertronian neutrals but they have been to caminus in their travels at some point over five hundred years ago ?? or at least anode has, since lug did not have the same reaction to velocity. and anode stole something IMPORTANT, something something lighthouse, velocity was there, they knew each other well enough that velocity recognized anode on sight and anode called velocity lotty.

    i wonder who flash-flame is!!!

    and what's up with swerve!! what's hurting him.

    tailgate and cyclonus!! i am very worried about them both. how was cyclonus hurt?? he is a Very Tough Dude. like outrageously tough. and tailgate is behaving in Concerning ways!! he is letting his punchy powers go to his head. he didn't even notice that he almost killed anode :(

    re: functionist universe: i want to reiterate that i think the of-twelve's sparks are in their heads. which is. weird, but who am i to judge

    idk idk there's more that i am excited about but i think this is. probably long enough already
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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Gahhhhh, I'm not going to be on a keyboard for HOURS, but kintsugi blipped out when I had an Important Thought I wanted to share, so crossposting from tumblr

    Okay, I’m not going to go into any real depth from mobile, but I do want to say that I have a lot of emotions about Rodimus telling Megatron that he’s the brains and Megatron’s the brawn, and then in the fight, Megatron is directing things while Rodimus gets to do his fighty thing. I recently reread spotlight: hot rod, so I am full of FEELINGS about Rodimus and which aspects of leadership he’s most and least comfortable with
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  18. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    At the end of Elegant Chaos, we saw the Council figure out what Rung does, and One-of-Twelve's decision to terminate him, to which he replied "If you pull that trigger it's the beginning of the end". How much time has passed in that universe since then? It's currently "now" in both universes, but we didn't really get a good idea of when that scene took place in the regular universe, except the implication was that it was taking place at the same time as the scenes in the regular universe. So how long would the Council have waited to get rid of Rung?
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  19. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    rewind is holding roddy's hand oh my god

    rewind tugs rodimus down by the arm to talk to him
    I love my son


    ...I note how they've shifted from calling the primary deity 'Primus' to calling him 'God'. I wonder what that says about worship of the rest of the Hand... I'm willing to bet Adaptus was the first to go, honestly, given he would be such an easy rallying point for revolution.

    once again, I have Feelings about 'tool' as an actual insult instead of a rather silly, sarcastic put-down under Functionism.

    ...hrm. So primary deity is both Primus and God? Either that or the writers just slipped. Mrh.

    Because I have no life, I'm going to transcribe every name I can read off the Disappeared list.
    Reverb of Tarn, Viewport of Iacon, Wasteland of Kaon, Chevron of Ibex, Barrik(?) of Ibex, Shock of Polyhex ( that our Shock? As in the dude who got stuck in the LL's engine?), Dumbell of Kaon, W??lfire (Whifflefire???) of Vos, Exhaustpipe of Ibex, Optik of Kalis, Seadriver of Tarn, Paraload of Altihex, Tunnelbore of Kalis, Reload of Polyhex, Cursor of Tarn, Fireflight of Vos (is someone making a joke about him not showing up in IDW? :P), Responder of Iacon, Filecard of Altihex, Stomp of Teledonia, Pterror of Tarn, Jamjaw of Ibex, Nightclaw of Iacon, Skidblaze of Teledonia, Smallblade of ??, Dirtface of Polyhex (Dirtface???), Slumm of Tarn (Slum, who is naming these kids), Truemark of Tesk, Slagheap of Kaon, Arcanus of Teledonia, Smallblade of ??, Night?? (Nightfall, maybe?) of ??, Cloudblast(er?).

    Slimefoot of Kalis, Pestilus of Tarn, Blocksmasher of Iacon, Irridus of Teledonia, Hescore of Polyhex, Bladefoot of Tarn, Wingshot of Iacon, Groundjumper of Kaon, Kaput of Teledonia, Hammerhead of Tesk, Crashcart of Altihex, Jumpbarrel of Kalis, Kickstart of Polyhex, Stunblaze of Tarn, Katastrophus of Vos, Barrelstop of Iacon, Firefist of Altihex, Ripfire of Teldonia, Flux of the Pious Pools, Astroblast of Ibex, Gantry of Polyhex, Gimmick of Kaon, Ice-Vent of Vos, Triggerfinger of Ibex, Cyclotron of Kalis, Snoop of Tarn, Zap of Iacon, Quickflash of Tesk, Bruteforce of Polyhex, Analyticus of Tarn, Skyhaven of Iacon (spot the Skyrim nerd), Shank of Kaon, Subcrawler of Teledonia, ?ookout (Lookout? Cookout?) of Vos, Steelback of Altihex, ??emp of Kalis, Mace of Polyhex, Static of ??, Rusthea? (Rusthead? Rustheap?), Scramb? (Scramble? Scrambler?), aaand Dominus Ambus (origin city conveniently obscured).

    man I really like Anode's feet design

    "Will you stop going 'ha'!" irl siblings anode and lug

    oh jesus
    am I supposed to recognize Big Purple and Angry or

    Rewind being a history nerd in every universe
    I love
    my son

    magnus<>rod forever

    rodimus I love you

    ...well hey. paging Mirrors, we have a canon representation of IDW pre-Hand @Primus. (Also, I love Drift's religious knowledge being useful instead of just a joke.)

    awwww and Ratchet taking an interest in his quad's life <3 I still ship them spades but this is darling

    ...'dead dialects'. Are you telling me Autobot Neocybex is a dead dialect now? :D
    Alright, keeping track: "trapped light" ("trapped Light"? ;D), "the morality lock," and "threadbare space". Leeeeeet's watch for those plot events!

    OH it's the guy who wanted to start a fight with Tailgate
    ...I'm willing to bet it wasn't him what busted cy up.

    I mean it's nice to not see him be the flanderized marshmallow cinnamon roll he so often is in fic, but like
    this is quite a change and I am. Concerned.

    D8 ANODE

    "I'm the brains, you're the brawn" Rodimus in what universe are you the brains. I love you but you are not a strategist.

    awwwww looooook we get our classic bodice-ripper pose for the arc <3


    owo backstory?

    awwwwwwwww rewind and mims rescuing the blind bots <3

    Megatron, proving he is both brawn and brains. Look at that experienced commander go <3

    I love Clicker's design

    his head is the fucking matrix
    what did you do


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  20. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Well then, liveblog time!
    ... I am actually confused, was it clarified somewhere if Lug was alluding to rodimus or ratchet when speaking about Drift's conjunx? bc they're botht here and they're both viable mhhhhhHHHHH
    (Also are Anode and Lug married, yes or yes? Also Amica or Conjunx this is vitally important but either way I ship it liek burning)
    Mhhhhhhh kissing the ground when twelve-of-twelve floats by goodshit.png
    "The council gave Luna 2 to the Black Box Consortia in return for them leaving Cybertron alone" omg
    "Can I be chained to someone else please?" RODIMUS <3
    awww ratchet quoting scripture is cute
    oh my god who is also cute is Drift. he is very handsome in this panel. In these panels. Mhhh and a handsome Ratchet too. I live.
    Okay Okay Okay confirmation for who was in the vision. 1) Pharma, 2) Sparkeaters, 3) Grimlock (yes please)
    also 4) Worldsweepers (?) which are apparently a specific type of fleet. And So Many Languages
    oh my god it's happening
    oh my god TAILGAAAAATE
    tailgate honey pls calm down
    *points at birdformer, YELLS*
    jesus fuck do we finally get confirmation on cygate or not this is killing me you are killing me jro
    ..... is that a flathead displaying the words GET A PROPER JOB i am dying I am laughing so hard
    ahahhahahaa omg the actual warweathered soldiers judging the babby revolutionaries is kind of adorable
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Megs is saying the same thing Anode ust said omg
    "I'm the brains, you're the brawn, remember? That's why it works." Rodimus... my love... no...
    Megs: *casually rips off his handcuffs like the big bad bara he is* me: :3c
    omg Cy... love you so much....
    "Kaput" is the best name and I love this dude now.
    -rubs hands togetehr- yesssssss tell me why Anode is evading lottyyyyyyy
    So... Anode and Lug are Camiens who *stole* some artifact? :D
    Rewind and Mims saving the blind mechs gives me LIFE
    Terminus is doki-ing over Megatron's commanding skills
    ......... six-of-twelve literally has the matrix as a head and I think that's beautiful
    • Like x 6
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