Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    They are mentioned to have been avoiding their checkups because Velocity is medicing, so they could have picked it up there.
    Or Velocity was doing inadvisable charity/back-alley work before technically being licensed, or she might have been... I've lost the word, student-assisting? a licensed doc somewhere while studying that they happened to go to at some point and they misremembered her 'proper' title.
    Or she's a lying liar who lies and billed herself as a Doctor before being licensed.
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  2. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Worldsweepers are the Decepticon ships that look like their badges! Like the one the Scavengers found Grimlock on!
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  3. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    is it wrong that when Drift said 'it was raining, but not rain, it was heavier' my first thought was 'so energon then?'
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  4. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    oh tru!!
    i still think it's super interesting that not only did velocity IMMEDIATELY recognize anode on sight but she's still SUPER FUCKING MAD about something that happened, at bare minimum, 500 YEARS AGO......

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  5. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

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  6. Petra

    Petra space case

    I think Anode freaked out and stopped being able to do whatever she was supposed to do with her hands in that operation where someone was dying (see her whiteout wakeup panel) while Lottie was there or where Lottie could hear about it, then flipped out, panicked, and stole something to cover expenses and ran. And Lottie is assuming she was playing them all along.
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  7. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    ngl, Kaput is precious and I want more of him.
    *gathers any and all medical bots to their chest, as if that would somehow protect them.

    ...also. "Had it performed an essential function it would have been born." there are little white bots (cameras?) in a few scenes that look like the Lost Light medical drone but by functionist logic, I guess they're sentient? it's a weird thing to get caught up on, but they're very cute. I've always liked the medical drone.
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  8. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ever since the drone creepily watched red alert talk to rung, I've wondered about that. Also there's the drone in exrid
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  9. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

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  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    omg, I'm assuming not, but that would be HILARIOUS. Pacifism FAIL

    Also, imagine an entire subspecies of sentient datapads
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  11. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    ....yeah, actually.... that. that's a thing. someone tweet at JRo.
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  12. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    how far does that logic go, anyway? buildings? all transport? the screen that broadcast was on? there's got to be some things that aren't people, hopefully

    on the other hand, how many people are locked in their altmodes so they never stop doing their jobs?
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  13. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    ah but that was drift's thing where he brainstorm programmed security to inform drift whenever the name 'overlord' was said out loud!! so when red alert said it the drone started recording and drift was notified and then he came and took the dataslug red left with rung
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
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  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Give me!!! Prowl getting his grubby hands all over mtmte, and Tarantulas, and the government supporting his artificial spark manufacturing, because their reproduction is BROKE, and they keep killing off giant segments of their population

    My motivation definitely isn't getting a prowl love quadrangle, nope
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  15. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Part of it is also me thinking for ages that the medic photo with ambulon and first aid and company also had a mystery empurata medic and I wanted to know who he was, but secretly it was the drone hovering :smithsad: I've had my heart set on medbot sentience for a while
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  16. Petra

    Petra space case

    I mean, D.O.C. seems sapient, if not especially smart.
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  17. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    EXTREME GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED LANGUAGE GIMME I want Megatron writing poetry and messing around with words to be officially revolutionary on multiple fronts, dammit

    Can't remember if I've brought it up in thread or only with Spock, but - imagine the Functionists slowly selling off their own altmode locked population into off world slavery to cover expenses/as punishment/to trade for badly needed resources. That new shuttle you just bought? Yeah. That's a living being. He's alive. He can't speak, and he's been stuck in his shuttle form for longer than your species has had space flight capabilities. Why would you want to be able to change back? This is your function
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
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  18. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    and another thing

    OKAY, SO

    Cygate. Holy shit, this is intriguing and worrying, and all I can think about is the way this led directly from Cyclonus making his big dramatic declaration to Whirl that he isn't worthy of Tailgate and would tear down the world to make sure he got out of this okay.

    I don't feel like I have solid ground to speculate about exactly how this outlier thing is going to work, but I am ANXIOUS. But more than that, I'm fretting over the way Tailgate is acting. WHAT A GOOD, what a precious puff who isn't a flawless perma-sweetheart, who's coping with this major upheaval, two giant betrayals from someone he used to trust enough that he was agreeing to marry the guy, and witnessing what he thought was the death of the person he loved, trying to save him from the fallout of that first betrayal. My baby is such a good marshmallow, but he has been put through the wringer. And on top of that, he's killed people. For the first time in his life. And he killed a lot of people.

    Like... just. Damn. I am way way way intrigued by where his character arc will go, BUT. Also. Consider that Cyclonus has a long history as a warrior, on ye olde cybertron, from back before it was 'total war, join the army or gtfo (j/k, you were literally manufactured to be a warm body, you don't get a choice)'. How many young fighters has he seen, doing war for the first time, and seeing how it affected them? Because like, that's a big deal. Psychologically, war is a big fucking deal. And Tailgate... one, he feels invincible. Two, he feels invincible after so long feeling like he's like some pathetic hanger-on, trailing after the bots who actually know what they're doing when it comes to a fight, after having made up this massive history for himself about how he totally knows this stuff! honest!! And he feels invincible after being sucker punched by Getaway, when his lack of experience made him a tempting target and someone who'd... probably be one of the easier bots on the ship to casually kill, where because he wasn't smart enough or strong enough, he thought he watched Cyclonus die trying to save him.

    And now he is strong enough. He's strong enough and he's sick of being someone who needs to be protected and wants to protect the people he cares about instead, and has built up resentment from people wanting him to step back and let the bots know what they're doing take care of the problem. I am so! so! sympathetic to how much he does not want to be told to cut it out right now. BUT. Cyclonus and that history as a warrior that I started to talk about. How many young fighters has he seen come to the field, all puffed up on fresh courage and confidence, not wanting to listen to people telling them to back down, not wanting to listen when anyone else implies that they might know better. How many of those young fighters died? Probably a lot, I'm guessing. 'There are old sailors and bold sailors, but no old, bold sailors.' Cyclonus is an incredible fighter, but despite his sour disposition, he's got impressive amounts of chill and is willing to let Whirl and Drift make threat displays at him, all that stuff. I could go around in circles for AGES with how worried he must be about Tailgate right now.

    AND!! And that's all even apart from how. fukkin. young. Tailgate is. Like, good for him! He is my precious son and a valid adult and I want all the best things in the world for him! But apart from Ten, even if Velocity or Nautica is the next youngest bot on the ship, and even if they're really young, they probably still has at least a few hundred years on him if they finished robot college (and lottie did robot med school... many times). Tailgate has so little life experience compared to the others, and I'm so torn, because of course other people want to protect him, and of course he'd resent being handled with kid gloves, and of course he's just had that lack of life experience rubbed in his face by Getaway. But. He is so young, and Cyclonus is trying so hard to help him grow without stifling him or restricting him, but without letting him dig himself into a hole he can't escape. And I just!!!! Love this ship so much!!!!!!!!!!

    PS also if art standards are still the same, Tailgate was basically angry-crying the whole time he was beating up that hapless decepticon asshole

    PPS, I just saw the wall of people missing in action, and Shock was on there and there had been a question of whether it was our Shock? I just remembered that he got disappeared from the engine during the annual. I kind of don't want him alive because having one duobot dead and one duobot alive Distresses me because this is not symmetry, but. Hm. That is a thing.

    Also, on a totally different note, oh my GOD, THE DRATCHET! The dratchet feelings! They respect each other and confide in each other and trust each other HGHGHHHHHHHHH GOD! I wasn't equipped to handle this :( Ratchet asking if Drift is impressed after he recites scripture from memory! Ratchet expressing appreciation of the writing! Still saying it's bunk, but he's saying it with a smile and he's giving Drift something instead of being 100% hard on him all the time.

    Also, "the clenched fist that became the guiding hand" hnngghhhh give me more I want more this is so atmospheric I love it

    And and and the main universe bots being so judgey about the fight! Oh my god! Oh my god!!!!! I died, I DIIIIED. I was also like 'don't be mean, they're trying their best!!' But also I laughed really hard. Especially at the flathead saying 'get a proper job,' holy shit.

    Plus in the mix I have lots of emotions about what a good team Rodimus and Megatron make, because one, I'm so happy Megatron didn't give up altogether on pacifism even after Tarn pushed him past his breaking point. I am SO HAPPY. And two, spotlight: hot shot and spotlight: dealer.... plus the lack of confidence vote and the way optimus undermines rodimus's authority....... that was a rough time. And like this, things are so GOOD. Megatron gets to effortlessly lead people and direct and coordinate, and he's stretching his brain instead of falling back into things like happened in spotlight: megatron, or telling Optimus he'd happily murder the last autobot standing. This is constructive. And Rodimus is a leader, but he's not the ultimate point of authority for the people under him, if that makes sense. Rodimus can go fight and do his big ol' flashy hero thing and still have lots of input into things. But he isn't left to blame himself when people under him die. This co-captain relationship is really good, and I love it so much.

    Also Terminus, omg. I love him so much. And he loves Megatron so much! Whether it's platonic or all the way up through romantic, the way he adores Megatron warms my heart.


    Anode<3<Velocity (for reasons that are hopefully pretty easy to grasp)


    Lug<3<Firestar (because the clash between blunt practicality, and fluttering flashy chasing-an-undefined-future, and also they would look gr9 together just imagnie the size difference)

    (and lug! tiny little butch adorable no-nonsense robot with an adorable hat and i love her so much)

    Speculation: Anode as a medic -> panic shutdown at a critical time -> BYYYE I'M A THIEF TREASURE HUNTER NOW. I like that. But I also really would love to see more with her and Velocity in particular being students together. If they were close, depending on Anode's bluescreen and how it impacted Lottie (someone she cared about? was she helping with the same surgery?), I could see it affecting Lottie's ability to finish up her own education. That throwaway about how many tries it took her to get her medical degree would be foreshadowing then, instead of just a little character detail. thoughts have been derailed because I just noticed this artist draws tailgate with distressingly small hips. hm.

    Anyways, Kaput is my new favorite. I CAN IDENTIFY.

    (in the panel where kaput ollies out, is anode grinning while lottie pins her to the berth? :3c)

    Also, Lug is musical and has a gruff, snappy personality, but genuinely cares about Her People. And Anode is flighty and flippant at least partly to hide genuine emotions and likes to run away from the things that distress her. *nests on new robots*

    Annnnnd Swerve is worrying me. It looks like he's maybe tapping his shoulder? Because Velocity fixed him up probably-not-that-long-ago. But, like... she removed the foreign body. What's wrong now? :( And I am also worried emotionally, because Swerve is so. fucking. lonely. Skids is dead, and he calls Skids his best friend, but Skids only barely remembered where Swerve lived and only noticed anything was wrong with Swerve by sheer accident. Tailgate is his friend, but Tailgate is having... issues. Cyclonus has reached out to him in the past, but Cyclonus is distracted by Tailgate's more obvious spiral. Rung doesn't seem to be in a good position for noticing anything right now. I am really worried about Swerve.

    And on a silly note, twelve-of-twelve is floating everywhere, and I'm absurdly pleased that my functionist universe pharma had him doing a surgery to replace a council member's servos because the guy wasn't transforming and that isn't good for your body. I'm sure just floating everywhere and barely using your body period isn't much better. Good job @ past me, I award myself one self-satsified high five.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
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  19. Petra

    Petra space case

    I want Lug and Swerve to be friends.
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  20. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    .....I'm pretty sure this is a sign that I need to go the heck to sleep, but. We don't need non-sentient machines because Primus provides. So. What if. A cybertronian whose alt mode is an escalator.
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