Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I just spent time scraping through old messages to find old trine reunion discussion, and now I am full of many emotions over skywarp, and god, this dumb thug boy, I love him so much, and CONSIDER. In AHM, when the insecticons try to start some shit with the trine, he's like 'you take on one of us, you take on all of us.' They're like 'hee hee, love how you slavishly imitate starscream's frame even though you don't respect him.' And after they're driven off, he's like 'HAHA, YEAHHH, just like the old days!!' and gets pissy when thundercracker isn't stoked too.

    And when he leaves, he says between thundercracker being all quiet and starscream never being around, he's 'starting to feel all alone'

    Also, a shout-out to the spotlight: megatron moment when someone asks if they should stop the beating, and skywarp says that if they try to stop it, he will murder them.

    Plus other miscellaneous tidbits, including how hard he threw himself into decepticon work after starscream and thundercracker became two of the most prominent deserterse. But the point is, a reunion between the members of the trine following skywarp getting out of the teleport rig thing and getting some goddamn medical attention, an interaction where skywarp is still a total mess, and it all basically boils down to 'you dumped me, you abandoned me, and you both left me and I still don't know what I did wrong'
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  2. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    I hate to say this...but...I think we're hinting at two different kinds of #TGWPMegatronAbuse

    Doesn't have to be a beating to hurt them:shynautica:
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  3. Petra

    Petra space case

    Yeh I thought of that but I wasn't sure.
  4. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Okay okay I'm going to stop bugging people about this now, but I'm really excited to have a five-minute video reference for Kristen Stewart's short hair and also with a change to some bright flashy colors, this outfit could totally be Starscream. And ALSO, I have learned the secret ways of how to color glitter (spoilers: just tiny luminescent dots everywhere, it is literally that simple) so now I'm all prepared to draw loads of Rodimus

    (i say loads, as if my executive dysfunction has let me do loads of ANYTHING lately)

    (but also I have bullshit work training for four fucking hours tomorrow morning, so maybe I'll defiantly write porn on my phone to kill the time)
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  5. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Hello hi, I would like to call your attention to this image


    And all the past context and future developments involving Kaon and the pet, plus the emotional body language happening in this picture. That is all.
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  6. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

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  7. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    also Kaon's eyes totally made me remember the blinded prisoners in the functionist universe, and I kind of want the most useless AU where Kaon somehow universe-jumped from there, and that was his djd entrance story.

    because Kaon.
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  8. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ooh, one last additional thing before I hopefully stop being distracted. This little development:


    I never really processed that Swerve was the one who had this idea. Which is interesting, because he's the character who's had some major focus on his mental health problems (not just the near-death from self-neglect, but also the many ways the crushing loneliness he's feeling shows through), and who's had some of the most serious difficulties with guilt. It was the business with Ten that got him into this particular plot thread, but in the annual he doesn't even miss a beat talking about how much that Swerve guy sucks, and he felt so bad he sat and talked with Rung's comatose body for one hundred and forty seven straight hours. So it's fascinating to me that he's the one who thinks of using this device that brings all the nasty, ugly things you're trying your best not to think about to the forefront of your mind.

    ps, also, so Swerve is a talky guy. After he stumbled across the DJD doing their thing (forcing a genericon to eat his own parts. that's our tarn! *laugh track*) and got shot, the joke is that the shock was so great that he didn't say a word for six months. Ha! Swerve not talking! Hilarious! But also, reframe those words. This incident traumatized Swerve so much that he was rendered nonverbal for six months. The more I poke at this character, the more he hurts me.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
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  9. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    saving a life.jpg

    Ooh, that was her first time saving a life. We still don't know how she and Anode knew each other, or what kind of connection they shared, but I am way hella intrigued about anything and everything to do with these guys. Her first time saving a life doesn't mean she hasn't failed to save lives before, and Anode's flashback has me all OuO

    Also, one, look at Ambulon being precious. How is he so precious. I love him so much. And this is the shot that made me think the drone was actually an empurata'd medic with a whirl-esque head. I still love the drone, but I want an empurata'd medic with a smiley face head now, pls.
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  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    Now, okay. Swerve might be talking about Cyclonus's fakey fake flipout on Hedonia. But that wasn't in Swerve's bar, which is the key context for the scene. So if we decide to interpret things this way, there are some really lovely implications. I'd like to invite everybody to imagine Cyclonus having legit ptsd flashbacks,bad enough other people notice them, to those six million years he spent trapped in a dimension of physical and psychological decay.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
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  11. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    nsfw cyswervegate (is not a ship name that anyone uses) is a go!

    I wrote like 500 words of swerve pov, but the nerves and setup were making it SO LONG and I ditched it in favor of the grumpy grump who sits in his home and waits for his sociable husband to bring back the goods. Shout-out to the line I never got to use about how Tailgate wants Cyclonus to invite Whirl to play with them because he thinks Cyclonus would have fun that way. Double shout-out to the way this references a cdrwcygate event where I am absolutely going to write at least one thing.

    eta: TRIMPLE POST COMBOB, apparently, I swear to god, whenever I go looking for simple references, I always stumble across a million little panels with details that give me new thoughts that I want to share ;-;

    double eta: sly autistic smile, because i totally worked in references to cyclonus performing emotion to be polite and him scripting certain social scenarios
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2017
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  12. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I completely forget what was going on so thank you recap
    also, "capture Soundwave"?? D8

    "this material could allow us to cyberform entire worlds."

    how about we don't get into more abuse of starscream kthnx

    okay see good Megs makes good plans when he's not hyped up on death juice
    besides beating up starscream that is never a good plan


    cmon buddy you were doing so well

    ...I mean. From a cosmology standpoint you're not wrong, but I never took you for the religious type, Megs. Unicron obsession or no.

    damn, the whole team? really?

    I knew it was coming and I'm still sad

    wow rude raf
    (also who let the kids in the torture room, A+)

    OP you're bad at interrogations
    (I do like Soundy's voicesplice thing tho, that is cool)



    I Love this lil smirk
    tfp smirk.png

    ...can ice really burn like that, or is Predaking spitting some sort of alchemist's fire rather than being a proper fire-breather?

    OP I know playing defense turret is fun but you need to know when to reposition

    ...actually, this would play nicely with those thinks upthread about the cassettes trying to defend Soundy. Heeee <3
    ooooooooooooo nice title cut

    that landing was almost dainty, Shockwave, when did you have time to study acrobatics?

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so pretty

    ...shocker you are lucky Predaking chose to come through the roof just then

    take it easy, you just got conscious again

    Meeegs are you eating purple rocks again? You're overacting a little there

    man there is an animator who loves ankles out there too
    Megs' and Soundy's are beautiful, look at the weight shift

    Crotch Animator <3 Ankle Animator is my new otp :P

    are you still sending humans against cybertronians? Why? this is stupid

    save me, obi ratchet, you're my only hope

    I'm all for a good bit of survivor's guilt but this just feels forced

    mhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrr get off the military recruitment horse
    tfp I trusted you

    that articulation <3

    the summary card for the next episode says "a series of predicaments" and I am hoping for more silliness instead of more drama
    Gee, raph, how come your writers let you have two bot friends? :P

    also, I continue shipping ratchet<>OP

    KO isn't allowed to do his own science anymore? :c

    KO RUN

    I keep mishearing 'Chip' as 'Shit'

    ratchet this ain't gonna work
    I mean it will because this isn't bayverse and you have Protagonist Armor but

    ...I'm. Almost certain Ratchet asked for isopropyl, why did Knockout supply a poking stick. Is it an injector of some sort?

    I mean tbf Screamer did botch that pretty hard, if you don't care about collateral damage why not just bomb the whole complex to rubble instead of targeting one specific area

    ...buddy. Buddy. Without you Shocker's just gonna put it together on his own. That remains a valid option.

    "I turn my back on you for ten seconds and you literally light the place on fire"

    OP. Buddy. I like turret mode as much as anyone else but a Gatling is not always the answer

    oh christ
    "predicament" indeed

    ...KO are you implying you've fucked nonsapient cars

    I mean it wouldn't be Optimus, 1 or 2, without a Dramatic "Morale-Boosting" Speech

    +1 for Improvised Weapons, beat a motherfucker with another motherfucker
    (also wow Megs leaves a lot of openings at melee range, someone's out of practice)

    ...I mean. Dude's got wings. He'll be fine.

    ...I was expecting him to say "last dance" there and honestly I don't see a difference tbh
    Megs and OP need a third leaf like whoa

    [one google trip later]
    ...huh. I hope Mirzaian wasn't Crotch Animator, I'm gonna miss him if he was :c
    ...this one's called "Deadlock" but we're not gonna get to see Drift, are we :<

    look at smokey passing up a chance to be A Hero
    on the other hand, boy. boy you tell your commander and/or team you have eyes on Megatron right now.

    oh my god smokescreen
    unless you're running off for a quickie with Knock Out there is really no excuse

    Yes KO baby you escape while the escaping's good <3

    ...did soundy drop them in a barracks or
    why are all these genericons standing around

    ...I mean. On the one hand, hooray Team Kids for figuring out non-murdery solutions. On the other, bring soundy back dammit :<


    go bee go
    you dex-check your way to victory


    wait right
    they're right over the cyberforming pool
    bee will be fine
    okay okay good

    well see if you hadn't taken that extra three seconds to grandstand you woulda killed him for real this time

    that sure is a pokey bit of metal even if it can't do fancy shit

    [thirty solid seconds of actual physical noise]
    my son

    ...I don't know why I'm so surprised Bee has a mouth

    ...I am Interested that this version of Ratchet is religious, considering IDW Ratch's enduring salt at the topic.

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it's so pretty

    ...was that supposed to be funny. or feel good. or anything but "goddammit Miko please stop."

    you can't stop me from shipping op<>ratchet

    why is this season half the length of the others
    no fair
    I want half a season of rebuilding cybertron
    tealdeer: "Bee" said in varying emotional tones
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2017
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  13. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Idea: Tarn's face situation being a robot dermatillomania-type thing
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  14. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    New TAAO!

    thank you bumblebee. and oh my god starscream.
    ....but seriously wow starscream needs a hug i think?
    darnit, why is he so darn smart.
    ....well shit.
    • Like x 1
  15. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    oh man i just. wanna hug starscream so much. i wanna hug him and then send him to therapy

    also SHIT this is so badass

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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Starscreammmmmmm :C

    It also worries me that he's talking to bumblebee so openly in front of the other delegates

    And I wonder if Lightbright also being a cityspeaker is going to come into play during any of this

    I am also worries about Lightbright and Sparkstalker because they are newlyweds and fighting in different parts of this and after Barricade and Strafe I can't deal with any more tragedies between new couples

    Slash ooh, I bet those two have one of those age difference things that gets me all OuO over Starscream and Windblade

    STRIKA!!!! My queen!

    Also Obsidian and Elita One, oh my god, I adore this whole command team

    Also if Devastator is still bopping around, I want more combiner everything. Combiner wars and the combaticons touched on some really interesting ideas, and I want more, and I want it all in the context of Cybertron's first natural combiner in forever.

    But Starscream, baby, I'm worried about him. He's working hard and being so smart but also so SAD, and I'm basically getting the impression he doesn't expect to ever have a real friend ever again. Because he can't trust anyone, but also because nobody can trust him. He's doing me a sad :(
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  17. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Yeah, I'm really worried about how casually he was chatting with Bumblebee with someone else sitting right there. Other than lightly brushing them off when he was questioned, he didn't even try to hide that he was having a conversation (from their perspective) with himself.

    And I don't know if it's because he's burning himself out on ruling Cybertron and the Council of Worlds, or if it's because he doesn't expect to see Windblade succeed and figure that he might as well go down with the ship (in this case Cybertron) and it doesn't matter who overhears him.

    He's jsut so.... mellow. He's snarky, yeah, but he's been flying into less and less rages or spirals of paranoia, and it doesn't feel like he's improving, it feels like he's giving up. That worries me!
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  18. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    I'm so glad he finally realized that it's easier to get people to do what you want if you befriend them, a lesson Prowl still hasn't really learned.
    Also not Carcer. Vigilem, apparently Liege Maximo's Titan. Apparently very upset about being called Carcer.
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  19. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    So this means that there's at least three Titans which have been cannibalized and mashed together. I wonder how fucking enraged the poor thing must be. I wonder how much pain it has to be in.
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  20. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    • Like x 4
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