Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    thank you based spock

    Rung on a pile of... are those a new design of t-cogs? Huh.

    god I'm thankful for the link but I hate hate hate this format, viewcomic pls to come back

    Domey's face looks. Really flat there.

    is Megatron pouting oh my god
    Roddy is rubbing off on you

    ...I feel like we've seen "circle with many small circles" before but I can't say where and may actually be mixing fandoms

    "real name"
    Whirl can you not

    "sarcasm's my thing, get your own thing"
    whirl♠cy, whirl♠cy

    cy trying to work as a team
    whirl not knowing how to fight as a team anymore
    my heart can't take this

    "The best bit was when you said 'zap him'." Whirl
    but oh my gosh no this is whirl sharing the fucking glory when by all accounts he could try to puff himself up as ~finally killing Killmaster~, he dealt the final blow and did most of the proper fighting before Cy showed up oh my gosh
    my heart can't take these spades okay

    I love whirl so much

    "we need to talk"
    are aemula endurae becoming canon
    (probably not, but on the other hand is this possibly the quickest vacillation ever and they're gonna talk about tailgate?)

    "harvester unit"
    is this what killed Prion????

    Rewind having a nerdgasm in the corner
    Rodimus having An Idea while everyone else deals with immediate tactics

    ...well, there goes that theory
    Unless Rung's a thirteenth piece to go with the Sooper Seekrit thirteenth prime?

    oh my god the married couple arguments
    on screen

    boys you have bigger problems right now

    thank you minimus
    quite possibly a literal lifesaver
    (or the best-timed cockblock because seriously boys now is not the time to get up close and personal with each other)

    Anode 8<

    that suspicious squint
    also the reveal we've all been waiting for in varying levels of fear and anticipation

    "No one is telling anyone anything ever"
    my guy that is an awfully broad statement

    ...he's either dead or that ain't him and it was just a model they threw up to fool the cameras

    fffffffft Mags<>Megs forever

    Rodimus, your new paintjob came with a really stressed-out shitty attitude
    maybe rein in the salt a little?


    • Like x 5
  2. Petra

    Petra space case

    Lug vanished, right? Didn't walk away, vanished?
  3. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    I wonder if Nine-of-Twelve really has any idea of what's going on with Six-of-Twelve. The whole "Key to Vector Sigma" thing seems kind of weird, what with the rest of the Councillors just busting through the wall without him (and apparently not taking the Rung-drill with them?).

    Also, Whirl continues to be the sweetest, most truly good character in the group.

    [EDIT] Also, Whirl uses the phrase "pregnant pause" despite Cybertronians not working that way.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2017
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  4. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    I am watching RID 2015 (it´s pretty good btw) And the split up of Sideswipe and Strongarm into different team parts is legit making me sad. What is this? I did not sign up for feelings!
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  5. Petra

    Petra space case

    • Like x 1
  6. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    And Sideswipe is my Son! So let our children be kickass moirails already show!
    • Like x 4
  7. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Would you say...your thoughts are a-whirl?

    My phone autocorrects whirl to Whirl. AS WELL IT SHOULD

    I love it. It's so goddamn Homestuck. Luv me these comics about emotionally stunted, time traveling asshole children :')
    • Like x 7
  8. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it


    Nominative determinism is the best phrase ever for Transformers and their silly names, and I want to read an entire dissertation by Megatron about it

    Also aaakldjfk fucking Murderking. AMAZING


    Terminus's sad face at being reminded of Megatron's war crimes :C
    • Like x 6
  9. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Do you guys think that Cyclonus might actually be dead? I've been worried about him since I read it. Part of me thinks that Jro wouldn't actually kill someone in one issue then reveal that they were dead in the next... Whirl's behavior is really worrying. I keep imagining Cyclonus' decapitated body at the foot of the bed hidden in shadows

    I'm hoping that he actually just knocked Cyclonus out because he was being Phenominally Stupid, drug him to the infirmary, then woke up Tailgate and told him what was going on because if this is a MEDICAL PROBLEM, maybe someone should tell the, idk MEDICS, instead of trying keep it quiet like a dumbass *coughcoughCyclonuscough*

    @spockandawe any chance that you might draw Tailgate tearing Cyclonus apart in his sleep? I keep imagining Tailgate hooking his fingers in Cy's mouth and tearing half his face off.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2017
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  10. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Hoooo boy I totally regret my need for sleep and shit but before I get to reading any of these reactions I'll have to liveblog
    That's a very pretty cover of Rung... standing atop.... spark chambers.... oh boy.
    "No big deal" says the summary page and I'm just. No!!! Big big deal!!! Very big deal!!! D:
    "I mean this is good right? You've got your moon back?" PROBABLY NOT DARLING
    "Whenever you shout my name I expect to get shot" Oh nooooo bby
    DDDDDDDD: WHAT??????
    ....... I appreciate how dedicated this artist is to showing the size difference between Rodimus and Megatron. Mhhhh~
    oh boy oh boy D:
    oh my god poor cyclonus DDDD:
    "His real name is Murderking but he changed it to Killmaster" WHAT THE FUCK HOW WAS HIS OLD NAME EVEN EDGIER???
    "Excellent." "HEY! SARCASM'S MY THING! GET YOUR OWN THING!" children, I don't think now's the time to bicker.
    asdfghj Cy i love you
    awwww Whirl loves this entire thing, he sounds so happy.
    oh my god. oh my god Whirl. Whirl I love you so much.
    jesus fuck what is wrong with the council.
    what the FUCK megatron. Holy shit just. I think Rodimus probably just found a way to GO HOME and you are yelling at him.
    babies pls D:
    ... there's a very handsome rodimus panel there. (I keep getting distracted by handsomeness while trying to freak out :c)
    oh god Terminus' face D:
    OH NO D:
    Babies please don't be sad oh nooooo
    oh noooooo D:
    oh my god whirl's darling face. He's so worried. He's so damn worried.
    pleaaaaase do the right thing whirl. please make them talk. I know you can do it whirl just. please. please whirl I believe in you.
    "You weren't even looking!" Drift is so offended omg
    oh my god I am so proud! So proud of Rodimus! He's thinking strategically! My son!!!
    (worried about rung tho D:)
    AWWW MINIMUS! that's so cute! SO CUTE! Megatron's face!
    Rodimus you pissbaby, stop being mean to Ratchet, he tries super hard.
    Is. Is rodimus making a talking hand. I. I love my son. He is such a good brat.
    THERE RUNG IS! oh shit that's an alarming thing to say tho D:
    "Oh does it have a happy ending?" "They never do." NO. NO FUCK YOU.
    oh my god i'm crying with how bad this will probably be oh no. Oh NO. I CAN'T WAIT FOR TH NEXT ONE WTF.
    • Like x 3
  11. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ahh, I don't think I'll be able to draw it, sorry :( Hands and action shots are two of my biggest weaknesses
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  12. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    finally caught up with thread omg

    not sure where you guys are getting the idea cyclonus is dead?? whirl wouldn't kill him and he was functional enough to walk away. if anything happened to him then chances are whirl just whacked him upside the head and temporarily stashed him in a closet somewhere tbh

    not sure how i feel about the rodimus-megatron argument tbh!! it didn't feel very consistent with rodimus's character development, and the accusations he was slinging at megatron feel SUPER out of left field?? like it seems like they just went from this intense mutual respect and understanding to this contrived conflict apropos of nothing :/ although it did result in mims comforting megatron which was REAL CUTE

    still don't like the art. hate the art, in fact.

    the whirl-cyclonus conversation was EXTREMELY IMPORTANT 2 ME....... the arm around the neck, the casual compliments, the Relationship Advice™....... i am excited and nervous for the tailgate/whirl conversation next issue!!

    ngl i HAAAAAATE the rung reveal!!! i'll feel better once there's an explanation for why he was giant and why "very large drill" is such an important thing for him to turn into

    ummmmm lessee i'm living for the drift-rodimus Connexion !!! 'you weren't even looking!' GOD BLESS

    LOVE but am also EXTREMELY DISTRESSED BY the tailgate thing......

    hmm. i guess i am just. not that interested in the functionist universe?? or, i mean, i AM, but the story is not showing me the parts i am interested in!!! i Don't Care that much about these new characters. where's quark, where's pharma, where's a more satisfying rung reveal???

    bluh >:T

    Last edited: Mar 30, 2017
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  13. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Yeah, I'm kind of like ??? Not too concerned for Cyclonus's immediate health, since he tends to habitually walk off stuff like this (though he and Nautical need to bond over exposed optic fun times), slightly more concerned that Tailgate is gonna flip out and inflict more serious damage later on while awake 8(
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  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    My thought had been that probably Cyclonus hauled off to the medics to get himself looking pretty again, so that when Tailgate wakes up, there isn't any sign that something happened. And actually, you know what, I just remembered about Tailgate passing out, right out of nowhere, back in issue 3. MORE CONCERN FOR THE CONCERN PILE. If Whirl gets interrupted, I'm guessing it will be Cyclonus doing it. They've got the character stuff pretty well contained between the three of them, and anyone else interrupting would have to be driven by a plot reason, and most of the plot lives on cybertron right now.

    I'm... pretty sure they won't kill off either Cyclonus or Tailgate here. They've come so close to dying so many time ;-; Cybercrosis, Cyclonus facing down Star Saber right after the guy killed Dai Atlas when Cyclonus was already all beat up, the dead universe WAUGH NOOOO thing, Megatron having Tailgate's head right in his hands, because Getaway's goal was literally to get Tailgate killed, Cyclonus almost getting killed to protect him, the whole necroworld thing-- If they were going to kill either of them now, it would have to be EPIC, or it would feel like cheating. They've already done so much to make us care.

    Actually, I'm kind of honestly wondering if this might be a lead-in to a marriage proposal of some kind. We're putting a lot of heavy emotions out there, Tailgate is kind of drowning without realizing it, Cyclonus has his bearings, but.... isn't exactly taking healthy emotional steps. They're both in love. Even with newfound STRENGTH and confidence, Tailgate... gah. That whole thing I wrote before about overcorrecting for a past that bothers him and not being calibrated right to deal with his new life. But plus what Whirl is gearing up to tell him about how he's been hurting Cyclonus. I don't think Whirl is really going to end the story on an optimistic note. He just said the thing about love stories never having a happy ending. And he knows that what's going on with Cyclonus and Tailgate is a love story. Depending on the direction Tailgate flips in, I could see him maybe kicking off the four acts in a desperate attempt to shore up the relationship and prove that he doesn't want to hurt Cyclonus (even if Cyclonus doesn't blame Tailgate, Tailgate will blame Tailgate). I'm not laying out the groundwork for that well right now, but I can probably elaborate better after I'm not at work.

    OH. AND. Just a few issues back, Whirl said the thing about how he doesn't DO relationships, his world begins and ends with himself. All while he's nudging Cyclonus to define the fricking relationship already. I'm kind of extra convinced Whirl is about to tell a story about him being in love. I am way way way too excited about this possibly being a Rotorstorm thing, this is why I shouldn't be allowed near minor characters.

    But! Rodimus. Rodimus and Megatron. That was what I originally came here to talk about. I'm actually kind of loving the move specifically AS a step back for Rodimus. He's been antagonistic towards Megatron for a while, even if he's like. Totally chronically unable of sticking to dislike of a person once he gets to know them. But Megatron is some... some real oomph there. (ooh, tangent, I just remembered that megatron very nearly personally killed rodimus a few years back). Even though they had some really intense bonding moments in 50-55, there's a LOT of ugly emotional stuff in the background, but Rodimus was doing really, really well at being a mature leader and handling this stuff gracefully and not just blaming people and putting in the emotional energy to meet folks in the middle! Even his bad decisions, like getting Chromedome to go into the pet's mind, were driven from a place of working actively to protect the group.

    But... ahhhh this is hard to words. That isn't Rodimus's natural comfort zone. He's working hard, he's working really hard at improving as a leader. But that same 'heart over head, every time' that he mentions in DC doesn't just work in a positive direction, it has plenty of negative potential as well. None of which is his fault! But in the background, the stressors have been building. His authority got undermined to stick Megatron on his ship, with all the four million years of baggage this guy brings with him. And which was done directly because of Megatron's attempt to delay his trial. Once he's on there, he talks down to Rodimus about how he's an irresponsible leader (justified? very probably. painful? almost certainly). Part of the crew runs into the alternate LL, where everyone's been brutally butchered by Megatron's personal murder squad. If he's remembering Overlord and what resulted from that, Megatron was the person who did the most to shape Overlord into what he became. If Megatron hadn't modified Overlord to be undestructible, Prowl wouldn't have needed to push him off on Rodimus.

    When the time travel arc kicked off, Rodimus was put in a position where he admitted, directly and out loud, that yeah, the universe would have been better off if Megatron had never existed. Or in the very, very recent past, Megatron came YEA close to killing one of the most smol, most innocent crewmembers (he was set up, but that logic doesn't override the impact the knee-jerk emotional reaction makes on you). When everyone was stranded on necroworld to die, Getaway explicitly told them it was because of Megatron, and because of how they'd reacted to Megatron. So Rodimus has had plenty of heart to give him a more positive relationship with Megatron. But there's lots of heart driving the ugly stuff too. And he's just been told that that heart, the heart that let him think of Megatron as a decent person, is part of what's responsible for him getting him and his crewmembers killed. Everyone's there because of their personal feelings, but he's their captain, and he's just failed them, and he's just failed as a leader so hard that most of his crew plotted together to throw him overboard. (regardless of whether they were supposed to live or not, rodimus and company aren't told that at all, so as far as they know, they're just there to die).

    So in the moment! Rodimus and Megatron had some REALLY intense moments of being in tune and propping each other up, and giving each other support to lean on. And even at the end, when Megatron's pretty much given up to despair, and is thinking that why bother living, why should I make any move to save myself here-- Rodimus is still the one who reaches out to him anyways, and is so confused and worried about the fact that Megatron isn't letting Rodimus save him.

    But after the fight is over, all those emotions that have been keeping everyone going-- They're unsustainable. You've got Tailgate doing his thing. Whirl and Cyclonus are coping okay, but they were... apart from maybe Megatron, they were most resigned to the idea of dying. They have less to recover from. Several of the people are throwing themselves into distractions and using (abusing?) mood suppressants so they don't drown in grief over Skids. Rung is drowning a little more quietly and hiding it better than other people, and I am Worried. And with Rodimus, I'm feeling some of that unflinching determination and optimism just... snap. Not all the way. He's still pushing towards a solution, some way to fix things, get his crew back to the main universe and back to safety, some way to get back to where he was BEFORE he helped screw everything up. And Megatron shuts him down. I'm not surprised he snapped and got vicious, because he's had so much reason to think how he's been treating this person, how he's been ignoring all the ugly history and how many people have been killed and hurt because of this person, how he's still been trying to help this person-- And Megatron shut him down. So Rodimus let his control go, his restraint that he's supposed to have, because he's supposed to be leading these people-- Some of his emotions get away from him, and he rounds on the easiest target, who just gave him a reason to be angry at him.

    Megatron's emotions, I can dig those out too, and why he said those things to Rodimus. But I'm half a day removed from my last read of the comic, and I'd want to look at his words and actions a little more closely. But if Rodimus is heart over head, Megatron is so much head over heart. Everything is plans and practicality and laying groundwork for future plans, always staying ten steps ahead. He snaps into action to defend the city from what's happening, and he's. He's protecting innocents. This is the thing he'd wanted to do at the beginning, he wanted to stop the way people were being hurt and exploited. And he lost that during the war. He became the person hurting and exploiting others, and doing it with no shame or remorse. And it's what he's been trying so hard to fix. He's drowning in shame, he's drowning in remorse, and he's trying to recover even a shred of who he used to be before he let himself twist that way. And Rodimus ignores his good intentions in the moment to throw that history right in his face.

    I'm stopping there, because oh god, essay. Once I get my eyes back on the comic, I can break down a little better who started the thing, but this hits me like the current jazzwave fight. Yes, I can get why you think they hurt you and why you're hitting back, but oh no, now he feels even more hurt and is getting more cold and vicious with you, and you're more hurt and oh no, I'm in pain, you're both in so much pain, I ache for both of you, but please stop hurting each other. Basically like with Tailgate, I'm excited about negative character moments, because I want to see it all get better from those slides backwards.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2017
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  15. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I mean, everyone's pretty stressed out, especially the captains I'm sure-- Rodimus, much as he goofs around, actually does care about Doing Right By His People. They're just coming off the DJD battle, he has god knows how many people waiting back home for him to return (not just with a ship, but like... food, I don't know how long robot starvation takes but I think it's safe to assume Censere doesn't have enough stashed away to keep all those newly-unfrozen bots topped up for very long), he is pretty clearly blaming himself for Skids' death too... and then they get thrown into another mess it's His Responsibility to get everyone out of, and he has An Idea on how to fix things, how to take care of His People-- and Megs. Just. Shuts him down.
    Not for "bad" reasons, mind. Megatron has been newly reminded of why he started a war in the first place, just how awful things were (and are, for those stuck in the Functionist universe). He can do better this time, or at least buy the FU!bots time to get an actual offensive going, he has his priorities and "getting home*" ranks lower than "survive the immediate attack". He is Planning, he is kind of reverting back to warlord mode, and... we see how well disrupting Lord Megatron's plans goes over and over in phase 1, usually with poor Starscream.

    So Megatron is slipping a little, he tries to shut up what he's seeing as a subordinate's interruption, and Rodimus is (rightfully!) stung and hits back, and then they just. Go at each other while they have better things to be doing, because talking is a free action no one has any appropriate models of Sharing Command and dear god that ship hierarchy has to be a fucking mess even when the co-captains aren't at odds with each other.

    TL;DR: stress + lack of healthy role models = screaming matches when we don't need them

    *honestly someone with a better grasp of all the comics than me could probably do some interesting meta about transformers and the concept of "home" (or lack thereof), but that's a ramble for another time.
    Eta: pbbbbbt spock said the thing better. Oh well
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2017
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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    You said good things too! With some points I didn't even touch on. I enjoyed your post!
    • Like x 1
  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Friendly reminder that Cyclonus has the religious thing going on about not repairing frivolous/cosmetic damage, and he was wandering around for ages minus one horn. So if he's been patching himself up to keep things secret from Tailgate, he's prioritizing Tailgate's peace of mind over his religious views.


    That feeling when you go back to look at your old Whirl/Rotorstorm fic that you adored.... and it........... could use some Work. It's not bad or anything, I still like it a lot and I'm not rewriting it, plus I made a real quick pass to patch the biggest things that were bothering me, but. AGONY ;u;
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2017
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  18. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Means you´ve gotten better!

    Rewatching Prime and I love this bird. I love him so much. (my first Starscream)
    • Like x 4
  19. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    SO HEY BY THE WAY today i happened upon one of those lists of ~surprising factoids~ and one of them was that people's earlobes tend to be lined up with their nipples. I'm pretty sure that isn't actually all that true. But it probably says something about me that my literal first thought was this image edit

    • Like x 8
  20. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Spock, why do you do these things

    Also I hate to say it, but...his earlobes don't look like they're lined up, just yet. You have increased the top of the ear, but the lobes themselves are still left wanting. You need to - dare I say it - Increase the Ears
    • Like x 3
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