Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Last edited: May 12, 2017
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  2. Kemmasandi

    Kemmasandi Optimus Prime's disapproving eyebrows

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  3. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Honestly with how built up it was, I will be very surprised if it isn't revisited in a less action-heavy issue (or maybe a prose insert?). Flashbacks happen, and there was a lot going on in 5.

    Wishful thinking maybe but I trust JRo :P
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  4. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    So the G1 cartoon is a precious gift from the 80's to us. There is way too much to know where to even start discussing it, so I just wanna mention one of the great lines so far.

    Ratchet, having a communication problem when Teletraan 1 was down: "Bumblebee, I can't interface with Optimus Prime."

    I mean no matter how you take that, what is Bee supposed to do about it?

    (Edit because I can't spell.)
    Last edited: May 13, 2017
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  5. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    OKAY, SO

    Transformers Animated. Shockblurr.

    Good ship, good trash pile, let me rub my little trash panda hands all over it.

    The only trouble is, okay. Virtually everything I find for this ship is d/s flavored. Good! That is my favorite! And obviously Blurr is the tiny, high-energy, high-emotion dom, and Shockwave is the cool, restrained center of the scene, with all this inertia, just BEGGING to be cracked. Right?


    I've got a couple pieces of art from Herz and Larry that match up to what I want, but I am suffering in terms of fic content. The best I've got is The Brave Shall Heed The Call, which is pretty even ground for them, but everything else I've checked out so far has dom!Shockwave and sub!Blurr.

    Okay, so I don't mind-mind dom!Shockwave and sub!Blurr. I do mind that things are so skewed in this direction, and I do mind that so much of this stuff plays it, like.... it's so obvious. The little guy from the "good" side is being dominated and controlled to kingdom come by the massive, intelligent plotter from the "bad" side. Frequently combined with slavery, or other morally sketchy situations.

    But like, all of this has Shockwave.... wrong. It has Shockwave wrong. It depends on him being this USER, it depends on him setting the scene in orbit around his own self-gratification, it depends on him wanting a personal thing and chasing it, it depends on him getting people well enough to manipulate them. It's all about Shockwave wanting to put his dick in stuff and/or break a person. None of that is what he acts like.

    Shockwave is a probably-significantly-old decepticon, who went undercover with a bunch of autobot babies, in a slow-burn infiltration game. He worked his way up through the ranks playing things mostly straight, acting as a competent commander, being right near autobot high command, which is probably the center of autobot corruption, and staying patient and sticking to the plan. Even when Blurr is trying to figure out who the mysterious traitor in the autobots is, Shockwave keeps his cool so well, right up until the last moment. I don't want to call Shockwave passive. But he's got inertia. He doesn't move unless there's a REASON to move.

    So okay, I can describe this better if I come at it from a positive angle. Imagine Shockwave, curious and detached, who doesn't people very naturally autistic tfa shockwave pass it on. When he's roleplaying an autobot, everything comes back around into playing that part convincingly. When he's himself and allowed to act like himself, imagine him sitting back and observing. Imagine him watching with unsettling focus, being reserved and clinical and maybe occasionally poking you to see what you do.

    And from that point, imagine him as the large, central focus of a scene, where Blurr is orbiting him. Blurr is so, so high energy. There's fun in tying him up and not letting him move. But also, make him the dom, make him the only mobile person in the mix, and watch him go. He'd be so involved in everything, it would be so great. Shockwave is more passive and lets people come to him, Blurr is impossible at waiting and always has to move, it plays right to their natures. And while this is going on, Shockwave can observe, and Blurr can act.

    But Shockwave's reserve. Oh my goodness. He's giant, he's detached, he's clinical, he's intellectual. How do you see that and not want to break him?

    Especially from Blurr's point of view. From where he's standing, Shockwave lied to him for years, gained his trust, was a traitor the whole time, and just about killed him. Shockwave is like 'it wasn't personal, it was what was necessary to preserve my cover as a decepticon agent.' And Blurr is like 'that doesn't actually make me any happier about the situation'. Shockwave is confuse. I am all about people finding that emotionally complicated, fragile balance. And especially in a situation like this, where all the anger is on Blurr's side, and Shockwave is aware of it, that just adds so much FLAVOR to Shockwave voluntarily handing over complete control to Blurr! It's so fascinating!!

    And as far as the breaking goes, okay. So Shockwave, it's going to be insanely hard to crack him mentally. But physically? Overstimulate him to hell and back. High energy, high input, this is everything that caters to Blurr's nature. Overwhelm him, overload him and don't give him a chance to recover before you overload him again. Toys, vibration, anything fun you can think of to play with, add it ALL. Shockwave can endure a lot, I'm sure, but there's a point where the body just starts to give out. Just imagine Blurr, this tiny, tiny bot, standing over Shockwave like that. Imagine Shockwave shaking. Not begging for release or anything, but with how MUCH it is showing through in every line of his body and the way he moves and the way he watches Blurr. Imagine the tiny little tells that Blurr has to learn how to read, like the angle of his antennae, or the way the light reflects off his optic. Shockwave doesn't have a face, he has a lot of control over his body, he's very hard to break. But that just makes it a challenge, and makes it so much more satisfying when you succeed.

    Bleh, I could write more words, but I've already written so many today. I just don't understand why ALL the fic seems to be tilted in the opposite direction! I don't understand why Shockwave is the active, involved puppetmaster, and Blurr is the hapless puppet or at least the person who's there to cater to Shockwave's desires. It could be so! much! more! interesting!!!
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  6. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    So, what I'm hearing is..........pillow princess Shockwave

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  7. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Tarn flips his shit because DISRESPECT! OF A DECEPTICON FIGUREHEAD! and my childhood crush. But also that is not the commander who would be a pillow princess are you fragging kidding me can't you even use your optics--
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  8. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    I feel you, most of my ships are so rare they don't actually exist outside of my own headspace but there are some ships out there that are just soo cloooooose.... yet so far.
    arg. Clearly this means I need to start writing my own content again after I'm done with this class which is murdering me.
  9. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oops I accidentally a new kink bingo document :?

    But I had a TFP idea that I couldn't resist. It's plug and play, a tiiiiiiny bit nsfw but just barely, Soundwave/Shockwave (i really, really like this ship)
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  10. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Ratchet is frustrated by the size difference and needs some tips from bumblebee, who is obviously the pro in this situation.

    @spockandawe if anyone can write sub!shockwave it's you. Help us Spock! You are out only hope.

    Also pillow princess shockwave, please yes, you guys are killing me.

    Last edited: May 15, 2017
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  11. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Also, an incredibly late additional shockblurr gripe

    You have a SHAPESHIFTING ROBOT and you're not making sexy use of that? None? None at all??? What a WASTE :(

    I guess that's just more reason for me go get my act together and start kink bingoing that continuity too, but ghdhgjxb I need to finish this stupid starbladebee before I lose it forever
    • Witnessed x 1
  12. Wormwitch

    Wormwitch I wish the Affini were real :(

    I'm pretty sure I've seen at least one fic where shockwave uses his powers to extend his spike, but I'm guessing that's not what you meant by making sexy use of shape shifting.
  13. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    How to get me to raid in F2F: let me just buy the bot I want with my prize money, apparently

    Relatedly, hey there's a 2-star waspinator in the raid store
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  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Well, I am well on my way to buying my very own waspinator (I will stick him right on my base and let everyone else be annoyed by his occasional WASPINATOR LIVES survival thing), but on my quest, I tripped across someone with a base filled entirely with 600+ bots and that was just [quiet whimpering] (I think I misread 4000 base power as 1000 base power). But also, I wrapped up the story act one at 100% completion and surprise three-star crystal, and three-star windblade is in the house I am so pleased with things right now. She will be beautiful and e%quisitely STRONG, and when I have enough robots to satisfy my robot hoarding ways, I will feed her all my lesser windblades to make her even stronger
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  15. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I'm one round of raids away from earning my own Waspinator and then I'm gonna stick Mixmaster in my base and take my bugboy on missions with me because I have never once had someone raid my base if the surveillance tower works properly
    I am jealous of three-star Windblade but also no regrets about pulling a three-star Motormaster instead, my punchboy is Buff and Stronk. (I haven't finished story yet because that fucking shark act 6 is kicking my ass and I need a better-tier Warrior, but prereging got you a 3/4-star crystal and goddammit I need to learn more about the Vehicons now I love my Lorge Boy)
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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ooooh, nice! I really enjoy playing motormaster a lot, he's such a nice balance between the speed of Bumblebee and the beefiness of Ironhide, and he's got a sword. All the best things. I was put off for ages by his weird square head shell, but... how can I not love him after this?

    (also his TFA backstory is very different from usual, as per usual TFA standards, but it's so extra fun to think about, and I can only picture him as The Boulder from ATLA. and I definitely need to go back over his IDW content, because I totally ignored him the first time around. plus he's in the land of TAAO, imprisoned by my favorite garbage son, so there are all kinds of fun things that could happen with him in the future)

    I blew all my saved energon on a Soundwave crystal when he came up for winning, and I didn't get him, but I did at least get a 3-star Bumblebee, who I buffed up like whoa until I was finally able to clear that 6th stage. And then I continued buffing him up until I had a chance at completing anything except the easiest path :P He completely carries my team, so I want to get someone else somewhere near his level so I don't have this massive, glaring weakness on my squad. I've been getting raided pretty constantly, so I'm trying to buff up my home team and base mods too, and gahhhh, give me more ways to earn ore, I will grind for ages because I have nothing even resembling self-control, just give me a way to do the thing!

    ....also also, this one line from the TFA Motormaster wiki page is fascinating me. It's like the whole trope of 'the noodle incident'. I know they're not telling me exactly what the team did with the forestonite on purpose, but now I've got this all-consuming need to know

    Last edited: May 16, 2017
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  17. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Tattoo incident gone horrible wrong? Except of human-bad-tat results like blowout, you get strange chemical reactions that end with you being bright neon green and orange?
  18. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    The thing makes me extra curious is that forestonite is a mystery mineral with whatever awesome properties the transformers writers decide it needs to have this time around. I think the TFA almanac says that Strika carries a small supply to give her an extra burst of speed in emergencies, but it's left very vague how any of this works. I'm thinking that if the entire team was recolored crazy, maybe they stumbled onto a surprisingly large deposit of it or something? Maybe there was a fight and somebody shot it and it exploded and... something something chemical reaction? Plus the stunticons in this universe are decepticons who were on spark support to keep them alive, who volunteered to be transferred into autobot-shaped/sized bodies (so they're like half the size of normal decepticons, at the best), and in the fourth season, they were going to be involved with infiltration jailbreak shenanigans on Cybertron, while disguised as entertainers. So basically the only thing in the world I want is all the misadventures of this ridiculous team. It's going to be solid gold from start to finish.
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  19. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    oh my god that sounds like it totally needs its own series yes, please. Holy moly.
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  20. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    I started watching RID 2015 season 3 and my gosh it's so cute!
    Wildrider and Dragstrip are my favorite B-Team.
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