Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    time to get over Metalhawk I GUESS. At least we're getting into the juicy Shockwave bits.

    obligatory mtmte pun



    ...that was the most heavy-handed, badly-written explanation of functionism I've ever seen. Like. I realize he is literally A Cartoon Villain but w o w

    okay okay apparently I like Prowl
    look at how confused he is by someone actually liking him
    Look at this boy

    Arcee is trying so hard

    "You needed a guard, so I knocked out your guard and took his place" arcee what is wrong with this picture
    MY BOY

    Okay now Bludgeon looks pretty

    Uuuuuuugh fuck off orion your only saving grace is Wheelie

    Shut up Orion I care I want Hardhead's history lesson

    Bless Hardhead

    Can we just have wheelie, garnak, and Hardhead adventures without OP
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
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  2. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Unrelated to liveblogging: there is apparently a beachwear brand called Nautica that likes to put its name and logo on every piece it produces. Summer weather being a thing, people keep coming through my line at work with "NAUTICA" blazoned across their shirts.

    Trying not to giggle is at least helping keep up the Cheerful Customer Service Face, even if I wish it was actually a TF reference :P
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  3. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    So... remember that time long ago when civilization was in its infancy and I was reading comics regularly? Well I'm back at it again with the fickle but intense attention span.

    Last I left off this heartwarming scene happened:

    Spoiler: it was not, in fact, the end of everyone being a dick to each other.

    Apparently Cliffjumper is actually still pretty pissed at Sunstreaker. And I mean, it's not actually for no reason. I'm assuming it's about the Starscream incident. (Also the Sunstreaker misery levels were probably falling below quotas.)

    So here is Ironhide telling everyone about meeting Alpha Trion in his limited series, which was in fact hilarious:


    Sunstreaker, who was also there, tries to join in.


    Yeah, Cliffjumper immediately cuts him off. Totally snubbed.


    Aww Sunstreaker. At least Bob still loves you.
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  4. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Metalhawk is bleeding black on the cover. Huh. Art error or Thematic?

    Scream :C

    "religious nuts" Starscream you're kinda off your game here

    Scoop :c

    get Starscream more friends 2k17
    the good boy and his fam

    "Never did trust a guy I couldn't smell, but Shockwave hasn't even got a nose. That's a lot worse." Ravage ilu

    My boyyyy
    My beautiful authoritarian boy

    "I know [you know I'm here]. I just wanted to make a cool-ass entrance." I love you you crazy fucker

    "Talk your way out of this," he says to the guy with a laser gatling mounted on his shoulder
    Fail a perception check there?

    my boy
    MY BOY
    the good boy and his fam!! Again!!! man I knew Soundy was over here but if I knew he got this much focus I woulda caught up a lot sooner

    why is it always ravage

    "I hated him immediately" is still so incongruous and hilarious to me
    This is not a pitch romcom, Soundy

    Synesthetic human Soundwave headcanon go

    Never tell a story to a bird" Ravage ilu

    the boy and his fam <3
    Last edited: May 31, 2017
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  5. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    IMG_3684.PNG IMG_3686.PNG IMG_3687.JPG



    I am still not over this panel. For some reason when I look at him it reminds me of how much I love the Mistress of Flame's design
    Last edited: May 31, 2017
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  6. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Ohhhh, that is EXCELLENT, my heart did a little thing. IDW, keep doing what you're doing, and I'll follow you into hell.
  7. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Slammed In the Heart By Four Panels Of MTMTE Recap

    "[...]that we may spread the Cybertronian way-- freedom-- across the galaxy."
    "Our mission, Cyclonus, is to impose the will of Cybertron across all of creation. Be thankful fate has granted us another universe in need of conquering."
    Stop hurting me like this

    Our lone sighting of the actual Tailpipe from the memorial.

    Hi Jazz
    Jazz really is in all the background stuff, huh? Sneaky sneaky...

    This still sounds like Starscream was jacking off

    Oh my Goooood shut up Orion

    Once again I am disgusted at these space robots' lack of knowledge of black holes

    MY BOYS!!!!! Hello all of you, bless you roddy and swerve and all my darlings <3

    Oh my gooooood whirl ilu
    My bird son
    My sarcastic trashy bird son

    bless starscream

    Hhhhhhh that spread is still lovely

    how many times do we have to kill Galvatron before he stays dead

    Peacocking for OP
    My heart

    My paranoid son

    Orioooooon get your hateboner out of this


    Goooood look at roddy being a good leader
    Why does OP have to trample this in a few issues

    cyyyyyy :C I know he'll get better but still

    scream :c

    Magnus <3

    Goddammit this is when we're still supposed to like getaway
    Stop being cute you douche


    "I'm pretty sure they're gonna start shooting at me soon. You know how friends are" scream


    Bless ratchet

    Skywarp gets a cover!!

    brainstorm you fuckin nerd <3

    Replace all instances of "orion" with "dad" and this scene stays exactly the same


    Lookit Shockwave's itty-bitty waist omg


    Yeaaaaah buddy
    Man I forgot this is where and how we get Nightbeat


    Goodbye, Hardhead. Your short-lived sibling rivalry with Rodimus was sweet.
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  8. glitterchance

    glitterchance 34 Vigilant Gaze Engulfs the Void

    Starscream, man. Double-dealing, backstabbing, terrorism, the occasional bout of murder, fine, but COCKBLOCKING? That's just fucking rude.

    I also love that he's admitting he didn't loathe Windblade now, because he doesn't know how to have friends that aren't dead.
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  9. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    @glitterchance He couldn't let Blast Off have his way with poor Onslaught until he agreed to go along with The Plan :D
    Guys, GUYS, we are getting so close to seeing robots kiss in the idw comics, SO CLOSE. It's going to happen. god, that is such a great plan, I know he didn't tell Blast Off half of it, and there's good odds that he's going to betray the poor Combiner Team sooner or later. He's gunning for Elita One now.

    Using Blast Off's hopeless crush on his Leader to get him to agree to the plan, god Starscream you are such a bad boy. I love it!

    AIRACHNID!! She looks so great in the comic, dammn.. She and Starscream are working together again, this can't end well. She better not get within 50 miles of Breakdown, kobd has suffered enough at her, talons.
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  10. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Disjointed thoughts, I'm behind on my EVERYTHING

    oh my goodness bumblebee being nice with starscream and starscream being nice about windblade and I really, really need to finish this goddamn fic

    Airachnid looks gr8 and also I'm loving TFA blackarachnia in the background

    Holy SHIT is that a precious domestic scene. I'm also loving that blast off, who is a shuttle, has a model of a shuttle on his shelf. Between that and Starscream's jet model, I'm totally calling #confirmed on the idea that these guys like having models of themselves.

    Also loving the shared bed, oh my god. That's something we haven't even seen for chromedome and rewind

    I was idly thinking in other issues that wow, it sure looks like blast off is crushing on onslaught, huh. Guess it'll never happen, but I'll tuck that away. I should really, REALLY know better by now. Thank you, IDW

    That almost kiss!!!!!!!! Also I think Blast Off is the only mech I've seen do the faceplate/face switchup where I actually LIKED it. The other seeries keeps fricking doing this with optimus (no) and it's happened to soundwave (NO!!), but I like it for him. He uses it in a suitably emotional way and it's so NICE. I need to try to wrk that into a fic as an extra alien mode of emotional expression.

    Everything here with Starscream and the manipulation. It's everything I adore about him. Even the self-image he's got. And I really love that Blast Off has been managing to live with the combaticons and still retain some vague sense of decency. That's not the right wording, but I'm tired, and I love this characterization.

    If Onslaught is similar to Starscream, but without less old pain shaping him, I.... I like that a lot. I can work with that.

    Especially Onslaught/Blast Off in the way where Blast Off adores him, but is also keeping careful doublethink going with regards to the things onslaught has done, the team has done, and what HE'S done, because if he thinks too hard about this, he can't ignore the truth.

    By Starscream's words, Onslaught and company are monsters, and know it. Blast Off isn't a monster, but he's done the same things these monster's have done, and he's even pushed aside his own morals for the sake of doing what a monster he loved ordered him to do. In which of these situations is it harder to live with yourself? I really love this.

    And on a note of Starscream hurting people in the same ways he hurts, making Blast Off SEE the truth of all that. And then telling him to compromise his integrity that one little step further. Just a little more. You've already gone this far, is this really where you're going to stop? Just think, if you go that little bit further, you're making a morally unsound decision, sure. But you're doing it for the greater good. Doesn't that justify it? Doesn't the greater good mean you're almost OBLIGATED to go along with it?

    Especially when the 'greater good' for Blast Off is saving the person he loves. You compromised your morals for his sake. Is the point where you say 'enough' REALLY here? You won't compromise them to save him, when you've spent millions of years sacrificing your self for his sake? Even if you're so sure he'll get out of here, the poison is already in him, one way or another. He'll get himself killed, because you refused to protect him. You say you love him, but you refuse to protect him. And you'll always know it was your fault and you'll know why it happened.

    Fuck, I really, really, REALLY adore this ship.

    I think I need to write some Blast Off/Onslaught, where the guilt is eating him alive, but I can't decide what note to end it on :T

    Also Blast Off's expressions are fantastic and the body language in his hands on the last page is extra fantastic.

    That quiet little voice when Onslaught is coming awake, just fuck me up

    And the whole dynamic between them oh my godddddddd.

    Imagine Onslaught pursuing, and Blast Off wanting, but feeling so guilty that he can't convince himself he deserves this, he can't bring himself to reciprocate. But Onslaught is intensely intelligent, and he's known Blast Off for so long. He might have missed this before, but it's so clear now, it makes all these little pieces fall into place, it makes perfect sense. So why is Blast Off acting like he isn't interested when Onslaught is making it so clear he's wanted? Plus the kind of shaky, disbelieving need like I wrote for Needlenose in the fic with him and Horri-Bull. Nothing can bring out the never-thought-I-had-a-chance emotions like robots who live for millions of years. And the banter, ffffff. The way they READ each other when Blast Off "turns" on Onslaught and joins the police, and the way they immediately slip back into ease and familiarity. Blast Off joking about oh, you know, planning the perfect murder. The interplay between them, GOD.


    (also something about starscream and onslaught as parallels who have been similarly warped into being people who don't know how to exist without the war/enemies to give them shape, and their different coping mechanisms. I can't right now. But someone ping me about it this weekend, and I'll try to describe it on percocet. It should be hilarious)
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  11. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    • Witnessed x 3
  12. Petra

    Petra space case

  13. Petra

    Petra space case

    At least it sounds like it wasn't cancelled bc of anything bad, but bc the writer had wrapped up the story and didn't want to start a new one?
  14. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    The sales got too low so her choice was to refocus the story and keep the comic going or stick with the original plan and have it cancelled.
  15. Petra

    Petra space case

    Yeah but... that sounds like a normal thing. She could have shifted focus within the same planned story or whatever, some of the stuff that they weren't able to get around to sounds like it might have been good for that, and she chose not to. She's the industry professional and she's saying this is totally normal, which means she also had the option to plan ahead for this and deal w/ it, and if she wanted to just keep it a smaller series and finish out strong with her original plan that's her choice?
  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I think that it was more like 'we're not getting the sales numbers we want, we need a change that WILL get those numbers, or it's over'. That's something that pops up with some regularity in the comics world, just less in the big franchises like this one. I'm guessing it would have needed a massive change in tone or focus to make the attempt, and even then it's a crapshoot on whether it will work. Odds are good that you failed, your series is still cancelled, and you managed to take your series out on a really :excalibur: note in the process.
  17. Petra

    Petra space case


    The only comment on viewcomic rn for TAAO 10 is someone going 'Idw this is horrible you ruin everything HORRIBLE TERRIBLE' and I'm just...

    ...I'm guessing they just realized how gay things are but how did they fail to notice before?
  18. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I don't know if it's the same comment, since I saw this one via tumblr, but oh my god, the people who are JUST CATCHING ON, HOW???

    I'm guessing it was the shared bed that did it. Until that point, it's just robots being brobots
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2017
  19. Petra

    Petra space case

    I bet they quit MTMTE and the other lines when it got to yes homo, but TAAO was their hold-out, dammit! They can handle background lesbian new characters so long as- oh god, no, it's happening, no, the legacy characters, they're becoming gay, nooooo!
  20. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    They were lured in by Lightbright and Sparkstalker u_u

    LITTLE DID THEY KNOW that was just the hetero lure for the big gay anglerfish waiting to devour them
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