Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. aetherGeologist

    aetherGeologist Well-Known Member

    I haven't even started TAAO yet and all of those sound incredible

    Also,if anyone wants to contribute to the fall of the comics industry comixology has a sale on all transformers comics at the moment
    • Useful x 3
  2. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I promise there's a reason this topic came up but the DT-discord just realized there is some vast untapped transformers smut potential wrt the fact that Soundwave can apparently fit all of his cassettes into his chest at once without anyone knowing from the outside.
    So what I'm saying is
    Soundwave sitting in a high command strategy meeting while rumble and frenzy, or really any of the cassettes, are totally getting it on inside his chest compartment and he just. Tries really hard to pretend nothing is going on. Nope. Nothing at all to worry about here.

    (quietly paging @spockandawe because this might be of interest maybe?)
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  3. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    OOOOH, this is good stuff. This DEFINITELY needs further consideration OuO Especially in the context of all his cassettes loving up on him and wanting to make him feel good and ALSO deliberately trying to break his composure because they're a bunch of little shits and that's how they roll. They know him better than anyone else, they know exactly what's going to get to him most, they can hammer all the emotional buttons that nobody else even knows about.

    Additionally, consider TFP Soundwave and the way he used to have more cassettes and now he just has laserbeak. Imagine a plug and play type situation where she goes into his mind and pulls up the memories of their family being intact and just wraps him up in those memories so it's like everyone who died is there with him again.

    Actually, in IDW, just imagine his cassettes doing that for him and Ravage. Just for a little while, drowning or the grief with happy memories of Ravage and family.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2017
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  4. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Well I do seem to recall that one project fic you yours......
    (but also, soft pained noises because oh nooo my son. i need this now.)
    • Like x 3
  5. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Yesgood....Excuse you spock!
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  6. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    My phone ate my dc2 liveblog, but rest assured there was much screaming over Skywarp.

    Back to exrid!

    "handsome like an F-22 jet fighter" iconic and immortal

    "a doctor-emergency" look we all remember handsome like an f22 but can we just appreciate TC bullshitting his way through this screenplay like it's nanowrimo and he doesn't have time to edit

    I love
    This nerdbot

    "I have a jet pack and everything" sides no

    "Scan new alt modes" UH
    Either war tech got super great or glaring continuity errors, wasn't the fact that changing your alt was difficult, expensive, and dangerous a fuckin plot point over in mtmte flashbacks?

    TC liked bee my heart

    Oh my god what

    W h a t
    "jazz: improviser" bless these who's who pages

    Middle of a tense standoff
    "Don't yell at my dog"

    Tc's just here to protect buster and I think that's beautiful


    the boys!!!!

    "Cybertron, last month
    Mistakes are made"
    Isn't that every month

    "...of the United Steaks of America--"
    Bless these aliens

    Prowl don't hit jazz we like jazz
    today on "things we're only allowed to print because they're robots"
    Jfc Galvatron take a chill pill

    I love the constructicons
    One day I might even be able to tell them apart

    Dammit scavenger
    Goddammit prowl
    "scan all of his emails, but stay on task" Prowl buddy

    "Holy cats" jazz

    Thaaaat sure looks like a bunch of seekers
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2017
    • Like x 4
  7. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    So I'm watching TFA season 3 and I found a few familiar faces:
    it's Spike, Daniel, Carly (and an extra baby) from Transformers: The Movie!
    glad to see they're doing well
    • Like x 4
  8. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Ugh now I feel really guilty for not being able to pick up our issues of TAAO from our pull at the local comic shop for a bit. (I think the delays always have me confused how far we are behind)
    • Witnessed x 2
  9. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Also correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think most publishers even count the digital sales which you know they should since I think that is where most of IDW reader ship is for TF.
    • Agree x 2
  10. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    which whoops someone already said! (also I can't edit for some reason...I will blame chrome)

    Speaking of guilt I haven't even read the last few issues of Lost Light because I'm so anxious about my ships I want to wait til the arc is over and the binge read it all. (I know megarod will not happen but...)
    • Agree x 1
  11. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    I also feel sorta perpetually lowkey guilty for not being able to do more to financially support my favorite titles. But I mean, if it makes you feel any better, buying the title from the shop after it comes out doesn't really make much of an impact. It's preordering the title that does. Which is pretty insanely stupid and not our responsibility as consumers to prevent the consequences of the industry's insane structure. Or their interesting pricing. It sucks for everyone (fans, artists, comics stores) except the publisher and Diamond.

    ETA: Yes, as far as I know, digital sales probably also are not counted very much if at all. Which... seems pretty dumb to me. If anything, the customers are gonna be using the publisher's own app or website. That's an incredible trove of specific information on exactly what the customer is interested in, what they browse, what they save to their bookmarks and/or read more than once, where they get bored and wander away. In comparison, I don't think Netflix publishes like any of their data collection from their internet service either, but absolutely nobody believes they're not paying very close attention to it.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2017
    • Agree x 2
  12. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    Someone should honestly alert Hasbro to the possibilities here. I mean, Marvel made an entire extremely disruptive huge crossover event called Secret Wars because focus groups determined that kids liked the words "secret" and "wars". (They've actually made... three? Secret Wars events now. I think the latest one is actually supposed to be good but I haven't read it so I'm not sure. It's probably at least a lot more thoughtfully planned.) Transformers is an entire fucking franchise developed from this sort of thinking.

    Digital consumers are like an enormous focus group in their natural habitat that pays you for the privilege of participating.

    Then again, I'm not sure I trust Hasbro to make smart decisions with this kind of information. So actually never mind.
    • Agree x 2
  13. Petra

    Petra space case

    If digital sales were counted I'd get LL regularly from comixology. But if they aren't... idk, it makes me feel helpless.
    • Agree x 1
  14. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    I feel strange asking this after years vof comic buying but is having a shop pull a comic for you every month preordering?
  15. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    I'm honestly not sure about the specific mechanics of preordering. I think preorders by default have to be done several months in advance. (IDW is one of Diamond's biggest sellers, so they get special perks, such as a contract that should allow retailers to adjust their purchase orders up or down several weeks closer to the release date. I think I've read that the specifics of exactly how many weeks is part of the individual contract negotiation between the publisher and Diamond, but I wouldn't swear to it.) But if the shop knows it's going to be pulling a comic every month for you, then that would probably be reflected in their own ordering? They'd probably tell you for sure if you asked, and I'd be absolutely floored if they didn't understand why you might want to know. They have more at stake in this mess than most, really.

    As far as digital readership. I often feel kinda weird about companies collecting information on how I'm using their product. (I may or may not have sweet talked a couple of EA programmers into giving me their opinions on the most effective anti-Origin strategies.) But I really really want comics publishers to see me. I want them to know I love the X-Men. I want them to know I tried to read the entirety of Civil War but quickly started ignoring lines I cared less about, then gave up on the entire thing part way through. I want them to look at how much time I lingered over the Demon Bear Saga, and notice how all of my bookmarks for Deadpool solo books are from Joe Kelly's run. (The one where he goes back in time and most of the issue takes place inside a 70's Spiderman comic. The 1998 Deadpool/Death annual.) I want them to know how often I open Lifedeath and Lifedeath 2 and just look at the title pages. I want them to make a note in some database of which writers and artists I've searched.

    And now, fucking hell do I want IDW to see me as I read Transformers. Look at me.
    • Agree x 3
  16. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    aaaaaa stone issue! Give me the pretty birbs

    Bless wheeljack

    I love every single one of these background bots
    Also wheeljack with a party hat is Adorable

    I don't waaaaaanna go back to Galvatron, his only saving grace is being a primary source for the first civil war
    is that rhinox???

    "Hands up if you want to live!"
    "I don't have any hands!"
    I am abruptly reminded of poor @Swiftwing being ordered to give up his gunlegs

    This is Nova, isn't it

    Okay, Galvatron had a snarky line, he can have +1 appreciation point.

    Called it

    I know my fanon Onyx is waaaay off base but this is gonna be painful isn't it

    It is Rhinox! Thank you based f2f

    Dammit Nova

    Nexus. Buddy. Megatronus might have been the spark, but he didn't fill the powder keg.

    So canonically we have Eukaris, Prion, Gorlam Prime... shit, I forget what the ice world was called... Caminus, and Velocitron. Maximo never got to found anything, Nexus is dead, so not including Cybertron that means there are at least 6 more Lost Colonies to find! Kinda wonder which of them claimed Gorlam and Iceplanet...
    this looks like the cover of a dimestore romance novel
    someone play middle leaf between spike and prowl

    C'mon idw show me Onyx already fuck up all my headcanons

    I can't identify individual constructicons yet but I love this one

    dammit jimmy get better friends
    Stop hanging out with spike

    "This is a neck." Who let sky lynx watch crocodile dundee

    Sideswipe. Sideswipe no

    Oh look, Prowl finally gets a tableflip! Between series this brings him up to 7!

    The Dark Cybertron prophecy is Alchemist rambling on a bad trip txt it

    Warp :<

    Soundwave left for Jupiter without any cassettes? This seems... odd.
    "renegade guy" A+

    Thundercracker threatening to murder to protect his dog

    I mean actually yes but they also need oxygen so

    "Don't [the constructicons] hate you more than anybody?"
    "Well, that's good--"
    [Prowl busts through a civilian building to attempt murder]
    A+ framing

    Bless sideswipe

    I!!!! Love!!!! The cassettes!!!!

    Jimmy you need better friends

    Prowl this is not what forgiveness looks like
    arcee is excellent
    Also "have fun" is the second-best battlecry (I will defend "for pony" forever even though I've stopped reading that comic)


    "disgusting ball of biological horrors"
    Xcuse u Galvatron Buster is precious

    I love every single cassette

    Ooooooh boy
    "Who would do something like that? ...okay, almost everyone we know." Black humor ftw
    Also "obliterati" is an excellent pun

    Soundwave's elephant friends!

    I continue to love rumble

    Group "oooooOOOOH"

    TC and buster give me life
    Taking a detour through Windblade now because apparently Shit Kept Happening, what is reading order how do I continuity

    more! Stone! Art!

    Chromia no

    I love everyone in this bar

    I'm like 80% sure that wasn't actually an assassination attempt
    "ruler of Cybertron, not loving it" now I have the McDonalds jingle in my head

    Bless Blurr

    Slug is gr8

    Leave!!! Waspinator!! Alone!!!! He is a Good Bug

    Yknow for a resource-starved colony you'd think Camiens would be more chill about drinking siphoned energon

    I love everyone from the bar

    All the banter is excellent

    I kinda want that panel of starscream, he purdy

    "having a bad day" "mixer of drinks" "drinker of drinks"
    I love whoever writes the who's who pages

    Bless Screamer

    "I hope it's Rattrap, he really should show more initiative"
    I love my snarky bird son

    I love the brain mix they have going on but seeing "chobit" in the middle of the babble is


    swindle just popcorn.gif

    Ohai motormaster

    Bless ironhide

    Thirteen ships leave... but Nexus is dead, and Optimus 1 theoretically is or will be soon. Who took those extra two ships?

    Starscream saying "hiya" is incongruently hilarious


    this is not what I was expecting
    "we're made of metal! How do you not have any?" Bless swindle

    Swindle. Are you only now realizing you've been played. Really.

    Always time to talk about paintjobs

    Priiiiiiiime stooooop

    Menasor's face

    Oooooptimuuuuussss S T O P
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
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  17. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Having multiple events called secret wars because kids like those words is pretty stupid considering the minimal chances a kid would even see the covers of those books and the fact that they're not all that kid friendly to begin with.
    • Agree x 6
  18. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    mirage :C I guess that's why we never heard about Visages again?

    Or! How about!! We trust the bird son!!!

    Bless wheeljack, what a good boy

    Okay, at least OP's head isn't all the way up to his intestines yet

    Bless my nerd boy

    Prowl. Prowl you have no place to talk about shitty plans, look what you just did.

    "It's a secret prison, you don't make those nicer than the not-secret ones" bless


    P R O W L
    Goooooddammit prowl
    Stop using the constructicons because you have a hateboner for their entire army

    "Prowl: Prowl" A+

    Prowl you absolutely belong in "cool motive still murders" baby jail with Shockwave

    Just let the constructicons pick their own fifth husband

    Bless Bob

    stop mindfucking prowl 2k17 even he doesn't deserve this
    "angry combiner" "very angry combiner" truth

    Bless superion and defensor

    get prowl a therapist 2k17


    KNOCK OUT!!!!!!!!

    Don't get in the middle of a pitch spat, Rattrap
    Just don't

    Bless moonracer
    And also canon KOBD

    chase the dawn
    There's only like 3 issues of Windblade left so I'm gonna finish that instead of dealing with all the earth bullshit
    bless Blurr

    Well that was disappointingly short



    Man the pacing here still seems really off :c
    time for carcer!

    "This is me, not getting involved" #relatable

    "When you die, it'll be in public, with witnesses, and I'll be at least five miles away."
    Thanks wheeljack

    I have no idea who these two are but I love them

    You go Windblade

    Okay okay I'll go read earth stuff again until TAAO happens
    At least earth has Soundwave
    Okay okay back to exrid. Bluh. When do we get back to historical exposition.


    "Decepticon with a heart of gold" even the narrator knows Soundwave is A Good Boy

    Bless that one docking tech
    And also our snarky birds

    I spy your icp reference

    Love cosmos

    Oh noooo

    "I appreciate what you said. And also not killing me." #same

    Okay as long as it's space adventures with cosmos and the Soundy fam I can do this
    sarcastic narrator best narrator

    "Totally sane"
    Is this the issue where we meet brain ghost bee?

    Fuck you tracks

    Brain ghost bee!

    TC!! director. Why. That's the Senatorial (and later Autobot) script, it wasn't in use til at least Nominus' reign if not later. If you ripped this code off an 8myo artifact it would be in Primal/Old Cybertronian, what is wrong with you

    The cassettes giving each other shit gives me life

    JAZZ D8

    "Weapons online. Correction-- weapons hella online." Bless sideswipe

    Don't pretend I can't see the impending arrival of He Who Wrecks Headcanons

    Oh my god "seeing souls" they really are ramping up for Onyx Prime
    thiiiiis seems incredibly skeevy


    Bless swoop

    Dammit optimus
    I almost like you when you're like this and then you go and do things like "beat up a prisoner whose morals don't align with yours"

    bless aileron she's darling

    Soundwave protecting all the smols

    a black angel showing you visions, huh
    Who else do we know done up in black, overly intricate wings, and visions of the entire timeline? :|

    Who are these excellent ladies and why are they in pyrope colors?

    Oooh torchbearers

    On the one hand, ouch
    On the other, I'd probably wanna shoot him too

    Bless starscream
    buster has a TC plush that'd adorable

    Is that a joke about G1 coloring stability

    Doc and Buster are the best team and I love them

    good girl, be a distraction

    TC speaks dog
    Bless him

    Galvatron stop being enigmatic and tell me your life story
    oh god
    Cut in half by a closing portal, what a hell of a way to die

    Warp :C

    "Probably about two days' worth of damage. So gimme ninety seconds." I love wheeljack

    Optimus can you calm your tits for a fucking decade maybe
    is that a fuckign maplehoof

    I love bee's troll face there

    "It's a word, trust me" bless

    All these background characters
    I Love

    L o v e

    roddy's pouty face

    "Chronic moping and extreme sarcasm" bless

    I love brainstorm even when he's not on the page

    Nautica you're gonna lose your balance and that cube is gonna go all over your face

    nautica <3

    "I feel like I'm responsible" WHIRL NO
    (Whirl yes)
    (whirl keep your scraplet daughter)

    Swerve with a baby is the cutest thing

    "It's a message from Primus. He's telling us to put her back in the crate until someone more responsible comes along." A+

    "I might be able to use my wrench to get us in" [BREAKS THE FUCKIN DOOR] bless nautica

    Whirl petting a baby

    Rewind and CD are taking the alone time for a Christmas eve frag pass it on

    "I may have hidden her in Magnus's office" A+ drunk logic

    B L E S S

    Grump dad megs best megs

    "Three drunk friends find a baby on the doorstep and frantically try to hide it from dad" is still my favorite side story

    Seconded only by TC's disaster of a screenplay


    Sides and Sun :<


    "I'm too tired to even make something up so I sound better'n I am" my boy


    Bless needlenose
    And also the twins, cassettes are always gr8


    "I bought a dictionary calendar" starscream ilu
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
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  19. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

    aaaand now I've started shipping TFA Bulkhead with TFA Scrapper.
    I think mostly because I like the short+round/tall+skinny thing but I also like how plain goofy they can be.
    Add that to my weird ship pile, I guess
    • Like x 2
  20. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    omg sunny

    No, the time to talk was before you decided to annex a planet you dipshit
    oh my god OP
    Between you and prowl how are there any tables left in the galaxy

    Yes. Yes, it is doubtful, because Earth doesn't have a singular ruler, no matter what shenanigans Onyx is pulling.

    OP you're being a fuckwad again
    Keep your hateboners out of your politics

    Bless starscream
    Bob stop trying to eat buster she's not food

    "Sideswipe knows how to write?"
    "Well, he'd send videos, anyway..."
    my heart

    I like Victorion better :T

    Oh man how about we don't let poor sunny get brainfucked on earth again
    bless the cassettes

    Superion :C

    the good boy

    This is the opposite of okay
    "Are you nuts? Then again, who am I asking..." bless astrotrain

    "I'm okay--"
    "No you're not."
    "You're right."
    Cosmos is bae

    OP you look way better with your mask on

    Earth is not a cybertronian world you dipshit

    Annnnd now I have to figure out what order the Revolution issues are in. Howsabout I just read TAAO instead.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
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    • Agree x 1
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