Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Did you know what takes forever with a busted hand? Writing, but also: pesterlog formatting ;u; I also may go back to trying to write on mobile just to have autocorrect on my side. So @applechime, I probably should have known better than to promise this in any kind of timely fashion, but here it is! Sunstreaker/Mirage, 7.5k, nsfw
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2017
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  2. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH THANK YOU!!!!!!! oh this is perfect thank you so much!!!!!! ♥♥♥ !!!!!!!
    • Like x 3
  3. BunjyWunjy

    BunjyWunjy Frabjous

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  4. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

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  5. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Okay, but literally every way I look at Blast Off and Onslaught is giving me more emotions, and I'm SO HAPPY.

    Consider the way Blast Off seems to be the only person even sort of keeping their heads above water on Cybertron. Onslaught is frustrated and just can't put the war behind him. Brawl and Vortex seem willing to work jobs, but it's Blast Off's contact bringing the work in, and the moment it looks like riots are going to start, they just want to get to the killing. Blast Off is the only one really trying to move them FORWARD, and he isn't managing to do it by himself. He isn't able to communicate to them why this is important, he can't support them by himself, and he can't even really stop them from acting in destructive ways. When they're in Bruticus, he isn't able to convince them that they need to expose Starscream, the rest of the team is set on killing everyone who opposes them.

    And also note the thing he said to Onslaught during the faux defection. 'I'm sorry I couldn't save you from yourself.' It's part of the act, but especially since it's improvised in the moment, how likely is it that this is completely made up? And how likely is it that there are genuine emotions driving the lie? Especially in terms of what Blast Off has been trying to do for his team. And then as Bruticus is taken down, his last words are an apology that, again, he couldn't save Onslaught.

    But then look at his domestic fantasy with Onslaught. Their flirting turns towards Onslaught teasing about how Blast Off was a garbage fighter and Onslaught had to focus on keeping him alive during the war. This is hard to explain, but like... The distance this is removed from his current reality says a lot to me. In the actual present, Blast Off has been torn up over how he isn't able to save Onslaught. He isn't good enough to save Onslaught.

    In the present, that teasing would hurt. It hits too close to home. If Onslaught starts telling him about ways he isn't competent, that's the same thing he's been beating himself up for. And every divide between him and his team comes back to them (especially Onslaught) wanting to keep the war going and Blast Off being the only one trying to move on. Even if he managed to put a good face on it, hearing that would be miserable. But his ultimate romantic dream has them so far removed from the war and their current situation that Onslaught can tease him over it, flat-out saying that Blast Off was a 'garbage fighter', and Blast Off isn't bothered at all, he's just happy to roll with it and takes it as a flirtation, not Onslaught rubbing his face in his most painful failings.

    And also, just consider the setting of their dream. They're in a nice home where they can afford a nice shared(!!) berth together and decorations for their walls (I see you there with your space shuttle model, blast off). They have a steady, secure job, they can afford regular nights out on the town, there's no urgency to anything, and the biggest thing that seems to annoy Onslaught is the idea that his boss thinks he might find any mistakes in Onslaught's work. Plus, in the present, Blast Off has been trying and failing to get Onslaught to move past the war. Onslaught has refused to even consider it. The domestic fantasy has the war behind them, Onslaught talking about it in a definite past tense, and seeing the end of the war in positive terms, because it was when he finally noticed Blast Off. Every quiet little angle on this dream is so nice and painful as a contrast to Blast Off's current situation.

    Then Starscream comes in and makes everything hurt so, so much more. The idea that Onslaught is an unrepentant monster and Blast Off is in love with that monster, that's painful enough. Blast Off doesn't even try to argue with that, but it upsets him so badly that he starts beating dream Starscream's face in and crying. But also, consider. What is Starscream telling Blast Off about himself?

    Starscream says outright that Blast Off's problem is that he still has a sense of morality. That Blast Off probably can't even stand to look at himself in a mirror anymore. And consider that all in terms of him being in love with a monster. If Onslaught has tossed aside that sense of right and wrong and Blast Off hasn't. But they're still working on the same team and Blast Off is taking Onslaught's orders and following his lead. And Blast Off isn't just following, he's started proactively making moves that will help Onslaught and further his goals. What does it say about Blast Off that he isn't a monster, but he'll voluntarily take the initiative to do the kinds of things that will make a monster happy? What does it say about him that he still has that sense of right and wrong, but he chooses to do the same thing monsters do, of his own free will? What kind of person is Blast Off if he'll happily let his life revolve around pleasing the monster he loves?

    This is a sharp enough blow, just as it is, but Starscream follows it up and hits him even harder. He draws attention to how Blast Off's life had been going, and how even before Bruticus, his life was so pathetic it was hardly worth valuing, and how after Bruticus, things will be even worse. And even if the combaticons manage to scrape their way up from that point, even in the best possible scenario, Onslaught will eventually destroy himself. This domestic fantasy? It won't happen, because as things are, Onslaught will never let it happen. Blast Off has been trying to stick to his guns and refusing to play Starscream's deception games, and he hasn't been taking the bait of making this fantasy a reality. But Starscream manages to box this into a choice between letting Onslaught die, and manipulating him into a happy life. Blast Off keeps saying himself that he's been trying to save Onslaught, and Starscream tells him this is the only way to do it.

    So okay. Blast Off has been boxed into a corner where all his options are bad, and he's still being forced to pick one. Starscream has just drawn attention to how all of them have done terrible things and how far down the moral slope they've all slid. He's told Blast Off that his efforts to save the person he loves are doomed to failure unless Blast Off goes along with this plan. Is this really where Blast Off is going to draw the line? His morals say that he won't go this far, no matter what other many, many lines he's already crossed? Not even to save Onslaught and to give him a happy life?

    Even though he doesn't want to and he knows everything wrong with what he's agreeing to, of course he says yes.

    On a side note, I really love the way Starscream makes his snide remark about things not being real taking the joy out of attempted murder. Because Starscream is privately torn up about how he's not good enough in terms of what Bumblebee has been asking of him, and specifically, he has on his mind that he just convicted an innocent bot for a murder where Onslaught was almost definitely involved. And would you look at that, here's Onslaught's second-in-command. I'm pretty sure Starscream either knows Blast Off was part of this or at least is pretty sure he had awareness of it. Blast Off was plenty upset over the murder when he was coming back home afterwards, and this remark is practically tailored to remind him of that unprovoked murder of an innocent bystander. No real conclusions, I just love all the pain bouncing back and forth between these two.

    But then, it's the upsides that Starscream throws into the bargain that are almost the most cruel. Giving Blast Off the ultimatum and striking the deal, that was cold, but... strategic. It was a smart move, playing his cards in an effective way. But the nudge with Onslaught, oh my gosh.

    Starscream lies. Blast Off knows that. He says that Starscream has done worse things than any of them, and he knows that Starscream absolutely cannot be trusted. Most of what he tells Blast Off in the dream is... stuff Blast Off can fact-check on his own. It might be emotionally manipulative to say that Onslaught will destroy himself eventually, but Blast Off can evaluate that in terms of his own information. When Starscream tell him that they won't make Onslaught fall in love with him, they'll just give him a nudge. they'll just make Onslaught notice him-- How is Blast Off supposed to believe any of that?

    I'm sure Blast Off wants to believe that, and he's going to try to believe it, because the alternative is that he nonconsensually forced these feelings on Onslaught. But how long is that going to last? How secure is that belief going to be? Because Blast Off has known Onslaught for millions of years. They're close, they share a lot of trust. If Onslaught was ever going to feel that way about him, it.... would have already happened. His fantasy is pinned on the idea that once the war was over, Onslaught was able to see him in a new light. The war ended, and Onslaught hasn't seen him in that new light. It's such an appealing dream that something will change, and it will all come together. But after millions of years, it has to be so hard to believe that it's really truly going to happen. Oh, but now it's happening right away. No delay, no fuss, Onslaught is immediately putting the moves on him.

    Blast Off is going to want to believe it's all real, and this really was only a nudge, because the alternative is so much worse. But the possibility is going to always, ALWAYS be there that Starscream fabricated these feelings wholecloth, Blast Off agreed that he could force them into Onslaught's mind, and now he's exploiting those feelings that Onslaught would have never felt on his own. And he has no way to ever know whether these feelings are genuine. All he can rely on is Starscream's word, and he knows exactly how untrustworthy Starscream is.

    But! Even then! No matter whether the feelings are real or fabricated. It will never change that this relationship is founded on a lie. Blast Off knows it. He tells Starscream that he's asking him to live a lie, and Starscream agrees. Blast Off will always know they're only together because he agreed to let someone use Onslaught through him, as a willing tool. The things he's done have been for Onslaught's sake, but now he's betraying Onslaught too, on top of everything else. He's already subdued and quiet on the last page of the issue, and half the panels with his face are him looking away from making eye contact with Onslaught. That domestic fantasy he was dreaming of, maybe it will come about in terms of the actions, but the emotions and honesty of it will never be right, and he's the one who's poisoned the chance of that ever happening. Every time Onslaught starts to drift off in the wrong direction and Blast Off has to lie to him to pull him back in line, he'll know what a dishonest foundation their relationship has, and he'll know that he's the one voluntarily exploiting that trust and intimacy that he valued so much, so he can lie to Onslaught and manipulate him.

    I don't know what's going to happen next in the comic, but I can't imagine there's any way this is sustainable for Blast Off. Without writing a whole extra essay about Starscream's feelings, I think it's fascinating the way Starscream just casually expects Blast Off to shoulder this emotional load for the foreseeable future, when Blast Off is obviously struggling to come to terms with it at all. No matter how hard he tries (and I do think he'll try very hard, with Onslaught on the line), I don't see how he's going to last long at all without at least some cracks showing through. And Onslaught is extremely intelligent, he'll be able to catch these things and he'll try to put together the pieces. Even if Blast Off tries to head him off, I think additional lies will only make the stress (and the cracks) worse. I don't know where this is going to go, but I'm dying to know more.
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  6. aetherGeologist

    aetherGeologist Well-Known Member

    So, uh. Never actually got round to posting this, so at the last possible moment...

    Nightbeat's finally taking the initiative to go and talk to Rung about his problems, and that's great, but what's even better is that he's rearranging the furniture so he can be comfy while he does it.

    And...yeah. Rung's been pretty flippant about his alt in the past, but being dismissed like he was during The Dying of the Light has to hurt, even though his effect on the rest of the cast has been incredibly positive. (Except Skids, maybe? Does he blame himself for Skids? Rung was trying to help him recover the memories that caused the spasm, after all)

    Functionist Universe!Rung is so Done and I love it. On the other hand, though, if Vector Sigma can be activated without the key, the council don't actually need him after all - a cold constructed army is more convenient since they can build specific bodies but it's no longer completely necessary.

    Now we've got Roller comparing Megs to Optimus and on the one hand ow but on the other hand I have to wonder if that's deliberate on Meg's part. He can't go back to his leadership style as leader of the decepticons, obviously, but he can't go further back to the young revolutionary either because he literally can't remember what he was like back then. So why not model himself after the mech who won the war and still remained a paragon of morality? Probably not the case, but still. Still. He has an enormous amount of faith that even under this dystopia Optimus wouldn't go bad.

    (Also his helmet looks really weird on this page. Stop it, artist.)

    Back to Necroworld, and they should really just give the captaincy to Cyclonus, who is showing the most actual leadership skills of anyone throughout two comic series.

    And Tailgate is back and - quiet? Subdued? I really want to know what Whirl told him

    And back to Rung! And we finally find out what he does - make photonic crystals, an essential step in the Cold Construction process. Except... things aren't quite lining up. He thinks he's about six million years old, but he can't be. Megatron is six million, and was built during the second phase of construction. So Rung's been around before then, and doesn't remember it in either universe. He could have undergone mnemosurgery, but why do that and then let him go unless he was no longer needed? Cold construction is useful, and those crystals are absolutely needed for it. So why stop? Religious pressure? When did the council actually come into power in the first place?

    And we still don't know if there is any significance to his altmode. He doesn't need to transform to create crystals, obviously, and FU!Rung is a drill now, but it's been dangled for so long...
    (Another thought - the GCT only takes altmodes into account, it ignores outliers. Rung still doesn't have a proper Function by the Council's rules.)

    Also, crystals aren't the only thing you need to cold construct a mech. According to Tyrest, you also need the matrix, and well, Rodimus seems pretty sure that what Six of Twelve is carrying around on his face is a fake.

    I'm kind of delighted Fangry is ok. He has far too good a name to die.

    On the other hand... welp. I thought last issue was when Anode realised Lug wasn't real. The pieces seem to be coming together to possibly bring her back, but I'm honestly not sure what I feel about them trying? They have no guarantee that she'd be the same person, after all.

    And then there's this page. I just have so many feelings about it. Megatron's whole character arc has been about self-control - how he prizes it but ultimately can no longer rely on it. He's had to have external limits on himself - the fool's energon, the vow of nonviolence, Terminus himself. (I kind of want to tie in him throwing away the decepticon cane on Swearth to this? It feels like it should fit but I can't see how) and when they were taken away? 55 happened. I know a lot of the fandom regards that as hypocrisy and proof he doesn't really care about changing, but I don't think so - I think his self control is what he lost but doesn't know what is missing. And of course Terminus is irritated by this! He thinks it's a return to bad habits, but he can't comprehend what happened during the war because he wasn't there, he doesn't know what Megs did except in the most abstract way.

    And then Megs says that Minimus and Rodimus are his conscience. Which, well. I know it's not really healthy but oh god the ship feels are overwhelming. Especially Rodimus! That he puts that much trust in him in a Prime! Minimus has set himself as a role model ever since he got the Magnus Armour, but Rodimus is not really a paragon of ethics.

    Some of the covers imply Megs is going to leave. And I would be incredibly disappointed at this point if he did. I need him to face up to Starscream, or at least Fulcrum. I don't believe he could resist his old habits if he took power, and I think his resolve to stand up to the knights and judgment really should not be derailed. Also, you know, ships.

    Is timesickness really a thing? I thought the crew just made it up to get Rewind out of shooting past!Megatron. And Lug was with Anode back on the moon so I think she's been around a while.

    And the Functionists are setting out on another war because of course they are.

    "Other than the Cybertronian race - who performs a function that benefits Primus?" - I kind of have to do some more stuff for that SU crossover I've had floating around, don't I?

    And well, here's another cliffhanger! Rung definitely has a point though. This is his planet, and as far as he's concerned Rodimus is going to ruin his last chance at saving it.
    • Like x 4
  7. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen




    2017-06-06 19.48.31.jpg

    Best $5 or best $5

    Eta: it came with a bittyass ruler, one of the like... ridged ones that shows different pictures depending on the direction you look at it? "Kids fun collection" more like "nerds fun collection"
    2: also I gotta say I love how committed the designers were to splitting up the title so it always reads
    like there's plenty of room on both the box and the ruler to have it on a single line but nope, they're all trans, dwi
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
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  8. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

  9. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    Oh my god

    Petition for Lisa Frank grade rainbow Shockwave. Please. Let there be glitter.
    • Agree x 2
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  10. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Seconding rainbows. Oxidized bismuth Shockwave, Spock, imagine it.

    would it be in poor taste to suggest a hideously unsubtle reference to the USSR flag, given the Decepticons' original "ebil commies" inspiration and Megs' Stalinist #aesthetic
    • Agree x 3
  11. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Bright "scary" pink Shockwave
    • Agree x 3
  12. aetherGeologist

    aetherGeologist Well-Known Member

    Dazzle camoflage!

    Fuck you, Rodimus. And Minimus. I expected better from the both of you. That last panel had better be a sign that you're bringing him back.
    but Lug's back?I found that a bit abrupt, but hooray I guess.
  13. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Rung produces crystals under extreme stress, right

    I invite you to reconsider this ominous page from 1
    I'm not saying reincarnation arc but c'mon jro you figured out rewind let us have skids back too

    Anyway, stealing someone else's desktop to liveblog shitty 80s miniseries/pilot(s) while I wait for viewcomic to catch up instead of just whining uselessly at the internet

    this is some rad menu music I gotta say
    also pretty decent for early 2000s dvd quality

    oh my god this intro music is so shitty it's great

    oh my god his voice the same guy voicing bee and wheeljack

    "oh no, decepticons" [rolls up tinted windows]
    what even
    okay wheeljack


    the fire is just. gone. oh my god g1

    I do kinda like Bee's alt tho

    "hang onto your crankshaft"
    I know what they were going for but this is only parsing as 'dick'

    the seekers are kinda pretty too tbh
    more weird alien alts 2k17

    the painted backgrounds are Excellent

    soundwave is a fuckign lamppost
    I knew it was a thing and I still
    buddy is that even a transformation

    oh my god is jazz from fuckin alabama what
    (on second listen it sounds kinda texan but I am admittedly wobbly on more western accents so)

    oh my god shockwave has a classic Evil Wizard voice I'm in love

    scream is so nasally I


    I know he was probably supposed to be knocked out of his seat but it looks like Jazz just. gleefully jumps away from the controls

    oh my goooooood what even is this fight scene
    soundwave is a badass and also everywhere, yesgood, but

    jazz and starscream were on the commercial break cards and now I'm sad about that abandoned politics fic again

    I have no idea who or what you are, little explorer, but you're adorable


    starscream: [wakes up] [gets new gear] [immediately starts testing it by shooting everything that looks vaguely shootable]


    boys. boys if you break an electrical plant it stops functioning, it's not gonna be any use to you

    "what are you doing" more like where did you pull that from
    cliff did you have an entire rifle shoved up your ass

    HOUND D8

    bless hound

    oh my gooooooood
    this is the best combiner but also
    oh my god

    ravage gonna eat a bitch

    Spike Motherfucking Witwicky

    oh my god half of you have flight-capable alts why do you still have legs

    where are you even getting all this junk to throw

    rumble backhanding spike like he just don't care
    A+ Good Boy

    you're all bad at shooting and you should feel bad

    "Optimus is harassed by a determined seagull" is something I would pay to watch
    and pretty much have now

    the voice actors are trying so hard and the animation team just gives no shits

    sure was an
    my disc drive is a D drive and VLC feels the need to tell me which drive it's playing from when I start a new clip
    end result: VLC appears horrified that I'm watching shitty 80s cartoons

    I somehow managed to forget just how shitty the meter of the theme was since last episode

    the snark is strong

    trailbreaker!!! And his panic bubble!!

    jazz what would you do if op missed that catch
    what would you do if you hit optimus fucking prime in the face with a grappling hook

    the painted backgrounds are so pretty and then the animation is just


    oh my god the fuck is mirage's voice

    Soundy is so worried about his boy D8

    my guy have you ever tried to herd cats

    that's totally how infrared works. definitely.

    megs. megs do you understand how hydroelectric plants work. the dam is kind of necessary.

    no one did any research whatsoever

    oh my god spike go away

    rumble backhanding spike continues to be my favorite thing

    megs, you. you know you don't have to keep helicoptering your dick mace underwater, right. there's no enemies down here.

    come on just drown spike

    superhuman strength? #0kay

    I still can't get over the fact that there's a robot named "Huffer"

    ...uh. How... how are rubies supposed to provide energy? Is this some kind of 'bleeding the flesh' shenanigans where they're gonna steal the energy of the human workers?


    I mean yes Sunstreaker is probably hot but somehow I think this is just weird 80s slang

    This is definitely what a corundum mine looks like. Absolutely. Nailed it.

    that's... those aren't rubies.

    ...Roller. That's Roller. I.
    dawn of the final day episode
    (except not really, because there are two "bonus episodes" also on the disc)

    wait is his name seriously sparkplug
    who names their kid sparkplug

    ironhide you gon die

    WARP <3

    bye ironhide

    ...hi, ironhide :|

    tbh Ravage sounds more like a mongoose than a cat

    oh my god
    boys you're all bad at this
    I mean apparently Megs is worse and that's what matters but jesus christ at least no one smart is looking at you

    oh wait, no, Megs is just that good

    Man, if there's one thing TFP was missing it was a few nice maniacal laughs
    Good to see G1 making up for that

    you can't take humans to space you fuckheads they'll die

    I need a gif of soundy fistpumping, he got good rhythm

    stop hitting rumble that's not allowed

    "I've been waiting for this chance," Optimus growls at his archenemy, hands flexing, an ideal pitchrom protagonist

    ...oh my god is this where all the jokes about Sideswipe's jetpack came from

    Megatron: POWER STANCE. Just point your dick at everything to assert dominance just do it

    I like how Skywarp just happens to have a fire extinguisher in his arm

    the way the Generic Crowd Noises just
    cut off
    Bonus episode time! I have no idea where in continuity these are supposed to be, but come on, does it really matter with g1
    also I noticed while going through the credits that Megatron isn't fucking credited I can't even

    okay this comes directly off MTMTE, got it

    how did you manage an entire underwater city when just enough material for the ship was a problem earlier

    spike. buddy. that ain't just a jam, there's at least one accident in there

    "Megatron lives," Optimus whispers, sounding like this is the best news he's had in a century
    I'm tellin' ya, they're pitchmarried

    cliffy no
    (if you're gonna punch him at that level at least go for a dickpunch)

    no, spike, go home, no one likes you

    Half Life has conditioned me to avoid science experiments involving pushing carts into circular test areas

    this all coulda been avoided if you'd backed off from the edge another ten feet, guys

    good job bee

    Jazz that's not how baseball works

    Optimus you have a gun you're allowed to stay at range

    Who needs flaps? Not Megatron, apparently.

    Bee :c

    Awww thanks Ratch

    oh my god what kind of magic gun even


    or sploded, I guess

    pfffffffff seeker miscolor 1
    double starscreams ftw
    (it's Warp again before he's even done talking)

    well that's not obvious posing at all
    I expect at least one D&D reference
    You can't name something "roll for it" and then not

    "Thundercracker," he says, to a jet in Skywarp's colors
    They really give 0 shits

    I like how Decepticons are just accepted as a fact of life, but no one expects any given fancy jet to be one

    oh my god soundy's flaily run
    I love him
    what a good boy
    a good good anime boy

    "laser-powered trash compactor"
    how does that

    who's chip and why is he hanging out with spike
    also I like gentle tennesseean guard buddy he's nice

    oh my god it's still floppies
    bless the 80s

    Reflector's parts are changing colors onscreen it's kind of hilarious
    Also how many does he even have, I've seen as few as three turn into a camera and up to six identical root frames

    "battle computer"

    chip is good at video games is what I'm getting out of this

    Ravage just break a fucking door down
    Just go for it

    Is chip's ass just glued to his wheelchair or
    bc that sure was a lot of flipping to be doing mid-air without falling out

    optimus has shiny shiny eyes for some reason

    bless rumble

    oh god wheeljack what kind of project

    bless the lambo twins

    bless sidewsipe

    skywarp gotchu babe, no worries

    and not a single tabletop reference was had, unless you count Prowl nat20ing that Acrobatics check with chip at the helm :c
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2017
    • Like x 2
  14. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen


    textbook Dynamic Posing, Nice™

    oh my god Rodimus don't punch Rung
    don't hurt my baby he's made of twigs

    thank you rewind
    also oh no Roddy's face
    that lil 'I fucked up'
    my boy

    ....I was gonna say 'Megs has come back from worse,' but that. Sure is a nice explosion.

    I love unicyclebot
    I've forgotten their name but I love them

    "wouldn't want you to miss the moon shooting us to death"
    bless drift

    rung don't you fuckin dare

    I realize exposition would be awkward but dammit give me more info about Cybertronian funereal rites


    "Please don't make me say that sentence again."
    bless mims

    you're still not allowed to die bruh

    Rodimus reacting appropriately

    "Finger of silence and it's pointing at you!" ILU RODDY
    also the fact that "finger of silence" is apparently a thing other people understand

    bless megs, getting back to the original philosophy



    do yo thang anode
    you got this

    I know it's not our Rung but

    ...roddy. Roddy.


    yesgood hug rung for all of us

    ....this is. A really really nice foil. But I Want Megs back on the LL.

    But who was phone????
    • Like x 3
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  15. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator


    I kind of like the dynamic aggression of the cover even tho it does me a concern
    ........ at least he's confused at himself too
    oh my god what the fuck is even going on anymore
    hhhh oh my god the baes are all taking a stroll through the pastelgoth flowergarden prettyyyyyyy
    Kaput is hilarious I love him so much
    Awwwww lotty
    awwwwwwww nauts my baby QnQ
    Oooooooo this is incredibly intriguing
    My Dratchet Shipfeels
    oh boy oh boy oh boy i am an concern
    OH GOD
    Roller is a genius!!!!!!!!!! BRAINSTORM IS A GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    .... I swear if you go back on your word Megs...
    (I'm sad about Terminus too, but...)
    You can do it Anode I believe in you
    (This kind of straight up. Robot medical drama. It gives me life. I want these three to crew the medbay forever and have their own spinoff comic I love this)
    Terminus no don't suggest that
    O No D:

    ... Wait for real? What the shit? I... No? I'm Mad what the hell???? Don't fucking leave Megs THERE???? WHY????????????
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  16. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Getaway is his fucking damage, because baby is not handling grief well. I'm like 95% sure here, see the dialogue:
    Rodimus: "He's not playing us like this."
    Minimus Ambus: "I agree. We can't let him get away."
    R [with a... questionable expression. Surprised? Remembering?]: "We can't let him what?"
    MA: "Get away. I said we can't let him get away." [Emphasis added]
    R [suddenly enraged again]: "Let's get out of here."

    It's about his goddamn revenge quest because Roddy has to do everything himself forever and Getaway betrayed him and took his toys friends.

    ...fuck. shit. Something could probably be said about the parallels between Getaway and Dealer, and hell, that might just be why he's taking Getaway's mutiny so hard.

    >Hot Rod gets his first little command, and his whole squad gets killed because of his own bad leadership fucking Dealer pulling tricks with the 'Cons.
    >As far as we know, Rodimus doesn't take command at all through the rest of the entire fucking war, so fuck knows how bad it burned him. Sure, it comes out in the end that it wasn't actually his fault he lead his team into an ambush, but this is Rodimus, when does the boy not take things personally.
    >Rodimus takes very very loose command once the war's over. Nothing big. A nice little civilian ship with some buddies. Sure, scuffles happen, and sure, they're all a little militarized still because [​IMG] but... no pressure. And then. And fucking then. He loses his ship, a good chunk of the people he thought were his friends, and someone who actively fucking died for him and the remaining crewmates. Because of someone he trusted pulling tricks with the other side.

    Just.... yowch. Roddy takes everything personally already, but no fucking wonder he's taking the mutiny so hard.
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  17. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    • Agree x 2
  18. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Hhhhhhh okay I think i can manage atleast one issue of exrid while I'm at it.

    i kind of love the cover of devastator holding galvatron
    Oh boy "Headmaster" brings back bad memories from other parts of the franchise :')
    I am maximum bored by everything about Galvatron despite the probably cool shit from the First Civil War happening right now
    .... robot-racist kitty???
    why is galvatron so tiresome
    "I come in Peace. Perhaps you know the term? It means the absence of war." OH mygod *wheezing*
    *narrows eyes* I dislike Alpha Trion's scheming nonsense greatly.
    those are some nice words (albiet not very believable) from Soundy but WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING TO SKYWARP BACK THERE WTF?????
    "Don't strain your vocabulary" i love it when soundy gets snarky
    Rumble: lol frick right the hell off U Kno Nothing
    I wish Soundwave fucking punched Galvatron in the robot-kidney but he's smarter than that, of course he is
    "Prowl... ya big ol' idiot" me 2 jazz
    "ATLEAST PRETEND YOU'RE STILL A WARRIOR PRIME" devastator is maaaaaaaad
    "Did Prowl just get way dumber?" "It's the mass displacement. Even Prowl's fat head can't handle the Brain/size ratio of Devastator. Not at that scale" holy shit I am laughing so hard. Jazz and Arcee as The Donest Of Pals, So Done Salmonella Goes Elsewhere, please.
    Also wow, Optimus, can u not with the conveniently erasing all of the Constructicons from the equation? Like. I know Combiners aren't exactly well know but y'all should've gotten a clue that Combiners are kind of More Than Just The Sum Of Their Parts. (to badly misquote: You're not one person, you're not six persons, you're an experience.)
    Poor Marissa.
    FUCK ALL THE WAY OFF WITWICKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Optimus and Soundwave both like "can u not", Devastator and Galvatron "it punching time now"
    don't yell at Skywarp marissa he's trying his best >:C
    "Your idiot friend Thundercracker [...]" ROOD "[...] told me you were something special." ... rood? :C (also ow my feelings, TC talking about Skywarp (or Screamer for that matter) was probably all kinds of bittersweet)
    Poor Skywarp is all confused and offended and oh no :c
    I... what? Oh god what?
    ............................ not sure if that was even remotely an okay thing to do but at least she just wanted them to get the fuck out
    ...... awwwww they look all kinds of happy.
    Prowl no. Prowl you can't... Prowl no.
    Oh god Optimus is so pissed this will be terrible.
    Marissa is kind of. pitiable and it's understandable why she is so pissed off about everything wrt this, even though she's really mean to characters I like
    "I'm goign to try and talk my way out of an Interstellar War." good luck. You'll need it, Marissa.
    ... i mean as terrible as it is to agree with him the strategy isn't actually half bad.
    Cosmos is listening :D
    "No executions. At least not yet. Human nature is looking up since last time we visited." *softly but with feeling* what the frick.
    yeah OP is p damn horrified too. Arcee is just like "Typical Prowl, *canned laughter*"
    I keep laughing so hard at "eart".
    .... Aww I kind of. Like how soft Prowl's smile is when he talks to Arcee. Them actually kind of liking eachother is so important to me.
    Sideswipe you utter disaster.
    ... Siddeswipe no.
    "It's okay, people forget things like that" :C
    ....... Prowl you look slightly off-kilter, maybe take a break.
    "Prowl- you sound like the humans are our enemies" are you literally only catching on now that Prowl is maybe a wee bit hateful against Earth?
    "Listen to Prowl go!" "I Know! This is the best job ever!" AWWWWW
    "Every Experiment that yields data is successful." I mean when he's right he's right lmao
    one of the constructicons (scavenger?) looks sad :c
    AWWWW Sky-Lynx!!!!!!! So cute!
    "Find a Decepticon, Blast a Decepticon!" "Shut up, Sideswipe!" asdfghk
    .... Scavvy what did you do?
    dear god what the fuck is wrong with Skywarp and who lets Galvatron run anything with his temper?
    don't yell at poor Astrotrain
    Galvatron: WE KILL ALL HUMANS
    Soundwave: no. Also I have planted a spy among the 'bots, which you would've noticed if you EVER LISTENED.
    i love soundy.
    • Like x 4
  19. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Just saw this post and if phone is Functionist Universe OP calling Roller back, I would not be surprised

    But really. I don't want them to just leave Megatron like that. Not for a long stretch of time, anyway :T Him rebuilding and fixing the damage done by Functionists ascendant might be a good bit of redemptive catharthis and help him figure his shit out once and for all, but I don't know if I'll like it if it all happens off screen...
    • Agree x 5
  20. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Clearly the solution is a spinoff/branch comic ala Optimus Prime that just follows Megs doing a thing Right this time to foil OP going off the fuckin deep end
    • Agree x 4
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