Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Getaway is so delightfully, deliciously awful and I love his diabolical cat face. He's a manipulator who is really good at finding people's soft, squishy parts, who's learned to excel at vicious mind games and has learned that he's rewarded for it as part of his function in the war, and he can use that to play people like he did Tailgate, or to jab them right where it hurts for his own personal satisfaction. I think he lashes out at Whirl with that kind of deliberate cruelty not just because he's a vicious, cruel asshole, but also because he sees Whirl as betraying that 'all or nothing' loyalty to the cause. The two motives coincide, and it gives him the fiery kick of vindication right in his spark, with none of the guilt. 'Second thoughts about taking down Megatron? You deserve to be kicked while you're down and verbally eviscerated, even if you won't remember it happening, you pathetic one-eyed freak'

    When I was writing my fic, I kind of viewed him as a less influential, even more scathing, black-and-white-thinking-driven Prowl - both of them are fucked up to the core and don't know how to operate without the context of an on-going, perpetual war (though I don't know that I've ever seen Prowl being as deliberately, personally cruel to anyone as Getaway was to Whirl). Of course it's about more than Megatron - Getaway's trying to right what he sees as wrong, a betrayal on the part of Autobot high command, and he gets to show off while doing it. He didn't have to answer the Rod Squad's hail when they called from Censerre's planet; he did it to show off personally, to demonstrate to them that (some of) the rest of the crew are still loyal to his definition of what's right, and to grind the lesson home, all at the same time - this is what happens to traitors who consort with the original Decepticon

    He does strike me as the type to sacrifice himself - most likely to spite someone, with no other options left to him, and only if he can't get away [/pun intended/] to fight another day. His first thought when he was born was of self-preservation. What good is a spec ops agent if he's dead? Why attack Megatron directly himself and possible die/get arrested when he can so easily manipulate other people to do the dirty work, and stay in the good graces of the other Autobots? He definitely makes choices to be cruel, but I don't think we know enough of his motives to say that all of his spoken motives and excuses are lies or justifications. He can be genuinely devoted to his perception of the Autobot cause and a massively cruel, vindictive douchebag who targets people to punish them because he can at the same time; the two aren't necessarily exclusive. They just combine into a toxic, self-reinforcing mess and I love it

    And also - by the time Megatron was on board, Getaway already had plans in the works to get rid of Rodimus and his support, too, which requires considerably more effort and convoluted planning than just having Whirl shoot them all and using the nudge-gun to wipe away the evidence

    My real question is - what happened after he ran away from the Corcapsia Incursion? What made him stoprunning? How kindly did the Autobots take to MTO soldiers going AWOL in the middle of a fight - or did they just stamp a barcode on him, and assume he was dead along with all the other prematurely grown kids out there on the field? What happened when he turned out to be not-dead - did he have to get away from punishment, and in the process discover he had a knack for escape artist shenanigans? How did he run into the Diplomatic Corps, as run by Prowl? So many questions
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2016
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  2. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    does dealer come back and get punched in the face? Because I wanna see him get punched in the face. how dare you betray his tiny trust

    For real though. When I started MTMTE I was prepared to grudgingly put up with yet another Loud Annoying Guy Who Everyone Likes, but here I am. Having feelings about this precious optimistic loyal darling. He's trying so hard and I kinda just wanna hug him.
    • Like x 6
  3. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Read spotlight: dealer!! :DDDDDDD

    eta: and rodimus tries so hard, he's so precious and i never expected to love him like this
    • Like x 6
  4. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    i have no idea when spotlight: blaster takes place, but getaway shows up in it! he's just a bot in a trench, though. so he was doing regular fighty stuff for a while i guess!
  5. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    My contrast that I draw between them is that while they're both really willing to use people, Getaway just... doesn't seem to care about them, as such. I think that Prowl cares a lot, but holds the people he cares about to impossibly high standards, and when they don't measure up, it helps him justify taking more and more morally questionable actions, and is one big ugly spiral. He keeps hurting over it because he cares, but when he hurts, he reacts by making it less and less possible for people to live up to what he demands from them. I find Prowl's situation a lot more tragic as a result, but the circumstances behind Getaway's birth are pretty fucking tragic too (even being named for that trauma, holy shit), but he reacted to that by like... the way he doesn't genuinely connect to others makes it harder for people to hurt him, even while it sets him up to take some really sketchy actions without any sort of remorse. Which he does. He and Prowl have arrived at a pretty similar point from really different directions, and they both make me super sad :(
    • Like x 7
  6. Glassware

    Glassware Well-Known Member

    The cybertronian race being one that has a finite population that is decreasing with every issue is one of my favorite terrible things about the IDW comics because of the way that everyone just...accepts it. Like yeah, our species is dying out, there are no more sparks left. Makes keeping records convenient and simple, right? Luna 1 might have been able to reverse that decline (I still want to know what the heck was up with that hot spot), but...I mean, what would even happen to newborns in this new system? Can the Cybertronian species ever grow again?

    I think there's definitely a Primus element. The hot spots seem to have started decreasing in frequency after Nova Prime (genocidal imperialist lunatic that he was) came to power, and one of the last ones, maybe the last one, was shaped like the hand of god pressing into the planet...there's definitely something up with the Cybertronian pantheon in this 'verse.
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  7. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh, and wrt MTOs going MIA (oh god so many acronyms): The stores of frozen sparks that were used to make cold constructed soldiers were finite. I don't know exaaaaactly how long they lasted, but sometime around issue 30, someone makes reference to 'they discovered a hidden stash and thawed them out,' so even if Getaway got in trouble for that, soldiers were still a somewhat-limited resource. I think there were definitely lots of them at first, if there was a ten minute life expectancy, but especially depending on when Corcapsia happened, high command might have been aware that they couldn't just go throwing soldiers away because a newborn barely-awake soldier wasn't quite up to snuff at first.
    • Like x 3
  8. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    A popular headcanon is to merge Prime Optimus backstory with IDW and say that Orion Pax was a archivist befor the functionalist went nope boy you are a cop now, who cares if it slowly kills you inside. I think it's the cop part why THIS Optimus is like he is. G1 was a dockworker, Primes was an archivist, IDW was a cop.
    • Like x 4
  9. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Also, since I was thinking about it: this is a song that could ppppprobably be applied to pretty much anyone in MTMTE, but by god if it doesn't ring Chromedome+addiction to mnemosurgery so fucking hard for me.

    Yeah, so, um... wait a second -
    Yeah, so, um... wait a second -
    Yeah, so, um... wait a second -
    Yeah, so, um... wait a second -

    Sold your liver but you're still feeling the red
    Sold my feelings now I'm hanging by a thread

    And it's creeping it's way through my windows
    And it's slithering under my door
    And it's in my peripheral vision
    And it's burrowing up under my floor
    And it's whispering into my eardrums
    And it's telling me that I want more

    But I'm coming alive
    I'm happening now
    I'm coming alive
    I'm happening now

    I'm coming alive
    I'm happening now
    I'm coming alive
    I'm happening now

    And that eureka moment hits you like a cop car
    And you wake up just head and shoulders in a glass jar
    You clear your throat you raise your eyebrow but you don't say
    There's something wrong but it's okay if we're still getting paid

    Yeah you're ravenous you're champing at the bit
    Just a cog next to a cog next to a pit
    I would burn to break away and rest my ears
    No more lightning, no more solace in arrears

    And it's creeping it's way through my windows
    And it's slithering under my door
    And it's in my peripheral vision
    And it's burrowing up under my floor
    And it's whispering into my eardrums
    And it's telling me that I want more

    But I'm coming alive
    I'm happening now
    I'm coming alive
    I'm happening now

    I'm coming alive
    I'm happening now
    I'm coming alive
    I'm happening now

    And that eureka moment hits you like a cop car
    And you wake up just head and shoulders in a glass jar
    You clear your throat you raise your eyebrow but you don't say
    There's something wrong but it's okay if we're still getting paid

    But I'm coming alive
    I'm happening now
    I'm coming alive
    I'm happening now

    I'm coming alive
    I'm happening now
    I'm coming alive
    I'm happening now

    And that eureka moment hits you like a cop car
    And you wake up just head and shoulders in a glass jar
    You clear your throat you raise your eyebrow but you don't say
    There's something wrong but it's okay if we're still getting paid

    But I'm coming alive
    Cough cough
    • Like x 3
  10. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    well if we're sharing character songs i will give you 3 guesses which character I have a song for!! i am nothing if not predictable and also devoted to this fucking bird robot

    There's a God-awful shitty feeling of dread in my heart,
    Yeah, it's got a lot to do with haven't finished what I started;
    And at any second now I think it all might fall apart,
    'Cause there's a God-awful shitty feeling of dread in my heart, yeah.

    There's a devil in my brain with a pitchfork and a flame,
    Yeah, he likes to poke around and he likes to tell me things
    And whenever I begin to feel like I might be deranged
    I remember there's a little shitty devil in my brain, yeah.

    Oh, I wonder what it's like to
    Be the type who doesn't burn,
    Yeah the kind who fights the good fight
    Not the kind you find
    Fisti-fucking-cuffing in the dirt.

    There's a God-awful shitty feeling of dread in my heart
    And I can't seem to change my attitude but I can change my shirt,
    'Cause you know, I actually at times I can be a good start,
    But not today,
    There's still a God-awful shitty feeling of dread in my heart.

    In my heart,
    Oh, yeah,
    Oh, no,
    • Like x 3
  11. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Mashes Amanda Palmer songs on everyone, but also this is so fucking Rodimus it hurts. I'm gay for this robot in particular.

    Now I lay me down to sleep

    Do you wanna dance?
    Do you wanna fight?
    Do you wanna get drunk and stay the night?

    No regrets
    Noblesse oblige
    Do you wanna dance?
    Do you wanna fight?
    Do you wanna get drunk and stay the night?
    Do you wanna smoke till our throats are sore?
    Make out and then talk and then make out some more?

    Do you wanna dance?
    Do you wanna fight?
    Do you wanna get drunk and stay the night?
    Do you wanna know all the things I do
    When I'm all alone and thinking about you?

    Do you wanna?
    Do you wanna?
    Do you wanna?
    Do you wanna?
    Do you, do you, do you, do you
    Do you, do you, do you, do you?

    Do you wanna go back home?
    Your animals are all alone
    Oh, there's a chicken waiting on the stove
    And your cousin left his DVD of swinging in the '70s
    Or do you wanna go back home
    Check your messages and charge your phone?
    Oh, are you really sure
    You wanna go
    When you could
    Do it with a rock star?
    Do it with a rock star

    Wait, wait, wait
    I'll be fine in a minute
    Wait, wait, wait
    I'll be fine in a minute
    Fine in a minute

    I don't want your body
    Just a part to listen to INXS
    All the practice in the world
    Won't get me good at loneliness-ness

    Do you wanna dance?
    Do you wanna fight?
    Do you wanna get drunk and stay the night?
    Do you wanna see all my cavities?
    Talk about the crisis in the Middle East?
    Do you wanna get really terrified?
    Ice caps are all melting, and we're gonna die
    Do you wanna cry?
    I can make you cry
    Do you wanna hit me, baby, one more time?

    Do you wanna?
    Do you wanna?
    Do you wanna?
    Do you wanna?
    Do you, do you, do you, do you
    Do you, do you, do you, do you
    Do you wanna go back home?
    Your animals are all alone
    Oh, there's a chicken waiting on the stove
    And your cousin left his DVD of swinging in the '70s
    Or do you wanna go back home
    Check your messages and charge your phone?
    Oh, are you really sure
    You wanna go
    When you could
    Do it with a rock star?
    Do it with a rock star

    Wait, wait, wait
    I'll be fine in a minute
    Wait, wait, wait
    I'll be fine in a minute

    (Do you wanna go back home?)
    Wait, wait, wait
    I'll be fine in a minute
    (Do you wanna go back home?)
    Wait wait wait
    I'll be fine in a minute
    Fine in a minute
    Fine in a minute
    Fine in a minute
    Fine in a minute
    Fine in a minute
    Fine in a minute
    Fine in a minute
    Fine in a minute
    Fine in a minute

    okay that's the last one i promise otherwise i'll be here all night mashing songs on these horrible robot children


    They've been circling
    They've been circling
    Since the day they were born

    It's disturbing
    How they're circling
    Fifty feet from the pond

    Pretty often
    Pretty often
    I don't want to be told

    It's a problem
    It's a problem
    It's a problem I know
    And I won't keep what I can't catch in my bare hands without a net
    It's hard enough to walk on grass so conscious of the consequences

    They've been jerking
    They've been jerking
    In a pail by the dock

    I know that oxygen might
    Make them blossom and die
    But I'm not going to talk

    Feed them details
    Feed them emails
    They'll eventually grow

    But it's not working
    It's not working
    Not as far as I know

    And killing things is not so hard it's hurting that's the hardest part
    And when the wizard gets to me I'm asking for a smaller heart

    And I got you
    I thought that I got you
    now I'll ruin it all

    Feeling helpless
    Acting selfish
    Being human and all

    And they're jumping
    And they're jumping
    But they'll never get out

    Just keep touring
    Just keep on ignoring
    Be a good little trout

    And the butcher stops and winds his watch and lays their lives down on the block
    He raises up his hatchet and the big hand strikes a compromise

    Wait, we'll trade you

    Please just one more day
    And then we'll go with no complaining
    No complaining
    No complaining
    No complaining

    And they're cutting
    And they're cutting
    And I think that I know
    And they're gutting
    And they're gutting
    And I think that I know
    And it's beating
    Look, it's beating
    And I don't want to know
    And it's beating
    Look, it's still beating
    God, I don't want to know

    And killing things is not so hard
    It's hurting that's the hardest part
    And when the wizard gets to me
    I'm asking for a smaller heart
    And if he tells me "no"
    I'll hold my breath until I hit the floor
    Eventually I'm know I'm doomed
    To get what I am asking for

    Now my heart is exactly the size
    Of a six-sided die cut in half
    Made of ruby red stained glass

    Can I knock you unconscious as long as I promise
    I'll love you and I'll make you laugh?
    Now my heart is exactly the size
    Of a six-sided die cut in half
    Made of ruby red stained glass
    Can I knock you unconscious as long as I promise
    I'll love you and I'll make you laugh?

    My friend has problems with winter and autumn
    They give him prescriptions,
    They shine bright lights on him
    They say it's genetic,
    They say he can't help it
    They say you can catch it
    But sometimes you're born with it

    My friend has blight
    he gets shakes in the night
    And they say there is no way
    That they could have caught it in
    Time takes its toll on him, it is traditional
    It is inherited predisposition

    All day I've been wondering
    What is inside of me,
    Who can I blame for it?

    I say
    It runs in the family,
    this famine that carries me
    To such great lengths
    To open my legs
    Up to anyone who'll have me
    It runs in the family,
    I come by it honestly
    Do what you want
    'Cause who knows
    It might fill me up [echoes]
    Fill me up [echoes]

    My friend's depressed,
    She's a wreck, she's a mess
    They've done all sorts of tests and
    They guess it has something to do
    With her grandmother's grandfather's grandmother
    Civil war soldiers who
    Badly infected her

    My friend has maladies, rickets, and allergies
    That she dates back to the 17th century
    Somehow she manages, in her misery -
    Strips in the city
    And shares all her best tricks with

    Well, I'm well.
    Well, I mean I'm in hell.
    Well, I still have my health
    (At least that's what they tell me)
    If wellness is this, what in hell's name is sickness?
    But business is business!

    And business
    Runs in the family, we tend to bruise easily
    Bad in the blood, I'm telling you 'cause
    I just want you to know me
    Know me and my family
    We're wonderful folks but
    Don't get too close to me
    'Cause you might knock me up [echoes]
    Knock me up [echoes]

    Mary have mercy.
    Now look what I've done
    But don't blame me because
    I can't help where I come from
    And running is something that we've always done
    Well and mostly I can't even tell what I'm running from

    Run from their pity
    From responsibility
    Run from the country
    And run from the city

    I can run from the law
    I can run from myself
    I can run for my life
    I can run into debt

    I can run from it all
    I can run till I'm gone
    I can run for the office
    And run from the 'cause

    I can run using every
    Last ounce of energy
    I cannot
    I cannot

    I cannot
    Run from my family
    They're hiding inside me
    Corpses on ice
    Come in if you'd like
    But just don't tell my family
    They'd never forgive me
    They say that I'm crazy
    But they would say anything
    If it would shut me up
    Shut me up

    Shut me up [echoes]
    Shut me up [echoes]
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2016
    • Like x 3
  12. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh no, I'm sorry in advance, I tried to control myself and it's already gotten out of hand. I don't have anything even resembling self-control when it comes to music, sorry :I I'm actually in the middle of sorting my entire itunes into playlists for my faves (I'm up to G), but I put some of my favorites in a tag on my tumblr as I go, and here's just a few of those

    PHARMA (funny):
    (this song cracks me the fuck up, and imagining Pharma acting like in this video is just fantastic. I want Pharma as a disney princess in his own musical animated feature)

    You're Always Welcome At Our House

    Well, a man came to our house
    Our house
    Our house
    A man came to our our house
    To sell some brooms.
    So we asked him to come in,
    And we hit him with a hammer,
    And we hid him in the closet
    In my father's room.

    But you're always welcome at our house
    Any time of the day.
    You're always welcome at our house,
    And we hope you will stay.

    Then a lady came to our house
    Our house
    Our house
    A lady came to find out why I wasn't in school.
    So we asked her to come in,
    And we gave her some poisoned lemonade,
    And hid her in the freezer where it's nice and cool.

    But you're always welcome in our house.
    Any time of the day.
    You're always welcome at our house,
    And we hope you will stay.

    Then a kid came into our yard
    Our yard
    Our yard
    A kid came into our yard to get his ball.
    We asked him to come in,
    And we took in the basement,
    And we sealed him up inside the basement wall.

    But you're always welcome in our house.
    Any time of the day.
    You're always welcome at our house,
    And we hope you will stay.

    So when you come to our house
    Our house
    Our house
    When you come to our house,
    We'll have some fun.
    We'll ask you to come in,
    And we'll take you in the kitchen,
    And we'll put you in the oven until you're done.

    But you're always welcome in our house.
    Any time of the day.
    You're always welcome at our house,
    And we hope you will stay.

    And we know you will stay.

    REWIND (serious):
    (one of my favorite traditional songs, even though this is a more industrial cover, and so great for Rewind)

    I Am Stretched On Your Grave

    I am stretched on your grave
    And I'll lie there forever
    If your hands were in mine
    I'd be sure we'd not sever
    My apple tree, my brightness,
    It's time we were together
    For I smell of the Earth
    And I'm worn by the weather.

    When my family thinks
    That I'm safely in my bed
    From morn until night
    I am stretched at your head
    Calling out to the air
    With tears both hot and wild
    For the loss of a girl
    I loved as a child.

    Do you remember the night
    The night when we were lost
    In the shade of the blackthorn
    And the chill of the frost?
    Oh, and thanks be to Jesus
    We did what was right
    And your maidenhead still
    Is your pillar of light.

    I am stretched on your grave
    And I'll lie there forever
    If your hands were in mine
    I'd be sure we'd not sever

    Oh, the priests and the friars
    They approach me in dread
    For I love you still
    My wife, and you're dead
    I still will be your shelter
    Through rain and through storm
    And with you in your cold grave
    I cannot sleep warm

    So I am stretched on your grave
    And I'll lie there forever
    If your hands were in mine
    I'd be sure we'd not sever
    My apple tree, my brightness,
    It's time we were together
    For I smell of the Earth
    And I'm worn by the weather.

    So I am stretched on your grave
    And I'll lie there forever
    If your hands were in mine
    I'd be sure we'd not sever

    TAILGATE (serious):
    (this is one of the matches I'm most proud of)

    The Clockyard

    There was a young boy in a clock yard
    Building himself from the pieces he found
    Screwing on what's been left on the ground
    Hoping to finish enough one day to leave

    The years flew by and some gears fell off
    Fears and rust and tears he doffed
    And bravely searched, while parts he scoffed, but soon he found--

    There was a young man in a clock yard
    Building himself from the pieces he found
    Screwing on what's been left on the ground
    Hoping to finish enough one day to leave

    The years flew by and some gears fell off
    Fears and rust and tears he doffed
    And bravely searched, while parts he scoffed, but soon he found--

    There was a grown man in a clock yard
    Building himself from the pieces he found
    Screwing on what's been left on the ground
    Hoping to finish enough one day to lead

    He thought to himself, "If I wait too long
    To find the pieces I need, then my chance might be gone
    What I need might be outside the gate
    But I will never know, if I continue to wait."

    And then he had a dream:

    An old man cried in a clock yard,
    Giving up on the scrap that he found on the ground,
    "I can't build myself from this scrap all around!"

    The man woke up and said, "I must leave.
    I must leave.
    I must leave.
    I must leave."

    RODIMUS (flawless):
    (the crowning jewel of my entire playlist project :') I am still so pleased about this.)

    Last edited: Apr 19, 2016
    • Like x 5
  13. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Oh we're sharing character songs? Let me just

    imagine Cyclonus singing this one to Tailgate you will know which scene I'm talking about

    Now your bowl is empty
    And your feet are cold
    And your body cannot stop rocking
    I know
    It hurts to let go

    Since the day we found you
    You have been our friend
    And your voice still echoes in the hallways of this house
    But now
    It's the end

    We will be with you
    When you're leaving
    We will be with you
    When you go
    We will be with you
    And hold you till you're quiet
    It hurts to let you go

    We will be with you
    We will be with you
    We will be with you
    You will stay with us
    • Like x 6
  14. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    im cryign oh my god spock
    • Like x 1
  15. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    And this one isjust painfully Megatron
    • Like x 4
  16. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    It kills me, how even with their population dwindling and probably literally numbered - there's still this depressing atmosphere where yeah, people are expendable, even if you don't say it out loud, and both sides are guilty of it. Cold constructing itself was a symptom of functionist thinking, and MTOs being pushed out throughout the war sealed it into the common subconscious. I definitely agree that Tailgate is probably more normal in terms of attitude toward war/death and overall maturation rate for his age in robot alien terms than literally anyone else on the ship. Getaway, on the other hand, doesn't have any context for anything but expendability, and it's shaped his entire world view so that he escapes ("saves" himself) like it's an art form. How do you deal with a world where even the people who created you were totally alright with tossing you in the middle of a warzone? Where if you got scared and tried to escape, even with nothing else downloaded into your brain except how to fight, they just dusted you off and funneled you right back into the next warzone? God, the futility of it all...The older Cybertronians at least had some idea of what they were fighting for, what kind of life they might be able to scrape up if the war ever stopped. Getaway (and Fortress Maximus, who I can't stop thinking about) don't. Gah, I think I'm losing how to words, I think this is just random babble now
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2016
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  17. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Okay, actual last one before I forcibly remove myself from youtube and go back to homework. This one is for Prowl.

    I run the numbers through the floor
    here's how it goes: I crack the codes
    I crack the codes that end the war
    I crack the codes that end the war

    I pushed a note under your door
    here's how it goes: things come to blows
    but we don't want this anymore
    No we don't want this anymore
    We don't want this anymore

    I crack the codes, you end the war

    I hear the clockwork in your core
    time strips the gears till you forget what they were for
    I push the numbers through your pores
    I crack the codes
    I crack the codes that end the war

    How's my view and
    you can call
    encrypted numbers
    on bathroom stalls
    there's something burning
    it casts a pall
    it's melting numbers
    right off the wall

    I run the numbers through the floor
    here's how it goes: I crack the codes
    I crack the codes, you end the war
    • Like x 4
  18. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    hey. hey!

    how dare you.
    • Like x 1
  19. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    and this is now the Prowl/Chromedome Breakup anthem
    (sorry my music taste is late 2000s entry level alternative, don't judge me)

    • Like x 3
  20. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Also damn Ivy that's a rly good fucking cygate song holy shit
    • Like x 3
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