Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    "most committed decepticon you'll ever meet" oh come on misfire now the exaggeration is obvious
    krok knows whats up

    i like krok i hope we see more of him

    who designed this ship thats not how you store oil that shit evaporates and then youve got a fuckdamned explosion hazard there

    chromedome rewind wants you to stop doing mnemostuff for a reason

    i love how even the robots who dont really have a face, just a visor, are still so damn expressive

    the banter between skids and chromedome gives me life

    hm. the footnotes are referencing the annual, and there i thought the annual comes after issue 8?
    asdfghj the banter

    the fucks happening

    welp thats
    thats one way to deal with nanobots, i guess

    im so sorry magnus, it was not a dream
    (i dig the term 'offline hallucination' for dream)


    magnus, is everyone here a 'potential troublemaker' ---
    yes, of course they are, they're on rodimus ship
    as are you

    rewind is worried, naww
    chromedome listen to him

    daamn, tailgate, your lines look delicious

    of course the dude who got fused with the engine is still alive and aware. does that mean the other thing is, as well?

    rodimus youre doodling on the table again. someone get him sharpies or something
    not that i didnt constantly fill my notebook margins with doodles from class 9 onwards, hooray for stims
    but sharpie is easier to remove than scratches and you can reuse the table for more doodles

    rodimus, that's the point of preparation. to limit potential outcomes, preferably the bad ones. and good preparation is more like, guidelines, than actual rules.
    wait, wrong universe

    drift, every decade or so is still pretty damn fucking often for a species which lives millions of years
    also not counting those till all are one's, bc those are flashbacks

    drift, are you saying the circle of light is just making shit up as they go along? because there's nothing about actual sources there ::D

    ultra magnus, chill

    rodimus has a point, you know

    ultra magnus is kind of a poor sod, he's clinging so hard to his regulations and everyone else is just flying by the seat of their pants at it must be so confusing and terrifying

    circle of light sounds badass. someone starting shit? FINELY GRIND THEM INTO PIECES and probably use their ashes to make ink or sth
    hooray for recycling.

    Till all are one #4


    . . .


    "the bening intervention" let me guess nothing about them is bening and everything about them is ass-backwards bureaucracy

    yyes it is
    also, rodimus, let magnus do the diplomacy, hes better at it
    (also rodimus prime dont think i missed that)

    well, yeah, a four million year long civil war makes other species wary of you

    swerve. swerve pls.

    peace takes a while to sink in, and yall need therapy for all that ptsd

    drift, it isnt your fault that crystal city looks like that

    whirl you deserved that
    and youd deserve getting punched by ratchet for it as well because you dont make a move on another persons kismesis. thats just bad manners.

    ... of course the ground caves. of course it does. i shouldve seen it coming.

    welp thats one large organic
    how does that even work, biologically speaking.

    dude. duuude. you cant hope to corrupt a guy whose belief in the law is absolute by telling him to go against the law he has held up for millions of years, the very thing you consider him legendary for
    has no one here read the evil overlord list

    rodimus, at least you have experience running around a sentient something much larger than you now. but, did you bring chromedome?

    cyclonus of course hes filming you, he's filming everything
    and this is p cool

    there's more versions of this myth? nice

    shapism has its roots in religion. of course it does.

    whoever worked on adapting those modules obviously did a shit job, we need to get more brains on this
    i mean, adaptus had multiple alternate forms, and from the delphi thing i gather an alt-form is only partially dependant on your hardware, the other part on what cog youve got in there

    ratchet. ratchet. stop.
    drift is right you know
    cut that "hurr durr im an atheist and therefore better than you" bullshit
    or i will start imagining you with a trilby

    ayup, they brought chromedome.

    skids. skids are you going emo on us. is that what youre doing

    hmm rodimus your legs are still very beautiful

    drift of course rodimus jumps from obsession to obsession hes adhd as fuck, shifting hyperfoci is a thing that happens to us

    chromedome, even i couldve told you this was a bad idea
    someone needs to invent safeguards for this already

    easy, magnus, easy. it can always get worse.

    ahahhahahaha nice

    psychic reviving scream was not what i was expecting, but i like it. it's willing its superspark out, and thereby powering everything else around it

    phew, at least rodimus knows when to stop making his teammates to things

    "i order you to survive" <33
    rodimus is such a hope player

    "life is violent and cruel and precious"
    "i think you dont have to believe in a higher power to be overawed by the world around you"
    "theres no one to judge us but our peers, and, ultimately, ourselves"

    swerve thats a stupid point in time to disobey an order, even if i understand why youre doing it

    rodimus, good.

    magnus. magnus, please.

    is rodimus growing up a little, here? is thats whats happening?
    nah, probably not.


    the distortions everyone must be making to switch to altform probably look pretty damn fucking hilarious if replicated by a human cosplayer

    ... don't open the coffin? is that the coffin? but it's not the lost light crew...

    does this dude have four arms?
    dude has four arms
    thats hella

    chromedome is also giving himself a favour, if im remembering the mnemosurgery side effects on the surgeon correctly

    ... thats a hint towards the djd smug snake who talks people to death isnt it

    vos thas creepy

    did the dude whos gonna explode if he smiles just smile

    tarn, youre an overachieveeeeer

    ... are those alternate bodies or are those robot body suits designed for robots
    or are they just remotely controlled puppets

    hm... tarn, named after the same tarn as megatron of tarn?

    oh fulcrum, i want to punch you in the face for the comment about organics, but i still let you pass for that speech. it was beautiful.

    fulcrum, you got some clothing damage there.

    oooh, tragic backstory hint ::D

    oh hey ultra magnus there was a shell with your name on it

    grimlock got put in gay baby jail

    ah, the beauty of friendship :smithhappy:

    necrobot is that you

    ultra magnus?!

    • Like x 5
  2. Petra

    Petra space case

    So before i was going through like, a softer world 1-670 or something. Now I'm combing from there.

    (How I got my limp.) for Whirl

    (I brought it from home.) for Tailgate

    (vote for me or i'll kill you) for Nova Prime.

    (I only got one law. A kid who tells on another kid is a dead kid.) for the Functionalist Council.

    (I can make a sad face, or a happy face. Anything I want!) for Megatron

    (I love you) for Whirl/Cyclonus.

    (Even gay men love boobs when they are made of money) for Tailgate.

    (It's a good life if you don't let him see you weaken) for Zeta Prime.

    (So.) for Optimus Prime

    And that's up to 800.
    • Like x 8
  3. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    The DJD are named after the first five major cities to be taken by the decepticons! So you've got Tarn, Helex, Tesarus, Kaon, and Vos. They all have real names somewhere underneath those aliases, but we don't have a clue what those are.
    • Like x 6
  4. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    soo many lovely ideas.

    I'm in a slightly depressive creative slump save me someone order me to do something give me a deadline aahhh
  5. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Tarn would tell you his 'real' designation is Tarn how dare you think otherwise!
    • Like x 2
  6. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Yeah, it's Eugenesis. Give me a few hours to trawl through an old mutual's blog and I might be able to find it (I wanted to read it too) but it's gonna take me a while.
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  7. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

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  8. Petra

    Petra space case

    Tarn confirmed for citykin.
    • Like x 7
  9. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    mmmmmmmokay so I am SUPER unsure suddenly of my ability to actually write Optimus bc he sounds terribly whiny and I can't figure out a real voice and I'm having second thoughts about my writing ability in general
    is this at all publishable?????????

    (Also sry Petra, it's really short but I can't draw out existential crisis infinitly it would probably take a much better writer than me to do the whole idea justice)

    You do not dream and those nights are the worst. At least the nightmares you can place, can deal with. You could tell yourself they were visions of doom if they weren’t all filled with a distant sense of nostalgia, reminding you that all you ever received as guidance were vague memories and raw emotion.

    Not dreaming, it feels like falling and drowning in the artificial hollow in your chest. Like your entire being is swallowed up by the overwhelming sensation of lack and emptyness. Your body surges upward abruptly and it takes you a few kliks before you realize that your optics are off and that is why you can’t see. The whirr of your fans is loud in your silent quarters.

    There is little you secretly resent more than the matrix calling you the way it did. The plight of your people hurt you, as did the burning of the matrix itself. And then so quickly it rejected you, left you without guidance. Not to mention what Rodimus told you about how it felt for him. The matrix called you only to reject you after moments, as if you were merely a vehicle for the faith that would guide the Matrix to it’s true bearer. A bearer who clearly isn’t you.

    Not for the first time you wonder whether you should tell Rodimus, reveal to him that his connection with the Matrix was much more real and faithful than yours. That there was nothing indicating that you had ever received divine visions. Your mind clouded by recharge you can’t remember where exactly you heard that Rodimus had somehow copied the star chart inscription onto his desk without realizing it, despite destroying his part of the matrix before that. The thought makes your fuel tank churn. Briefly you feel like, between the emptyness under your casing and your mind racing, you will have to purge your tanks, but thankfully not this time.

    You are tired. So tired. You cannot tell anyone about the emptyness eating away at you. You have to be a leader, even if you are a false one. Your brief return to your old name, in exile, had been a relief, but even then you couldn’t let yourself fall into the pit calling for you. But you cannot even let yourself have that much. You are not Orion Pax, and people expect you to lead.

    You don’t know if you should lead. Truly, you are not sure if you can maintain a peace after being in the war for so long and so deeply. If Megatron could, shouldn’t you? If Megatron is truly able to leave the war behind. You cannot be sure of that, can you?

    You pour yourself some Energon, trying to settle your tank, then lay back down on your berth and try hard to fall back into recharge, hoping for quiet dreams. It never works, you never recharge during these kinds of nights. But you have to at least pretend. In the morning you will be glad for your faceplate, gladder than you usually are. You are the leader of your people and you wish the emptiness in your chest would stop burning with the afterimage of the fear and loneliness of the Cybertronian race.

    You are Optimus Prime. And you wish that if the matrix had to choose you it would at least not have thrown you away. You wish, despite yourself, for a divine sign, an omen, anything. You wish you could be sure that what you do is right.
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  10. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

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  11. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    It's finals time, and guess what got here today!

    (That purple shine in the corner is from my desktop plant light, pls disregard)
    Now I have sticker commitment issues. Nautica deserves a special place...
    I somehow managed to get the same shirt as @applechime but in Whirl colors...
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  12. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    fun fact: you are so fucking pretty

    also: love the shirt :P
    • Like x 3
  13. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    We have good taste in shirts :P (that, or I subconsciously remembered yours when I was going through redbubble and didn't put two and two together until it arrived this morning...)
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  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

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  15. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    @spockandawe that megamind!starscream comic oh my god

    edit: it is sort of ridiculous how good of a Starscream post-DC fanfic Megamind is. It's the humanstuck superhero au no one wanted or asked for.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Aaaah, thank you! I always forget how much time these silly things take, but it's such an awesome match that I had to do it! And now it makes me want Optimus Prime getting to ditch him Prime-ness for reals and get away from the worst of the stress and get a chance to ditch the baggage and sit down and bond with Starscream and oh my god, I think I might legitimately ship it pale
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  17. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Lbr, reporter who gets shit done is totally Windblade, with the added "good christ could you be any worse at this blackrom" in. Plus!! She's already sympathetic to his circumstances, he's just that awful of a person she can't stand him now that the veneer is off, so!! It works!!!!!!
    • Like x 5
  18. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    And Minion is probably Wheeljack! It's so perfect, omg. I ship... exrid with megamind, I guess? But also these dynamics are SO excellent, especially the Windblade/Starscream one, this is gr8 stuff. Ahhhhhh, I want to draw more now, but doing even shitty backgrounds is hard and these comics take so much time :C Maybe if I drew humanized versions? But then that erodes the crossover power, hm. This is my new favorite for these dorks, though

    OH MY GOSH, imagine Starscream and the BLACK MAMBO deal, I love him so much and Megamind is one of my favorite movies, I just can't deal.
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  19. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    Oh no, I'm super invested in this crossover now
    • Like x 6
  20. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
    • Like x 5
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